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Science & Technology

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 20 feb 2013

Perspectives on the state of Indian healthcare, specifically on health and information technology, by a successful doctor and an entrepreneur. Mentions how his chain of hospitals is utilizing technology to link decision making with data obtained from patient activities. Financial management is another aspect that has become more efficient with use of technology. He anticipates to utilize IT directly for patient care and for delivery of affordable healthcare to more people around India. He intends to make health insurance affordable by promoting and propagating micro insurance model for the poor and rural population. Read on...

ComputerWorld: Within a Decade, All Indians will Have Access to High-tech Healthcare - Dr. Devi Shetty
Author: Ershad Kaleebullah

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 08 feb 2013

Small and medium entrepreneurial companies in the pharma and biotech sector are facing resource crunch, process inefficiencies, high marketing costs, government neglect and other challenges to survive in highly globalized and dynamic business environment. They need to invest more on concept and innovative strategies to find themselves relevant in the current scenario, says an industry entrepreneur. Read on...

PHARMABIZ: SMEs need to adopt dynamic business models to sustain longer in drug business - Krishna Ella
Author: A. Raju

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 28 jan 2013

'Machine-to-Machine (M2)' deployments in India have both opportunities & challenges. Connected devices hold great benefits for both rural & urban populace, but lack of standards & interoperability are main issues. In rural India health, education & skill enhancement have great potential. Automotive industry is utilizing it while opportunities in power sector are high. Read on...

ZDNet Asia: India urged to address M2M fragmentation
Author: Swati Prasad

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 27 jan 2013

India's research in the field of medicine and health should focus on the local needs & should seek implementation & commercialization in the local markets. 60% of the research exists only on paper & doesn't get applied. Read on...

the pioneer: India needs to prioritize research infrastructure
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 22 jan 2013

'State of Electronics Manufacturing in India'- Enabling policies & regulatory framework is needed to fulfill the US$400b prospect in 2020 for the sector. NPE (National Policy on Electronics) is recently introduced; development of new electronics manufacturing clusters; Electronics Development Fund for research & innovation etc. Segments for high potential are medical electronics, telecom equipment, IT manufacturing, power & renewable energy. Read on...

iGovernment: An overview of opportunities in Electronics Manufacturing in India
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 18 jan 2013

India's digitization process will lead to convergence across different media and will assist in development by creating connectivity, linkages & opportunities for all thus bridging the rural-urban divide. Read on...

ZDNet Asia: Digitization a win-win for India govt, ecosystem
Author: Swati Prasad

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 16 jan 2013

'CyberSecurity India'- DRDO is working on exclusively Indian operating system to secure its critical infrastructure from cyber vulnerabilities. Read on...

ZDNet Asia: India developing own OS to boost cybersecurity
Author: Ellyne Phneah

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 15 jan 2013

'India's Science, Technology & Innovation Policy (STI 2013)'- Encourage R&D output; Create infrastructure for R&D & skill development; Focus on innovation; Facilitate private sector involvement in R&D for societal benefits & share risks; Enhance public & political understanding of science; Put India among top 5 global scientific power by 2020 (EIU ranks India at 54th in Global Innovation Index out of 82 countries); Encourages research in new areas like biotech, earth & atmosphere science, life science. Read on...

IDSA: India's New Science Policy is about Innovation
Author: Ajey Lele

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 14 jan 2013

'Disaster Management Drugs'- Indian scientists have come up with 16 drugs to tackle the emergency situations arising due to chemical, biological, radiological & nuclear incidents. Read on...

The Hindu: Indian scientists devise 16 disaster management drugs
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 13 jan 2013

Although Internet access is critical to learn, earn, connect & find opportunities, its use by females in developing nations is limited and they are lagging behind says a report. India was one of the nations considered for the study. Read on...

Reuters: Women in India, other developing countries lag in Internet use - Intel report
Author: Susan Heavey

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