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May 2014

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 31 may 2014

Researchers from MIT, Lisa Freed and Martin Kolewe, used fabrication techniques from microelectronics industry to make thin sheets of biorubber with microscale rectangular holes of uniform dimensions and then stacked these with precise positions of pores one over the other. The stacking process was done with the help of a programmable machine adapted from electronics industry used to stack thin material layers to build circuit boards and integrated circuit (IC) packages. Researchers demonstrated pore patterns that could produce 'interwoven musle-like bundles' out of mouse muscle cells and rat neonatal heart cells. According to Professor Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic of Columbia University, this new scaffolding allowed the researchers to form tissue that mimics an important structural quality of heart tissue called 'anisotropy'. Freed and Kolewe say that their research provides unprecedented level of control over arrangement of pore networks and can lead to 'a whole new design space' to further experiment the 3-dimensional factors that influence cell alignment and tissue formation and could serve as a platform for the development of implantable organ tissue. Read on...

MIT Technology Review: Design - Matching Innovation Types to Organizational Capabilities
Author: Mike Orcutt

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 29 may 2014

The design of student learning programs, especially for young children, should be based on their age and mental development. In the article, Priyakorn Pusawiro of King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, explores the importance of Brain-Based Learning (BBL) in creating a better learning environment. BBL is one of the approach that brings concepts and research from neuroscience, biology and psychology, and defines relationship between learning and brain, to keep students motivated and inspired to learn. The pace and complexity of lessons that are taught should be balanced according to the student's capacity and maturity to assist them develop confidence and improve their learning ability. While designing the learning environment, both inside classroom and outdoor, educators should focus on enhancing learning experience and exposure to new things. Moreover interaction between fellow classmates should be encouraged to imbibe social skills. Emphasis should be given to hands-on learning and the discovery process. Media and learning materials should include concepts and examples from daily lives that children can relate to. Technology assisted learning should be encouraged and incorporated in the curriculum. Read on...

The Nation: Design media technology and learning space in brain-based learning
Author: Priyakorn Pusawiro

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 29 may 2014

In today's digital environment, online presence is a required component of the overall strategy of businesses, governments, nonprofits and individuals, to reach their audience and consumers. Websites are an important tool that showcase the various aspects of the organizations and assist them to connect and interact with their customers. For small businesses, with their limited budgets, it becomes very critical to optimize their online strategy and use a good combination of design and technology in the most efficient way. There are three prevalent methods to build websites - (1) Created and coded by software developers (future alterations are expensive and require more labour hours) (2) Developed through the website building software (less labor intensive due to built-in streamlining tools) (3) 'Off the shelf' or 'Open Source' solution (least expensive if the correct choice of platform was made initially). The technologies and processes that are utilized to develop websites has a long-term impact and results in variable future expense depending on how the website was initially developed. The three important layers of website are - (1) Design layer (2) Content layer (3) Technology layer. Although design defines the visual and front-end aspects of the website and is quite important but back-end technology is a more critical element. So it is necessary to choose and implement website technology that is 'extensible' and evolves with business's requirements. This will help save costs when the website needs alterations and changes in future. Read on...

SmartCompany: Why your website technology is more critical than its design
Author: Craig Reardon

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