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Curtiss, Larry A. [Researcher; Materials Science; Nanoscale Materials; Nanotechnology; Computational Chemistry; Nanocatalysis; Nanocrystalline Materials; Computational Thermochemistry; Electron Transfer Processes; Nanoporous Materials; New Quantum Chemical Methods; Solar Energy]

DeSimone, Joseph [Chemist; Academic; Researcher; Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Nanomedicine; Entrepreneur; Medicine and Pharmaceuticals; Healthcare]

Gong, Jian Ping [Academic; Researcher; Biomaterials; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Materials Chamistry; Polymers; Thin Films; Textile Materials; Regenerative Medicine; Artificial Cartilage]

Haasch, Richard T. (Rick) [Researcher; Scientist; Materials Science; Materials Chemistry; Surface Analysis; Photoelectron Spectroscopy; Solid State Physics; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Thin Film Deposition; Surface Characterization; Microfabrication; Solar Cells; Solar Energy; Renewables and Environment; Biomaterials; Electron Microscopy]

Hsu, Po-Chun [Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology; Nanosynthesis; Transparent Conductors; Seminconductor Devices; X-Ray Diffraction; Electron Microscopy; Electrochemistry]

Huang, Yiwan [Academic; Researcher; Biomedical Engineering; Nanotechnology; Biotechnology; Polymer Chemistry; Polymer Physics; Polymer Composites; Biomaterials; Nanomaterials; Nanofibers; Hydrogel; Biopolymers]

Ikuhara, Yuichi [Academic; Researcher; Materials Chemistry; Materials Science; Ceramic Materials and Composites; Transmission Electron Microscopy; High Temperature Mechanical Properties in Structural Materials; Electroceramics; Dislocation Technology; Crystal Interface and Grain Boundary; Quantum Device; Nano Wire; Advanced Materials; Nanotechnology]

Irifune, Tetsuo [Academic; Researcher; Mineralogy; Earth Science; Multianvil Technology; Synthesis of Novel Ultrahard Materials; Experimental High-Pressure Mineral Physics and Petrology; Geochemistry; Mantle Materials; Ceramics; University/Academic Administration]

Kumar, Bijandra [Entrepreneur; Researcher; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Renewables and Environment; Materials Chemistry; Materials Engineering; Nanocomposites; Smart Plastics; Polymer Nanocomposites; Polymer Chemistry; Chemical Sensors; Graphene; Nanotechnology]

Lewis, Nathan S. (Nate) [Academic; Researcher; Chemistry; Solar Energy; Solar Fuels; Photoelectrochemistry; Chemical Vapor Sensing; Artifical Photosynthesis; Renewables and Environment; Novel Organic Polymers; Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Silicon Surface Chemistry; Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis; Photoanodes for Water Oxidation; Light-Material Interactions; Non-conventional Solar Absorbers; Photoanodes for Water Oxidation; Water-Splitting Membrane]

Liu, Cong [Researcher; Materials Science; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Computational Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Transition Metal; Catalysis; Homogeneous Catalysis; Heterogeneous Catalysis; Energy Storage; Electrocatalysis; Solar Energy; DNA; Drug Design; Pharmacology]

Masuno, Atsunobu [Academic; Researcher; Materials Chemistry; Solid-State Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Materials Engineering; Inorganic Industrial Materials; Physical Properties; Glass; Ceramics; Material Characterization; Crystallization; Crystal Structure]

Misra, Santosh K. [Academic; Researcher; Nanotechnology; Nanobiotechnology; Organic Chemistry; Medical Devices; Drug Delivery; Nanomedicine; Cancer Treatment; Cardiovascular Stents; Combinatorial Therapy; DNA Cleaving Agents; Biosensors; Microscopy; Spectroscopy; Spectrometry; Metal Sensing]

Moore, Jeffrey S. [Academic; Researcher; Teaching; Materials Science and Engineering; Self Healing Materials; Mechanochemistry; Macromolecular Architectures; Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures; Online Education; New Polymeric Materials; Synthetic and Organic Chemistry; Interface of Chemistry and Materials Science]

Nakajima, Tasuku [Academic; Researcher; Polymer Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Nanotechnology; Hydrogels; Soft and Wet Materials; Functional Polymers; Textile Materials; Composite Materials]

Scott, Paul [Business Executive; Sustainability Design and Innovation; Green Chemistry; Strategy; Policy and Governance; Product Development; Public-Private Partnerships (PPP); Social Impact; Social Ventures; Impact Investing; CleanTech; Program and Project Management; Charity and Philanthropy; Industry and Professional Organizations; Teams; Coaching and Mentoring]

Sun, Taolin [Academic; Researcher; Materials Chemistry; Biomaterials; Mechanical Engineering; Mechanics of Materials; Polymers; Textile Materials; Hydrogels; Composite Materials]

Taniguchi, Takashi [Academic; Researcher; Materials Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Materials Processing; Synthsis of Materials; High Pressure Effects on Materials; Graphene]

Wasielewski, Michael R. [Academic; Researcher; Chemistry; Sustainability and Energy; Renewables and Environment; Solar Energy; Artificial Photosynthesis; Solar Fuels and Solar Electricity; Molecular Electronics; Molecular Spintronics; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Academic/University Administration]

Whitesides, George M. [Academic; Researcher; Chemistry; NMR Spectroscopy; Organometallic Chemistry; Molecular Self Assembly; Soft Lithography; Microfabrication; Microfluidics; Nanotechnology]

Xie, Jin [Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Materials Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Physical Chemistry; Energy Storage; Batteries; Semiconductors; Nanostructured Materials; Materials Characterization; Fuel Cells]

Zapol, Peter [Researcher; Materials Science; Computational Chemistry; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Electronic Structure; Molecular Dynamics; Chemical Physics; Material Modeling; Graphene; Nanodiamonds; Cluster Methods; Computational Nanoscience; Complex Oxide Heterostructures; Solar Energy; Renewabes and Environment]

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