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KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

Academic, Researcher | Actor, Singer, Musician | Analyst, Commentator | Anchor, Host, Presenter | Architect, Artist, Designer | Banker | Book Author | Business Executive | Coach, Mentor, Trainer | Columnist, Correspondent | Communications and Content Specialist | Computer Programmer, Developer | Consultant, Advisor | Creative Director | Doctor, Physician, Health Expert | Economist | Educator | Engineer | Entrepreneur | Environmentalist | Film Director, Filmmaker, Film Producer | Futurist | Historian | Inventor | Journalist, Reporter | Lawyer, Legal Expert, Tax Expert | Nonprofit Executive | Philanthropist | Politician, Diplomat, Statesman | Psychologist | Public Speaker | Scientist | Social Activist | Sociologist | Thought Leader | Venture Capitalist | Writer, Editor

Academic, Researcher

Arnold, Laura [Lawyer; Businesswoman; Academic; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Boards; Energy; Mergers and Acquisitions]

Arrillaga-Andreessen, Laura [Academic; Researcher; Philanthropist; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Education; Technology Innovations; Open Source Education; MOOCs; Philanthropy Education; Healthcare; Social Service; Volunteering]

Barraket, Jo [Academic; Researcher; Social Enterprise; Social Innovation; Social Research; Adult Education; Policy Analysis; Social Business Development]

Bass, Rachel [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Impact Investing; Project Design; Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis; Writing Projects; Financial Performance; Impact Measurement; International Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Enterprises; Microfinance]

Brimhall, Kim C. [Academic; Researcher; Social Work; Human Resources; Inclusive Work Environment; Diversity; Healthcare and Hospitals; Mental Health; Quality in Healthcare; Leadership; Organizational Culture and Climate; Innovation; Management; Nonprofit Organizations]

Brown, Philip [Academic; Researcher; Higher Education; Social Development; Community Outreach; Mental Health; Psychology; Teaching; Psychotherapy]

Crawford, Gregory P. [Academic; Research; Academic/University Administration; Physics; Optics; Photonics; Soft Matter Materials; Healthcare; Engineering; Higher Education; Fundraising; Public Speaking]

Crescini, Damiano [Academic; Researcher; Electronics Engineering; Industrial Automation; Environmental Monitoring Systems]

Darko, Emily [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Writer; Social Enterprises; Entrepreneurship; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Impact Measurement; Data Collection; Sustainable Businesses; Youth Businesses; Inclusion; Rural Livelihoods; Green Growth; Nonprofit Organizations]

Desmond-Hellmann, Sue [Nonprofit Executive; Oncologist; Academic; Researcher; Academic/University Adminstration; Biotechnology; Precision Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Drug Development; Regulatory Innovation; Health Policy; Clinical Research; Epidemiology; Biostatistics; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Boards]

Dranove, David [Academic; Researcher; Health Industry Management; Business Strategy; Health Enterprise Management; Healthcare Economics (Biotechnology); Competition in Healthcare; Competitive Analysis; Data Analysis; Econometrics; Industrial Organization; Economics; Managed Care Systems; Pharmaceutical Research; Health Services Policy Analysis]

Fenwick, Alan [Academic; Researcher; Medicine; Public Health; Global Health; Tropical Parasitology; Infectious Diseases; Schistosomiasis and Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis; Health Collaborations; Health Policy]

Fram, Eugene [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Nonprofit Organization Management; Business and Nonprofit Boards; Consulting; Management Development; Marketing Strategy; Brand Management; Customer Strategy; Product Development; Public Relations; Sales Force Motivation]

Galli, Alessio [Researcher; Electronics Engineering; Electronics Design; Telecommunications; Instrumentation and Process Control; Electromedical Devices; Microchips and Microcontrollers; Digital Signal Processing; Sensors; Embedded Systems; 3D Printing; Hardware/Firmware; Environmental Diagnostics; Environment Monitoring Sytems; Wireless Sytems]

Garthwaite, Craig [Academic; Researcher; Applied Micro-Economics; Healthcare; Government Policy; Healthcare Innovations; Health Economics; Pharmaceutical Industry; Public Finance; Political Economy; Business Strategy]

Geczy, Christopher C. (Chris) [Academic; Researcher; Finance; Investment Management; Hedge Funds; Executive Education; Risk Management; Alternative Investments; Impact Investing; Multifactor Models; Wealth Management; Asset Allocation; Equity Lending; Short Selling]

Haski-Leventhal, Debbie [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Business and Management; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Business Ethics; Management Education; Human Resources; Volunteering; Academic Social Responsibility; Public Speaking]

Irwin, Rodney [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Education; Finance; Accounting; Internal Auditing; Financial Control; Risk Management; Environment; Sustainability; Social Capital; Corporate Governance; Business Ethics; Public Policy; Industry Associations; Teaching]

Jenkins, Garry W. [Academic; Researcher; Business Law; Corporate Governance; Law and Leadership; Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Law and Philanthropy; Civil Rights in Education; Higher Education]

Jiang, Bin [Academic; Researcher; Landscape Architecture; Urban Design; Sustainable Design; Environment; Urban Planning; Strategic Planning; Comprehensive Planning]

Jones, Alex [Academic; Researcher; Consultant; Healthcare and Hospitals; Health Economics; Health Analytics; Health Financing; Health Policy; Health Service Delivery and Governance; Healthcare Human Resources; Global Health]

Kaufmann, Greg [Writer; Editor; Entrepreneur; Researcher; Poverty; Poverty Eradication; Nonprofit Organizations; Education; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Klasing, Amanda M. [Researcher; Human Rights; Law; Women's Rights; Gender-based Violence; Rights to Water and Sanitation; Public Policy; Community Outreach; Immigration Law; Government and Politics]

Knuckey, Sarah [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Law; Human Rights; Unlawful Killings; Armed Conflicts; Sexual Violence; Corporate Accountability; Extractive Industries; Protest Rights; Human Rights Methodologies; Critical Perspectives on Human Rights; New Weapons Technologies; Transparency Norms; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Resilience]

Kramer, Mark R. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Entrepreneur; Social Change; Shared Value; Catalytics Philanthropy; Collective Impact; Strategic Evaluation; Impact Investing; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Management Consulting]

Kreiner, Thane [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Social Entrepreneurship; Healthcare; Life Sciences; Science and Technology; Regenerative Medicine; Pharmaceuticals; Neuroscience; Public Health; Innovation; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations; Public Speaking]

Kumar, Jagannatha [Nonprofit Executive; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Charity and Philanthropy; Education and Healthcare; Energy and Environment; Renewable Energy; Emerging Technologies; Corporate Finance; Project and Structured Finance; Mergers and Acquisitions; Strategy and Policy; Venture Capital; Public-Private Partnerships (PPP); Development Sector; Leadership and Teams]

Larcker, David F. [Academic; Researcher; Accounting; Higher Education; Executive Compensation; Corporate Governance; Managerial Accounting; Performance Measures]

Lavizzo-Mourey, Risa J. [Nonprofit Executive; Academic; Researcher; Physician; Healthcare; Public Health; Nonprofit Organizations; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Healthcare Administration; Geriatric Care; Healthcare Policy; Healthcare Reforms; Aging Research; Racial Disparities in Healthcare; Community Outreach; Health Strategy; Healthcare Management]

Legena, Claudio [Researcher; Electronics Engineering; Industrial Automation; Hardware/Firmware Solutions; Environment Monitoring System; Microcontroller Microchip; Energy Harvesting; Temperature Sensors; Barometric Sensors; Digital Sensors; Humidity Sensors; WiFi; Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM); Wireless Technology]

Lomax, Michael Lucius [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Academic/University Administration; Higher Education; Education Financing; Education Scholarships; Educational Partnerships; Educator; Diversity; Inclusion; Leaderships; Nonprofit Organizations]

Lorenzo, George [Researcher; Writer; Editor; Higher Education; Online Learning and Education; Publishing; Publication Designing; Newsletters; Educational Technologies; Blogging]

Lydenberg, Steve [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Social Investments; Research and Analytics; Asset Management; Corporate Social Responsibility; Responsible Investing; Sustainable Investing; Nonprofit Organizations]

Mayer, Lloyd Hitoshi [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Law; Religion; Churches and Politics; Election Law; Taxation; Tax Law and Policy; Federal Income Tax; Nonprofit Organizations; Institutional Choice Theory; Professional Responsibility; Taxation of Business Enterprises; International Law]

Mbeya, Julius [Nonprofit Executive; Entrepreneur; Researcher; International Development; Healthcare; Public Health; Capacity Development; Rural Development; Healthcare Management; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations; Grants Management; Program Management]

McGinley, Daniel [Lecturer; Sales and Marketing; Retail]

Meehan III, William F. [Lecturer; Writer; Management Consulting; Nonprofit Organizations; Speaking; Advising; Private Equity; Investing; Social Enterprises and Ventures; Philanthropy]

Mishra, Saurabh [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Marketing; Market Research; Marketing Intelligence; Analytics; Firm Strategies and Share Holder Value; Branding; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Marketing-Operations Management Interface; Healthcare; Technology and Innovation; Management Consulting; Public Speaking]

Mnaouer, Adel Ben [Academic; Researcher; Computer Engineering and Networking; Wireless Networking; Biomedical Engineering; Software Engineering; Cluster/Grid Computing; Cloud Computing; Wireless Sensor Networks; Signal Processing; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Algorithms; Educational Technology; Environmental Monitoring Systems]

Modi, Sachin B. [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Supply Chain Management; Operations Research; Business Intelligence; Analytics; Product Management; Program Management; Mathematical Modeling; Simulations; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Management Consulting]

Mudaliar, Abhilash [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Impact Investing; Microfinance; International Development; Social Entrepreneurship; Social Enterprises; Startups; Education Policy; Consulting; Program Management; Nonprofit Organizations]

Musto, David K. [Academic; Researcher; Finance; Capital Markets; Consumer Credit; Financial Intermediation; Impact Investing]

Oakley II, Burks [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Online Learning and Education; Distance Education; Education Technologies; Internet-based Learning Technologies; University/Academic Administration; Electrical and Computer Engineering]

Ody, Christopher [Academic; Researcher; Applied Micro-Economics; Healthcare Economics; Industrial Organizations; Health Enterprise Management; Management and Strategy]

Ormiston, Margaret [Academic; Researcher; Organizational Behavior; Leadership; Teams; Psychology; Executive Development; Executive Education]

Pathak, Pathik [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Higher Education; Employability and Skills; University/Academic Administration; Leadership; Policy Analysis; Nonprofit Organizations; International Development; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Business Strategy; Management; Capacity Building; Public Speaking]

Pineiro, Aliana [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Impact Investing; Impact Assessment; Economic Development; International Relations; Program Evaluation; Project Management; Rural Development; Social Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Social Enterprises; Nonprofit Organizations; Mentoring and Training; Asset Management]

Porter, Michael E. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Strategy and Competitiveness; Industrial Organization Economics; Public Policy; Governments; Healthcare; Nonprofit Organizations; Charity and Philanthropy; Business Education; Management Consulting; Public Speaking]

Rouhiainen, Lasse [Technology Expert; Book Author; Cosultant; Researcher; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Disruptive Technologies; Technology and Society; Online Education; Human Centered AI; Video Marketing; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Rahim, Emad [Academic; Researcher; Education Management; Entrepreneurship; Project Management; Nonprofit Management; Community Outreach; Higher Education Administrator]

Rodin, Judith [Academic; Researcher; Nonprofit Executive; Philanthropist; Book Author; Higher Education; Academic/University Administration; Healthcare; Social Entrepreneurship; Environment; Poverty Alleviation; Community Development; Impact Investing; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Boards; Corporate Boards and Governance]

Sahay, Arunaditya [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Strategic Management; Mergers and Acquisitions; Strategic Alliances; Joint Ventures; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Social Enterprises; Qualitative Research; Management of Technology]

Satterthwaite, Margaret L. [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Law; Human Rights; Economic and Social Rights; Empirical Approaches, Measurement, and Metrics in Human Rights; Gender, National Security, and Counter-Terrorism; Human Rights in Haiti; Rendition and the Law of Informal Transfer; Rights-Based Approaches to Development and Humanitarianism]

Schroeder, Raymond E. (Ray) [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Educator; Online Learning and Education; Education Technology; Technology-Enhanced Learning; University/Academic Administration; Social Media; Blogging; Consulting; Public Speaking]

Sengupta, Subhanjan [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Strategy; Social Entrepreneurship; Social Enterprises; Business Ethics; Social Value Creation; Suatainability; Responsible Business; Qualitative Research; Circular Economy; Agriculture Retail Waste Reduction; Social Startups; Policy; Renewable Energy]

Sexton, John Edward [Academic; Researcher; Lawyer; Book Author; Academic/University Administration; Higher Education; Legal Issues; Civil Procedure; Supreme Court's Case Selection Process; Supreme Court and the Religion Clauses; International Relations; Human Rights; Global Citizenship; Religion and Spirituality]

Shukla, Madhukar [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Consultant; Social Entrepreneurship; Organizational Design; Learning Organization; Innovation and Creativity; Cross Cultural Management; Management Education; Human Resouces; Social Enterprises; Training; Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)]

Stubbs, Holly [Researcher; Law; Human Rights; Economic and Social Rights; Interdisciplinary Legal Research; Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining; Connections Between Economic and Political Systems]

Tayan, Brian [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Writer; Education Management; Business Strategy; Startups; Corporate Governance; Nonprofit Organizations; Risk Management; Financial Modeling; Financial Accounting; Human Resource Management]

Touati, Farid [Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Microelectronics and Microcontrollers; Semiconductor Electronics; Circuit Design; Communication Engineering; Intrumentation; Green Circuits; Sensor Networks; Sensor Technology; Embedded Electronics; Signal Processing; Bioengineering; Smart Irrigation; Renewable Engergy; Wireless Monitoring of Renewable Energy Stations; Environmental Monitoring Systems; Biomedical Engineering; Optical Communications; Higher Education; Curriculum Development]

Yunus, Muhammad [Social Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Economist; Nobel Laureate; Book Author; Banking; Microfinance; Civil Society Leadership; Social Business; Public Speaking; Microcredit]

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