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Topic: architecture | authors | design education | design entrepreneurship | engineering & technology | fashion & textile | furniture & interior | general | graphic | human resources | industrial & product | landscape | people | reviews | university research | web
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24

KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Wadors, Pat [Business Executive; Human Resources; Talent Management; Recruiting; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Succession Planning; Coaching and Training; Employee Relations; Employee Engagement; Compensation; Teams; Workforce Planning; Public Speaking]

Wakai, Fumihiro [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Materials Structure; Inorganic Materials; Ceramics; Nanocrystalline Materials; Sintering/Microstructural Control; High Temperature related Deformation and Fracture; Superplasticity; Materials Integration]

Wansink, Brian [Academic; Researcher; Consumer Behavior; Food and Beverages; Eating Behavior; Human Health; Food Psychology; Food Branding; Agricultural Research; Marketing; Advertising; Social Media; Public Speaking; Data Analysis; Nonprofits]

Ward, Matthew [Designer; Educator; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Design Education; Speculative Design; Internet of Things (IoT); Urban Computing; Interaction Design; Public Speaking]

Wasielewski, Michael R. [Academic; Researcher; Chemistry; Sustainability and Energy; Renewables and Environment; Solar Energy; Artificial Photosynthesis; Solar Fuels and Solar Electricity; Molecular Electronics; Molecular Spintronics; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Academic/University Administration]

Weaver, James [Researcher; Academic; Biotechnology; Bio-Engineering]

Webster, Victoria [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Biorobotics; Autonomous Robotics; Dynamical Systems; Materials Characterization; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Tensegrity; Stochastic Algorithms; Kinematics; Controls; Biohybrid Muscle Cell Powered Actuators and Devices]

Wells, Adam [Academic; Researcher; Architecture and Design Education; Industrial Design; Sculpture; Materials and Processes; Design Thinking; Design Strategy; Graphic Design; User-centered Design; Concept Development; Interaction Design]

West, Geoffrey [Academic; Researcher; Theoretical Physicist; Scientific Model of Cities; Urban Design; Metabolic Theory of Ecology]

West, James L. [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Book Author; Architecture and Design Education; University/Academic Administration; Industrial Design; Interior Design; Building and Construction; Affordable Housing; Community Development; Community Development; Retirement Living Envionments]

White, Scott [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Aerospace Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Adaptive, Autonomic and Self-regulating Materials and Materials Systems]

Whitesides, George M. [Academic; Researcher; Chemistry; NMR Spectroscopy; Organometallic Chemistry; Molecular Self Assembly; Soft Lithography; Microfabrication; Microfluidics; Nanotechnology]

Wiley, Keith [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Architecture and Design Education; Landscape Architecture; Role of Making in Design Pedagogy; Rhetoric of Spacial Representation System]

Wilkinson, Kendall [Interior Designer; Entrepreneur; Residential Interior Design; Sustainability; Green Living; Indoor/Outdoor Fabrics; Furnishings]

Wolfram, Stephen [Computer Scientist; Entrepreneur; Physicist; Book Author; Theoretical Physics; Knowelege-based Programming; Mathematics; Nuclear Physics; Particle Physics; Quantum Field Theory; Computer Programming]

Wood, John [Advisor; Consultant; Academic; Higher Education; Design; Fine Arts; Design Theory and Practice]

Wood, Robert [Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Bio-Engineering; Robotics; Biologically Inspired Aerial and Terrestrial Robots; Printable Robots; Soft-bodied Robots; Micro and Meso-scale Manufacturing]

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