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November 2013

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 30 nov 2013

Responsive web design (RWD) provides optimal user experience to customers and visitors to the website irrespective of whether they are using a smartphone, tablet, desktop PC or an internet-enabled television. There are important considerations that have to be taken into account to fully utilize this approach of serving content. Author suggests - (1) Uniformity of content across all user access devices is a necessity. Keep a single URL for the website. Continuously update and upgrade the online content. Keep focus on the mobile content strategy due to the increasing number of mobile device users. (2) Evaluate the current content management system (CMS) and ensure that it is flexible to accomodate responsive layout. To transition to RWD, the CMS focus should be on workflow and the ability to extract uniform content across variety of platforms and that can be displayed into variety of form factors and templates. (3) Ensure collaborative approach to the design and development process keeping the mobile user in mind. Considering the large number of display resolutions of mobile devices it would be difficult to have a 'pixel perfect' design for each one of them. Hence designers have to prioritize and optimize content keeping the key platforms and primary target audience in mind. Provide adequate training to the designers and developers that are part of the RWD team. Read on...

iMedia Connection: 3 reasons you're not ready for responsive design
Author: Scott Kiekbusch

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 27 nov 2013

Article explores the design philosophy of Randy Pausch and the importance of collaboration in design. It mentions the three most important lessons from his design concepts - (1) Test early, test often (Get people to try your work early on, and simply observe and watch what they do without interference. It can uncover product flaws and assumptions quickly); (2) Stop being nice, start being helpful (Give and receive straight and honest feedback. It is an important ingredient of a helpful approach to mentoring and leadership); (3) Designers are shepherds (Design is centered around collaborative problem solving. Randy Pausch's tips in this regard - Check your ego at the door, Let everyone talk and Praise each other). Being a great designer means championing a design vision and process, aiding collaboration and shepherding the design decisions forward. Read on...

Gigaom: Beyond 'The Last Lecture' - Design lessons I learned from Randy Pausch
Author: Ross Popoff-Walker

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 25 nov 2013

Selecting a right fit while creating an interior design for ones own living space is a challenge. Visuals created by famous designers that are available in design magazines, TV advertisements and websites, are hard to copy considering the tight budget, limited space and already existing family items that one possesses. In her book 'Secrets Of A Stylish Home', interior designer Cate Burren, provides a step by step process and guide for individuals to create their own interior design irrespective of the space restrictions. According to her the most important part of designing is to first understand ones style and tastes and create the surrounding that reflects them. The design should provide personal comfort and functionality, as it is the space created for personal use. If one tries to replicate what he/she likes in other designs it might not gel completely and may lead to costly mistakes. Read on...

Derbyshire Times: Simple way to design heaven
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 11 nov 2013

Customer participation in the design process is becoming an important part of the innovation and creative strategy. Though most organizations are still struggling to fully incorporate the concept of empathy and customer-centeredness in their business practices. In their book, 'Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All', authors David Kelly (Founder of IDEO and at Stanford University) and Tom Kelly (Partner at IDEO and executive fellow at Haas School of UC-Berkeley) share their design experiences and how companies and organizations can build their creative competence. The excerpt from the book focuses on empathy (understanding what people need and incorporating them in products and services) and how over the years they have used anthropological field research at every stage of the design process to empathise with the end users. Authors suggest 'hybrid insights' an approach that integrates quantitative research into human-centered design. They cite a successful example of a bank that utilized these concepts to understand the needs and wants of the millennial generation (GenY) and created specific financial products for this target segment. Read on...

Slate: Why Designers Need Empathy - Designing better online banking for millennials
Author: David Kelley, Tom Kelley

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 08 nov 2013

Design influences and participates in almost every aspect of human life - from mundane to extraordinary and directly or indirectly. Design continues to evolve and is becoming more personalized and individualized and emphasis is given to understand the needs of specific users and consumers through observation, data and feedback to design the customizable products and services. In a recently concluded Roadmap 2013 design conference in US a vast array of products and services were showcased that emphasized how design is part of everyday life. Some of the examples from the conference are - Maps (Google Maps- tailored for each person based on behavioral data and preferences); Money (Square- online payment transaction focused on buyer's needs and not seller's); Dating (Tinder- aims for 'organic' experience and uses glanceable interface that facilitates quick decision making); Photos (Instagram- use of data for enhanced emotional and visual photo viewing and sharing experience); Clothing (True & Co- using online data and questionnaire to design specialized women innerwear for specific body types and preferences); Driving (Tesla Motor's Model S- in addition to focus on driving environment it intends to provide a emotional connect and welcomes by extending handles when driver approaches). Read on...

Gigaom: To each her own, in product and in design
Author: Rani Molla

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 04 nov 2013

3-D home design softwares provide imaging and building tools to designers and builders so that they can assist their clients to visualize with almost exact accuracy their remodeled homes. Design builder (contractor who designs and also remodels home) firms help their customers in better decision making before they make the actual purchase. Most often home shoppers find it hard to imagine how their home would look like after renovations. The software creates substantially accurate 3-D images of remodeled home with furnishings, accessories, wall coverings, paint colors etc that suits the needs of the buyer. Read on...

mySanAntonio: 3-D design programs help buyers 'see' renovation
Author: NA

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