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Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 12 feb 2013

'Construction and infrastructure' sector is an important element of the Indian growth. It directly or indirectly employs about 30-35 million people. In the 12th plan 56 lakh crore (about a trillion dollar) is allotted for the sector. Some of the issues the sector faces include fragmentation, project completion delays, technology upgradation & skill development. Read on...

The Times of India: Infrastructure is key to India's growth
Author: Chittaranjan Tembhekar

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 12 feb 2013

Contrarian and critical perspective on 'globalization, capitalism and consumerism' considering Indian realities (traditional and socio-economic). Can India with its 1.2billion population (270million illiterates above the age of 15, 42% living on less than $ 1.25 (Rs 67.5) a day, 34.5% of illiterate females, largest number of poor people in the world, 42% children under the age of 5 with malnutrition etc) afford to follow the usual methods of growth and development. Although a lot is happening in terms of inclusive growth and development and future seems bright. But India has to find its own ways, strategies and methods to become a powerful, self reliant, caring and concerned nation that we all want it to be. Read on...

GlobalResearch: Globalization and Social Destruction: Stealing Wealth and Health in India
Author: Colin Todhunter

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 05 feb 2013

With India's growing youth and worker population, emphasis should be given to the service sector by creating modern services like internet connectivity technologies, professional business services etc for more inclusive growth, says the president of ADB (Asian Development Bank). Other areas that need focus are workforce skill enhancement (National Skills Policy is the right step); better investment climate (reforms, more transparency, better governance & regulatory mechanism); ensuring enhanced private sector participation in the economy; better management of urbanization with improved green and infrastructure planning. Read on...

India Education Diary: Upgrade services sector, improve investment climate, upskill workforce to accelerate India's growth - ADB President
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 02 feb 2013

Managing scarcity, improving efficiency and inclusive sharing of resources are essential for sustainable development, says PM Manmohan Singh. He favors global growth model and further mentions the steps India has taken for low carbon growth; protect and conserve biodiversity; climate change and availability of fresh water. Read on...

NetIndian: PM says resource-efficiency necessary for sustainable development
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 02 feb 2013

President Pranab Mukherjee talks about increasing food production and giving importance and emphasis to the agriculture with new strategies and plans. He points out that 1% growth in agriculture sector would lead to 2-3% reduction in Indian poverty. Other members of the government also spoke on specific challenges and their strategies for the agriculture sector. Read on...

F&B News: Redefine agri sector to double food production in next 5 years - Pranab
Author: Ashwani Maindola

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 01 feb 2013

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development), a group consisting of developed nations, is interested in working with India to assure inclusive economic growth. India has strengths in the service sector and it is encouraging to see improvements in manufacturing and infrastructure, says the deputy secretary general of OECD. Read on...

Economic Times: OECD looks to work with India for inclusive growth
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 30 jan 2013

India needs to grow with quality & development. Role of Central Bank should be more directed towards the real economy (with human emphasis) then just be responsive to the financial sector. India should work towards progressive taxation policy & stronger social security. It should have better education, nutrition & health policies for the growing youth population. Utilize technology to alleviate socio-economic inequality. Read on...

Economic Times: Inter-connectedness in financial markets can liberate capital flow - Robert Johnson, INET
Author: N. P. Ullekh

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 22 jan 2013

'India, MDG'15 & Beyond'- India should work towards balancing & aligning the next generation of Millennium Development Goals with internal & domestic development. Moreover proactive participation in the formative stages of the future global development goals & having an assertive international diplomacy is imperative to sustain India's leadership aspirations in the global platforms. Read on...

The Hindu: India must get in on the ground floor
Authors: Shailey Hingorani, Rohan Mukherjee

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 16 jan 2013

'IMF on India's Financial Sector'- Regulatory & supervisory regime is well developed; prominent role of the govt. leads to misallocation of funds resulting in constrained growth; increase access to pvt. sources of capital; enhance autonomy of regulatory agencies; reduce large exposures & related-party lending limits in banks; assure enhanced compliance by corporations; stronger valuation & solvency requirements in insurance. Read on...

The Times of India: Despite progress India's financial sector vulnerable - IMF
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 15 jan 2013

Taiwanese Nobel Laureate, Yuan Tseh Lee says: "There can be no sustainable future of the world without a sustainable Asia, and no sustainable Asian future without a sustainable India. The time for sustainable transformation must begin today and India can take the leadership". Read on...

NewsTrackIndia: India can lead in sustainability development - Nobel laureate
Author: NA

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