glomc00 - The Global Millennium Class
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Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24
The Role of AI in Revolutionizing Education and Professional Growth | CXOToday, 09 jan 2025
Integrating portfolio and mentorship in competency-based medical education: a Middle East experience | BMC Medical Eduction, 09 jan 2025
The classroom of tomorrow: Leveraging GenAI to revolutionize higher education | Devdiscourse, 09 jan 2025
6 higher education trends to watch in 2025 | Higher Ed Drive, 09 jan 2025
Why Mid-Market Healthcare Private Equity Firms Are Outperforming | Bain, 09 jan 2025
What to expect in Asia-Pacific health IT in 2025? | Healthcare IT News, 09 jan 2025
How Retail Pharmacies Can Help Improve Healthcare Outcomes | Forbes, 09 jan 2025
What lies ahead for the global economy in 2025? | Al Jazeera, 03 jan 2025
Five big questions about the global economy in 2025 | Atlantic Council, 03 jan 2025
Acceptance of new agricultural technology among small rural farmers | Nature, 03 dec 2024
Agriculture & Rural Development
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 28 nov 2013
Most countries in the developing world face similar challenges regarding socio-economic development strategies and plans. More so is the case with farming and rural development considering their large population being engaged in farm related activities and unskilled labor intensive livelihoods. The case of Rwanda is no different with 88.8% of homesteads employed in agriculture and 90% of labor force participating in agricultural activities. Efforts are underway to create more incentives for private sector to invest in agro-processing and farm related industries to ensure sustainability of the agriculture sector. Better infrastructure is required - adequate electricity, feeder roads network, food storage capabilities in rural areas etc - to prepare produce for export and also for efficient local delivery and consumption. Read on...
Rwanda: Design Strategies to Attract Private Sector Investment in Agriculture
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 17 may 2013
To ensure food security for the total world population, conventional methods of farming and cattle breeding are insufficient as they have adverse effects on environment and are not sustainable. According to a researcher, the main problem is not with distribution and logistics as generally perceived but it is with the food production itself particularly in regions of the world where it is needed the most. He suggests that ecological intensification of agricultural production should take place in developing countries where small farmers produce about 50% of the world's food production. More research on farming methods and productivity enhancement has to be done. Organic farming has to be encouraged on a large scale. Read on...
Feeding the world population sustainably and efficiently with ecologically intensive agriculture
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 13 apr 2013
World's population by 2050 is expected to be greater than 9 billion. To achieve 'Food Security for All' is challenging but achievable. It requires coordinated and converged efforts of the governments, public and private organizations, NGO's, farmer groups and individuals to promote agricultural research and innovation; empower and support smallholder farmers and rural communities; strengthen market linkages and create efficient and streamlined agricultural markets; promote sustainable and affordable agricultural practices; and encourage investments in agricultural sector. For 'Hunger Free World' everyone has to start and continue doing their bit locally and globally with a focus to 'Feed All'. Read on...
UN Dispatch:
Can We Feed the World?
Mark Leon Goldberg
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 19 mar 2013
Efficient 'Water Management' by consolidated and coordinated efforts by food consumers, producers and policy makers will assist the world to prevent hunger and thirst in future, say experts. Interesting fact about water is that our earth consists of about 70% of water but only .001% is fresh and available for human consumption and out of this 70% is used for agriculture. Some of the efforts would include innovations in water saving technologies, better farming methods and reduction in food wastage. Read on...
Perishable News:
Ten Strategies For Wise Water Use Through Food & Agriculture
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 07 mar 2013
Research suggests that 'Biodiversity' is critical for food production. But the current farming practices like continuous use of fertilizers, pesticides, etc sometime work contrary to the conservation principles of biodiversity. The number of wild insect pollinators is continually declining due to climate changes and prevalent agricultural techniques. Scientists and researchers say that if we care for our food security we should take care of these natural pollinators. Read on...
Mother Jones:
"Promiscuous" Bees and Vanishing Insects Mean Less Food for Us
Maddie Oatman
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 16 feb 2013
What leads to 'anger among poor people' and how they can let it out in positive ways? If the socio-economic conditions of the common people are neglected by the governments and the people in power for a long period of time, it leads to resentment and anger. Which probably is their right if their children are dying of malnutrition, their farming lands have been taken without proper compensation, they get displaced from homes without rehabilitation etc. Is it possible that people in power think that if the condition of the poor and rural population is made better it will give them more negotiating power? The debate is going on in most developing and poor nations and leading to strife, violence and even civil war at some places. How can there be more empathy, more understanding, more sharing, more inclusiveness or is it against the principles of growth and economic development? Searching for answers. Read on...
the guardian:
Poor people have got a right to be angry
Jonathan Glennie
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 05 feb 2013
Considering that '2 billion people live and work on small farms' in the developing world, a global strategy and commitment is imperative to bring them out of poverty. In addition to improvement in farm yield and production methods, new processes can be applied to bring operating efficiency in the supply chain and the market systems. Read on...
the guardian:
Beyond the farm - promoting agribusiness as a way out of poverty
Simon Winter
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 01 feb 2013
United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) is setting new directives to 'eradicate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition' from the world. The growing demand for food has to be met in sustainable ways and agricultural methods have to incorporate technology and balance concern for environment with farmer's needs. To eradicate hunger all governments and every citizen of the world should focus on ensuring universal access to adequate food. Emphasis should be given on rural development and agriculture. Investments should be made in social and productive programs. Read on...
Business Day:
The end of hunger and malnutrition
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 26 jan 2013
The new approach 'NEXUS Thinking' to overcome the challenge of scarce resources 'water, food, energy' emphasizes to not look solutions to a particular problem in isolation but equal consideration should be given to the other two in the nexus. Will it work? Read on...
Gurdian Sustainable Business:
Can 'nexus thinking' alleviate global water, food and energy pressures?
Tim Smedley
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 11 jan 2013
Environmentalist & Nobel laureate Dr. R.K. Pachauri talks about creating a balance between 'Sustainable Development' & 'Environmental Concerns'. He predicts 'Bio-Economic Future' for the world. Read on...
All India Radio:
Nobel laureate Dr. Pachauri talks about Bio-Economic Future for the world
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