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How will you reimagine charity services in 2025? | Charity Digital, 10 jan 2025
How Nonprofits Are Scaling Impact With AI Agents | Forbes, 10 jan 2025
Top CSR initiatives to combat hunger in India | The CSR Journal, 10 jan 2025
1How to be a brilliant social enterprise employer: Make flexible working the default | Pioneers Post, 09 jan 2025
5 Ideas For Volunteers As Fundraising Resources | The NonProfit Times, 08 jan 2025
'Keeps me grateful': how volunteering can help older adults | The Guardian, 08 jan 2025
5 Trends That Will Shape Fundraising in 2025 | The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 07 jan 2025
How OpenAI Hopes to Sever Its Nonprofit Roots | The New York Times, 17 dec 2025
An Interview with Gon Erez: Innovations in Nonprofit Management | CEOWORLD Magazine, 25 nov 2025
Empower, connect, and grow: The impact of engaging in charitable work | Nature, 15 nov 2024
January 2014
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 31 jan 2014
Human resources are critical component of any organization. They provide their skills and services in exchange for wages and other benefits. Moreover organizations try to care for their employees and provide them better environment for enhanced productivity and efficiency and generally would like them to be happy and satisfied. But when it comes to volunteers, they are not paid employees and give their important time to charities and nonprofit organizations due to their personal commitment to a particular cause. They also act as unofficial community ambassadors for the charity's work and without their valuable contribution it would become difficult for nonprofits to fulfil their commitments and objectives considering their limited finances and budgets. Therefore it becomes important for these organizations to have a caring and supportive work environment and provide a positive volunteering experience. According to research by YouGov only 42% of those who volunteered in past 12 months in UK had a happy experience. Russel Findlay, CEO of London Youth Games Foundation, explains how his charity is able to attract more volunteers than others in UK and provides suggestions to charities to make volunteering happier and more fulfilling - Make it fun; Meaningful roles; Appreciation. Read on...
the guardian:
What can charities do to improve the volunteering experience?
Russell Findlay
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 30 jan 2014
In a recent research based on a Pollara-BMO survey it was found that wealthiest Canadians will give an average $5127 to charities this year in the following areas - Medical Research (72%), Children's Charities (38%), Community Programs (36%), Religious Institutions (33%), Animal Welfare (24%), Education (18%), Arts (16%), Political Causes (13%), Environment (13%), Foreign Aid (13%). In another research by TD Bank it was mentioned that new generation of Canadians are more community-minded than previous generations and would like to see the impact of their contributions. The bank suggests better decision making when planning to donate - Define shared values; Have a plan and do research on charities; Find tax efficiencies; Consider an endowment. Read on...
The Star:
Wealthy donate most to health, kids' charities
Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 27 jan 2014
Harvard University's Center for Nonprofits estimates that US-based nonprofit organizations have about US$ 40 billion fraud losses every year. While a Washington Post analysis of filings from 2008 to 2012 found that top 20 nonprofit organizations have a combined loss of more than half-billion dollars due to unauthorized uses of funds. Professor Eugene Fram of Rochester Institute of Technology have some suggestions for the boards of charitables - Audit committee to review annual audits; Supervise executive compensation & other financial activities; Annual review of conflict of interest policies; Honesty background of new hires; Interactions with external auditors without the presence of management. He also suggest a list of questions that should be asked with the auditors to ascertain any financial wrongdoings and ensure fraud prevention. Alert, attentive and proactive boards can create environment of honesty and deter happenings of fraud. Read on...
Huffington Post:
Nonprofit Fraud Robs Charities of Substantial Dollars
Eugene Fram
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