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Business & Finance

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 29 mar 2013

Employers continue to hire, showing strength and confidence in Indian economy. Online hiring trends increased by 4% in February compared to January and rose 16% compared to last year-period, according to a research by online job portal. Good sign for the fresh graduates entering the job market. Read on...

Silicon India: India's Employment Index Rises 16 Percent Year-over-Year: Report
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 19 mar 2013

'Social Media' (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc) is finding its way into India's normal internet user habits. Usage frequency is 7 days a week, 35% of India's social media user base is from smaller towns and it is accessed mostly from mobile phones, says a report. Experts mention that social media's use as a marketing channel in India is still in its infancy. Use of regional and local languages, as a mode of communication in social media, will continue to grow. Read on...

The Hindu: Study says social media revolution set to get bigger
Author: Ramya Kannan

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 19 mar 2013

To make 'Made in India' brand a global success sustained efforts are required by Indian companies and organizations. Experts mention that 'Outsourcing Model' for IT industry did create a global brand for India but it was just a first step. As India moves forward new products and services should be able to create competitive advantages through quality, value and benefits to the global consumers. Achievable but a challenging task for a developing nation like India. Read on...

WARC: "Made in India" label sees slow uptake
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 16 mar 2013

How is the 'Next Revolution' in Indian technology industry possible? Current IT industry, mostly outsourcing firms with sales of $100billion, is maturing. The need for new tech firms is a necessity to evolve the sector. Use of internet is growing (3-4% of population) and ecommerce is becoming popular. Mobile phones are catalysts for this change. About 2/3rd of the internet connections are mobile based. Total ecommerce sites in India have sales of about $10billion in 2012 and are expected to grow to $100billion in next 5 years, says a report. To let this change of mobile ecommerce transform into tech revolution efforts are to be made to improve electronic payment systems, enhance capital investments and streamline telecom sector. The creation of a 'Entrepreneurial Ecosystem' for building, growing and sustaining the next level of technology sector is required. Read on...

The Economist: The screen revolution
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 10 mar 2013

India is ranked 4th (after US, Germany and China) in terms of manufacturing capacity, says a report. Experts say that to achieve 14% growth of the manufacturing sector, sustain it and keep it globally competitive, India need to adopt cost efficiency and automation. Moreover small and medium enterprises have to improve their manufacturing processes towards better quality, cost reduction and global standards, to contribute to the target of providing 25% to the GDP. Read on...

India Education Diary: Cost Competitiveness Key to sustained Manufacturing growth - Ajay Shankar
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 04 mar 2013

India is projected to be the third largest consumer market by 2020 and by 2030, with an aggregated consumer spend of US$ 13 trillion, it will surpass China and US, says a report. Can India take advantage of the opportunity to build itself as a strong economy and a developed nation? Read on...

NDTV Profit: Indian consumer market likely to be world's largest by 2030 - Deloitte
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 28 feb 2013

India-UK partnership seeks to enhance quality of education in India and encourage development of community colleges. It also focuses on facilitating and increasing the number of students who aspire to study in UK by easing the visa process. Moreover other elements of partnership include strengthening collaborations in research, leadership programs, vocational training, technology oriented teacher education etc. Considering the size of Indian education landscape multiple partnerships are required with many nations that have proven systems of education, learning, scientific knowledge and technology, along with considering India's needs, requirements and its own established and existing education systems. Read on...

INDOlink: India, UK Join Hands to Strengthen India's Education System
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 23 feb 2013

Does shifting of location by BPO companies to tier III and IV cities is affecting their businesses? For some it might mean a loss of business but there are some that are setting an example by managing this challenge well. By providing quality service, maintaining close contact with the central leadership, building partnerships with local educational institutions and being sensitive to needs of women staff and families, companies operating from smaller towns can compete effectively. Moreover this trend would help lessen the burden on bigger towns and bring more prosperity and opportunity for smaller ones. Read on...

Business Standard: Xchanging thrives in tier-III, -IV cities
Author: Shivani Shinde

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 21 feb 2013

'New Tech-Entrepreneurs' are moving away from the traditional IT services space, says NASSCOM. The trend is towards online services that includes 34% of the venture capital funded tech start-ups. This also shows maturing of the traditional IT services industry as most of the firms have established themselves globally. Read on...

Live Mint: Tech start-ups move away from conventional IT services
Author: Surabhi Agarwal, Anirban Sen

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 16 feb 2013

Indian kids suffer from stunted growth due to frequent infections that occur as a result of contaminated water and poor sanitation habits, says a UNICEF and FAO report. In India 43% of children below 5 years are underweight (54 million) and 48% (61 million) are stunted because of malnutrition. India is unable to meet its water sector requirements due to mismanagement of resources, water pollution, poor sanitation issues etc. Healthy population is an essential element of a developed nation and better infrastructure for efficient management of water resources will help us solve many problems in agriculture, industry, human health, etc. Read on...

Hindustan Times: Contaminated water stunting growth of Indian kids - UNICEF
Author: Sanchita Sharma

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