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KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
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Baker, Laurence Wilfred (Laurie) (b.02 mar 1917 - d.01 apr 2007) [Architect; Researcher; Cost-Effective and Energy-Efficient Architecture; Designs Maximized Space, Ventilation and Light; Sustainable Architecture; Revial of Regional Building Practices; Social and Humanitarian Concepts; Simplicity in Design; Energy-Efficient Building Materials; Rural Development; Vernacular Architecture; Indigenous Architecture; School and Hospital Architecture]

Bansal, Vijayant [Entrepreneur; Educator; Education; Design; Architecture]

Barber, Edward [Entrepreneur; Designer; Architect; Architecture and Design; Industrial Design; Product Design; Furniture; Interior Design; Public Speaking]

Baribeau, Chris [Entrepreneur; Architect; Sustainable Design; Design Research; Urban Design; Architecture and Planning]

Baruchowitz, Adam [Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Environment; Recycling; Waste Management; Social Media; Digital Media; Sustainable Business; Creative Direction; Blogging; Volunteering; Nonprofit Organizations]

Beaton, Chris [Nonprofit Executive; Civic and Social Organizations; Community and Economic Development; Volunteering; Policy and Governance; Research; Human Resources; Fundraising; Public Speaking]

Bednarcik, Jozef [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Condensed Matter Physics; Materials Physics; Crystallization; Magnetic Materials; Synchroton Radiation; Glass; Alloys; Crystal Structure]

Behar, Yves [Designer; Entrepreneur; Sustainability; Industrial Design; Brand Development; Wearable Technology; Social Good]

Behranginia, Amirhossein [Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Renewables and Environment; Solar Energy; Nanomechanics; Nanomaterial Growth; Photolithography; Electron Beam Lithography; 2-Dimentional New Material Synthesize; Fabrication of Nano Devices; Nano Thermoelectric Studies]

Bekerman, Ronen [Entrepreneur; Architect; Architecture and Planning; Architectural Rendering Visualization; Blogging; Writer; 3D Modelling and Visualization; Real Time Visualization]

Benninger, Christopher Charles [Architect; Planner; Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Consultant; Book Author; Urban Planning; Academic and Educational Campuses; Mass Shelter Systems; Sustainable Design; Green Building; Interior Design]

Biderman, Assaf [Inventor; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Technology; Architecture and Planning; Built Environment; Real-time City; Research on Cities and Inventive Design]

Blaser, Martin J. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Microbiology; Human Microbiome; Infectious Diseases; Internal Medicine; Translational Medicine; Biology of Bacterial Persistence in Mammalian Hosts; ; Metabolic Syndrome; Healthcare; Public Health]

Blikstein, Paulo [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Education and Learning; Education Technology; Communications and Media; Learning Design; Computer Modeling in Social and Behavioral Sciences; Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Education; Computational Technologies; Tangible Interfaces for Learning; Constructivism; Robotics; Hands-on Learning Environments; Maker Education; Data Mining and Machine Learning; Public Education; Teaching]

Bonk, Curtis J. (Curt) [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Higher Education; E-Learning; Online Education; Instructional Technology; Instructional Design; Self-Directed Open Learning Environments; Online Motivation; Extreme Learning; Educational Psychology; Distance Learning; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Bottom, Lisa [Architect; Design Direction; Architecture and Planning; Environmental Planning and Research; Interior Architecture and Design; Industrial Design; Space Planning; Sustainability; Residential and Retail Design; Design Management; Concept Design; LEED; Nonprofit Organizations]

Bradbury, Raymond Douglas (Ray) [Writer; Book Author; Fantasy; Science Fiction; Horror; Mystery Fiction; Social Commentary; Scripts; Screenplays; Films; Television]

Branch, Oralee H. [Academic; Researcher; Evolutionary Biology; Parasitology; Immunology; Global Health; Public Health; Epidemiology; Infectious Diseases; Immunity; Population Biology; Ecology; Bioinformatics]

Bransford, John D. [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Book Author; Education; Learning Sciences; Psychology; Learning Technology; Human Learning, Memory and Problem Solving; Learning Environments; Cognition and Technology; Internet; Online Education; Teaching]

Brink, Gaby [Designer; Entrepreneur; Design Driven Social Change and Sustainable Growth; Systems Thinking; Human-centered Design; Innovation for the Impact Economy; Civic Engagement]

Brown, Ann Lesley (b.26 jan 1943 - d.4 jun 1999) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Educational Psychologist; Education and Learning; Psychology; Human Memory; Teaching Practices; Metacognitive Strategies; Reciprocal Teaching; Community Learning]

Brown, Denise Scott [Architect; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Architecture and Planning; Architecture Education; Urban Planning and Design; Vernacular Architecture; Lecturing]

Brown, Edmund Gerald (Jerry) [Politician; Lawyer; Government Administration; Public Policy; Environment; Climate Change]

Buchli, Jonas [Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Advanced Robotics; Agile and Dexterous Robotics; Computational Learning and Motor Control; Neuroscience and Intelligent Biomimetic Devices; Robotic Control Software; Dynamical Systems Approaches to Motion Generaation and Control; Coupled Oscillators; Machine Learning; Modeling of Human Motor Control]

Buehler, Markus J. [Academic; Researcher; Materials Scientist; Engineer; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Materials Science; Biological Materials; Nanotechnology; Computational Engineering; Nanomechanics; Molecular Dynamics; Energy]

Burren, Cate [Interior Designer; Design; Interior Architecture]

Burry, Jane R. [Architect; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Architecture and Design; Design Innovation and Technology; Mathematics in Contemporary Design; Built Environment; Designing Responsive Environments; Digital Fabrication; Advanced Manufacturing]

Bush, Nadine [Marriage Celebrant; Model; Stylist; Marketing Consultant; Creative Director; Marketing; Branding; Brand Strategy; Interior Design; Food; Newspapers and Magazines; Creative Direction; Communications and Content]]

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