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KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

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Abbasi, Pedram [Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Renewables and Environment; Chemical Engineering; Energy Conversion Systems; Solar Energy; Heat Transfer]

Abe, Shinzō [Politician; 57th Prime Minister of Japan; Abenomics]

Abhari, Kaveh [Academic; Researcher; Human Resources; Social Learning and Innovation; Collaborative Learning Systems; Program Evaluation; Business Intelligence and Analytics; Enterprise Systems and Business Applications; Information Technology Management; Consulting; Qualitative Research; Quantitative Research; Data Analysis]

Abiade, Jeremiah [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology; Oxide Research; Renewables and Environment; Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) Growth of Oxide Thin Films; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Thermoelectric Devices; Spectroscopy; Solar Energy]

Abraham, Nandita [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Fashion Design; Apparel Marketing; Product Development; Design Education; Human Resources; Higher Education; Fashion Technology; People Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Industry-Academia Partnerships; Design Research; Industry Associations]

Ackermann, Edith K. (b.1946 - d.24 dec 2016) [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Educator; Education and Learning; Developmental Psychology; Play, Learning and Design; Education and Learning Technology; Childhood Learning; Interactive Learning Environment; Situated Learning; Teaching]

Addepalli, Aditya Venkata [Engineer; Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Process Improvements; Thermodynamics; Solar Energy; Electromechanical Reduction of CO2; Emerging Technologies; Product Development and Life Cycle Assessment; Performance Evaluation for individual Fuel Cell and Fuel Cell Stack; Process Engineering and Optimization of Process Parameters; Electrochemistry; Power Plants; Manufacturing]

Adeigbo, Autumn [Entrepreneur; Fashion Designer; Ethical Fashion; Fabrics; Apparels; Women Fashion; Women Issues; Community Outreach; Charity; Nonprofit Organizations]

Akkus, Ozan [Academic; Researcher; Biomedical Engineering; Tissue Engineering; Musculoskeletal Biomaterials; Molecular Biology; Biomechanics; Mathematical Modeling; Simulations; Nanotechnology]

Alexander, Bryan [Researcher; Futurist; Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Education Technology; E-Learning; Online Education; Information Technology; Emerging Technologies; Learning Process in Immersive Environments; Mobile Technologies Enabled Leraning Pedagogical Forms; Digital Humanities; Transformation of Scholarly Communication; Digital Storytelling; Futurist Methodologies; Consulting and Teaching; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Ansari, Asim M. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Communications; Media; E-Commerce; Market Research; Machine Learning; Big Data; Analytics; Digital Marketing; Bayesian Modeling; Personalization and Customization; Customer Relationship Management (CRM)]

Arbib, Michael A. [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Writer; Book Author; Computer Science; Biomedical Engineering; Biological Sciences; Electrical Engineering; Neuroscience; Psychology; Computational Neurscience]

Andraos, Amale [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Entrepreneur; Book Author; University/Education Administration; Architecture and Planning; Urban Design; Curriculum Development; Architecture and Design Education]

Asadi, Mohammad [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Energy Storage Systems; Envergy Conversion Systems; Renewables and Environment; Engineering Design; Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics; Process Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Solar Energy; Nanotechnology; Energy Conservation; Materials Science; Novel Energy Generation]

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