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October 2013

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 28 oct 2013

'Design Fiction (DF)' is a design concept that envisions an imaginary future and builds objects around it. DF is part of the design process and designers often use fiction as a starting point to create their work. Author, Matthew Ward, who teaches design at Goldsmiths (University of London) suggests the use of DF in the design education and advocates that it should be a critical part of the curriculum. He proposes a preamble of a manifesto towards a design education that embraces and interrogates the role and importance of fiction in design - (1) All design is ideological (2) Fiction as a testing ground for reality (3) Re-inscribing behavior and responsibility (4) The decisions you make have consequences: prototype them in the stories you tell (5) Normalize to persuade (6) Make space for experimentation (7) Think through making (8) Things that work don't create interesting stories (9) Build from ideas to aesthetics (10) Things live in their interaction with their context (11) People are the protagonists in the production of reality (12) Craft the narrative (13) Don't mistake the training for a race (14) Understand what your fiction is doing in reality. Read on...

Medium: Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice - Towards a fictionally biased design education
Author: Matthew Ward

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 28 oct 2013

Although Jugaad's (Indian creative or innovative way that provides a quick or alternative way of finding solutions) value in the Indian design space is often considered and mentioned but when it comes to high-end and brand-worthy design requirements India is often found lacking in aesthetics and design sensibility. Author, an innovation and design consultant, explores Indian design processes and how they compete with global design standards and what can be possibly done if India has to upgrade its design offerings. Some suggestions offered - Incorporate 'design thinking' principles in the ideation and design process; Start with a vision or goal as this approach focuses on the improved future state and work back to get the solution thus making the elegant design inherent part of the solution process. Read on...

The Economic Times: The obviousness of 'jugaad': India's aesthetically challenged industries
Author: Roopa Unnikrishnan

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 18 oct 2013

India's green architect, Ashok Lall, believes that ethics should be the guiding force in architecture and consideration should be given to address environmental impact, social inequity and cultural subversion in architectural practice. According to him architectural design had to be about resource conservation, efficiency, economy and affordability. He says that urban planning in India and other developing Asian countries should focus on integration and inclusion of marginalized residents within the urban economy. The urban housing and public transport policy should work towards affordable housing and travel for them. Moreover it should consider environmental sustainability as one of the key factor for better urban future. Read on...

Eco-Business: Building green starts with citizenry and cultural shifts
Author: Elga Reyes

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