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glomc00 - The Global Millennium Class
Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | publishing | reviews | science & technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24

KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

Agriculture, Rural Development, Food | Analytics, Big Data, Market Research, Business Intelligence | Architecture, Interior, Building and Construction, Urban Design, Landscape | Art, Culture | Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Machines, Machine Learning, Robotics | Banking, Finance, Stock Market, Investing, Financial Markets, Insurance | Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics | Blogging | Business Ethics | Business, Management, Corporations | Business Strategy, Strategic Planning | Business-to-Business | Charity, Philanthropy, Nonprofits | Chemistry | Coaching, Mentoring, Training | Communications, Content Development, Public Relations, Branding, Community Development | Computer and Network Security, Online Privacy | Computer Science, Computer Hardware and Software, Programming, Algorithms | Customer Service, Customer Experience, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Consumer Behavior | Design Thinking, Systems Thinking | Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) | E-Commerce, Online Retail, E-Business | Economics, Economy | Education, Learning | Engineering, Manufacturing | Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Startups, Business Plan | Environment, Climate Change, Sustainability, Green Business, Nature, Forestry, Energy | Event Management, Conference Development | Family, Parenting, Children | Fiction | Fundraising, Crowdfunding | Healthcare, Hospitals, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Diagnostics | History, Archaeology | Human Resources, Workplace, Labor Issues, Talent, Career Development, Recruiting | Human Rights, Conflicts, Disaster Relief | Industrial and Product Design | Industry and Professional Associations | International Relations, Global Affairs | Internet, Web, Information Technology and Services, ICT | Journalism, Reporting, Publishing | Law, Legal Issues | Leadership, Teams, Executive Development, Organizational Development | Lifestyle, Fashion, Sports, Fitness, Wellness | Management Consulting, Mergers and Acquisitions | Marketing, Advertising, Branding | Materials Science, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology | Mathematics | Media, Television, Entertainment, Films, Radio | Mobile Technology, Applications, Wearables | Neuroscience | Open Source, Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing | Philosophy | Physics | Politics, Government | Poverty, Development | Product Development, Product Management | Project Management | Psychology | Public Policy, Governance | Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) | Public Speaking, Keynote Speaking, Lecturing, Teaching | Real Estate, Property, Infrastructure | Religion, Faith | Sales, Retail, Consumer Goods | Science and Technology | Social Enterprise, CSR, Cooperatives | Social Media, Social Networking | Sociology | Supply Chain Management (SCM), Logistics, Operations Research | Telecommunications | Travel, Tourism, Transport | University, Academic Administration | Venture Capital, Private Equity, Accelerators, Incubators | Volunteering, Social Service, Community Outreach | Web Design, User Interface Design, User Experience Design, Graphic Design | Women, Gender Issues, Diversity, Inclusion | Writing, Editing

Leadership, Teams, Executive Development, Organizational Development

Adudans, Steve Alred [Entrepreneur; Doctor and Physician; Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; Emergency Healthcare; Public Health; Project Management; Social Enterprise; Public-Private Partnerships; Health Policy; Program Management; Community Outreach; Leadership and Teams; Nonprofit Organizations]

Amoah, Cobby [Entrepreneur; Healthcare and Hospitals; Global Healthcare; Healthcare Technology; Health Delivery; Healthcare Data Analytics; Electronic Health Records; Research; Leadership and Teams; Organizational Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Enterprise; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Anwar, Habib [Entrepreneur; Healthcare and Hospitals; Women-Focused Healthcare; Social Enterprise; Client Relationships; Leadership and Teams; Sustainable Business; Consumer Products; Enterprise Technology; Human Capital; International Operations; Product Development; Research; Nonprofit Organizations]

Ashkenas, Ron [Book Author; Management Consulting; Public Speaking; Talent Management; Business Development; Organizational Transformation; Acquisition Integration and Simplification]

Axelrod, Elizabeth L. (Beth) [Business Executive; Writer; Book Author; Business Strategy; People Management; Organization Development; Human Resources; E-Commerce; Information Technology and Services; HR Strategy; Data Analytics; Gender Diversity; Recruiting; Learning and Development; Compensation and Benefits; Philanthropy; Social Innovations]

Bailey, James R. [Academic; Research; Book Author; Higher Education; Leadership Development; Effective Leadership; Organizational and Individual Change; Strategy Formulation and Execution; Employee Motivation; Competence; Satisfaction and Performance; Managerial Decision Making; Business Ethics; Teams]

Bandish, Jackie [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Human Resources; Recruiting and Staffing; Healthcare; Pharmaceuticals; Biotechnology; Medical Devices and Diagnostics; Mentoring and Coaching; Career Development; Leadership and Teams; Executive Development; Writing; Professional Organizations]

Beckland, Ryan [Entrepreneur; Healthcare and Wellness; Information Technology and Services; Healthcare Platforms; Healthcare Applications; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Lean Startup; Social Media; Venture Capital; Finance; Brand Development; Marketing; Leadership and Teams; Employee Wellness; Public Speaking]

Bell, Nick [Entrepreneur; Internet; Information Technology and Services; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Online Marketing; Online Video; Business Strategy; Business Development; Product Management; Venture Capital; Leadership and Teams; Executive Development; Mobile Technologies; Business to Business; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Bersin, Josh [Business Executive; Book Author; Management Consulting; Human Resources; Research; Benchmarking; Professional Development; Advisory Consulting; Talent Management; Leadership Development; Recruiting; Training Organizations]

Blanchard, Kenneth (Ken) H. [Management Expert; Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Thought Leadership; Management Consulting; Training and Coaching; Executive Leadership; Executive Development]

Bock, Laszlo [Business Executive; Book Author; Human Resources; Management Consulting; Education; Talent Management; Performance Management; Business Strategy; Organizational Development; Executive Development; Leadership; Teams; Acquisition Integration; Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Nonprofit Organizations]

Bowen, Deborah [Healthcare Executive; Nonprofit Organizations Management; Healthcare; Health Education; Professional Society; Executive Development; Healthcare Management; Health Policy]

Bower, Joseph L. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; General Management; Corporate Strategy; Organization; Corporate Leadership; Executive Leadership; Succession Planning]

Brimhall, Kim C. [Academic; Researcher; Social Work; Human Resources; Inclusive Work Environment; Diversity; Healthcare and Hospitals; Mental Health; Quality in Healthcare; Leadership; Organizational Culture and Climate; Innovation; Management; Nonprofit Organizations]

Brinkley, Ruth [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Operations Management; Health Systems; Executive Development; Leadership Development; Healthcare Technology; Health Education; Coaching and Mentoring; Acute Care; Cardiology; Nursing]

Brockbank, Wayne [Academic; Researcher; Human Resources; Business Strategy; HR Consulting; Executive Education; Research and Consulting; Linkages between Business Strategy and Human Resource Practices; Creating High Performance Corporate Cultures; Key Levers that Drive Business Performance]

Burston, Jo [Entrepreneur; Entreprneurship and Innovation; Education; Mentoring and Coaching; Policy; Small Business; Startups; Technology; Human Resources; Management Consulting; Blended Learning Environment; Recruiting and Hiring; Industry Associations; Nonprofit Organizations; Philanthropy; Volunteering; Teams and Leadership; Business Process Outsourcing (BPO); Integrated Marketing; Enterprise Software; Social Media; Business Development; Business Strategy]

Cafaro, Debra [Business Executive; Lawyer; Healthcare Real Estate; Nonprofit Organizations; Commercial Real Estate; Business Leadership; Finance and Operations Management]

Campbell, Glen T. [Organizational Branding Expert; Management Consulting; Leadership; Coaching and Mentoring; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Entrepreneur; Marketing; Psychology; Personal Branding; Business Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Communications]

Carnegie, Dale (b.24 nov 1888 - d.01 nov 1955) [Writer; Lecturer; Book Author; Self Improvement; Sales and Marketing; Corporate Training and Mentoring; Public Speaking; Interpersonal Skills; Human Behavior]

Cator, Karen [Nonprofit Executive; Government Administration; Education and Learning; E-Learning; Education Technology; Instructional Design; Policy; Community Outreach; Research; Technology Innovation in Education; Industry Associations; Leadership Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Teaching; Public Speaking]

Chadwick, Radhika [Business Executive; Management Consulting; Government Strategy; Policy and Governance; Public Sector; Digital Transformation; Organizational Design; Board Development and Strategy; Leadership; Executive Coaching; Data Transformation; Restructuring; Strategy; Culture Change; Startups]

Choudary, Sangeet Paul [Writer; Book Author; Management Thinking; Platform Thinking; Public Speaking; Platform Economics; Network Effects; Digital Transformation of Business Models; Thought Leadership; Strategy; Consulting; Entrepreneurship; Technology; Business Models; Blogging; Teaching; Mentoring; Leadership Development; New Business Development; Startups; Product Development]

Ciampa, Dan [Business Adviser; Leadership Consultant; Book Author; Leadership Development; Leadership Transition; Organizational Culture; Business Strategy; Succession Planning; Operational Excellence; Teaching and Coaching]

Coates, Priscilla [Business Executive; Consultant; Software Development; Information Technology; IT Strategy; Management Consulting; Change Management; Organizational Management; Leadership and Teams; Human Resources; Productivity Improvement; Business Transformation; Healthcare]

Cohen, Jacob (Jake) [Academic; Researcher; Academic/University Administration; Economics; Finance and Accounting; Management Education; Curriculum Development; Executive Education; Business Law; Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)]

Coles, N. Anthony (Tony) [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Physician; Medicine; Healthcare; Pharmaceuticals; Biotechnology; Research and Development; Life Sciences; Therapeutics; Drug Discovery; Drug Development; Cancer Drugs; Precision Medicine; Health Policy; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Mergers and Acquisitions; Leadership and Teams; Business Strategy]

Collins, James C. (Jim) [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Management Consultant; Book Author; Lecturer; Public Speaking; Organizational Sustainability and Growth; Executive Development; Coaching and Mentoring; Leadership Development]

Constable, Giff [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Writer; Product Design; Product Development; Software Engineering; Content Strategy; Product Strategy; Investment Banking; Startups; Innovation; Business Model; Leadership; User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI); Usability; Science Fiction; Technology; Mentoring; Consulting]

Cutcher, Leanne [Academic; Researcher; Work and Organizational Studies; Human Resources; Workplace Diversity; Managing Age in Organizations; Intergenerational Employment; Financial Economics; Business Ethics; Organizational Strategy and Discourse; Identity in Organizations Including Age, Race and Gender Identities; Alternative Forms of Organizations]

Danforth, Amy [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Fundraising; Planned Giving; Children Issues; Education; Social Services; Leadership; Business Development; Strategic Planning; Investments; Mutual Funds; Financial Services]

DeRue, D. Scott [Academic; Researcher; Higher Education; Management Education; Executive Education; Leadership; Talent; Human Capital; Organization Development]

Deutschendorf, Harvey [Emotional Intelligence Expert; Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Public Speaking; Coaching and Training; Social Media; Leadership Development; Personal Development; Human Resources; Career Development]

DeVore, Susan [Business Executive; Writer; Healthcare and Hospitals; Healthcare Leadership; Thought Leader; Healthcare Standards and Ethics; Healthcare Transformation; Blogging; Nonprofit Organizations; Healthcare Alliances and Collaborations; Accountable Care; Healthcare Research; Health Systems]

DiFebo, Val [Business Executive; Advertising and Marketing; Human Resources; Executive Development; Leadership Development; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Teams; Employee Relations; Collaborative Workplaces; Writing; Public Speaking]

Dosanjh, Kilbinder [Economist; Financial Analyst; Financial Services; Investment Research; Political and Economic Forecasting and Risk Analysis; Emerging Markets; International Capital Markets; Team Management; Budgeting]

Dotlich, David [Entrepreneur; Business Adviser; Book Author; Academic; Researcher; Management Consulting; Executive Education; Training and Coaching; Leadership Development; Business Strategy; Organizational Design; Human Resources; Performance Improvement; Talent Management; Employee Relations]

Drucker, Peter F. (b.19 nov 1909 - d.11 nov 2005) [Academic; Researcher; Management Consultant; Writer; Book Author; Management Education; Modern Business Concepts; Management by Objective and Self Control; Modern Management; Thought Leadership; Business Strategy; Knowledge Workers; Nonprofit Organizations; Business Ethics; Policy; Entrepreneurship]

Dyer, Jeffrey H. (Jeff) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Management Education; Organizational Leadership and Strategy; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Intrapreneurship; Competitive Strategy; Strategic Alliances; Disruption; Management Consulting; Executive Education]

Ebitanmi, Segun [Entrepreneur; Healthcare and Hospitals; Medical Services; Public Health; Research; Project Management; Leadership and Teams; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Enterprise]

Eckenrode, Jim [Business Executive; Writer; Research and Consulting; Banking and Financial Services; Financial Technology; Capital Markets; Mutual Funds; Hedge Funds; Insurance; Real Estate; Customer Experience; Digital Banking; Digital Transformation; Information Technology; Business Strategy; Product Development; Teams; Leadership; Conferences; Public Speaking]

Errico, Leigh Ann [Leadership Coaching; Human Resources; Nonprofit Organizations; Phamraceuticals; Entrepreneur; Executive Development; Talent Management; Performance Management; Employee Engagement; Workforce Planning]

Erskine, Andrew [Business Executive; Consultant; Innovation; Creative Economy; Entrepreneurship; Strategy; Business of Culture; Knowledge Exchange and Transfer; Creative Places and Spaces; Creativity; Learning; Skills Development; Technology; Organizational Development; Public Services; Social Inclusion and Diversity; Economic Growth; Sustainability; Emerging Economies; Editing; Content Direction; Publishing]

Fabre, Fernando [Entrepreneur; Investor; Nonprofit Organizations; Teams; Leadership Development; Mentoring; Academic; Teaching; Venture Capital; Business Strategy; Higher Education; Startups; Emerging Markets; Collaboration]

Farah, Hussein [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Organizations; Education; Digital Literacy; Information Technology; Business Development; Leadership; Coaching and Mentoring; Community Outreach; Fundraising; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Charity and Philanthropy]

Fernández-Aráoz, Claudio [Business Executive; Management Consutling; Management Appraisal; Global Leadership; People Processes; Intellectual Capital Development; Talent Mangement; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Executive Search; Public Speaking; Writing]

Ferrell, Justin [Academic; Entrepreneurship; Design; Design Thinking; Business Transformation; Digital; Mobile and New Product Development; Public Speaking; Teaching; Creativity and Organization Design; Innovation]

Fields, Mark [Business Executive; Automotive; Mobility; Manufacturing; Global Business; Product Development; Organizational Development; Industry Associations; Entrepreneurship and Innovation]

Findlay, Russell [Consultant; Business Mentor; Strategy; Telecom Sector; Sports Sector; Nonprofit Sector; Creating and Communicating Strategy; Partnerships and Collaborations; Building, Leading and Coaching Teams; Business Plan Implementation]

Fischer, Bill [Academic; Researcher; Innovation Management; Executive Education; Management Education; Blogging; Book Author; Virtual Teams; Corporate Strategy; Technology Organizations; Management of Operations and Technology; Digital Leadership; Social Media]

Folkman, Joseph (Joe) [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Professional Training and Coaching; Executive Coaching; Leadership Development; Talent Management; Performance Management; Marketing Strategy; Organizational Development; Management Consulting; Organizational Change; Survey Research; Change Management; Blogging; Survey Design; Data Analysis]

Foster, Alan V. [Consultant; Book Author; Leadership Selection and Development; Management Consulting; Predictive Analytics; Employee Engagement; Organizational Development; Executive Learning; Coaching and Training; Private Equity; Venture Capital; Business Strategy]

Fram, Eugene [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; NonProfit Organization Management; Business and NonProfit Boards; Consulting; Management Development; Marketing Strategy; Brand Management; Customer Strategy; Product Development; Public Relations; Sales Force Motivation]

Fried, Jason [Entrepreneur; Internet; Columnist; Writer; Book Author; Business Strategy; Software Development; Social Media; Teams]

Galloway, Graham [Business Executive; Human Resources; Recruiting and Staffing; Healthcare; Pharmaceuticals; Life Sciences; Biotechnology; Medical Technology; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Succession Planning; Mangagement Consulting; Business Strategy; Management]

Gayle, Helene D. [Social Development; Management Consulting; Nonprofit Organizations; Youth Development; Employment; Humanitarian Aid; Global Health; Thought Leader]

Geczy, Christopher (Chris) [Academic; Researcher; Finance; Investment Management; Hedge Funds; Executive Education; Risk Management; Alternative Investments; Impact Investing; Multifactor Models; Wealth Management; Asset Allocation; Equity Lending; Short Selling]

Gee, Eric [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Executive; Education and Learning; Business Operations; Business Strategy; Product Management; Project Management; Organizational Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Charity; Senior Citizens; Technology; Healthcare; Information Technology; Leadership and Teams; Marketing; Communications; Mentoring; Public Speaking]

Goldsmith, Marshall [Leadership Coach; Management Thinker; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Executive Education; Leadership Development; Coaching and Training; Executive Development; Business Strategy]

Goleman, Daniel [Psychologist; Science Journalist; Writer; Book Author; Emotional Intelligence; Science; Education; Ecological Crisis; Leadership; Human Resources; Skills; Meditation; Mindfulness; Social Intelligence]

Grant, Adam [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Thought Leader; Management; Workplace Issues; Human Resources; Psychology; Motivation; Professional Success; Job Design; Workforce Performance; Leadership; Charity; Nonprofit Organizations; Consulting; Public Speaking]

Gregersen, Hal [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Leadership; Organizational Behavior; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Social Entrepreneurship; Management Consulting; University/Academic Administration; Coaching and Mentoring; Public Speaking; Management Education; Executive Education]

Grossman, Irv [Business Executive; Supply Chain and Logistics; Consulting; Analytics; Strategy Development; Supply Chain Transformation; Leadership and Teams; Supply Chain Technology; Operations Management; Process Improvement; Procurement]

Groysberg, Boris [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Human Resources; Organizational Behavior; Talent Management; Leadership; Managing Human Capital; Business Strategy; Employee Engagement]

Gygi, Richard W. (Dick) [Entrepreneur; Social Enterprise; Charity; Nonprofit Organizations; Gifts and Greetings; Management Consulting; Executive Coaching; Leadership Development; Community Outreach; Public Speaking; Startups]

Haidt, Jonathan [Academic; Researcher; Social Psychologist; Ethical Leadership; Psychology of Morality; Morality of Emotions; Positive Psychology; Cultural Psychology; Book Author; Psychological Foundations of Ideology; The Social Intuitionist Model; Moral Disgust; Moral Elevation; Moral Foundations Theory; Business and Society; Business Ethics; Interdisciplinary Research; Moral Foundations of Politics; Ethical Systems Design]

Halverson, Richard R. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Education and Learning; Education and Learning Technologies; Game-based Learning; Education Policy; Educational Leadership and Governance; Learning Sciences; Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Psychology; Data and Analytics; Teaching]

Hamill, Jim [Academic; Researcher; Management Consultant; Entrepreneur; Digital Economy; Digital Leadership; Executive Development; International Management; Online Marketing; Social Media Strategy; Management Development Programs; Management Education; Online Advertising; E-Commerce; Web Analytics; Digital Media; Social Networking; Business Development; Entrepreneurship; Customer Insight; Business Intelligence; Digital Transformation]

Handfield-Jones, Helen [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Management Consulting; Human Resources; Executive Development;Leadership Development; Executive Talent Management; Succession Planning; Training and Coaching; Teaching; Business Strategy; Organizational Design; Public Speaking]

Hassell, David [Entrepreneur; Computer Software; Writer; Saas; Internet Marketing; Entreprneurship; Coaching and Mentoring; Teams; Human Resources Technology; Business Strategy; Startups; New Business Development; Business Planning; Leadership Development]

Hawley, Pamela [Social Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Executive; Writer; Actor; Charity; Nonprofits; Philanthropy; Community Service; Volunteering; Microfinance; Sustainable Farming; Leadership; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Social Enterprise; Public Speaking]

Hedges, Nick [Business Executive; Business Leadership; Writer; Inside Sales; Sales Acceleration Technology; Marketing and Sales; Sales Transformation; Business Strategy; Business Development; Entrepreneurship; Intrapreneurship; Software as a Service (SaaS); General Management; Customer Relationship Management; Internet; Technology]

Homkes, Rebecca [Academic; Research; Teaching; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Impact of Management and Leadership on Firm Productivity; Productivity; Management and Competitiveness Policies of Companies]

Hoskins, Diane J. [Business Executive; Architect; Architecture and Planning; Architectural Research; Real Estate Development; Sustainable Design; LEED; Engineering and Design; Thought Leadership; Corporate Strategy; Talent Development; Strategic Planning; Community Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Industry and Professional Organizations; Public Speaking]

Howells, Richard [Business Executive; Marketing; Information Technology; Enterprise Sofware; Supply Chain Solutions; Manufacturing Solutions; Market Direction and Positioning; Digital Transformation; Internet of Things; Leadership and Teams; Product Design; Social Media; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Imber, Amantha [Innovation Psychologist; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Management Consulting; Ideas; Creative Problem Solving; Strategic Thinking; Innovation Development; Coaching and Training; Marketing Research; Digital Strategy; Thought Leadership; Executive Development; Innovation Management; Organizational Culture Change; Writing; Public Speaking]

Iredale, Brian [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Executive; Healthcare; Public Health; Paediatric Nursing; Strategic Planning; International Development; Community Outreach; Education; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Enterprise; Volunteering; Leadership and Teams; Child Welfare; Gender Equality]

Isenberg, Daniel [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Investor; Book Author; Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship Ecosystem; Venture Capital; Social Psychology; Organizational Behavior; Entrepreneurial Management; Human Interaction in Small Groups; Managerial Cognition; Startups]

Jenkins, Garry W. [Academic; Researcher; Business Law; Corporate Governance; Law and Leadership; Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Law and Philanthropy; Civil Rights in Education; Higher Education]

Johnson, Cynthia [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Business Advisor; Columnist; Speaker; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Marketing; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Digital Advertising; Startups; Entertainment; Social Media Marketing; E-Commerce; Branding; Reputation Management; Organizational Leadership; Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Blogging; Public Speaking]

Jonas, Jeffrey (Jeff) [Business Executive; Healthcare; Biotechnology; Pharmaceuticals; Life Sciences; Drug Discovery; Drug Development; Research and Development; Biopharmaceuticals; Clinical Research; Clinical Trials; Infectious Diseases; Oncology; Neurosciences; Immunology; Pharmacology; Molecular Biology; Regenerative Medicines; Biomarkers; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Leadership and Teams; Mergers and Acquisitions; Technology Transfer]

Käll, Rob [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Sales; Marketing; Artificial Intelligence; Data Analytics; Salesforce Productivity; Saas; Mobile Applications; Computer Software; Machine Learning; Consumer Behavior; Customer Relationship Management; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Leadership and Teams; Recruitment; Internet; Public Speaking]

Kang, Sonia [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Behavior; Human Resources Management; Diversity at Workplace; Prejudice and Discrimination in Society; Social Psychology; Social Groups; Aging and Stereotype Threat]

Keijzer, Paul [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Human Resources; Leadership; Teams; Talent Management; Management Consulting; Mergers and Acquisitions; Relationship Building; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Orgizational Development; Employee Engagement; Performance Management; Training and Coaching; HR Transformation; Change Management; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Kelly, Sabrina (McGrail) [Business Executive; Internet; Information Technology; People Operations; Human Resources Management; Talent Acquisition; Recruiting; Organizational Culture; Teams and Leadership; Online Recruiting; Sourcing; Staffing Service; Onboarding; College Recruiting; Executive Search; Resumes and Screening; Employee Engagement; Employee Benefits; Business Development]

Klehr-Avia, Robin [Business Executive; Interior Designer; Architecture and Design; Interior Architecture; Sustainability; Business Strategy; Strategic Planning; Executive Development; Community Service; Industry and Professional Organizations]

Klein, Andy [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Organizational Behavior; Organizational Culture; Business Strategy; Human Resource Management; Leadership]

Kotler, Philip [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Consulting; International Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Economic Science; Thought Leadership; Organizational Theory; Psychology of Behavior and Choice; Analytics; Digital Marketing]

Kross, Katie [Nonprofit Executive; Academic/University Administration; Higher Education; Corporate Social Responsibility; Energy and Environment; Human Resources; Career Coaching and Training; Executive and Leadership Development; Corporate Sustainability; Social Entrepreneurship; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Outreach; Renewable Energy; Economic Development; Public Policy; Public Speaking]

Kundu, Arun [Business Executive; Strategy; Product and Business Operations; Information Technology and Services; Enterprise Solutions; Management Consulting; Client Portfolio Management; Executive Leadership; Corporate Strategy; Innovation; Change Management; Business Transformation]

LaBlanc, Gregory [Academic; Researcher; Economic Analysis and Policy; Finance and Strategy; Executive Education; Competitive Strategy; Financial Institutions and Markets; Behavioral Finance; Corporate Financial Management; Evolutionary Decision Theory; Behavioral Law and Economics; Complex Adaptive Systems; Information in Organizations; Digital Transformation; Digital Economy; Business Analytics; Game Theory; Corporate Governance; Data Science; Management Consulting]

Lafley, Alan G. [Business Executive; Book Author; Consulting; Consumer Goods; Retail; Branding; Consumer Relationships; Businessand Innovation Strategy; Executive and Leadership Development; Coaching and Mentoring; Business Leadership; Thought Leadership]

Larsen, Anne Katrine Heje [Entrepreneur; Social Sector; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Development; Startup Incubators; Entrepreneurship Ecosystem; Fashion; Art and Culture; Diversity and Inclusion; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Communications; Social Media; International Relations; Leadership and Teams; Strategy; Management; Green Environment]

Lee, Joshua B. [Entrepreneur; Online Education; Marketing and Advertising; Coaching and Mentoring; Executive Development; Leadership Development; Entrepreneurship; Training]

Levenson, Alec R. [Academic; Researcher; Economics of Human Resources; Organization Design; HR and Human Capital Metrics, Analytics and Return on Investment; Global and Emerging Market Talent Strategies; Talent Management; Employee Engagement; Measuring and Maximizing the Economic Value of Leadership and Executive Development; Team Effectiveness; Optimizing Human Capital - Attraction, Retention, Development, and Job Performance]

Levin, Jeremy [Business Executive; Research Scientist; Medicine; Biopharmaceuticals; Healthcare; Medical Innovations; Drug Discovery; Drug Development; Neurological Disorders; Immunooncology; Global Strategy; Business Development; Mergers and Acquisitions; Leadership and Teams; Digital Health; Public Speaking]

Lie, Finn Birger [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Innovation; Design; Big Data; Analytics; Technology; Entrepreneurship; Business Model Creation; Entrepreneurial Leadership; Smart Decision Making; Design Research; Business Strategy; Management Consulting; Lecturing; Consumer Goods; Renewable Energy; Clean Technology; Solar Energy]

Lincoln, John E. [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Writer; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Marketing; Online Media; Branding; Online Communication; Business Journalism; Coaching and Mentoring; Executive Development; Startups; Analytics; Public Relations; Social Media; Social Networking; Website Development; Digital Strategy; Blogging]

Loconzolo, William (Bill) [Business Executive; Data Engineering; Computer Software; Mobile; SaaS; Enterprise Software Development; Startups; Entrepreneurship; New Product Development; Distributed Teams; Virtual Teams; Enterprise Integration; Disaster Recovery; Business Development; Global Research and Development]

Lomax, Michael Lucius [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Academic/University Administration; Higher Education; Education Financing; Education Scholarships; Educational Partnerships; Educator; Diversity; Inclusion; Leaderships; Nonprofit Organizations]

Löwendahl, Jan-Martin [Business Analyst; Business Research; Higher Education; Higher Education Governance, Strategy and Emerging Trends; Learning Technologies; IT Strategy; IT Management; Teams; Business Strategy; Management Consulting; Digital Education Management; Administrative and Academic Systems in Higher Education]

Maiers, Angela [Entrepreneur; Author; Educator; Professional Trainer; Consultant; Education Management; Education Technology; Literacy; Leadership and Global Communications; Social Media; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Martinez, Ben [Business Executive; Information Technology; Computer Software; Human Resources Management; Talent Acquisition; Organizational Development; Employee Engagement; Labor Relations; Recruiting; Marketing; HR Administrative Systems; Social Media; Social Recruiting; Social Selling; Talent Management; Coaching and Training; Employer Branding; Social Consulting; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Blogging]

Martinez Jr., Mario M. [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Consultant; Sales Expert; Marketing; Social Selling; Digital Marketing; Social Media; Sales Process Optimization; Product/Solution Development; Enterprise Software/Hardware Sales; Turnarounds and Joint Ventures; Recruiting; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Strategic Business Planning; Negotiations; Leadership and Teams; Public Speaking]

Matute, Maria Rita O. (Rhea) [Nonprofit Executive; Industrial Designer; Educator; Design Education and Training; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Creative Economy; Design Policy; Branding; Design Management; Trade and Industry Development; Industry Associations; Product Development and Management; Leadership and Teams; Industrial Design]

Mayberry, Matthew (Matt) [Entrepreneur; Performance Expert; Columnist; Writer; Book Author; Professional Training and Coaching; Sports; American Football; Management Consulting; Public Speaking; Peak Performance; Motivation; Teamwork; Social Media; Health and Fitness; Personal Training; Executive Development; Leadership Development; Motivational Speaker]

McGrath, Rita Gunther [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Theorist; Strategy; Innovation; Entrepreneurship]

McLaughlin, Kathleen [Nonprofit Executive; Sustainability; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Community Development; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Economic Development; Business Strategy; Organizational Design; Business Transformation; Mergers and Acquisitions; Competitive Analysis; Business Process Improvement; Entrepreneurship; Management Consulting]

McNulty, Eric J. [Business Executive; Writer; Consultant; Book Author; Public Speaking; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Environment; Climate Change; Research; Executive Development; Editing; Social Innovation; Publishing; Systems Thinking; Urbanizations; Sustainability; Social Enterprise; Entrepreneurship]

Mercado, Paolo [Business Executive; Marketing; Communication and Content; Innovation; Advertising; Digital Marketing; Innovation Strategy; Strategic Planning; Consumer Analytics and Insights; Integrated Marketing Communication; Food and Beverage; Product Management; Creative Leadership; Economic Empowerment; Creative Economy; Volunteering; Performing Arts and Theater]

Merle, Beth Smiley [Business Executive; Marketing and Advertising; Enterprise Sales; Banking and Financial Services; Business Development; Client Relationship Development; Business Strategy; Customer Service; Teams; Leadership; Data and Analytics; E-Commerce; Digital Strategy]

Michaels, Edward G. (Ed) [Business Executive; Management Consulting; Human Resource Management; Talent Management; Corporate Strategy; Business Diversification; Organization Performance; Teams; Leadership]

Miller, Chris [Executive Development; Biotechnology; Talent Management; Leadership Development; Organizational Development; Executive Coaching; Performance Management; Human Resources; Process Improvement; Training; Employee Engagement; Organizational Change]

Miller, Josh [Business Executive; Business Development; Supply Chain Management; Logistics; Sales; Marketing; Leadership and Teams; Business Strategy; Transportation; E-Commerce; Branding; Strategic Alliances; Vendor Relations; Industry Organizations]

Miller, Richard P. [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Nonprofit Organizations; Healthcare Systems; Healthcare Technologies; Innovation; Industry Associations; Healthcare Leadership]

Morieux, Yves [Business Executive; Book Author; Research; Management Consulting; Smart Simplicity; Corporate Strategy; Integrated Talent Systems; Human Resources; Organizational Development; Mobilization and Motivation throughout Large-scale Change Programs; Postmerger Integration and Organization Design; Management of Human Capital and Enhancing Organizational Capabilities; Information Technology; Organizational Culture; Public Policy]

Mroz, Don [Academic; Management Consulting; Higher Education; Organizational Development; Change Management and Innovation; Team Development; Strategy Development; Business Planning]

Myatt, Mike [Leadership Advisor; Columnist; Book Author; Management Consulting; Executive Search; Leadership Development; Cultural Transformation; Organizational Design; Strategy; Executive Coaching; Leadership Coaching; Succession Planning; Public Speaking]

Nelson, Tyler B. [Nonprofit Executive; Healthcare; Social Enterprise; Public Health; Health Education; Program Management; Program Evaluation; Community Outreach; Nonprofit Organizations]

Nelson-Rowe, Laurel [Business Executive; Brand and Corporate Communications Leadership; Association Management; Business Development; Nonprofit Organization Management; Marketing and Public Relations; Strategic Research, Internet Ventures; Publishing; Events; Membership and Professional Association Management; Thought Leadership and Content Development; Social Networking; Startups; Conference Development]

Nguyen, Angela [Business Executive; Marketing and Advertising; Human Capital Management; Human Resources; Employee Engagement; Employee Relations; Training; Organizational Development; Teams and Leadership; Program Management; Performance Management; Business Development; Event Planning; Entrepreneurship; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Nicholson, Donald (Don) [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Scientist; Healthcare; Pharmaceuticals; Biotechnology; Research; Drug Discovery; Drug Development; Strategy and Operations; Therapeutics; Life Sciences; Inflammation and Immunology; Musculoskeletal Disorders; Neurodegeneration; Infectious Diseases; Anemia; Urology; Mentoring; Leadership]

Noguera, Natalia Oberti [Entrepreneur; Venture Capital; Angel Investing; Private Equity; Women Entrepreneurship; Women Issues; Social Enterprises; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Development; Startups; Social Innovation; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Diversity and Inclusion; Strategy; Management; Leadership and Teams; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Oldenboom, Erna [Business Executive; Health, Wellness and Fitness; Ayurveda; Human Resources Management; Organizational and Personal Development; Training and Coaching; Healthy Organizations; Health Leadership; Sustainable Performance; Organizational Dynamics; Teaching; Workshops; Holistic Health]

O'Neill, Jim [Economist; Academic; Researcher; Asset Management; Global Economy; Economic Research; Currency Markets; Foreign Exchange Markets; Economic Groups (BRIC, MIKT, MINT)]

Ormiston, Margaret [Academic; Researcher; Organizational Behavior; Leadership; Teams; Psychology; Executive Development; Executive Education]

Osteryoung, Jerome (Jerry) S. [Academic; Consultant; Book Author; Management Consulting; Mentoring and Coaching; Executive Management; Teams; Finance; Entrepreneurship]

Papay, Michael [Entrepreneur; Writer; Information Technology; Human Resources; Software as a Service (SaaS); Human Capital Management; Human Resources Technology; Employee Engagement; Employee Feedback and Surveys; Teams and Leadership; Performance Management; Organizational Development; Organizational Learning]

Paul, Rohit Ryan [Nonprofit Executive; Human Resources Management; Education Management; Talent Acquisition; Public Policy; Law and Governance; Nonprofit Organizations; Recruiting; Employment Law; Immigration Law; Staff Development; Teams and Leadership; Program Management; Labor Relations; Community Outreach; Research; Event Planning; Public Speaking]

Pearl, Robert [Healthcare Executive; Academic; Practicing Physician; Contributing Writer; Teaching; Strategy; Leadership; Healthcare Technology]

Perkins, Nicholas [Entrepreneur; Food Services Management; Marketing; Operations; Government Relations; Leadership and Teams; Strategic Planning; Market Research; Customer Service; Charity and Philanthropy; Public Speaking]

Petrides, Konstantin Vasily (K. V.) [Academic; Researcher; Psychology; Psychometrics; Assessment and Measurement; Traits; Social Intelligence; Emotional Intelligence; Human Resources; Personal Development; Quantitative Research]

Pfeffer, Jeffrey [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Business Theorist; Management Thinker; Organizational Behavior; Evidence-based Management; Relationship between Time and Money, Power and Leadership in Organizations; Economics Language and Assumptions and their Effects on Management Practice; Social Science Theories; Barriers to Turning Knowledge into Action; High Performance Culture]

Pich, Michael [Academic; Researcher; Executive Education; Management Education; University/Academic Administration; Operations Management; Entrepreneurship; Family Enterprise; Executive Development and Leadership; International Business; Management of Innovation; Learning in Organizations; Project and Process Management; Entrepreneurship; Strategic R&D Management; Use of Business Simulations in Corporate Education]

Pritchard, Marc S. [Business Executive; Branding; Consumer Products; Brand Management; Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Advertising; Business Ethics; Analytics; Leadership and Teams; Environmental Sustainability; Diversity and Inclusion; Gender Equality; Social Responsibility]

Rakovitsky, Dmitry (Dima) [Entrepreneur; Mobile Technology; Mobile Applications; Financial Services; Business Strategy; Product Development; Product Management; Leadership and Teams; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Software Development; IT Strategy; Agile Methodologies; Cloud Computing]

Richard, Maeve L. J. [Academic/University Administration; Higher Education; Career Development and Management; Leadership and Teams; Executive Development; Coaching and Training; Human Resources; Project Management; Strategic Planning; Risk Management; Capital Markets; Competitive Analysis; Business Analytics; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Management Consulting; Nonprofit Organizations]

Robertson, Brian [Entrepreneur; Software Development; Software Services; Management Consulting; Agile Methodologies; Governance; Innovation; Organizations; Corporate Culture; Outsourcing; Computer Programming]

Rodriguez, Carlos Mario [Business Executive; Researcher; Agronomy; Molecular Biology; Soil Science; Biodiversity; Research and Development; Agriculture and Rural Development; Food and Restaurant; Coffee Cultivation]

Ruben, William (Will) [Business Executive; Internet; Social Media; Product Management; Mobile Applications; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; User Experience; Product Marketing; Web Analytics; Startups; Business Strategy; Teams; Management Consulting]

Sanchez-Burks, Jeffrey [Academic; Researcher; Speaker; Writer; Executive Education; Innovation; Professional Training and Coaching; Leadership Development; Diversity and Cultural Awareness; Organizational Development; Social Psychology]

Santos, Ricardo Vice [Entrepreneur; Computer Science and Engineering; Internet; Media; Music; Entertainment; Software Development; Agile Methodologies; Mobile Technology; Teams; Public Speaking]

Schein, Edgar H. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Development; Organizational Culture; Corporate Culture; Group Process Consultation; Coercive Persuasion; Career Development; Executive Development; Social Psychology; Change Management; Consulting; Corporate Governance; Health Management; Healthcare; Cross-cultural Awareness]

Schukman, Joshua (Josh) [Entrepreneur; Writer; Social Entrepreneurship; Civic and Social Organizations; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Change; Podcasting; Online Journalism; Social Enterprises; Teaching; Coaching and Mentoring; Public Speaking; Small Business; Financial Education; Retirement Planning; Leadership Development; Strategic Planning; Political Science; Economic Empowerment; Volunteering]

Schusterman, Lynn [Philanthropist; Social Entrepreneur; Charity; Grantmaking and Donations; Nonprofit Organizations; Education; Child Advocacy; Youth Leadership; Community Development]

Scott, Paul [Business Executive; Sustainability Design and Innovation; Green Chemistry; Strategy; Policy and Governance; Product Development; Public-Private Partnerships (PPP); Social Impact; Social Ventures; Impact Investing; CleanTech; Program and Project Management; Charity and Philanthropy; Industry and Professional Organizations; Teams; Coaching and Mentoring]

Shaw, Michael [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Telecommunications; Infrastructure; Energy; Efficiency; Construction; General Management; Commercial and Financial Management; Business Strategy; Business Development; Leadership and Teams; International Business; Mangement Consulting]

Sheninger, Eric [Educator; School Principal; Book Author; Google Certified Teacher; Education Technology; Education Management; Digital Leadership; Technology and Innovation in Education; Public Speaking; Instructional Leadership; Facilities Management; Web2.0; Public Relations]

Shortell, Stephen M. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Healthcare and Hospitals; Healthcare Systems; Public Health; Health Services and Policy Analysis; Healthcare Systems Evolution; Patient Activation and Engagement; Strategic Alliances in Healthcare; Strategic Management in Healthcare; Community-Based Healthcare Improvements; Total Quality Management in Healthcare; Patient-Centered Care; Organizational Behavior; Academic/University Administration; Public Speaking]

Sinek, Simon [Book Author; Writer; Public Speaking; Leadership; Military Innovation and Planning; Research; Biology of Human Decision Making; Motivational Speaking; Advertising; Nonprofit Organizations; Teaching; Strategic Communication; Social Entrepreneurship; Social Enterprise]

Sinha, Janmejaya [Business Executive; Researcher; Book Author; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Mergers and Acquisitons; Divestitures; Postmerger Integration in Financial Institutions; Large-scale Organizational Transformation; Family Business Strategy]

Smart, Geoff [Entrepreneur; Leadership Consultant; Writer; Book Author; Social Entrepreneurship; Management Consulting; Human Resources; Hiring Practices; Leadership Development; Education; Branding and Identity; Public Speaking]

Smith, Christopher [Business Executive; Writer; Change Management; Internet; Blogging; Online Guidance and Engagement Platform; Human Resources; Software Platforms; Performance Management; Organizational Transition; Leadership]

Smith, Kimberly A. [Business Executive; Human Resources; Healthcare and Hospitals; Recruitment; Leadership Development; Operations Management; Physician Relations; Executive Leadership; Academic Health Science Centers; Medical Schools; Teaching Hospitals; Medical Centers; Community and Cultural Organizations; Integrated Health Delivery Systems; Thought Leadership]

Srivastava, Kakul [Business Executive; Internet; Technology; Mobile Technologies; Applications Development; Programming and Software; Product Management; Product Development; Social Software; Startups; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Scalability; Marketing; Leadership and Teams; Customer Management; Online Communities]

Stairs, Andrea [Business Executive; E-Commerce; Internet; Online Shopping; Retail; Fashion; Business Strategy; Strategic Partnerships; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Strategy; Public Relations; Business Development; Teams and Leadership]

Stewart, Helen [Business Executive; Management Consulting; Healthcare and Hospitals; Healthcare Information Technology; Marketing and Sales; Medical Imaging; Physician Relations; Medical Devices; Delivery Systems; Operations Management; Teams and Leadership; Business Strategy; Product Management; Executive Development]

Sullivan, Kerry [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Fundraising; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Development; Workforce Development; K-12 Education; Housing; Poverty and Hunger; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Arts; Environment; Community Leadership; Volunteering]

Sullivan, Michele [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Marketing; New Product Development; Social Innovation; Strategy; Girls and Women Issues; Women Empowerment; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Social Impact Investing; Collaboration and Teams; Manufacturing; Engineering; Process Improvement; Social Media]

Sundvor, Scott [Entrepreneur; Researcher; Writer; Product Design and Development; Operations and Management; Prototyping; Manufacturing; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Technology; Process Improvement; Executive Development; Coaching, Training and Mentoring; Management Consulting]

Symonds, Scott [Business Executive; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Marketing; Data Science; Data Analytics; Leadership and Teams; Career Development; New Business Development; Client Management; Integrated Marketing; Digital Media; Social Media]

Szuchmacher, Jill [Business Executive; Internet; Media and Technology; Computer Software; Broadband Services; Business Development; Product Management; E-Commerce; Digital Strategy; Operations Management; Strategic Partnerships; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Leadership]

Tapscott, Don [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Management Thinker; Thought Leader; Management Consultant; Business Expert; Book Author; Business Strategy; Innovation; Media; Economic and Social Impacts of Technology]

Terrado, Nora K. [Business Executive; Information Technology; Strategy; Program Management; Software Project Management; Healthcare; Health-Tech; Government Administration; Civil Service; Trade Promotion; Finance and Investments; Leadership and Teams; Capital Markets; Women Economic Empowerment; Design Thinking; Social Innovations; Creative Economy]

Thomison, Tom [Entrepreneurship; Startups; Management Consulting; Organizational Development; Governance; Outsourcing; Change Management]

Thornton, Linda Fisher [Academic; Researcher; Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Management Consulting; Executive Development; Leadership Development; Business Ethics; Public Speaking; Ethical Leadership Development; Performance Improvement; Business Research; Strategic Thinking; Conflict and Group Dynamics]

Tulgan, Bruce L. [Management Consultant; Writer; Book Author; Lawyer; Human Resources; Leadership and Management; Training and Coaching; Worplace Research; Performance Management; Career Development; Entrepreneurship; Organizational Development; Organizational Culture; Change Management; Teams; Emotional Intelligence; Public Speaking]

Turnas, Jeff [Business Executive; Retail; Food and Grocery; Inventory Management; Store Management; Sales; Marketing; Purchasing; Private Label; Team Building; Strategic Planning]

Vig, Manoj [Business Executive; Enterprise Software Architecture; Big Data and Analytics; Distributed Computing; Product Design; System Architecture; Business Intelligence; Data Integration; Software Engineering; Information Technology; Cloud Computing; Innovation; Organizational Culture; Business and Technology Strategy; Leadership and Teams; Pharmaceutical Industry]

Wadors, Pat [Business Executive; Human Resources; Talent Management; Recruiting; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Succession Planning; Coaching and Training; Employee Relations; Employee Engagement; Compensation; Teams; Workforce Planning; Public Speaking]

Webb, Janet [Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Management Consulting; Human Resources; Executive Search; Career Coaching and Training; Career Development; Outplacement; Business Coaching; Organizational Design; Talent Management; Leadership Development; Career Transitions; Public Speaking]

Wilde, Kevin D. [Writer; Columnist; Executive Leadership Development; Talent Management; Talent Development; People and Organizational Growth; Executive Education; Human Resources]

Wong, Elaine [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Statistics; Data Analysis; Public Speaking; Organizational Behavior; Teams and Groups; Leadership; Executive Development; Performance Management; Leadership Traits; Leadership Decision Making; Motivational Leadership; Qualitative Research; Quantitative Analytics]

Yli-Karhu, Tiina [Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Information Technology; Project Management; Contract Management; Project Planning; Strategic Planning; Healthcare Management; Leadership and Teams; Virtual Environments; Usability]

Younger, Teresa C. [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Fundraising; Feminist Leadership; Women Issues; Women's Health, Safety and Security; Women Empowerment; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Management; Nonprofit Boards and Governance; Economic Development; Community Outreach; Organizational Development; Teams; Entrepreneurship; Public Policy; Volunteer Management; Public Speaking]

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