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Topic: authors | charity & philanthropy | csr | entrepreneurship & innovation | finance & fundraising | general | human resources | ilearn | people | policy & governance | social enterprise | technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2020 | jan'21 | feb'21 | mar'21 | apr'21 | may'21 | jun'21 | jul'21 | aug'21 | sep'21 | oct'21 | nov'21 | dec'21 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24

KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

Agriculture, Rural Development, Food | Analytics, Big Data, Market Research, Business Intelligence, Data Science, Statistics | Architecture, Interior, Building and Construction, Urban Design, Landscape | Art, Culture | Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Machines, Machine Learning, Robotics | Banking, Finance, Stock Market, Investing, Financial Markets, Insurance, Impact Investing | Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics | Blogging | Business Development | Business Ethics | Business, Management, Corporations | Business Strategy, Strategic Planning | Business-to-Business | Charity, Philanthropy | Coaching, Mentoring, Training | Communications, Content Development, Public Relations, Branding, Community Development | Computer and Network Security, Online Privacy | Computer Science, Computer Hardware and Software, Programming, Algorithms | Consulting, Advising | Creative Direction | Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) | Customer Service, Customer Experience, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Consumer Behavior | Design Thinking, Systems Thinking | Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) | E-Commerce, Online Retail, E-Business | Economics, Economy | Education, Learning | Engineering, Manufacturing | Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Startups, Business Plan | Environment, Climate Change, Sustainability, Green Business, Nature, Forestry, Energy | Event Management, Conference Development, Trade Shows | Family, Parenting, Children | Fiction | Fundraising, Grants, Crowdfunding | Healthcare, Hospitals, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Diagnostics | History, Archaeology | Human Resources, Workplace, Labor Issues, Talent, Career Development, Recruiting | Human Rights, Civil Rights, Conflicts, Disaster Relief | Industrial and Product Design | Industry and Professional Associations | International Relations, Global Affairs | Internet, Web, Information Technology and Services, ICT | Journalism, Reporting, Publishing | Law, Legal Issues, Justice, Taxes | Leadership, Teams, Executive Development, Organizational Development | Lifestyle, Fashion, Sports, Fitness, Wellness | Marketing, Advertising, Branding | Materials Science, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology | Mathematics | Media, Television, Entertainment, Films, Radio | Mobile Technology, Applications, Wearables | Nonprofit Organizations, Non-Government Organizations (NGO) | Open Source, Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing | Philosophy | Physics | Politics, Government | Poverty, Development | Product Development, Product Management | Project Management, Program Management | Psychology | Public Policy, Governance | Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) | Public Speaking, Keynote Speaking, Lecturing, Teaching | Real Estate, Property, Infrastructure | Religion, Faith | Sales, Retail, Consumer Goods | Science and Technology | Social Enterprise, Cooperatives, Social Sector | Social Media, Social Networking | Sociology | Supply Chain Management (SCM), Logistics, Operations Research | Telecommunications | Travel, Tourism, Transport | University, Academic Administration | Venture Capital, Private Equity, Accelerators, Incubators | Volunteering, Social Service, Community Outreach | Web Design, User Interface Design, User Experience Design, Graphic Design | Women, Gender Issues, Diversity, Inclusion | Writing, Editing

Human Resources, Workplace, Labor Issues, Talent, Career Development, Recruiting

Addis, Rosemary [Entrepreneur; Global Strategist; Social Enterprises; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Development; Impact Investing; Social and Environmental Responsibility; Social Impact; Social Innovation and Investments; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Employment and Workplace Relations; International Business; Advisory and Consulting; Public Policy]

Anwar, Habib [Entrepreneur; Healthcare and Hospitals; Women-Focused Healthcare; Social Enterprise; Client Relationships; Leadership and Teams; Sustainable Business; Consumer Products; Enterprise Technology; Human Capital; International Operations; Product Development; Research; Nonprofit Organizations]

Beaton, Chris [Nonprofit Executive; Civic and Social Organizations; Community and Economic Development; Volunteering; Policy and Governance; Research; Human Resources; Fundraising; Public Speaking]

Brimhall, Kim C. [Academic; Researcher; Social Work; Human Resources; Inclusive Work Environment; Diversity; Healthcare and Hospitals; Mental Health; Quality in Healthcare; Leadership; Organizational Culture and Climate; Innovation; Management; Nonprofit Organizations]

Brown, Lisa Morton [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Organizations; Human Resources; Mentoring and Coaching; Social Responsibility; Community Development]

Case, Jean [Nonprofit Executive; Investor; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Community and Economic Development; Education; Healthcare; Youth Development Services; Interactive Technologies; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Marketing and Branding; Civic Service; Social Good; Policy and Diplomacy; Nonprofit Boards]

Clark, Helen Elizabeth [Politician; Administrator UNDP; 37th Prime Minister of New Zealand; International Affairs; Policy Development and Advocacy across the International; Economic, Social and Culture Spheres; Inclusiveness; Conservation and Housing; Health and Labor; Global Development]

Elam, Deborah Augustine (Deb) [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Nonprofit Organizations; Diversity and Inclusiveness at Workplace; Human Resources; K-12 Education; STEM Education; Global Health; Public Health; Fundraising; Industry Associations; Community Development; Community Organizations; Disaster Relief]

Errico, Leigh Ann [Entrepreneur; Leadership Coaching; Human Resources; Nonprofit Organizations; Pharmaceuticals; Executive Development; Talent Management; Performance Management; Employee Engagement; Workforce Planning]

Findlay, Russell [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Organizations; Sports Management; Business Strategy; Human Resources; Executive Development; Teams; Business Planning; Mentoring]

Gayle, Helene D. [Nonprofit Executive; Social Development; Management Consulting; Nonprofit Organizations; Youth Development; Employment; Humanitarian Aid; Global Health; Thought Leadership]

Jones, Alex [Academic; Researcher; Consultant; Healthcare and Hospitals; Health Economics; Health Analytics; Health Financing; Health Policy; Health Service Delivery and Governance; Healthcare Human Resources; Global Health]

Kacker, Loveleen [Nonprofit Executive; Book Author; Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Government Administration; Public Policy; Governance; Women Issues; Child Welfare; Education; Social Development; Leadership and Teams; Social Strategy; Skill Development; Vocational Education; Art and Culture]

Kirsch, Vanessa [Social Entrepreneur; Social Innovation; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Fundraising; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Development; Nonprofit Boards; Education; Workforce Development; Public Health; Poverty; Youth Service; Women Issues]

Kross, Katie [Nonprofit Executive; Academic/University Administration; Higher Education; Corporate Social Responsibility; Energy and Environment; Human Resources; Career Coaching and Training; Executive and Leadership Development; Corporate Sustainability; Social Entrepreneurship; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Outreach; Renewable Energy; Economic Development; Public Policy; Public Speaking]

Kulkarni, Vinod [Nonprofit Executive; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Nonprofit Organizations; Social Development; Skills Development; Youth Development; Leadership and Teams; Sales and Marketing; Public-Private Partnerships (PPP); Automotive; Agriculture and Rural Development; Charity and Philanthropy; Fundraising]

Larcker, David F. [Academic; Researcher; Accounting; Higher Education; Executive Compensation; Corporate Governance; Managerial Accounting; Performance Measures]

Nagpal, Arun [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Executive; Social Business; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Charity and Philanthropy; Agriculture and Rural Development; Social Development; Energy and Environment; Organic Farming; Sustainability; Human Resources; Skills Development; Leadership and Teams; Nonprofit Organizations; Consulting; Startups]

Natarajan, Ganesh [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Information Technology and Services; Skills Development; Startups; Talent Development; Computer Software; Training; Leadership and Teams; Industry Association; Business Process Re-Engineering; Knowledge Management; Education; Nonprofit Organizations; Consulting; Public Speaking]

Ormiston, Margaret [Academic; Researcher; Organizational Behavior; Leadership; Teams; Psychology; Executive Development; Executive Education]

Pathak, Pathik [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Higher Education; Employability and Skills; University/Academic Administration; Leadership; Policy Analysis; Nonprofit Organizations; International Development; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Business Strategy; Management; Capacity Building; Public Speaking]

Roe, K. Keith [Entrepreneur; Mechanical Engineer; Nucleaer Engineering; Power Generation; Engineering Human Resources; Professional Societies; Volunteering; Charity and Philanthropy]

Shetty, Ashweetha [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Organizations; Human Development; Skills Training; Education; Rural Development; Youth Services; Professional Development; Community Engagement; Social Work; Leadership; Public Speaking]

Shukla, Madhukar [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Consultant; Social Entrepreneurship; Organizational Design; Learning Organization; Innovation and Creativity; Cross Cultural Management; Management Education; Human Resouces; Social Enterprises; Training; Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)]

Smith, Peggy [Business Executive; Business Strategy; Workforce Mobility; Strategic Planning; Business Development; Account Management; Human Resources; Marketing; Information Technology; Logistics; Relocation; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Corporate Mobility Platform; Nonprofit Organizaitons]

Soni, Parul [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Executive; Social Entrepreneurship; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Nonprofit Organizations; Social Development; Management Consulting; Social Inclusion; Child Rights; Women Issues; Skill Development; Disaster Preparedenss Planning; Aid Efficiency; Community Empowerment; Women Entrepreneurship; Leadership and Teams; Public Speaking]

Sullivan, Kerry [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Fundraising; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Development; Workforce Development; K-12 Education; Housing; Poverty and Hunger; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Arts; Environment; Community Leadership; Volunteering]

Tayan, Brian [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Writer; Education Management; Business Strategy; Startups; Corporate Governance; Nonprofit Organizations; Risk Management; Financial Modeling; Financial Accounting; Human Resource Management]

VanderBrug, Jackie [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Financial Services; Wealth Management; Portfolio Analytics; Gender Lens Investing; Strategy Consulting; Social Change; Impact Investing; Socially Responsible Investing; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Social Enterprise; Social Capital Markets; Skills Development; Training; Nonprofit Organizations; Public Speaking]

Verma, Rajesh [Government Official; Public Policy and Governance; Government; Agriculture; Food; Rural Development; Agriculture Marketing; Cooperatives; Environment; Power and Energy; Human Resources; Education; Business and Finance; Corporate Affairs; Public Administration]

Younger, Teresa C. [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Fundraising; Feminist Leadership; Women Issues; Women's Health, Safety and Security; Women Empowerment; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Management; Nonprofit Boards and Governance; Economic Development; Community Outreach; Organizational Development; Teams; Entrepreneurship; Public Policy; Volunteer Management; Public Speaking]

Zehner, Jacki [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Fundraising; Women and Girls Issues; Gender Equity; Women Empowerment; Financial Services; Wealth Management; Impact Investing; Success in Workplace; Nonprofit Organizations; Writing and Blogging; Public Speaking]

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