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Fahnestock, Larry [Academic; Researcher; Civil Engineering; Architectural Engineering; Behavior and Design of Steel Strcutures; Earthquake Engineering; Seismic Building Design; Large Scale Testing of Structural Components and Systems; Bridge Performance Under Service and Extreme Loading]

Fan, Shanhui [Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Applied Physics; Theory and Simulations of Photonic and Solid-state Materials and Devices; Photonic Crystals; Nano-scale Photonic Devices and Plasmonics; Quantum Optics; Computational Electromagnetics; Parallel Scientific Computing]

Ferry, Paul [Entrepreneur; Product Design; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Design; User Experience Design (UX); Customer Experience; Customer Relationship Management; Digital Marketing; Communications Management; Social Media]

Finley, Dawn [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design Education; BuildingTechnologies; Interior Design; Furniture Design; Graphic Design; Mordern Architecture; Urban Design]

Florida, Richard [Academic; Researcher; Journalist; Writer; Book Author; Urban Studies Theorist; Social and Economic Theory; Creative Class; Urban Regeneration and Renewal and Talent Migration; Public Policy; Innovation; Economic Development]

Ford, Henry (b.30 jul 1863 - d.07 apr 1947) [Industrialist; Businessman; Automobiles; Mass Production and Manufacturing; Assembly Line Production; Engineering]

Fougeron, Anne [Architect; Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Architecture and Design; Residential and Commercial Design; Multi-Family Housing; Combination of Historial and Modern Design; Architectural History; Architectural Education; Building and Construction]

Freed, Lisa [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Health Sciences and Technology; Applied Biological Sciences; Anatomy and Cellular Biology]

French, Steven P. (Steve) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; University/Education Administration; Architecture and Planning; Sustainable Urban Development; Land Use Planning; Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications; Earthquake and Flood Hazard Analysis and Mitigation; Modeling Urban Development Impacts; Green Buildings]

Fridberg, Mikhail [Entrepreneur; Semiconductors; Hardware; Firmware; Algorithm Development; Image Processing; Telecom; Optics; Digital, Analog and Mixed Hardware; Embedded Firmware; LED; Solid State Lighting Design; Analog Devices; Consulting; Electronics Hardware and Embedded Design Services]

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