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July 2014

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 25 jul 2014

The recent survey of 150 US nonprofit foundations and endowments found that more nonprofits are prioritizing the implementation of effective risk management strategies to preserve the longevity of their organizations and missions. Main highlights of the survey are - (46%) Place greater value on positive risk-adjusted returns than on overall portfolio returns when evaluating investment success; (44%) Not confident that sufficient time is being spent in assessing the impact of potential market shocks on the ability to spend/achieve mission; (49%) Lack confidence that the investment committee has identified all key portfolio risks. According to Mary Jane Bobyock, Director of Nonprofit Advisory Team at SEI, '48 percent of nonprofits are currently using or considering the use of an outsourcing provider to help manage the portfolio.' Read on...

MarketWatch: SEI Poll - Nonprofits Focus On Risk Management In 2014
Author: NA

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