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glomc00 - The Global Millennium Class
Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | publishing | reviews | science & technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24

KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

Academic, Researcher | Activist | Actor, Singer, Musician | Analyst, Commentator | Anchor, Host, Presenter | Anthropologist | Architect, Artist, Designer | Banker | Biologist | Book Author | Business Executive | Coach, Mentor, Trainer | Columnist, Correspondent | Communications and Content Specialist | Computer Programmer, Developer | Consultant, Advisor | Creative Director | Doctor, Physician, Health Expert | Economist | Educator | Engineer | Entrepreneur | Film Director, Filmmaker, Film Producer | Futurist | Historian | Inventor | Journalist, Reporter | Lawyer, Legal Expert | Neuroscientist | Nonprofit Executive | Philanthropist | Philosopher | Physicist | Politician, Diplomat, Statesman | Psychologist | Public Speaker | Scientist | Sociologist | Thought Leader | Venture Capitalist | Writer, Editor

Academic, Researcher

Abbasi, Pedram [Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Renewables and Environment; Chemical Engineering; Energy Conversion Systems; Solar Energy; Heat Transfer]

Abhari, Kaveh [Academic; Researcher; Human Resources; Social Learning and Innovation; Collaborative Learning Systems; Program Evaluation; Business Intelligence and Analytics; Enterprise Systems and Business Applications; Information Technology Management; Consulting; Qualitative Research; Quantitative Research; Data Analysis]

Abiade, Jeremiah [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology; Oxide Research; Renewables and Environment; Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) Growth of Oxide Thin Films; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Thermoelectric Devices; Spectroscopy; Solar Energy]

Abrahamse, Tanya [Academic; Researcher; Natural Scientist; Environmental and Developmental Policies and Processes; Environment and Tourism; Biodiversity Research; Government Administration]

Ackermann, Edith K. (b.1946 - d.24 dec 2016) [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Educator; Education and Learning; Developmental Psychology; Play, Learning and Design; Education and Learning Technology; Childhood Learning; Interactive Learning Environment; Situated Learning; Teaching]

Addepalli, Aditya Venkata [Engineer; Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Process Improvements; Thermodynamics; Solar Energy; Electromechanical Reduction of CO2; Emerging Technologies; Product Development and Life Cycle Assessment; Performance Evaluation for individual Fuel Cell and Fuel Cell Stack; Process Engineering and Optimization of Process Parameters; Electrochemistry; Power Plants; Manufacturing]

Agarwal, Anant [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Education Technology; Online Learning; E-Learning; Electrical Engineering; Computer Science]

Aiden, Erez Lieberman [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Applied Mathematics; Biophysics; Computer Science; Molecular Biology; Evolutionary Graph Theory; 3-Dimensional Human Genome Structure; Culturomics; Nonprofit Organizations]

Akkus, Ozan [Academic; Researcher; Biomedical Engineering; Tissue Engineering; Musculoskeletal Biomaterials; Molecular Biology; Biomechanics; Mathematical Modeling; Simulations; Nanotechnology]

Aksoy, Lerzan [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Education Management; University/Academic Administration; Marketing and Advertising; Consumer Satisfaction; Customer Loyalty; Firm Performance; Employee Satisfaction; Services Marketing; Branding; Customer Relationship Management; Consumer Behavior; Marketing Strategy; Market Research; Volunteering; Poverty Alleviation; Economic Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Public Speaking]

Ales, Laurence [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Macroeconomics; Optimal Taxation; Contract Theory; Global Economics; Emerging Markets; Teaching]

Alexander, Bryan [Researcher; Futurist; Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Education Technology; E-Learning; Online Education; Information Technology; Emerging Technologies; Learning Process in Immersive Environments; Mobile Technologies Enabled Leraning Pedagogical Forms; Digital Humanities; Transformation of Scholarly Communication; Digital Storytelling; Futurist Methodologies; Consulting and Teaching; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Altbach, Philip G. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; International Higher Education; Eductional Policy; Educational Research]

Altieri, Miguel [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Book Author; Agronomy; Entomology; Biological Control Agro-Ecology; Agroecosystems; Environmental Science; Sustainability; Biodiversity; Landscape Ecology; Agriculture and Farming; Food Production]

Amarasinghe, Kasun [Researcher; Machine Learning (ML); Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI); Public Policy; Neural Network Models; Transparency and Fairness of ML/AI; Data Science; Cyber Security; Energy Systems; Process Optimization; Healthcare]

Anandalingam, G. (Anand) [Academic; Researcher; Academic/University Administration; Management Education; Technology Management; Systems Engineering; Optimization Techniques; Supply Change Management; Logistics; Infrastructure Industry; Engergy Systems Analysis; Information and Telecommunications Industry; Network Design; Pricing Strategies for Information Goods; E-Commerce; Business Analytics; Electronic Market Design]

Anderson, Eugene W. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Business Performance; Customer Service; Customer Satisfaction]

Anderson, Herbert L. (b.24 may 1914 - d.16 jul 1988) [Nuclear Physicist; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Nuclear Fission; Atomic Bomb]

Andes, Scott M. [Policy Analyst; Researcher; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Public Policy and Governance; Economic Development; Science and Technology; Information Technology; Internet; Economic Policy; Government; Technology and Society; Advanced Manufacturing]

Andrade, Juan [Academic; Researcher; Nutrition; Agricultural Sciences; Sustainable Nutrition Strategies; Micronutrients; Human Health and Economic Development; Food Fortification; Quality of Food Aid Products; Point-of-care Technologies for Assessment of Micronutrient Deficiencies; Micronutrient Malnutrition; Health in Rural Areas; Assessment of Prevalent Deficiencies and Delivery of Fortified Foods; Stealth Nutrition; Food Science and Human Nutrition]

Andraos, Amale [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Entrepreneur; Book Author; University/Education Administration; Architecture and Planning; Urban Design; Curriculum Development; Architecture and Design Education]

Ansari, Asim M. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Communications; Media; E-Commerce; Market Research; Machine Learning; Big Data; Analytics; Digital Marketing; Bayesian Modeling; Personalization and Customization; Customer Relationship Management (CRM)]

Arbib, Michael A. [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Writer; Book Author; Computer Science; Biomedical Engineering; Biological Sciences; Electrical Engineering; Neuroscience; Psychology; Computational Neuroscience]

Arenas, Álvaro [Academic; Researcher; Information Systems and Technologies; Trust and Security in Distributed Systems; Information Security; Risk Management; Contract Management]

Ariely, Dan [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Psychology; Behavioral Economics; Decision Making; Cognitive Psychology; Marketing]

Arnold, Denis [Academic; Researcher; Business Ethics; Sustainability; Public Policy; Management Education; International Business; Pharmaceutical Industry; Human Resources; Consulting; Coaching and Training]

Arnold, Laura [Lawyer; Businesswoman; Academic; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Boards; Energy; Mergers and Acquisitions]

Arrillaga-Andreessen, Laura [Academic; Researcher; Philanthropist; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Education; Technology Innovations; Open Source Education; MOOCs; Philanthropy Education; Healthcare; Social Service; Volunteering]

Asadi, Mohammad [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Energy Storage Systems; Envergy Conversion Systems; Renewables and Environment; Engineering Design; Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics; Process Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Solar Energy; Nanotechnology; Energy Conservation; Materials Science; Novel Energy Generation]

Avery, Susan K. [Academic; Researcher; University/Higher Education Administration; Oceanography; Environment; Climate Change; Middle Atmosphere Dynamics; Ground-based Remote Sensing; Mesospheric Studies; Non-migrating Tides; Coupling in the Atmosphere Through Gravity Waves; Precipitation Strucuture Using Wind Profilers; Hardware and Software Development for Meteor Radar Systems; Electrical and Computer Engineering]

Avvisati, Francesco [Research Analyst; Education and Skills; Innovation; Technology; Economics; International Affairs; Public Policy; Policy Analysis]

Bailey, James R. [Academic; Research; Book Author; Higher Education; Leadership Development; Effective Leadership; Organizational and Individual Change; Strategy Formulation and Execution; Employee Motivation; Competence; Satisfaction and Performance; Managerial Decision Making; Business Ethics; Teams]

Ballweg, Ruth [Academic; Researcher; Health Policy and Global Development; Public Health; Clinician; Healthcare Access; Women's Healthcare Concerns; Oral Health; Rural Health; Public Speaking]

Baltimore, David [Academic; Researcher; Biology; Biochemistry; Structural and Molecular Cell Biology; Biological Engineering; Microbiology and Immunology]

Banerjee, Abhijeet [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Development Economics; Innovations for Poverty; Economic Policy Research; Financial Systems and Poverty]

Barraket, Jo [Academic; Researcher; Social Enterprise; Social Innovation; Social Research; Adult Education; Policy Analysis; Social Business Development]

Bass, Rachel [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Impact Investing; Project Design; Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis; Writing Projects; Financial Performance; Impact Measurement; International Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Enterprises; Microfinance]

Baxendale, Shane [Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Consumer Behavior; Customer Insight; Consumer Analytics; Quantitative Research; Statistics; Marketing Strategy]

Beckjord, Ellen Burke [Health Psychologist; Epidemiologist; Academic; Researcher; Population Health; Cancer Prevention and Control; Consumer Health Informatics; Healthcare Information Technology; Health Communication; Health-Centered Design; Health Behavior Change; Psycho-Oncology; Clinical Psychology; Social Media]

Beckles, Sir Hilary McDonald [Academic; Researcher; Historian; Book Author; University/Higher Education Administration; Public Speaking; Challenges facing Higher Education Thinking and Planning in the Caribbean; Economic History; History of Africa; Theatre; Playwriting; Cricket; Sports]

Bednarcik, Jozef [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Condensed Matter Physics; Materials Physics; Crystallization; Magnetic Materials; Synchroton Radiation; Glass; Alloys; Crystal Structure]

Behranginia, Amirhossein [Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Renewables and Environment; Solar Energy; Nanomechanics; Nanomaterial Growth; Photolithography; Electron Beam Lithography; 2-Dimentional New Material Synthesize; Fabrication of Nano Devices; Nano Thermoelectric Studies]

Bell, Alexander Graham (b.03 mar 1847 - d.02 aug 1922) [Scientist; Inventor; Engineer; Innovator; Academic; Researcher; Telecommunications; Telephone; Hearing and Speech Research; Hearing Devices; Optical Telecommunications; Hydrofoils; Aeronautics]

Bent, Stacey [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Surface and Interfacial Chemistry; Semiconductor Processing; Micr- and Nano-Electronics; Nanotechnology; Sustainable and Renewable Energy; Functionalization of Semiconductor Surfaces; Mechanisms and Control of Atomic Layer Deposition; Molecular Layer Deposition; Nanoscale Materials for Light Absorption; Interface Engineering in Photovoltaics; Catalyst and Electrocatalyst Deposition]

Berners-Lee, Tim [Computer Scientist; Researcher; Inventor; World Wide Web; Computer Programming; Information Management Systems; Internet; Telecommunications; Computer Systems; Open Data; Information Science; Net Neutrality; Affordable Internet]

Besharat, Ali [Academic; Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Marketing Research; Consumer Behavior; Behavioral Judgment and Decision Making; Marketing Communication; Branding; Marketing Management; Healthcare Marketing; Financial Decision Making]

Bhargava, Rohit [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Communications Strategy; Public Speaking;Social Media; Content Strategy; Web Strategy; Blogging]

Bijmolt, Tammo H.A. [Academic; Research; Marketing and Advertising; Marketing Research; Marketing Management; Sales; Retail; Loyalty Programs; Customer Networks; Online Customers; Consumption Communities; Electronic Word of Mouth; Consumer Decision Making; E-Commerce]

Blank, Steven (Steve) Gary [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Customer Development Methodology; Lean Startup; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Technology; Internet; Investor; Venture Capital; Innovation; Life Sciences and Healthcare; Nonprofit Organizations; Philanthropy; Blogging; Public Speaking; Radio Show]

Blankenship, Laura [Academic; Educator; Computer Science; Primary/Secondary Education; Teaching; Research; Educational Technology; Writing and Editing; Public Speaking; Classroom Instruction; Faculty Development]

Blaser, Martin J. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Microbiology; Human Microbiome; Infectious Diseases; Internal Medicine; Translational Medicine; Biology of Bacterial Persistence in Mammalian Hosts; ; Metabolic Syndrome; Healthcare; Public Health]

Blikstein, Paulo [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Education and Learning; Education Technology; Communications and Media; Learning Design; Computer Modeling in Social and Behavioral Sciences; Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Education; Computational Technologies; Tangible Interfaces for Learning; Constructivism; Robotics; Hands-on Learning Environments; Maker Education; Data Mining and Machine Learning; Public Education; Teaching]

Bole, William [Journalist; Editor; Researcher; Book Author; Higher Education; Innovation; Change; Higher Education; Online Journalism; Blogging; News Analyst; Nonprofits; International Relations; Politics; Business Journalism]

Bonk, Curtis J. (Curt) [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Higher Education; E-Learning; Online Education; Instructional Technology; Instructional Design; Self-Directed Open Learning Environments; Online Motivation; Extreme Learning; Educational Psychology; Distance Learning; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Bower, Joseph L. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; General Management; Corporate Strategy; Organization; Corporate Leadership; Executive Leadership; Succession Planning]

Boynton, Andy [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Management Education; Leadership; Strategy; Student Development; Public Speaking; Innovation; Blogging; Organization Design; Global Business; Student Affairs; University Administration]

Bozeman, Barry [Academic; Researcher; Science and Technology Policy; Public Management; Management Education; Organizational Theory; Student Development; Curriculum Development; Distance Learning]

Branch, Oralee H. [Academic; Researcher; Evolutionary Biology; Parasitology; Immunology; Global Health; Public Health; Epidemiology; Infectious Diseases; Immunity; Population Biology; Ecology; Bioinformatics]

Branke, Juergen [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Operations Research; Management Sciences; Modeling and Analysis for Management; Nature Inspired Optimization; Logistics and Scheduling; Organic Computing; Multiobjective Optimization and Decision Making; Optimization in Presence of Uncertainty; Simulation-based Optimization; Algorithms; Analytics]

Bransford, John D. [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Book Author; Education; Learning Sciences; Psychology; Learning Technology; Human Learning, Memory and Problem Solving; Learning Environments; Cognition and Technology; Internet; Online Education; Teaching]

Branstetter, Lee G. [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Economics; Public Policy; Global Economy; Future of Work; Economy of Technological Innovations; Industrial Organization; Intellectual Property; International Technology Transfer; Economic Growth and Development]

Brimhall, Kim C. [Academic; Researcher; Social Work; Human Resources; Inclusive Work Environment; Diversity; Healthcare and Hospitals; Mental Health; Quality in Healthcare; Leadership; Organizational Culture and Climate; Innovation; Management; Nonprofit Organizations]

Brockbank, Wayne [Academic; Researcher; Human Resources; Business Strategy; HR Consulting; Executive Education; Research and Consulting; Linkages between Business Strategy and Human Resource Practices; Creating High Performance Corporate Cultures; Key Levers that Drive Business Performance]

Brown, Ann Lesley (b.26 jan 1943 - d.4 jun 1999) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Educational Psychologist; Education and Learning; Psychology; Human Memory; Teaching Practices; Metacognitive Strategies; Reciprocal Teaching; Community Learning]

Brown, Denise Scott [Architect; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Architecture and Planning; Architecture Education; Urban Planning and Design; Vernacular Architecture; Lecturing]

Brown, Philip [Academic; Researcher; Higher Education; Social Development; Community Outreach; Mental Health; Psychology; Teaching; Psychotherapy]

Brynjolfsson, Erik [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Digital Economy; Information Technologies and Business Strategy; Internet Commerce; Pricing Models; Intangible Assets; Economics of Information; IT and Business Value]

Buchli, Jonas [Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Advanced Robotics; Agile and Dexterous Robotics; Computational Learning and Motor Control; Neuroscience and Intelligent Biomimetic Devices; Robotic Control Software; Dynamical Systems Approaches to Motion Generaation and Control; Coupled Oscillators; Machine Learning; Modeling of Human Motor Control]

Buehler, Markus J. [Academic; Researcher; Materials Scientist; Engineer; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Materials Science; Biological Materials; Nanotechnology; Computational Engineering; Nanomechanics; Molecular Dynamics; Energy]

Burke, Laura Giardina [Doctor; Physician; Academic; Researcher; Healthcare; Hospitals; Health Services; Health Policy; Emergency Health Services; Acute Care; Emergency Medicine]

Burry, Jane R. [Architect; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Architecture and Design; Design Innovation and Technology; Mathematics in Contemporary Design; Built Environment; Designing Responsive Environments; Digital Fabrication; Advanced Manufacturing]

Camm, Jeffrey D. [Academic; Researcher; Operations Research; Management Science; Business Analytics; Optimization Modeling; Algorithms; Resource Allocation; Conservation; Supply Chain Design; Operations Planning and Scheduling; Product Design; Quantitative Analysis; Data Analysis; Data Mining; Management Education]

Campbell, Margaret C. (Meg) [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Consumer Interpretation of Marketplace; Consumer Behavior; Consumers and Brands; Consumer Research; Advertising and Promotion; Consumer Psychology]

Candela, Félix (b.27 jan 1910 - d.07 dec 1997) [Architect; Engineer; Academic; Researcher; Architecture; Building and Construction; Mexican Architecture; Structural Engineering; Cascarones (Thin Shells of Reinforced Concrete); Thin-Shell Design and Structures]

Cariño, Joji [Activist; Research Analyst; Indigenous Peoples' Issues; Human Rights; Tribal People; Development Effectiveness of Dams; Policy; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Organizations]

Carruthers, Peter A. (b.1935 - d.03 aug 1997) [Academic; Researcher; Physicist; Theoretical Physics; Elementary Particle; Field Theory; Study of Complex Systems]

Carter, Craig [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Computational Materials Science; Energy and the Environment; Energy Storage]

Cassel, Christine K. [Business Executive; Physician; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Geriatric Medicine; Medical Ethics; Quality of Care; Healthcare and Hospitals; Nonprofit Organizations; Healthcare Policy; Innovation; Health Information Technology; Scientific Innovation in Drug Development and Evaluation; End-of-Life Care; Public Health; Internal Medicine]

Catrysse, Peter B. [Researcher; Physics; Nanotechnology; Nanophotonics; Plasmonics; Metamaterials Enabled by Nano-scale CMOS Technology; Plasmon and Phonon-Polaritonic Devices; Ultra-compact Sub-diffraction-limited Optical Components; Sensing and Imaging Applications for Visible, Infrared and THz Frequencies; Solid-state Sensor Design; Dispersion Engineering; Computational Methods for Nanophotonics; Digital Image Capture System Simulation]

Caulkins, Jonathan Paul (Jon) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Illicit Drugs; Drug Policy; Public Policy; Drug Policy Research; Systems Analysis of Problems; Optimal Control; Reputation and Brand Management; Human Traficking; Black Markets; Management Science; Decision Analysis]

Cavallin, Humberto [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Architectural Design; Faculty Development; Environment and Sustainability; Higher Education; Social Psychology; Health Sciences; Behavioral Sciences; Computer Aided Design; Environmental Micriobiology; Microbiology and Built Environment]

Cerf, Vinton G. [Scientist; Researcher; Engineer; Internet; TCP/IP Technology; Telecommunications; Digital Information Services; Commercial Email Service; Advanced Networking Frameworks; Information, Voice and Video Services; Nonprofit Organizations; Internet Society; Artificial Intelligence; Technology and Society; Environment and Climate Change; Netowork Neutrality; Interplanetary Internet; Public Speaking]

Cerrato, José M. [Academic; Researcher; Civil Engineering; Environmental Engineering Chemistry; Aqueous Environmental Chemistry and Analysis; Nanotechnology Applications for Environmental Science and Engineering; Water-Energy Nexus; Biogeochemistry of Metals and Radionuclides; Drinking Water Quality and Treatment; Spectroscopy; Solar Energy; Renewables and Environment]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas [Entrepreneur; Academic; Book Author; Personality Profiling; Psychometric Testing; Business Psychology; Consumer Analytics; Talent Management; Keynote Speaking]

Chandrasekhar, Arun G. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Economics; Development; Social Networks; Econometrics; Social Networks and Microfinance; Social Investments]

Chapin, Katherine J. [Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Tissue Engineering; Mechanobiology; Microfabrication; Biorobotics; Biohybrid Devices]

Chesbrough, Henry William [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Open Innovation; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Science and Technology; Research and Development in Organizations; Technology Startups; Corporate Venture Capital; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Managing Intellectual Property; Comparative Industry Evolution in High-Technology Industries in Various Countries; Management of Technology; Management Education; Business Strategy; Consulting; Public Speaking]

Chetty, Raj [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Public Economics; Economic Policy; Economic Mobility; Unemployment Benefits; Unemployment Insurance; Education Policy; Equality of Opportunity; Retirement Savings; Teacher Value Added]

Chhajed, Dilip [Academic; Researcher; Operations Research; Project Management; Higher Education; Management Education; University/Academic Administration; Mathematical Modeling; Statistical Modeling; Operations Management; Supply Chain Management; Product/Process Design; Sustainability; Decision Problems in Operations Management and Operations/Marketing Interface]

Chiel, Hillel J. [Academic; Researcher; Biology; Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Neuroscience; Neural Networks; Biorobotics; Electrophysiology; Modeling; Aplysia; Biomechanics; Feeding Behavior; Biologically Inspired Robotics]

Christensen, Clayton M. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Management Consulting; Higher Education; Business Education; Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Technology and Operations Management; Investment; Disruptive Technologies]

Chubb, Ian William [Academic; Researcher; Neuroscientist; University/Academic Administration; Environment; Climate Change; Higher Education; Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM); Medicine; Biology; Education Policy; Public Policy; Entrepreneurship; Innovation]

Chung, Kwanghun [Academic; Researcher; Chemical Engineering; Medical Engineering and Science; Novel Technologies for Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding of Large-scale Complex Biological Systems; Automated and Integrated Microsystems for High-throughput Imaging; Molecular/behavioral Phenotyping; Cell Microsurgery of a Broad Range of Living Systems]

Cifu, Adam S. [Academic; Researcher; Doctor; Physician; Book Author; Internal Medicine; Evidence-based Medicine; Primary Care; Chronic Disease Management; Diabetes Prevention; Hypertension; Public Health; Medical Education]

Cipriano, Pamela [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Nursing; Nonprofit Organizations; Nursing Practice Standards; Nursing Human Resources; Rights of Nurses in the Workplace; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Editor; Nursing Administration; Public Policy; Quality Systems; Academic Healthcare Administration; Ambulatory Care; Strategic Communications; Strategic Planning]

Cocking, Edward C. [Academic; Researcher; Plant Scientist; Agricultural Sciences; Botanical Sciences; Crop Nitrogen Fixation; Systemic Intracellular Colonization of the Major Non-Legume Crops by the Nitrogen Fixing Bacterium]

Cocking, Rodney R. (b.11 jan 1943 - d.2002) [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Book Author; Education and Learning; Psychology; Behavioral Development; Child Development; Cognitive Development; Learning and Educational Environment; Education and Technology]

Cohen, Jacob (Jake) [Academic; Researcher; Academic/University Administration; Economics; Finance and Accounting; Management Education; Curriculum Development; Executive Education; Business Law; Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)]

Colgate, Stirling (b.14 nov 1925 - d.01 dec 2013) [Physicist; Academic; Researcher; Diagnostician of Thermonuclear Weapons; Physics Education; Astrophysics; Supernova Research]

Collins, Allan M. [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Cognitive Scientist; Book Author; Education and Learning; Cognitive Psychology; Cognitive Science; Artificial Intelligence; Intelligent Tutoring System; Plausible Reasoning; Learning Sciences; Educational Technologies; Design-based Research Methodologies in Education; Educational Policy; Teaching]

Collins, Francis S. [Genomics Researcher; Book Author; Biochemistry; Medicine; Human Genetics Research; Internal Medicine; Molecular Genetics; Medical Genomics and Metabolic Genetics]

Collins, James C. (Jim) [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Management Consultant; Book Author; Lecturer; Public Speaking; Organizational Sustainability and Growth; Executive Development; Coaching and Mentoring; Leadership Development]

Collins, Stephen [Academic; Researcher; Health Sciencies; Medicine; University/Academic Administration; Internal Medicine; Gastroenterology; Cell Biology; Impact of Inflammation on Gut Function; Neuron-Immune Interactions; Role of Commensal Bacteria in Health and Disease; Immune Modulation of Enteric Nerve and Muscle Function]

Cooney, Rosie [Academic; Researcher; Consultant; Environmental Studies; Biodiversity Governance and Management; Policy; Sustainable Use and Management of Wild Resources; Interaction of Wild Resources with Human Societies; Environmental, Economic and Social Policy; Global Environmetal Organizations; Nonprofit Organizations]

Crain, Tyler [Researcher; Healthcare; Hospitals; Public Health; Health Policy; Data Curation; Data Analysis; Writing and Editing]

Crawford, Gregory P. [Academic; Research; Academic/University Administration; Physics; Optics; Photonics; Soft Matter Materials; Healthcare; Engineering; Higher Education; Fundraising; Public Speaking]

Crescini, Damiano [Academic; Researcher; Electronics Engineering; Industrial Automation; Environmental Monitoring Systems]

Cui, Yi [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanoscale Phenomena and Their Applications; Nanocrystal and Nanowire Synthesis and Self-assembly; Electron Transfer and Transport in Nanomaterials and at the Nanointerface; Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices; Energy; Environment; Batteries; Solar Cells; Microbial Fuel Cells; Water Filters; Chemical and Biological Sensors]

Cunningham, Brian [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Biomedical Imaging; Bioengineering; Acoustics; Nanotechnology; Nanosensors; Novel Devices and Instrumentation for the Life Sciences; Interdisciplinary Research; Microfabrication; Computer Simulation; Instrumentation; Molecular Biology; Cell Biology; Biosensors; Sensor Design and Instrumentation; Finite Difference Time Domain Analysis; Nanofabrication; Photonic Crystals; Optical Biosensors; Bioelectronics; Electromagnetics and Optics; Plasma Devices and Plasma Science; Signal Detection and Estimation]

Curtiss, Larry A. [Researcher; Materials Science; Nanoscale Materials; Nanotechnology; Computational Chemistry; Nanocatalysis; Nanocrystalline Materials; Computational Thermochemistry; Electron Transfer Processes; Nanoporous Materials; New Quantum Chemical Methods; Solar Energy]

Cutcher, Leanne [Academic; Researcher; Work and Organizational Studies; Human Resources; Workplace Diversity; Managing Age in Organizations; Intergenerational Employment; Financial Economics; Business Ethics; Organizational Strategy and Discourse; Identity in Organizations Including Age, Race and Gender Identities; Alternative Forms of Organizations]

Daar, Abdallah S. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Public Health Sciences; Biomedical Sciences; Surgery; Organ Transplantation; Global Health; Bioethics; Biotechnology; Genomics; Global Health Diplomacy; Innovation and Reform in Medical and Health Sciences Education; Healthcare Models for sub-Saharan Africa; Health Biotechnology Innovation Systems for Emerging Economies and Developing Countries; Chronic Non-communicable Diseases; Global Mental Health; Human Genome Variation and Global Health; Public Policy]

Dahuri, Rokhmin [Scientist; Academic; Researcher; Politician; Fisheries]

Damasio, Antonio [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Cognitive Neuroscience; Brain and Creativity; Brain and Consciousness; Roles of Emotions in Social Cognition and Decision Making; Neurobiology; Medicine; Somatic Marker Hypothesis; Biology of Moral Decisions; Neuro-Economics; Social Communication; Drug Addiction; Clinician; Neurobiology of Mind and Behavior with an Emphasis on Emotion, Decision Making, Memory, Communication and Creativity]

Damiani, Gerard [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Entrepreneur; Architecture and Planning; Sustainable Design; Green Building; Adaptive Reuse; Green Building; Urban Design; Architectural Education; Modern Architecture; High-Tech Spaces]

Davenport Jr., Thomas H. (Tom) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Information Technology; Management; Analytics and Big Data; Business Process Innovation; Knowledge Management; Competitive Strategies]

DeFrees, Alan [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Architecture and Design; Architectural Technology; Building Systems; Construction Methodologies; Furniture Design; Historic Preservation; Professional Practice; Residential Design; Structural Design; Sustainable Architecture]

Dent, Andrew [Design; Materials Research; Design Strategy; Design Thinking; Industrial Design; Product Design; Interaction Design; User Experience Design; Environmental Remediation]

DeRue, D. Scott [Academic; Researcher; Higher Education; Management Education; Executive Education; Leadership; Talent; Human Capital; Organization Development]

DeSalvo, Karen B. [Academic; Researcher; Government Administration; Healthcare; Medicine; Public Health; Health Policy; Healthcare Inormation Technology; Physician; Health and Human Services]

DeSimone, Joseph [Chemist; Academic; Researcher; Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Nanomedicine; Entrepreneur; Medicine and Pharmaceuticals; Healthcare]

Desmond-Hellmann, Sue [Nonprofit Executive; Oncologist; Academic; Researcher; Academic/University Adminstration; Biotechnology; Precision Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Drug Development; Regulatory Innovation; Health Policy; Clinical Research; Epidemiology; Biostatistics; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Boards]

Dew, Ryan T. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Marketing Analytics; Big Data; Data-Driven Design; Decision Support; Preference Measurement; Machine Learning; Bayesian Modeling; Statistics; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Branding; E-Commerce; Customer-Centric Marketing Strategy]

Dhawan, Atam [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Higher Education; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Book Author; Interdisciplinary Research; Radiology; Medical Imaging; Medical Image Analysis; Pattern Recognition; Optical Transillumination Nevoscope Technology for Dermatological Applications; Biomedical Engineering; Healthcare Technologies; Point-of-Care Technologies; Personalized Healthcare; Machine Learning]

Dielman, Marleen [Academic; Researcher; Business Strategy; Corporate Governance; Asian Family Business; Emerging Market Strategy; Business Groups; Institutional Entrepreneurship; Business Policy; Business Education; Diversity; Business Consulting; Public Speaking]

Dominguez-Bello, Maria Gloria [Academic; Researcher; Microbial Econology; Microbiota Function in Vertebrate Animals and Humans; Microbial Evolutions; Genetics and Evolution; Ecology and Conservation; Climate Change; Healthcare; Public Health]

Donofrio, Nicholas M. [Academic; Researcher; Innovation and Technology; Information Technology and Services; Research; Higher Education; Technology Management]

Dotlich, David [Entrepreneur; Business Adviser; Book Author; Academic; Researcher; Management Consulting; Executive Education; Training and Coaching; Leadership Development; Business Strategy; Organizational Design; Human Resources; Performance Improvement; Talent Management; Employee Relations]

Dranove, David [Academic; Researcher; Health Industry Management; Business Strategy; Health Enterprise Management; Healthcare Economics (Biotechnology); Competition in Healthcare; Competitive Analysis; Data Analysis; Econometrics; Industrial Organization; Economics; Managed Care Systems; Pharmaceutical Research; Health Services Policy Analysis]

Drucker, Peter F. (b.19 nov 1909 - d.11 nov 2005) [Academic; Researcher; Management Consultant; Writer; Book Author; Management Education; Modern Business Concepts; Management by Objective and Self Control; Modern Management; Thought Leadership; Business Strategy; Knowledge Workers; Nonprofit Organizations; Business Ethics; Policy; Entrepreneurship]

Dubois, David [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Digital Marketing; Analytics; Digital Technologies; Customer Centricity; Brand Management; Communications Strategy; Digital Transformation; Status Consumption and Luxury Goods; Power, Social Influence, Persuasion, Word-of-mouth in a Digital World]

Duckworth, Angela Lee [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Psychology; Neuroscience; Neurobiology; Education and Learning; Behavior Change; Developmental Psychology; Positive Psychology; Child Education; Nonprofit Organizations; Public Speaking; Teaching]

Duflo, Esther [Economist; Academic; Researcher; Poverty Alleviation; Development Economics; Economic Policy; Micro-Economic Issue; Developing Countries; Household Behavior; Education; Access to Finance; Health; Policy Evaluation; Field Experiments; Social Economics]

Dutta, Soumitra [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Businessman; Academic/University Administration; Management Education; Computer Science; Digital Economy; Business and Technology; Information Technology; Social Media; Social Networking; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Data Mining; Decision Support Systems; Strategy; Startups; Management Consulting; Public Speaking]

Dwyer, Jeffrey W. [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Human Medicine; Health Education; Geriatric Care; Health Services Utilization; Rural Aging; Family Relationships; Sociology; Gerontology]

Dyer, Jeffrey H. (Jeff) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Management Education; Organizational Leadership and Strategy; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Intrapreneurship; Competitive Strategy; Strategic Alliances; Disruption; Management Consulting; Executive Education]

Edelman, Elazer R. [Academic; Research; Cardiologist; Scientist; Biomedical Engineering; Health Sciences; Interdisciplinary Research; Atherosclerotic Arterial Disease; Vascular Biology; Drug Delivery; Device Biology; Tissue Engineering; Biomaterials]

Ejeta, Gebisa [Academic; Researcher; Agronomy; Plant Breeding; Genetics; International Agriculture; Global Food Security; Genetics Research on Sorghum; Global Agricultural Research Collaborations]

English, Stuart [Architecture and Design; Design Led Innovation; Design Education; Academic; Researcher; Creative Thinking and Innovation; Intellectual Property; Design Led Entrepreneurship; Action Research and Reflective Practice in Design]

Esteves, José [Academic; Researcher; Information and Communications Technology; Knowledge Management; Enterprise Systems; Enterprise Risk Management; CIO Coaching; Gamification; Digital Innovation; Digital Transformation; Humans and Technology]

Fader, Peter [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing; Market Research; Business Analytics; Data Mining; Data Analysis; Customer Insights; Competitive Analysis; Consumer Behavior; Lifetime Value of the Customer; Sales Forecasting for New Products; Analysis of Behavioral Data; Customer Centricity; Customer Relationship Management; Management Consulting]

Fahnestock, Larry [Academic; Researcher; Civil Engineering; Architectural Engineering; Behavior and Design of Steel Strcutures; Earthquake Engineering; Seismic Building Design; Large Scale Testing of Structural Components and Systems; Bridge Performance Under Service and Extreme Loading]

Fan, Shanhui [Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Applied Physics; Theory and Simulations of Photonic and Solid-state Materials and Devices; Photonic Crystals; Nano-scale Photonic Devices and Plasmonics; Quantum Optics; Computational Electromagnetics; Parallel Scientific Computing]

Feeney, Mary K. [Academic; Researcher; Ethics in Public Affairs; Public Administration; Nonprofit Management; Science and Technology Policy; Technology and Municipal Governments]

Fenwick, Alan [Academic; Researcher; Medicine; Public Health; Global Health; Tropical Parasitology; Infectious Diseases; Schistosomiasis and Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis; Health Collaborations; Health Policy]

Ferguson, Niall [Academic; Researcher; Historian; International History; Economic History; Hyperinflation and the Bond Markets; British and American Imperialism; Book Author; Political Advisor]

Ferrell, Justin [Academic; Entrepreneurship; Design; Design Thinking; Business Transformation; Digital; Mobile and New Product Development; Public Speaking; Teaching; Creativity and Organization Design; Innovation]

Field, Dylan [Entrepreneur; Internet and Technology; Web Design; Graphic Design; Creativity Tools; Data Visualization; User Experience; User Experience; Web Applications; Mobile Applications; Data Analysis; Analytics; User Interface Design; Software Engineering; Product Development and Management; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Public Speaking]

Finley, Dawn [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design Education; BuildingTechnologies; Interior Design; Furniture Design; Graphic Design; Mordern Architecture; Urban Design]

Fischer, Bill [Academic; Researcher; Innovation Management; Executive Education; Management Education; Blogging; Book Author; Virtual Teams; Corporate Strategy; Technology Organizations; Management of Operations and Technology; Digital Leadership; Social Media]

Fischhoff, Baruch [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Social and Decision Sciences; Engineering and Public Policy; Psychology; Risk Perception and Communication; Climate and Environmental Decision Making; Human Rights Science; Risk Management; Risk Communication; Security; Health; Adolescence; Environment]

Fleming, Peter [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Business and Society; Corporate Social Responsibility; Conflicts in Workplace; Organization Corruption; Business Ethics; Critical Management Studies; Organization Theory]

Florida, Richard [Academic; Researcher; Journalist; Writer; Book Author; Urban Studies Theorist; Social and Economic Theory; Creative Class; Urban Regeneration and Renewal and Talent Migration; Public Policy; Innovation; Economic Development]

Fornell, Claes [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing; Market Research; Customer Satisfaction Measurement; Customer Service; Asset Measurement; Customer Relationships]

Forsythe, Eliza [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Labor Economics; Personnel Economics; Macroeconomics; Firm Management of Human Resources During Economic Downturns; Macroeconomic Effects of Firms' Human Resource Management Decisions; Firm Hiring Behavior; Skill Requirements During Recessions; Careers and Demotions]

Fortov, Vladimir Yevgenyevich [Academic; Researcher; Physicist; High-energy Density Physics; Plasma and Space Physics; Strongly-coupled Plasmas; Extremely High Pressures and Temperatures; Hot-condensed Matter; Shock Compression Science and their Applications; Physics and Chemistry of Strong Shock and Detonation Waves; Pulsed Energetics]

Foucault, Michel (b.15 oct 1926 - d.25 jun 1984) [Academic; Researcher; Philosopher; Book Author; Historian of Ideas; Social Theorist; Philologist; Literary Critic; Relationship between Power and Knowledge; Epistemology; Ethics; Political Philosophy; Philosophy of Literature; Philosophy of Technology; Social Anthropology]

Fougeron, Anne [Architect; Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Architecture and Design; Residential and Commercial Design; Multi-Family Housing; Combination of Historial and Modern Design; Architectural History; Architectural Education; Building and Construction]

Fournier, Susan [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing; Branding; Brand Relationships; Consumer Behavior; Customer Relationship Management; Consumer Insights; Academic/University Administration]

Frakt, Austin B. [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Healthcare; Health Economics; Public Health; Health Policy; Media; Publishing; Writing and Editing; Blogging]

Fram, Eugene [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; NonProfit Organization Management; Business and NonProfit Boards; Consulting; Management Development; Marketing Strategy; Brand Management; Customer Strategy; Product Development; Public Relations; Sales Force Motivation]

Frank, Robert [Academic; Researcher; Management; Economics; Book Author; Strategic Role of Emotions; Prisoner's Dilemma and Cooperation; Negative Effects of Studying Economics; Ethics; Public Policy; Conspicuous Consumption; Concentration of Wealth]

Franko, Gary [Multimedia Designer; Academic; Media and Communication Design; Multimedia; Teaching]

Freed, Lisa [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Health Sciences and Technology; Applied Biological Sciences; Anatomy and Cellular Biology]

Freling, Ryan [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Marketing Science; Marketing Research; Sales; Selling Strategies; Consumer Behavior; E-Commerce; Online Retail; Nonprofit Organizations; Management Education]

French, Steven P. (Steve) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; University/Education Administration; Architecture and Planning; Sustainable Urban Development; Land Use Planning; Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications; Earthquake and Flood Hazard Analysis and Mitigation; Modeling Urban Development Impacts; Green Buildings]

Galli, Alessio [Researcher; Electronics Engineering; Electronics Design; Telecommunications; Instrumentation and Process Control; Electromedical Devices; Microchips and Microcontrollers; Digital Signal Processing; Sensors; Embedded Systems; 3D Printing; Hardware/Firmware; Environmental Diagnostics; Environment Monitoring Sytems; Wireless Sytems]

Gandhi, Tejal [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; Patient Safety and Quality; Error Reduction through Information Technology; Health Systems Redesign]

Gao, Huajian [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Materials Science; Nanomaterials; Biological Materials; Biological Systems; Solid Mechanics; Nanomechanics; Hierarchical Biomechanics; Cell Adhesion; Energy Storage Materials; Nanomechanics of Thin Films]

Garthwaite, Craig [Academic; Researcher; Applied Micro-Economics; Healthcare; Government Policy; Healthcare Innovations; Health Economics; Pharmaceutical Industry; Public Finance; Political Economy; Business Strategy]

Gartia, Manas [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Nanotechnology; Plasmonics; Nanophotonics; Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS); Advanced Nanofabrication and Nanomanufacturing; Biosensors Development; Biomedical Research; Nuclear Forensics; Materials Characterization; Mobile and Wireless Integrated Sensing]

Geczy, Christopher (Chris) [Academic; Researcher; Finance; Investment Management; Hedge Funds; Executive Education; Risk Management; Alternative Investments; Impact Investing; Multifactor Models; Wealth Management; Asset Allocation; Equity Lending; Short Selling]

Gedmin, Jeffrey [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Strategic Dialogue; Policy; Foreign Relations; Media; Public Diplomacy]

Geim, Andre [Academic; Researcher; Physicist; Nobel Laureate; Mesoscience and Nanotechnology; Condensed Matter Physics; Microelectronics Technology; Mesoscopic Superconductivity; Innovative Materials; Nanoscience; Graphene; Biomimetic Adhesive]

Gelernter, David Hillel [Artist; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Computer Science; Parallel Computating; Tuple Space Coordination Model; Entrepreneur; Software Development; World Wide Web; Internet; Information Management; Artificial Intelligence; Computer Programming]

Gell-Mann, Murray [Physicist; Nobel Laureate; Academic; Researcher; Theory of Elementary Particles; Quarks and Hadrons; V-A Theory of Weak Interaction; Current Algebra; See-Saw Theory of Neutrino Masses; String Theory; Consistent Histories Approach to Understanding Quantum Mechanics]

Gergely, Ryan [Researcher; Autonomous Materials; Biomimetic Self-healing and Regenerative Synthetic Materials; Polymers; Materials Science and Engineering]

Ghani, Rayid [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Entrepreneur; Computer Science; Machine Learning (ML); Artifical Intelligence (AI); Public Policy; Social Justice and Equity; Social Good; Data Science; Data Analytics; Data Mining; Social Media; Business Applications of Data Mining; Consumer Behavior Modeling; Fraud Detection; Business Ethics; Education and Training; Nonprofits; Healthcare; Energy; Transportation; Economic Development; Public Speaking; Teaching]

Gianotti, Fabiola [Academic; Researcher; Physicist; Experimental Particle Physics; Fundamental Physics; Higgs Boson; Supersymmetric Particles]

Gilbert, Clark G. [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Entrepreneurship and Management; Management Education; Business Executive; Newspapers; Digital Publishing; Academic Development; Digital Media; Disruption Economics]

Gill, Jennifer (Jenny) [Researcher; Writer; Editor; Healthcare; Hospitals; Public Health; Health Policy; Data Curation; Data Analysis; Integrative Medicine Research; Writing and Editing]

Ginsburg, Charles (b.27 jul 1920 - d.09 apr 1992) [Engineer; Researcher; Inventor; Videotape Recorders; Video Magnetic Tape Recording for Instant Playback]

Ginzburg, Tamar [Research; Business Strategy; Financial Modeling; Management]

Goldsmith, Marshall [Leadership Coach; Management Thinker; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Executive Education; Leadership Development; Coaching and Training; Executive Development; Business Strategy]

Gong, Jian Ping [Academic; Researcher; Biomaterials; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Materials Chamistry; Polymers; Thin Films; Textile Materials; Regenerative Medicine; Artificial Cartilage]

Gong, Ke [Academic; Researcher; Electronics Engineering; Aerospace Technology; Information and Communication; Wireless Communications; Radio Broadcasting of Digital TV; Higher Education; Research and Development Policies; Digital Cordless Communication System; Wireless Access Equipment and Technology; Point-to-multipoint Microwave Communication System in Rural Areas]

Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Consultant; Financial Markets; Financial Regulation Research; European Monetary System (EMS); European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU); European System of Central Banks (ESCB); Foreign Exchange Markets; Independant Central Bank; Monetary Policy; Regulatory Change in Financial Markets; Role of Central Banks; Structural Change in Financial Markets]

Goolsbee, Austan D. [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Writer; Book Author; Government Advisory; Government Administration; Economic Policy; Economic Intelligence; Consulting; Politician; Internet; New Economy; Government Policy; Taxes; Economics and Policy in the Telecom, Media and Technology Industries; Empirical Economist; Journalism; Television Host; Public Speaking]

Gopinath, Gita [Academic; Researcher; Columnist; Economics; Sovereign Debt Defaults in Europe; Economic Fluctuations and Growth; International Finance; Macroeconomics; Monetary Economics; International Price Setting; Exchange Rate Pass-through; Emerging Market Business Cycles and Crisis; Banking and Finance]

Gordon, Erik [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Technology Commercialization; Healthcare; Biotechnology; Pharmaceuticals; Medical Devices; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Governance; Digital and Mobile Marketing; University/Academic Administration; Lecturing; Public Speaking]

Govindarajan, Vijay [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Entrepreneurhip; Innovation; Management Consulting; Reverse Innovation; Global Business Issues; Blogging; Strategic Management]

Graham, Charles [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design Education; Interior Design, Construction Science; Built Environment; Urban Design; City Planning; Sustainable Design; Earthen Building Design]

Grant, Adam [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Thought Leader; Management; Workplace Issues; Human Resources; Psychology; Motivation; Professional Success; Job Design; Workforce Performance; Leadership; Charity; Nonprofit Organizations; Consulting; Public Speaking]

Greenwald, Michelle S. [Entrepreneur; Consultant; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Marketing; Marketing Plan; Executive Education; Digital Marketing; Public Speaking]

Gregersen, Hal [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Leadership; Organizational Behavior; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Social Entrepreneurship; Management Consulting; University/Academic Administration; Coaching and Mentoring; Public Speaking; Management Education; Executive Education]

Griffin, Abbie J. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing Management; New Product Development; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Consulting; Public Speaking]

Groysberg, Boris [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Human Resources; Organizational Behavior; Talent Management; Leadership; Managing Human Capital; Business Strategy; Employee Engagement]

Gurkan, Umut Atakan [Academic; Researcher; Biomedical Engineering; Tissue Engineering; Biomaterials; Biomanufacturing; Biofabrication; Biorobotics; Nanotechnology; Biotechnology; Microfabrication; Cell Culture; Stem Cells; Bioinformatics; Clinical Research; Medicine; Regenerative Medicine; Orthopaedics; Muskuloskeletal Research; Bioengineering; Experimantal Design]

Haanaes, Knut [Business Executive; Researcher; Book Author; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Efficiency; Growth Strategy; Enablement; Research and Product Development Innovation; Mega and Meta Trends; Large-scale Transformation; Industrial Goods]

Haasch, Richard T. (Rick) [Researcher; Scientist; Materials Science; Materials Chemistry; Surface Analysis; Photoelectron Spectroscopy; Solid State Physics; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Thin Film Deposition; Surface Characterization; Microfabrication; Solar Cells; Solar Energy; Renewables and Environment; Biomaterials; Electron Microscopy]

Hacker, Jörg Hinrich [Academic; Researcher; Microbiology; Molecular Infection Biology; Molecular Anaylsis of Infectious Bacteria and of Host-pathogen Interactions; Research Organizations and Societies]

Hackley, Chris [Academic; Education Management; Critical Approaches in Marketing; Advertising; Media Regulation; Cultural Policy]

Hadid, Zaha (b.31 oct 1950 - d.31 mar 2016) [Architect; Entrepreneur; Pritzker Architecture Prize Winner; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Architecture and Planning; Parametricism; Neo-Futurism; Interior Architecture; Product Design; Building and Construction]

Haidt, Jonathan [Academic; Researcher; Social Psychologist; Ethical Leadership; Psychology of Morality; Morality of Emotions; Positive Psychology; Cultural Psychology; Book Author; Psychological Foundations of Ideology; The Social Intuitionist Model; Moral Disgust; Moral Elevation; Moral Foundations Theory; Business and Society; Business Ethics; Interdisciplinary Research; Moral Foundations of Politics; Ethical Systems Design]

Halverson, Richard R. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Education and Learning; Education and Learning Technologies; Game-based Learning; Education Policy; Educational Leadership and Governance; Learning Sciences; Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Psychology; Data and Analytics; Teaching]

Hamill, Jim [Academic; Researcher; Management Consultant; Entrepreneur; Digital Economy; Digital Leadership; Executive Development; International Management; Online Marketing; Social Media Strategy; Management Development Programs; Management Education; Online Advertising; E-Commerce; Web Analytics; Digital Media; Social Networking; Business Development; Entrepreneurship; Customer Insight; Business Intelligence; Digital Transformation]

Hammond, Paula [Academic; Researcher; Cancer Research; Chemical Engineering; Biomaterials; Drug Discovery; Cancer Immunology; Hemostatic Technology; Macromolecular Design and Synthesis; Targeted Drug Delivery for Cancer; Nano-scale Assembly of Synthetic Biomaterials; Electrostatic and Directed Materials Assembly]

Handler, Steven Mark [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Geriatric Medicine; Biomedical Informatics; Clinical and Transnational Research; Telemedicine; Family Medicine; Healthcare Technology; Patient Safety; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Patient-Centered Healthcare]

Hansen, Alvin Harvey (b.23 aug 1887 - d. 06 jun 1975) [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Keynesian Economy; Secular Stagnation; Social Security; Monetary and Fiscal Policy; IS-LM Model: Relationship between Investment - Savings (IS) and Money Supply (LM) and is Used to Illustrate How Monetary and Fiscal Policy can Influence GDP]

Harker, Patrick Timothy [Academic; Researcher; Higher Education; Operations and Information Management; Electrical and Systems Engineering]

Haski-Leventhal, Debbie [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Business and Management; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Business Ethics; Management Education; Human Resources; Volunteering; Academic Social Responsibility; Public Speaking]

Haslam, Alyson [Researcher; Healthcare; Hospitals; Epidemiology; Medicine; Public Health; Quality and Costs in Healthcare; Data Curation; Analysis; Writing and Editing]

Hawley, Emma L. [Researcher; Sportsperson; Biomedical Engineering; Athletics; Soccer; Biorobotics; Biohybrid Devices]

Hayek, Friedrich von (b.08 may 1899 - d.23 mar 1992) [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Social Theorist; Political Philosopher; Book Author; Nobel Laureate; Classical Liberalism; Law; Political Science; Psychology; Theory of Money; Economic Fluctuations; Economic Calculation Problem; Catallaxy; Dispersed Knowledge; Price Signal; Spontaneous Order; Hayek-Hebb Model]

Hayes, Michael J. [Academic; Researcher; Doctor; Physician; Healthcare; Hospitals; Internal Medicine; Public Health]

Herbert, Bruce [Academic; Researcher; Environmental Geochemistry Research; Scholarly Communications; Teacher Education; Educational Technologies; Teaching Methods; Intersections of Research; Teaching and Learning; Biogeochemistry of Near-surface Environments; including Soils; Wetlands; Aquatic Sediments; Aquifers; and the Coastal Margin; Improving Learning about Complex; Dynamic Environmental Systems; Geoscience at the Interface between Biogeochemistry; Cognitive Science; Geomorphology and Landscape Ecology]

Hernandez, Jean N. [Academic; Researcher; Medicine; Infectious Diseases; Healthcare; Public Health]

Herrera-Perez, Diana [Researcher; Healthcare; Hospitals; Data Curation; Analysis; Health Policy; Biology; Writing and Editing]

Hershfield, Hal [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Psychology; Decision-Making; Wellness and Happiness; Human Behavior; Time and Money; Behavior and Time]

Herzenstein, Michal [Academic; Researcher; Marketing Management; Consumer Decision Making; Consumer Behavior; Data Analysis; Qualitative Research]

Hirokawa, Masakazu [Academic; Researcher; Artificial Intelligence; Robotics; Information and Systems; Empowerment Informatics; Algorithms; Machine Learning; Physiological and Physical Human Sensing]

Hoeffler, Steve [Academic; Researcher; Marketing Management; Consumer Products Marketing; Brand Management; Consumer Behavior; New Products Marketing; Positioning; Consumer Psychology]

Hollander, Justin [Academic; Researcher; Urban Design; Brownfields Reuse; Sustainability; Smart Shrinkage; Community Engagement; Cognitive Science; Internet Communities; Book Author; Planning and Public Policy; Managing Land Use; Environment and Sustainability; Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning]

Holmes, Cassie Mogilner [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Psychology; Happiness; Decision-Making Satisfaction; Time and Money]

Holton, Avery E. [Academic; Researcher; Digital Media; Communications; Journalism; Publishing; Online Content; Social Media; Public Health; Health Promotion; Disability Studies]

Homkes, Rebecca [Academic; Research; Teaching; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Impact of Management and Leadership on Firm Productivity; Productivity; Management and Competitiveness Policies of Companies]

Howkins, John [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Public Speaker; Editor; University/Academic Administration; Media; Digital Media; Television; Films; Publishing; Consulting; Writing and Editing; Economy; Creativity; Intellectual Property; Urban Design; Public Speaking]

Howland, Jane L. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Teaching; Information Science; Learning Technologies; Education Technology; Constructivist and Collaborative Learning in Online Environments; Information Technology Use with K-12 Learners; Technology-Enhanced Student Assessment]

Hsu, Po-Chun [Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology; Nanosynthesis; Transparent Conductors; Seminconductor Devices; X-Ray Diffraction; Electron Microscopy; Electrochemistry]

Huang, Yiwan [Academic; Researcher; Biomedical Engineering; Nanotechnology; Biotechnology; Polymer Chemistry; Polymer Physics; Polymer Composites; Biomaterials; Nanomaterials; Nanofibers; Hydrogel; Biopolymers]

Huber, Thomas P. [Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Health Services; Health Policy; Healthcare Delivery Research; Performance Improvement; Process Redesign; Culture Change; Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs); Delivery Intervention Evaluations; Health System Strategy; Consulting]

Imai, Takashi [Scientist; Academic; Researcher; Quantitative Biology; 3D-RISM-based Ligand Mapping and its Applications to Drug Design; Solvation Thermodynamics of Biomolecules; Molecular Mechanism of Pressure-induced Structural Transition of Proteins; Molecular Theory of Partial Molar Volume and Compressibility; Developmental Biology]

Irifune, Tetsuo [Academic; Researcher; Mineralogy; Earth Science; Multianvil Technology; Synthesis of Novel Ultrahard Materials; Experimental High-Pressure Mineral Physics and Petrology; Geochemistry; Mantle Materials; Ceramics; University/Academic Administration]

Irwin, Rodney [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Education; Finance; Accounting; Internal Auditing; Financial Control; Risk Management; Environment; Sustainability; Social Capital; Corporate Governance; Business Ethics; Public Policy; Industry Associations; Teaching]

Isais, Geraldine Forbes [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design Education; Urban Enviornments]

Isenberg, Daniel [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Investor; Book Author; Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship Ecosystem; Venture Capital; Social Psychology; Organizational Behavior; Entrepreneurial Management; Human Interaction in Small Groups; Managerial Cognition; Startups]

Ishida, Aki [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Entrepreneur; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design Education; Building Materials; Sustainable Design; Interior Design; Green Buildings; Urban Design; Residential Design; Space Planning; Focus on Light, Materiality, and their Impact on Health]

Ishizuka, Mitsuru [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Computer Science; Artificial Intelligence; Web Intelligence; Semantic Computing on the Web; Multimodal Lifelike Agents and Media; Pattern Recognition; Machine Learning; Algorithms; Data Mining]

Ivanova, Maria [Academic; Researcher; International Relations; Environmental Policy; Governance and Sustainability; International Environmental Institutions; Global Environmental Governance; Documentaries; Conflict Resolution; Human Security; Science-Policy Interface; Climate Change; Sustainable Development]

Ivey, Susan L. [Academic; Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Healthcare Policy; Health Disparities; Immigrant Health; Healthcare Access Issues; Cardiovascular Risk Reduction; Community-Based Participatory Research]

Jackson, Matthew O. [Academic; Researcher; Economics; Book Author; Social and Economic Networks; Online Education; Game Theory; Micro-Economic Theory]

Jacobs, Irwin M. [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Electrical Engineer; Communication Engineering; Satellite Encryption Devices; Two-way Mobile Satellite Communications and Tracking Systems; Nonprofit Organizations; Philanthropy]

Jain, Vandana [Academic; Researcher; Pediatrician; Book Author; Pediatrics and Endocrinology; Developmental Origins of Health and Disease; Growth and Body Composition in Infancy; Vitamin D in Health and Disease; Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescents; Medical Education; Public Health; Diabetes; Obesity; Food and Health; Public Policy]

Janakiraman, Narayan [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Management Education; Market Research; Product Management; Business Strategy; Business Development; Product Development and Marketing; Data Analysis; New Business Development; Consumer Behavior; E-Commerce; Online Retail]

Jenkins, Garry W. [Academic; Researcher; Business Law; Corporate Governance; Law and Leadership; Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Law and Philanthropy; Civil Rights in Education; Higher Education]

Jiang, Bin [Academic; Researcher; Landscape Architecture; Urban Design; Sustainable Design; Environment; Urban Planning; Strategic Planning; Comprehensive Planning]

Jha, Ashish K. [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Doctor; Healthcare; Hospitals; Health Policy and Management; Global Health; Public Health; Internal Medicine; Quality and Cost of Healthcare Measurements; Statistical Data Research; Health Information Technology; University/Academic Administrations; Writing; Blogging]

Jonassen, David H. [Academic; Researcher; Meta-theory of Problem Solving; Cognitive Modeling; Cognitive Simulations; Systems Modeling; Externalizing Knowledge Representations; Cognitive Tools; Instructional Design and Learning; Expert Systems for Student Modeling; Technology in Learning; Designing Constructivist Learning Environments; Educational Psychology]

Jones, Benjamin F. [Entrepreneurship; Academic; Researcher; Business Strategy; Innovation; Economics; Global Economic Development; Wealth and Poverty of Nations; Development Economics; Economic Growth; Emerging Markets; Globalization; International Business; Technology]

Jones, Alex [Academic; Researcher; Consultant; Healthcare and Hospitals; Health Economics; Health Analytics; Health Financing; Health Policy; Health Service Delivery and Governance; Healthcare Human Resources; Global Health]

Jung, Gang Seob [Researcher; Materials Science; Nanomaterials; Multiscale Modeling of Complex Composites]

Kaestner, Victoria [Researcher; Writer; Editor; Healthcare; Hospitals; Public Health; Data Curation; Data Analysis; Clinical Research; Writing and Editing; Physiology; Biophysics]

Kahn, Alfred Edward (b. 17 oct 1917 - d. 27 dec 2010) [Economist; Academic; Researcher; Expert in Regulation and Deregulation; Deregulation of the Airline and Energy Industries; Political Economy]

Kahneman, Daniel [Academic; Researcher; Nobel Laureate; Book Author; Psychology; Economics; Psychology of Judgment and Decision-making; Behavioral Economics; Prospect Theory; Cognitive Psychology; Hedonic Psychology]

Kalnay, Eugenia [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Meteorology; Atmospheric and Oceanic Science; Predictability and Ensemble Forecasting; Numerical Weather Prediction; Data Assimilation; Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Modeling; Climate Change; Sustainability]

Kalyanam, Kirthi [Academic; Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Retailing; Pricing; Internet and Multi-Channel Marketing; Quantitative Marketing; Database Marketing; E-Commerce; Business-to-Business Advertising; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Consulting and Advising]

Kaner, Richard [Academic; Researcher; Synthetic Inorganic Chemist; Conductive Polymers (Polyaniline); Superhard Materials; carbon Compounds; Fullerenes; Graphene; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanoscience; Chemical Sensors; Memory Devices and High Density Electronics; Actuators; Transparent Conductors; Thermoelectric Materials]

Kang, Min Jeong [Researcher; Materials Science; Nanomaterials]

Kang, Sonia [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Behavior; Human Resources Management; Diversity at Workplace; Prejudice and Discrimination in Society; Social Psychology; Social Groups; Aging and Stereotype Threat]

Kaufmann, Greg [Writer; Editor; Entrepreneur; Researcher; Poverty; Poverty Eradication; Nonprofit Organizations; Education; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Kelley, David [Entrepreneur; Designer; Engineer; Academic; Book Author; Innovation; Design Thinking]

Kelly, Jason [Researcher; Biotechnology; Lifesciences; Computational Biology; DNA; Microbiology; Drug Discovery; Bioinformatics; Genomics]

Keynes, John Maynard (b.05 jun 1883 - d.21 apr 1946) [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Modern Macroeconomics; Economic Policies of Governments; Keynesian Economics; Liquidity Preference; Spending Multiplier; AD-AS Model; Deficit Spending; Probability; Political Economy]

Khullar, Dhruv [Doctor; Physician; Academic; Researcher; Healthcare; Hospitals; Internal Medicine; Health Policy; Health Economics; Writing]

Kim, Byung-Nam [Researcher; Engineer; Materials Engineering; Ceramic Engineering; Materials Processign; Advanced Materials; Nanofabrication; Super-Plastic Ceramics; Spark Plasma Sintering]

Kim, Jim Yong [Physician; Anthropologist; Academic; Researcher; 12th President of the World Bank; Global Health; Social Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; Global Healthcare Delivery; Healthcare in Developing World]

Kim, Kibum [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Solar Energy; Renewables and Environment; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Solar Fuels]

King, Daniel R. [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Polymer Science; Composite Materials; Hydrogels; Chemical Synthesis; Fabrication; Synthetic Biomaterials; Fabrics and Textiles; Healthcare]

Klasing, Amanda M. [Researcher; Human Rights; Law; Women's Rights; Gender-based Violence; Rights to Water and Sanitation; Public Policy; Community Outreach; Immigration Law; Government and Politics]

Klein, Andy [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Organizational Behavior; Organizational Culture; Business Strategy; Human Resource Management; Leadership]

Klie, Robert F. [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Nanoscale Physics; Nanotechnology; Experimental Condensed Matter; Oxide Thin Films; Catalysts; Graphene Liquid Cell; Solar Energy; Spectroscopy; Electron Microscopy; Microfabrication; Nanomaterials; Renewables and Environment]

Knight, Rob [Academic; Researcher; Biologist; Book Author; Ecology; Evolutionary Biology; Molecular Biology; Genomics, Molecular Evolution and the Microbiome; Healthcare; Public Health]

Knight, Tom [Synthetic Biologist; Computer Engineer; Research Scientist; Entrepreneur; Artificial Intelligence; Computer Programming; Seminconductors; Internet; Genetics; Cellular Biology]

Knuckey, Sarah [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Law; Human Rights; Unlawful Killings; Armed Conflicts; Sexual Violence; Corporate Accountability; Extractive Industries; Protest Rights; Human Rights Methodologies; Critical Perspectives on Human Rights; New Weapons Technologies; Transparency Norms; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Resilience]

Kohlberg, Lawrence [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Writer; Book Author; Theory of Stages of Moral Development; Moral Judgement]

Kolewe, Martin [Biotechnology; Foods; Synthetic Polymers Biomaterials; Cardiac Tissue Engineering; Cell Culture; Mathematical Modeling]

Kolko, Jon [Entrepreneur; Designer; Academic; Writer; Book Author; Design-led Project Management; Design Education; Design Strategy; Interaction Design; Industrial Design; Bringing Design to Social Enterprises; Entrepreneurship; Startups]

Koller, Daphne [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Online Education; Higher Education; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Biomedical Science; Computer Science]

Kondorosi, Eva [Academic; Researcher; Plant Biologist; Molecular Biology; Microbial Genetics; Biochemistry; Plant-Microbe Interactions; Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation; Plant Cell Cycle Regulation; Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis; Plant Controlled Differentiation of Bacteria; Symbiosis and Functional Genomics]

Kotler, Philip [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Consulting; International Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Economic Science; Thought Leadership; Organizational Theory; Psychology of Behavior and Choice; Analytics; Digital Marketing]

Kreiner, Thane [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Social Entrepreneurship; Healthcare; Life Sciences; Science and Technology; Regenerative Medicine; Pharmaceuticals; Neuroscience; Public Health; Innovtion; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations; Public Speaking]

Krishnan, Ramayya [Academic; Researcher; Management Science; Information Systems; Decision Support Systems; Public Policy and Governance; Consumer and Social Behavior; Networks and Analysis of Consumer Behavior; Risk Management; Privacy and Confidentiality in Digital World; Information Technology and Services; Internet; Data Analytics; Online Markets; Social Media; University Administration; Industry Organizations; Government Organizations; Education and Learning]

Krueger, Norris [Entrepreneur; Researcher; Writer; Entrepreneurial Ecosystem; Entrepreneurial Mindset; Cognition; Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship; Technology Commercialization; Job Creation; Economic Development; Qualitative Research; Data Analysis; Nonprofit Organizations]

Krull, Brett [Researcher; Polymers; Self Healing Materials; Materials Science; Engineering; Nanotechnology; Product Development]

Kulik, Eleonora [Researcher; Earth Science; Materials Science; Synthesis of Materials; Powder Diffraction; Zeolites; Crystallization; Single Crystal]

Kumar, Bijandra [Entrepreneur; Researcher; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Renewables and Environment; Materials Chemistry; Materials Engineering; Nanocomposites; Smart Plastics; Polymer Nanocomposites; Polymer Chemistry; Chemical Sensors; Graphene; Nanotechnology]

Kumar, Pratap [Entrepreneur; Medical Doctor; Neuroscientist; Health Economist; Academic; Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Rural Healthcare; Health Policy; Neurology; Neuroinformatics; Pharmaceuticals; Scientific Communication; Global Health; Health Information Technology; Consulting; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations]

Kurnosov, Alexander [Academic; Researcher; Research Scientist; Minerals; Materials Science; Mineralogy; Earth Sciences; Crystallography; High Pressure and High Temperature Effects on Materials]

Kuroda, Reiko [Academic; Researcher; Chemistry; Biophysics; Cancer Research; Chirality; Solid-State Chemistry; Crystallography; Chiroptical Spectroscopy; Molecular and Developmental Biology; Inorganic and Organic Chemistry]

Kurokawa, Takayuki [Academic; Researcher; Polymer Science; Materials; Soft and Wet Materials; Hydrogels; Biomaterials; Biopolymers; Functional Gels; Substitutes for Tissues and Organs; Healthcare]

Kuska, Sharon Baum [Academic; Researcher; Architecture and Planning; Civil Engineering; Architecture and Design Education; Rural Architecture; Bridges; Seismic Design; Building and Construction; Concrete Column Design]

Kwok, Alison G. [Academic; Researcher; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design Education; Sustainable Design; Green Buildings; Enviornmental Control Systems; Thermal Comfort; Natural Ventilation; Flow Visualization; Green Design Strategies; Urban Design; Landscape Architecture; Interior Design; Design Softwares and Technologies]

LaBlanc, Gregory [Academic; Researcher; Economic Analysis and Policy; Finance and Strategy; Executive Education; Competitive Strategy; Financial Institutions and Markets; Behavioral Finance; Corporate Financial Management; Evolutionary Decision Theory; Behavioral Law and Economics; Complex Adaptive Systems; Information in Organizations; Digital Transformation; Digital Economy; Business Analytics; Game Theory; Corporate Governance; Data Science; Management Consulting]

Labriola, Leanne [Academic; Researcher; Ophthalmologist; Entrepreneur; Medical Retina and Uveitis; Medical Devices; Clinical Trials; Clinical and Educational Research; Healthcare; Innovation]

LaFave, Jim [Academic; Researcher; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Structural Design; Behavior, Design and Assessementof Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structures; Siesmic Study; Building and Bridges Subjected to Earthquakes; Innovative Structural Framing Systems]

Lafley, Alan G. [Business Executive; Book Author; Consulting; Consumer Goods; Retail; Branding; Consumer Relationships; Businessand Innovation Strategy; Executive and Leadership Development; Coaching and Mentoring; Business Leadership; Thought Leadership]

Lake, Brenden [Academic; Researcher; Cognitive and Data Scientist; Entrepreneur; Computational Models of Cognitive Abilities; Artificial Intelligence; Algorithms; Smart Machines]

Lamb, Richard L. (Rich) [Academic; Researcher; Science Education Measurement; Neurocognition Science; Interdisciplinary Research; Neuropsychology; Psychometric Theory; Science Learning; Computational Modeling of Student Cognitive Processes; Measurement of Affective Dispositions; Identification of Physiological Systems Associated with Learning; Instructional Design; Instructional Technology; Curriculum Development; Technical Writing; Teaching]

Lang, Trudie [Academic; Researcher; Healthcare; Global Health; Drug Discovery; Medical Statistics; Tropical Medicine; Clinical Trials; Epidemiology; Trial Design; Trial Operations; Trial Regulations; Health Collaborations; Healthcare Technology]

Langan, Ryan [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing; Branding; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Corporate Philanthropy; Marketing Management; Marketing and Ethics; Consumer Psychology; Digital Marketing; Marketing Communication]

Lavizzo-Mourey, Risa J. [Nonprofit Executive; Academic; Researcher; Physician; Healthcare; Public Health; Nonprofit Organizations; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Healthcare Administration; Geriatric Care; Healthcare Policy; Healthcare Reforms; Aging Research; Racial Disparities in Healthcare; Community Outreach; Health Strategy; Healthcare Management]

Lazonick, William [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Economics; Economic and Social Development of Regions; Industrial Competitiveness; Social Conditions of Innovation and Development; Advanced and Emerging Economies; High-Tech Employment; Sustainable Prosperity in the New Economy; Innovative Business Models; Varieties of Capitalism; Innovative Enterprises]

Legena, Claudio [Researcher; Electronics Engineering; Industrial Automation; Hardware/Firmware Solutions; Environment Monitoring System; Microcontroller Microchip; Energy Harvesting; Temperature Sensors; Barometric Sensors; Digital Sensors; Humidity Sensors; WiFi; Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM); Wireless Technology]

Levenson, Alec R. [Academic; Researcher; Economics of Human Resources; Organization Design; HR and Human Capital Metrics, Analytics and Return on Investment; Global and Emerging Market Talent Strategies; Talent Management; Employee Engagement; Measuring and Maximizing the Economic Value of Leadership and Executive Development; Team Effectiveness; Optimizing Human Capital - Attraction, Retention, Development, and Job Performance]

Levin, Jeremy [Business Executive; Research Scientist; Medicine; Biopharmaceuticals; Healthcare; Medical Innovations; Drug Discovery; Drug Development; Neurological Disorders; Immunooncology; Global Strategy; Business Development; Mergers and Acquisitions; Leadership and Teams; Digital Health; Public Speaking]

Lewis, Nathan S. (Nate) [Academic; Researcher; Chemistry; Solar Energy; Solar Fuels; Photoelectrochemistry; Chemical Vapor Sensing; Artifical Photosynthesis; Renewables and Environment; Novel Organic Polymers; Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Silicon Surface Chemistry; Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis; Photoanodes for Water Oxidation; Light-Material Interactions; Non-conventional Solar Absorbers; Photoanodes for Water Oxidation; Water-Splitting Membrane]

Li, Beibei [Academic; Researcher; Computer Science; Information Technology (IT); Human-Technology Interactions; E-Commerce; Social and Technical Aspects of IT; Data Analytics; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Machine Learning (ML); Consumer Behavior and Technology; Public Policy; Economic Development; Crowdsourcing; Mobile Technologies; Internet of Things (IoT); Social Media; Transportation and Mobility]

Li, Tianhui Michael [Entrepreneur; Data Scientist; Research; Crowd-funding; Social Media; Big Data; Finance]

Lincoln, John E. [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Writer; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Marketing; Online Media; Branding; Online Communication; Business Journalism; Coaching and Mentoring; Executive Development; Startups; Analytics; Public Relations; Social Media; Social Networking; Website Development; Digital Strategy; Blogging]

Lipson, Hod [Academic; Researcher; Robotics Engineer; Book Author; Mechanical Engineering; Evolutionary Robotics; Design Automation; Rapid Prototyping; Artificial Life; Machine Learning]

Litan, Robert E. [Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Researcher; Economic Studies; Attorney; Law; Economic Research and Policy; Regulation; Antitrust; Finance; Public Policy]

Liu, Chong [Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Renewable Energy; Solar Energy; Energy Storage; Air and Water Filter Devices; Nanostructures; Environment]

Liu, Cong [Researcher; Materials Science; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Computational Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Transition Metal; Catalysis; Homogeneous Catalysis; Heterogeneous Catalysis; Energy Storage; Electrocatalysis; Solar Energy; DNA; Drug Design; Pharmacology]

Liu, Yunchuan [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Distribution Channel Management; Pricing Strategy; Marketing and Advertising; Retail; E-Commerce; Marketing Research; Marketing Management]

Livingston, Catherine [Academic; Researcher; Doctor; Physician; Healthcare; Hospitals; Family Medicine; Public Health; Healthcare Policy; Primary Care]

Lomax, Michael Lucius [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Academic/University Administration; Higher Education; Education Financing; Education Scholarships; Educational Partnerships; Educator; Diversity; Inclusion; Leaderships; Nonprofit Organizations]

Lorenzo, George [Researcher; Writer; Editor; Higher Education; Online Learning and Education; Publishing; Publication Designing; Newsletters; Educational Technologies; Blogging]

Luchs, Michael I. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing Management; Sustainable Consumption; Product Design; Marketing Research; Design Thinking; Customer Insights; Consulting]

Lumetta, Steven [Academic; Researcher; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Computer Science; High Performance Networking and Computing; Hierarchical Systems; Parallel Runtime Software; Software Systems; Computational Genomics; Smartphone-based Bioassays; Optical Network Architecture; Computer Architecture; Cluster Computing; Parallel Computing; User-level Communication, Validation and Reliability]

Lynch, Kevin A. (b.07 jan 1918 - d.25 apr 1984) [Urban Planner; Academic; Researcher; Architecture and Planning; Urban Environments; Environmental Psychology; Mental Mapping; Book Author; Way Finding; Imageability; Urban Form]

Lynne, Donna [Academic; Researcher; Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Health Policy and Management; Nonprofit Organizations; Industry Associations; Global Health; Health Education]

Macdonald, Emma K. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Customer Insight; Customer Experience; Real-Time Experience Tracking Method; Customer Perceptions of Value; Consumer Behavior; Customer Empowerment; Marketing Strategy; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Customer Analytics; Consumer Behavior; Digital Marketing]

Mak, Tak Wah [Academic; Researcher; Genetics; Oncology; Biochemistry; Genetics of Immunology; T-Cell Receptor; Immunology; Cancer Genetics; Interdisciplinary Research; Biology; Tumorigenesis; Immune Responses; Biology of the Immune System; Biology of Programmed Cell Death; Pathogenesis of Cancer]

Malkiel, Burton G. [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Writer; Book Author; Finance; Efficient-Market Hypothesis; Portfolio Management; Mutual Funds; Financial and Economic Advisory; Financial and Economic Policy; Investment Management]

Mandell, Laura [Academic; Researcher; Digital Humanities; 18th Century English Literature; Media and Culture]

Manincor, John de [Architect; Entrepreneur; Academic; Lecturer; Writer; Architecture and Planning; Design of Public Projects; Architectural Education; Architectural Media; Business Writing; Design Management; Interior Architecture; Urban Design]

Manivannan, P. V. [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Instrumentation and Control Systems; Mechatronics and Embedded Systems; Mobile Robotics and Sensor Network; Automotive Electronics; Engine Control Systems; Industrial Automation; Healthcare; Technology]

Mankiw, N. Gregory [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Macroeconomics; New Keynesian Economics; Financial and Economic Advisory; Finance and Economic Policy; Book Author; Blogging; Online Journalism; Menu Costs; Price Stickiness; Pigovian Taxes; Microeconomics; Price Adjustment; Consumer Behavior; Financial Markets; Monetary and Fiscal Policy; Economic Growth]

Manso-Blanco, Sandra [Academic; Researcher; Construction Materials; Bioreceptive Materials; Environment; Building and Construction; Material Properties; Sustainability; Environmental Microbial Biocolonisation on Bioreceptive Materials; Research; Microbiology; Materials Science]

Marquardt, Hauke [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Mineralogy; Earth Sciences; Crystallography; Materials Physics]

Marra, Rose M. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Higher Education; Online Education; Evaluation; Learning Technology; Science Education; Mathematics Education; Testing and Assessment; Multicultural Education; Women and Gender; Immigrant Education; Technology and Computing; Assessment and Evaluation of Educational Change; Epistemological Implications of Learning Technologies; Gender Equity in Engineering and Science Education; Designing and Implementing Online Courses; Instructional Needs Assessment; Assessing Educational Outcomes; Formative and Summative Evaluation]

Martin Jr., Bobby C. [Entrepreneur; Academic; Design; Branding; Teaching; Design Education; Creative Direction; Experience Design; Graphic Design; Brand and Identity; Design Thinking; Corporate Identity; Web Design; Packaging Design]

Martin, Peter [Writer; Columnist; International Affairs; Political Analyst; Regulatory Engagement; Project Management; Business Strategy; Strategic Communications; Business Development; Asian Politics]

Martin, Roger [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; University/Higher Education Administration; Integrative Thinking; Management Consulting; Democratic Capitalism; Nonprofit Organizations; Columnist; Business Design; Corporate Responsibility; Corporations and Society; Design Thinking; Executive Compensation Models]

Martin, Stephen [Politician; Academic; Researcher; Public Policy; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Economics; Education; Politics; Corporate Governance; Financial Services; Trade and Tourism; Trade Policy; Sports; Defence; Small Business; Town Planning; Environment; Academic/University Administration; International Business]

Martin, Steve W. [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Marketing and Sales; Sales Linguistics; Neurolinguistics; Sales Training and Education]

Maslow, Abraham Harold (b.01 apr 1908 - d.08 jun 1970) [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Book Author; Hierarchy of Needs; Psychological Health; Social Research; Humanistic Psychology; Mental Health and Human Potential; Self Actualization; Metamotivation; Psychology of Religion; Positive Psychology]

Mayer, John D. [Academic; Researcher; Personality Psychologist; Psychology; Emotion, Mood, Effect; Emotional Intelligence; Personality, Individual Differences; Self and Identity; Measurement and Assessments]

Mayer, Lloyd Hitoshi [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Law; Religion; Churches and Politics; Election Law; Taxation; Tax Law and Policy; Federal Income Tax; Nonprofit Organizations; Institutional Choice Theory; Professional Responsibility; Taxation of Business Enterprises; International Law]

Mazvancheryl, Sanal K. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Marketing Management; Brand Management; Marketing Research; Advertising; Customer Satisfaction; Firm Performance; Consumer Research]

Mbeya, Julius [Nonprofit Executive; Entrepreneur; Researcher; International Development; Healthcare; Public Health; Capacity Development; Rural Development; Healthcare Management; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations; Grants Management; Program Management]

McAfee, Andrew [Academic; Researcher; Digital Economy; Digital Business; Information Technology; Book Author; Internet and Society; Digital Technologies]

McConnell, Michael V. [Academic; Researcher; Medicine; Cardiovascular Health; Innovation; Health Technologies; Mobile Healthcare; Molecular MRI; Molecular Imaging Techniques; Mobile Health Technologies; Coronary Artery Disease; Preventive Cardiology; Cardiovascular Imaging; Interdisciplinary Research]

McGinley, Daniel [Lecturer; Sales and Marketing; Retail]

McGrath, Rita Gunther [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Theorist; Strategy; Innovation; Entrepreneurship]

McLuhan, Marshall (b.21 jul 1911 - d.31 dec 1980) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Philosopher; Public Intellectual; Communication Theory; Media Theory; Communication and Culture; Culture and Technology; Advertising; Consulting; Public Speaking; Theory of Persuasion; Culture Studies; Media Ecology; Communication Technology and Cognitive Organization; Global Village; Communication Models; Culture and Society]

McWilliams, Douglas [Academic; Researcher; Commerce; Entrepreneur; Economics Consultancy; Economic Forecasting and Analysis; International Economics; Economic Policy; Public Speaking; Option Pricing Theory and Economics of Safety; Economic Impact Assessment for Transport; Globalization and Public Policy; Emerging Economies; Inequality; Government Spending]

Metropolis, Nicholas Constantine (b.11 jun 1915 - d.17 oct 1999) [Academic; Researcher; Physicist; Mathematics; Nuclear Reactions; Computers; Computing; Monte Carlo Method; Simulated Annealing; Algorithms; Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm]

Michel, Jean-Baptiste [Academic; Researcher; Applied Mathematics; Psychology; Systems Biology; Quantitative Aspects of Phenomena Affecting Human Life; Quantitative Social Science; Evolution of Disease-Causing Cells During Pathogenesis; Violence During Conflicts; Ways Language and Culture Change with Time; Quantitative Approach to Study Trends in Human Languages and Cultures based on Millions of Digitized Texts]

Min, Dong-Pil [Academic; Researcher; Theoretical Physics; Nuclear Physics; Science and Technology Policy; Foreign Policy; Global Research]

Mintz, Steven [Historian; Academic; Book Author; History of the American Family and Children; Film and History; Immigration and Ethnic History; Cultural Historian]

Mishra, Saurabh [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Marketing; Market Research; Marketing Intelligence; Analytics; Firm Strategies and Share Holder Value; Branding; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Marketing-Operations Management Interface; Healthcare; Technology and Innovation; Management Consulting; Public Speaking]

Misra, Santosh K. [Academic; Researcher; Nanotechnology; Nanobiotechnology; Organic Chemistry; Medical Devices; Drug Delivery; Nanomedicine; Cancer Treatment; Cardiovascular Stents; Combinatorial Therapy; DNA Cleaving Agents; Biosensors; Microscopy; Spectroscopy; Spectrometry; Metal Sensing]

Mnaouer, Adel Ben [Academic; Researcher; Computer Engineering and Networking; Wireless Networking; Biomedical Engineering; Software Engineering; Cluster/Grid Computing; Cloud Computing; Wireless Sensor Networks; Signal Processing; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Algorithms; Educational Technology; Environmental Monitoring Systems]

Modi, Sachin B. [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Supply Chain Management; Operations Research; Business Intelligence; Analytics; Product Management; Program Management; Mathematical Modeling; Simulations; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Management Consulting]

Mohr, Gina S. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Market Research; Consumer Behavior; Customer Service; Consumer Health and Wellness; Public Policy; Sensory Marketing; Public Health]

Molyneux, Logan [Academic; Researcher; Journalism; News Reporting; Writing and Editing; Digital Media; Mobile Technologies; Publishing; Newspapers and Magazines; Journalistic Practices and Products; Social Media; Branding; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Moore, Jeffrey S. [Academic; Researcher; Teaching; Materials Science and Engineering; Self Healing Materials; Mechanochemistry; Macromolecular Architectures; Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures; Online Education; New Polymeric Materials; Synthetic and Organic Chemistry; Interface of Chemistry and Materials Science]

Morgan, Daniel J. (Dan) [Academic; Researcher; Doctor; Physician; Healthcare; Hospitals; Infectious Diseases; Epidemiology; Public Health; Health Policy; Patient Safety; Medical Overuse; International Health]

Morton, Jennifer M. [Academic; Researcher; Philosophy; Philosphy of Action; Moral Philosophy; Philosophy of Education; Political Philosophy; Ethics; Human Values; Education]

Mostafavi, Mohsen [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Book Author; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Design Education; Modes and Processes of Urbanization; Interface between Technology and Aesthetics; Counter-Reformation Urban History; Ecological Urbanism; Landscape Urbanism; Emergent Urbanism]

Mroz, Don [Academic; Management Consulting; Higher Education; Organizational Development; Change Management and Innovation; Team Development; Strategy Development; Business Planning]

Mudaliar, Abhilash [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Impact Investing; Microfinance; International Development; Social Entreprneurship; Social Enterprises; Startups; Education Policy; Consulting; Program Management; Nonprofit Organizations]

Murphy, Raegan [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Intelligence Assessment; Psychometric Assessment; Dynamic Assessment (Emphasizes Potential); Flynn Effect; Dysgenic Trends in Intelligence; Neuropsychological Assessment; Applied Psychology]

Musto, David K. [Academic; Researcher; Finance; Capital Markets; Consumer Credit; Financial Intermediation; Impact Investing]

Nabel, Elizabeth [Academic; Researcher; Business Executive; Cardiologist; Healthcare and Hospitals; Cardiovascular Biology; Academic Medicine; 10th Director of National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLB) at National Institute of Health (NIH) in US; Health and Wellness; Molecular Cardiology; Vascular Biology; Gene Transfer Studies of Cardiovascular System; Healthcare Devices; Innovation; Healthcare Technologies; Healthcare Policy; Community Health; Biomedical Research; Women's Health; Global Health; Industry Associations; Genomics and Health]

Nadenicek, Daniel [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Design Education; Landscape Architecture; Landscape History; Site Planning; Historic Preservation; Sustainability; Urban Design; Community Development]

Nakajima, Tasuku [Academic; Researcher; Polymer Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Nanotechnology; Hydrogels; Soft and Wet Materials; Functional Polymers; Textile Materials; Composite Materials]

Nayar, Shree K. [Academic; Researcher; Computer Scientist; Engineering; Computer Science; Computer Vision; Computer Graphics; Computational Cameras; Robotics; Novel Cameras; Digital Imaging]

Neren, Uri [Entrepreneur; Business Writer; Academic; Researcher; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Startups; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Innovation Management]

Newport, Calvin (Cal) [Academic; Researcher; Computer Science; Book Author; Education; Student Development; Distributed Algorithms; Computer Programming; Distributed Computing; Networks and Mobile Systems; Theory of Computation; Wireless Network Algorithms]

Nijenhuis, Jan te [Academic; Researcher; Social and Behavioral Sciences; Organizational Psychology; Flynn Effect; Group Differences; Intelligence Measurement; Factors of Personality]

Nishiyama, Norimasa [Academic; Researcher; Mineralogy; Earth Sciences; Crystallography; Structural Materials; Transparent Materials; High Pressure and Temperature Synthesis; Toughening Mechanism; Synchrotron Radiation]

Nobre, Carlos A. [Climate Scientist; Researcher; Book Author; Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions; Climate Modeling; Tropical Meteorology; Climate Change; Global Environmental Change; Amazonian Research; Natural Disasters]

Nonoyama, Takayuki [Academic; Researcher; Materials Engineering; Inorganic Materials; Biological Physics; Soft Matter Physics; Functional Materials; Composite Materials; Surface and Interface Engineering; Hydrogels; Biominaralization; Nanomaterials; Bone Bonding; Bioceramics]

Nordenson, Guy [Academic; Research; Architect; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Architecture and Design; Structural Engineering; Earthquake Engineering; Code Development; Climate Adaptation; Structures of Coastal Resilience; Environmental Engineering; Building and Construction]

Norman, Donald [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Design Education; User-centered Design; Usability Engineering; Cognitive Science; Design Research; Web Design; Consulting; Higher Education]

Nourbakhsh, Illah R. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Robotics; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Robotics and Ethics; Human-Robot Interaction/Collaboration; Computer Science; Mobile Robot Programming; Engineering; Environment and Energy; Robots in Education and Learning; Big Data Visualization; Graphics, Imaging and Creative Tools; Entertainment]

Novoselac, Atila [Academic; Researcher; Architectural and Environmental Engineering; Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality; Modeling of Built Environment; Building Energy Analysis; Demand Response Energy Management Technology; Energy Simulation in Building Desing; HVAC Design; Building Environmental Systems; Healthcare]

Novoselov, Konstantin [Academic; Research; Physicist; Nobel Laureate; Physics and Astronomy; Graphene; Solid-State Physics; Mesescopic Superconductivity; Gecko Tape; Subatomic Movements of Magnetic Domain Walls; Ferromagnetism; Materials Science; Biophysics; Vortex Structures in Mesoscopic Superconductors; Atomic-scale Movements of Ferromagnetic Walls; Heartbeats of Individual Bacteria]

Oakley II, Burks [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Online Learning and Education; Distance Education; Education Technologies; Internet-based Learning Technologies; University/Academic Administration; Electrical and Computer Engineering]

Obstfeld, Maurice Moses (Maury) [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; International Economics; Economic and Monetary Policy; Macroeconomics; Banking and Finance; Global Development; Financial Markets]

Ody, Christopher [Academic; Researcher; Applied Microeconomics; Healthcare Economics; Business Strategy; Healthcare Markets; Nonprofit Hospitals; Macroeconomy and Healthcare Spending; Central Banks]

Ohfuji, Hiroaki [Academic; Researcher; Mineralogy; Electron Microscopy; Crystal Growth; Crystallography; High-Pressure Experiments; Diamond Anvil]

Omenetto, Fiorenzo [Academic; Researcher; Inventor; Physics; Biomedical Engineering; Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics; Biophotonics; Optics; Nanostructured Materials (such as Photonic Crystals and Photonic Crystal Fibers); Nanofabrication; Biopolymer-based Photonics]

O'Neill, Jim [Economist; Academic; Researcher; Asset Management; Global Economy; Economic Research; Currency Markets; Foreign Exchange Markets; Economic Groups (BRIC, MIKT, MINT)]

Orav, E. John [Academic; Researcher; Biostatistics; Medicine; Healthcare; Statistical Computing and Simulation; Clinical Research; Clinical Effectiveness; Health Policy]

Oreopoulos, Philip [Academic; Researcher; Economics; Public Policy; Labor Economics; Education Policy; Behavioral Economics; Education and Child Development; Field Experiments; Economic Policy]

Ormiston, Margaret [Academic; Researcher; Organizational Behavior; Leadership; Teams; Psychology; Executive Development; Executive Education]

Osteryoung, Jerome (Jerry) S. [Academic; Consultant; Book Author; Management Consulting; Mentoring and Coaching; Executive Management; Teams; Finance; Entrepreneurship]

Oxman, Neri [Academic; Researcher; Architecture; Design; Environmental Design; Digital Morphogenesis; Media Arts and Sciences; Material Ecology Design]

Pachauri, Rajendra Kumar (R. K.) [Academic; Researcher; Environment; Nobel Laureate; Climate Change; Nonprofit Organizations; Energy; Economics; Public Policy; Sustainable Development; Engineering]

Pallasmaa, Juhani Uolevi [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Entrepreneur; Book Author; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design Education; Constructivism; Public Speaking]

Pan, Dipanjan [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Education/University Administration; Nanotechnology; Bioengineering; Bioimaging at Multi Scale; Translational Nanomedicine; Molecular Imaging; Stem Cell Therapy; Combinatorial Therapeutics; Drug Delivery; Bioengineering Sustainability; In Silico to In Vivo; Drug Discovery and Repurposing; Interdisciplinary Research]

Papert, Seymour Aubrey (b.29 feb 1928 - d.31 jul 2016)[Academic; Researcher; Mathematician; Educator; Computer Scientist; Education and Learning; Education Technology; Computer Programming; Computer Software; Artificial Intelligence; Applied Mathematics; Constructivist Learning Theories; Digital Learning]

Pardeshi, Pratyancha [Economist; Researcher; Global Economics; Equity Research; Finance; Financial Markets; Environmental and Resource Economics; Economic Policy; Econometrics; Labor Economics; Quantitative Research; Financial Modeling]

Patel, Jill M. [Researcher; Biology; Physiology and Biophysics; Biomedical Science; Biohybrid Devices; Biorobotics]

Pathak, Parag [Academic; Researcher; Economics; Market Design; Microeconomics; Game Theory; Economics of Education; Science and Technology Policy; Education Reform; Labor Economics; Public Schools]

Patsarika, Maria [Academic; Researcher; Architecture; Creative Learning; Education; School Design; Design Collaboration with Children]

Paulino, Luciana Campos [Academic; Researcher; Genetics; Evolutionary Biology; Microbiology; Natural and Human Sciences; Genotyping; Sequencing; Public Health; Healthcare]

Pausch, Randy (b.23 oct 1960 - d.25 jul 2008) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Computer Science; Human-Computer Interaction; Design; Entertainment Technology; Virtual Reality; Public Speaking]

Pavao-Zuckerman, Mitchell [Academic; Researcher; Environmental Science and Technology; Molecular Biology; Sustainability in Built Environment; Urban Ecosystems; Green Infrastructure; Biogeochemistry; Ecohydrology Ecosystem Services; Social-Ecological Systems; Ecological Resilience; Soil Ecology in the Landscape Evolution Observatory; Landscape Architecture; Design of Arid Green Roof; Urbanization Impacts on Biological Soil Crusts]

Pearl, Robert [Healthcare Executive; Academic; Practicing Physician; Contributing Writer; Teaching; Strategy; Leadership; Healthcare Technology]

Peng, Yucan [Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Material Characterization; Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Nanomaterials Synthesis; Material Characteristics; Nanostructured Materials; Nanoparticle Synthesis; Polymers; Advanced Materials; Materials Processing; Nanoscience; Polymeric Materials; Nanoparticle Preparation; Nanofabrication; Nanochemistry]

Pennebaker, James W. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Social Psychologist; Writing Therapy and Language; Relationship between Natural Language Use, Health and Social Behavior; Nature of Physical Symptoms; Health Consequences of Secrets, Expressive Writing, and Natural Language; Writing and Physical and Mental Health; Language and Personality; Psychosomatic Processes; Psychology and Language; Health Psychology; Nature of Language and Social Processes; Emotion, Disclosure and Health]

Pereira, Henrique Miguel [Academic; Researcher; Biodiversity and Ecosystems; Ecology; Environmental Policy; Management of Ecosystems; Environmental Biology; Conservation Biology]

Pericchi, Luis R. [Academic; Researcher; Mathematics; Biostatistics; Bioinformatics; Probability Theory; Bayesian Analysis and Modeling; Statistical Decision Theory; Clinical Trials; Healthcare; Econometrics; Statistical Applications to Anthropology, Biomedicine, Economics, Engineering and Genetics; Statistical Computing]

Petersen, Soren [Business Consultant; Design Science Researcher; Design Consulting; Design Strategy; Industrial and Transportation Design and Engineering]

Petrides, Konstantin Vasily (K. V.) [Academic; Researcher; Psychology; Psychometrics; Assessment and Measurement; Traits; Social Intelligence; Emotional Intelligence; Human Resources; Personal Development; Quantitative Research]

Pfeffer, Jeffrey [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Business Theorist; Management Thinker; Organizational Behavior; Evidence-based Management; Relationship between Time and Money, Power and Leadership in Organizations; Economics Language and Assumptions and their Effects on Management Practice; Social Science Theories; Barriers to Turning Knowledge into Action; High Performance Culture]

Phillips, Patrick [Business Executive; Researcher; Product Management; Materials Science; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Physics; Electron Microscopy; Spectroscopy; Mechanical Behavior Materials]

Pich, Michael [Academic; Researcher; Executive Education; Management Education; University/Academic Administration; Operations Management; Entrepreneurship; Family Enterprise; Executive Development and Leadership; International Business; Management of Innovation; Learning in Organizations; Project and Process Management; Entrepreneurship; Strategic R&D Management; Use of Business Simulations in Corporate Education]

Pietsch, Tamson [Academic; Researcher; Historian; Book Author; Research Focuses on Universities, Knowledge and International Politics in the Modern Period; Higher Education; Public Policy; Political History of the University]

Pigneur, Yves [Academic; Researcher; Information Systems; Business Model, Design and Innovation; E-Business Systems Design; IT Alignment]

Piketty, Thomas [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Public Economics; Wealth and Income Inequality; Wealth, Incomeand Redistribution; Macroeconomics and Asset Accumulation; Savings, the Transmission of Wealth and Inequality; European Economy]

Pines, David [Academic; Researcher; Physics; Complexive Adaptive Matter; Materials Science; Theoretical Astrophysics; Interdisciplinary Research; Organizing Principles Responsible for Emergent Behavior in Matter; Correlated Matter; Emergent Behavior in Correlated Electron Superconductors; Organic Superconductors; Superfluidity of Neutron Stars]

Pineiro, Aliana [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Impact Investing; Impact Assessment; Economic Development; International Relations; Program Evaluation; Project Management; Rural Development; Social Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Social Enterprises; Nonprofit Organizations; Mentoring and Training; Asset Management]

Pinkard, Nichole [Academic; Researcher; Education; Education Technology; E-Learning; Interactive Media; Human-Computer Interaction, Design of Social Networking Platforms; Social Network Data Analysis; Digital and Computational Literacy; Digital Media]

Poon, Bing Ying (Jessica) [Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Health Outcomes Research; Patient-Centered Care; Medical Decision-Making; Medical Education]

Pradhan, Manoj [Economist; Consultant; Researcher; Global Economy; Emerging Markets; Financial Markets; Macroeconomics]

Prasad, Vinayak K. (Vinay) [Academic; Researcher; Hematologist-Oncologist; Book Author; Evidence-based Medicine; Healthcare; Hospitals; Health Policy; Public Health; Preventive Medicine; Medical Reversals; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Pusawiro, Priyakorn [Academic; Researcher; Interactive and Entertainment Computing; Digital Media Technology; Educational Tools]

Qin, Zhao [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Materials Science; Biological Materials; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Computational Modeling; Bio-Inspired Materials Design; Nanomechanics]

Quinn, Roger D. [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Engineering; Biorobots; Agile Manufacturing Sytems; Structural Dynamics; Vibration and Control; Biologically Inspired Robotics]

Quintero, Juan José Casado [Academic; Researcher; Academic/University Administration; Business Analytics; Digital Marketing; Big Data; Data Mining; Digital Strategy; Customer Experience; Consumer Analytics; Digital Transformation; Business Intelligence; Mobile Devices; Internet of Things; Social Media; Customer Relationship Management]

Rael, Ronald [Architect; Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Thought Leader; Architecture; Additive Manufacturing; Earthen Architecture; 3D Printing in Architecture, Building Components, Environments and Products; Design Activism; Environmental Design]

Rahim, Emad [Academic; Researcher; Education Management; Entrepreneurship; Project Management; Nonprofit Management; Community Outreach; Higher Education Administrator]

Rajasekar, Arcot [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Data Grid Technologies; Data Grid Middleware Systems; Data Science; Policy-based Data Management; Personal Digital Libraries; Big Data; Relational Databases; Logic Programming; Open-source Approach to Managing Digital Data; Deductive Databases; Data Grids; Digital Library and Persistent Archives]

Ramamurti, Ravi [Academic; Researcher; International Business; Corporate Strategy; Emerging Markets; Business-Government Relations; Internationalization Strategies of Multinationals in Emerging Markets; Global Business Environment; Global Strategy; Consulting; Management Education]

Ramsay, Patricia P. [Researcher; Academic/University Administration; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Genetics; Genotyping; Epidemiology; Biostatistics; Study Management, Data Quality Control, and Data analysis in the Areas of Cardiovascular Diseases, Osteoporosis, Autoimmune Disorders, and other Chronic Diseases]

Rao, Madanmohan [Writer; Editor; Researcher; Management Consulting; Publishing; Content Management; Creativity; Innovation; Knowledge Management; Digital Media]

Ray, Edward John [Economist, Academic, Book Author, Research Interests Includes History of Protectionism in US, The Determinants of US Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Direct Investments in the US, The Structure of Tariff and Non-Tariff Trade Barriers in US and Abroad, Adoption of Social Security]

Reddy, Shyamala [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Agricultural Sciences; Biology; Molecular Cloning; Biotechnology]

Reeves, Martin [Business Executive; Researcher; Book Author; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Self-tuning Organizations; Corporate Durability; Commoditization; Strategy and Sustainability; Competitive Advantage; Economics of Trust andSustainability; Adaptive Strategy; Business Model Innovation; Managerial Heuristics; Marketing Effectiveness; Mergers and Acquisitions; Research and Product Development Innovation]

Reibstein, David J. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Market Research; Marketing Strategy; Data Analysis; Analytics; E-Commerce; Qualitative and Quantitative Research; Startups; Entrepreneurship; Management Education; Brand Equity; Marketing Metrics; Competitive Marketing Strategies; Product Line Strategy; Resource Allocation; Management Consulting; Public Speaking]

Reis (Weeks), Rose [Communications Expert; Writer; Editor; Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Healthcare in Developing Countries; Community Health; Global Health; Public Health; Health Policy; Nonprofit Organizations; Program Development]

Rempel, Sandra A. [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Clinical Neurosciences; Neurosurgery; Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Health Systems; Oncology; Pharmacology; Glioma Invasion; Molecular Biology; Genomics; Medical Imaging; Clinical Trials; Genes and Immunity]

Resnick, Mitchel (Mitch) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Journalist; Computer Science; Education and Learning; Education and Learning Technologies; Learning Experiences; Learning Research; Computer Programming; Civic Media; Education Policy; Science and Technology Journalism; Teaching]

Rich, Jeremy [Researcher; Physician-Scientist; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Health Services Research; Forensic Medicine; Patient-Centered Innovations; Risk Stratification of Chronically Ill Patients; Remote Monitoring in Healthcare; Telehealth; Cultural Sensitivity in Providing Care; Evaluating Patient Experience]

Ringler, Claudia [Researcher; Environment and Food Policy; Food Production; Production Technology; Water Resource Management; River Basin Modeling for Policy Analysis and Agricultural and Natural Resource Policy Focused at Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Growth]

Rios, Rafael [Academic; Researcher; Environmental Sciences; Air Resources; Water Technologies; Water Supply to Small Communities; Vulnerability Analysis for Water Drinking Systems; Natural-Human Systems in the Urbanizing Topics; Healthcare and Environment; Public Health]

Rodin, Judith [Academic; Researcher; Nonprofit Executive; Philanthropist; Book Author; Higher Education; Academic/University Administration; Healthcare; Social Entrepreneurship; Environment; Poverty Alleviation; Community Development; Impact Investing; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Boards; Corporate Boards and Governance]

Rodriguez, Carlos Mario [Business Executive; Researcher; Agronomy; Molecular Biology; Soil Science; Biodiversity; Research and Development; Agriculture and Rural Development; Food and Restaurant; Coffee Cultivation]

Rodriguez, Hector P. [Academic; Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Organized Health Systems; Healthcare Management; Health Policy; Organizational Influences on the Quality of Ambulatory Care; Interprofessional Primary Care Team Approaches and Continuity of Care; Health Care Disparities; Practice-Based Research; Implementation and Dissemination Research; Performance Measurement and Improvement]

Rogers, John [Energy Analyst; Scientist; Researcher; Climate Change; Environment; Clean Energy; Renewable Energy]

Rogers, John [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Interdisciplinary Research; Nano and Molecular Scale Fabrication; Materials and Patterning Techniques for Unusual Format Electronics and Photonic Systems; Bio-Integrated and Bio-Inspired Systems; Soft Materials; Polymers; Soft Materials for Conformal Electronics, Nanophotonic Structures, Microfluidic Devices, and Microelectromechanical Systems]

Rosario, Ana Babić [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Marketing Management; Social Media Marketing; New Media Marketing; Food Consumption; Social Interaction; Interpersonal Influence; Consumption Communities; Food Psychology]

Rose, James [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Architecture and Design Education; Interior Design; Furniture Design; Intersection of Materials and Processes; Building Technologies; Sustainability; Regional Modernism; Sustainable Materials]

Rosen, Terry [Entrepreneur; Research Chemist; Biotechnology; Healthcare; Drug Discovery; Drug Development; Therapeutics; Pharmaceuticals; Cancer Therapeutics; Entrepreneurship and Innovation]

Rosenfeld, Roni [Academic; Researcher; Computer Scientist; Computer Science; Computational Epidemiology; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Infectious Disease Forecasting; Statistical Language Modeling; Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D); Social Good]

Rosier, Jan [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Biotechnology; Biomedical Research; Global Health; Public Health; Business of Biotechnology]

Ross, Lee [Academic; Researcher; Humanities and Sciences; Social Psychology; Attribution Theory; Attributional Biases; Decision Making; Conflict Resolution; Fundamental Attribution Error; Attitude Polarization; Cognitive Psychology; Reactive Devaluation; Belief Perseverance; False Consensus Effect; Naive Realism; Hostile Media Effect; Environment; Climate Change; Global Legal Systems; Decisions Science; Education; Meaning and Mental Representation; Reasoning and Problem Solving; Self and Identity]

Rouhiainen, Lasse [Technology Expert; Book Author; Cosultant; Researcher; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Disruptive Technologies; Technology and Society; Online Education; Human Centered AI; Video Marketing; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Roth, Alvin E. [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Nobel Laureate; Game Theory; Market Design; Experimental Economics; Economic Theory; Healthcare; Education; Public Schools]

Roubini, Nouriel [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Economic Consultancy; International Economics; Emerging Markets; New Keynesian Economics; Investments; Economic Forecasting; Economic Policy; Global Finance; Political Economics; International Macroeconomics; Growth Theory; European Monetary Issues]

Rus, Daniela [Computer Scientist; Academic; Researcher; Robotics; Mobile Computing; Programmable Matter; Self Reconfiguring Robots; Shape Shifting Machines; Algorithms; Networked/Distributed/Collaborative Robots; Transportation; Security; Environmenta; Modeling; Monitoring; Underwater Exploration; Agriculture]

Saarinen, Kari [Physician; Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; Hospital Administration; Clinical Research; Healthcare Management; Medical Education; Hospital Design; Aesthetic Experience; Evidence Based Design (EBD); Intensive Care; Intermediate Care; Public Speaking]

Salakhutdinov, Ruslan [Academic; Researcher; Computer Science and Statistics; Statistical Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Probabilistic Graphical Models; Large-scale Optimization; Artificial Intelligence; Smart Machines]

Salehi-Khojin, Amin [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Renewables and Environment; Materials Synthesis; CO2 Conversion Systems; Energy Storage; Graphene-based Thermoelectric Devices; Carbon Nanomaterial-based Chemical Sensors; Carbon-based Electronic Devices; Vibration of Nanoscale Media; Solar Energy]

Sanchez, Jose [Architect; Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Computer Programming; Game Design; Design; Online Open Source Knowledge; Crowdsourced Urbanism; Video Games]

Sanchez-Burks, Jeffrey [Academic; Researcher; Speaker; Writer; Executive Education; Innovation; Professional Training and Coaching; Leadership Development; Diversity and Cultural Awareness; Organizational Development; Social Psychology]

Sargent, James Randal (Randy) [Researcher; Entrepreneur; Systems Scientist; Computer Programmer; Computer Software; Robotics; Machine Vision; Visualization; Networking; Hands-on Education; Image Exploration and Analysis; Open Source Robotics; Ubiquitous Computing; Data Analytics; Visualization of Large Datasets and Complex Systems]

Sarkis, Hashim [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Book Author; Architecture and Planning; University/Academic Administration; Landscape Architecture; Urbanism; Affordable Housing; Town Planning]

Sastry, Shankar [Academic; Researcher; Computer Science; Electrical Engineering; Robotics; Field Theory; Artificial Intelligence; Biosystems and Computational Biology; Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics; Security; Cybersecurity; Critical Infrastructure Protection]

Satterthwaite, Margaret L. [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Law; Human Rights; Economic and Social Rights; Empirical Approaches, Measurement, and Metrics in Human Rights; Gender, National Security, and Counter-Terrorism; Human Rights in Haiti; Rendition and the Law of Informal Transfer; Rights-Based Approaches to Development and Humanitarianism]

Schein, Edgar H. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Development; Organizational Culture; Corporate Culture; Group Process Consultation; Coercive Persuasion; Career Development; Executive Development; Social Psychology; Change Management; Consulting; Corporate Governance; Health Management; Healthcare; Cross-cultural Awareness]

Schroeder, Raymond E. (Ray) [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Educator; Online Learning and Education; Education Technology; Technology-Enhanced Learning; University/Academic Administration; Social Media; Blogging; Consulting; Public Speaking]

Schumpeter, Joseph (b.08 feb 1883 - d.08 jan 1950) [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Economics and Econometrics; Business Cycles; Economic Development; Evolutionary Economics; Keynesian Economics; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Democratic Theory; Capitalism and Socialism]

Schwartz, Daniel L. [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Book Author; Education; Learning; Cognitive Science; Computer Science; Education and Technology; Assessment, Testing and Measurement; Brain and Learning Sciences; Data Sciences; Psychology]

Seiter, Andreas [Health Specialist; Researcher; Pharmaceutical Policy and Management; Public Health; Medical Technology; Healthcare; Global Health; Health Economics; Clinical Research]

Senske, Nicholas (Nick) [Academic; Researcher; Design; Architectural Education; Software; Computational Design; Design Education]

Seru, Amit [Academic; Researcher; Economics; Mortgage Rates; Household Balance Sheets; Real Economy; Regional Distribution Through the US Mortgage Market; Selling Failed Banks; Financial Intermediaries and Regulation; Advertising Expensive Mortgages; Resource Allocation and Internal Organization of Firms; Performance Evaluation and Incentives; Corporate Finance; Incentive Provision; Interaction of Internal Organization of Firms with Financing and Investment; Consulting]

Sexton, John Edward [Academic; Researcher; Lawyer; Book Author; Academic/University Administration; Higher Education; Legal Issues; Civil Procedure; Supreme Court's Case Selection Process; Supreme Court and the Religion Clauses; International Relations; Human Rights; Global Citizenship; Religion and Spirituality]

Seymour, Richard [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Business; Startups; Social Entrepreneurship; Creative Industries; Strategic Management; Corporate Venturing; Global Business; Design; Technology; Mentoring and Coaching; Academia-Industry Collaboration; Business Consulting]

Shah, Jayesh [Physician; Writer; Internal Medicine; Preventive Medicine; Wound Care and Management; Healthcare; Teaching and Research; Hyperbaric Medicine; Clinical Practice; Public Speaking; Nursing; Long-term Care; Healthcare and Hospitals; Industry Associations; Community Health; Volunteering; Nonprofit Organizations; Medical Devices; Clinical Trials; Healthcare Informations Systems; Managed Care; Surgery]

Shannon Jr., Jeff [Academic; Researcher; Architect; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Planning; Architecture Education; Program Development; Community Outreach; Public Policy; Public Speaking]

Shapley, Lloyd S. [Academic; Researcher; Nobel Laureate; Mathematics; Economics; Mathematical Economics; Game Theory; Stochastic Games; Market Design; Authority Distribution; Multi-person Utility; Non-atomic Games]

Sharpe, William Forsyth [Academic; Researcher; Nobel Laureate; Book Author; Economic Sciences; Finance; Capital Asset Pricing Model; Risk-adjusted Investment Performance Analysis; Binomial Method for the Valuation of Options; Gradient Method for Asset Allocation Optimization; Returns-based Style Analysis for Evaluating the Style and Performance of Investment Funds; Blogging; Retirement Financial Strategies; Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies]

Shibley, Robert G. [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Book Author; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Planning; Architecture Education; Urban Design; Program Development; University Campus Design]

Shortell, Stephen M. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Healthcare and Hospitals; Healthcare Systems; Public Health; Health Services and Policy Analysis; Healthcare Systems Evolution; Patient Activation and Engagement; Strategic Alliances in Healthcare; Strategic Management in Healthcare; Community-Based Healthcare Improvements; Total Quality Management in Healthcare; Patient-Centered Care; Organizational Behavior; Academic/University Administration; Public Speaking]

Shrestha, Rasu B. [Business Executive; Radiologist; Academic; Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Healthcare Information Technology; Innovation Strategy; Patient-Centered Healthcare; Intelligent Healthcare; Strategic Partnerships; Interoperability and Imaging Informatics; Radiology Research; Industry Organizations]

Siegal, Jennifer [Architect; Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Architecture and Planning; Buildings and Construction; Mobile Structures and Homes; Prefab Homes; Sustainable Architecture; Construction Materials; Green Modernist Architecture; Ecology; Environment; Portable and Modular Architecture]

Silver, Pamela [Academic; Researcher; Biochemistry; Bio-Engineering; Systems Biology; Molecular Pharmacology; Computational Biology]

Silver, Roxane Cohen [Academic; Research; Psychology; Social Behavior; Medicine; Public Health; Collective Traumas; Coping with Traumatic Life Events; Stress; Social Psychology; Health Psychology; Interdisciplinary Research; Mental and Physical Health; Impact of Community Disasters on Mental Health]

Sim, Ida [Academic; Research; Entrepreneur; Biomedical Informatics; Mobile Health; Clinical Research; Primary Care; Systematic Reviews; Nonprofit Organizations; Healthcare Information Systems; Oncology; Open Software]

Simon, Julian (b.12 feb 1932 - d.08 feb 1998) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Economics; Business Administration; Population; Natural Resources; Immigration; Environmental Economics; Technological Progress; Cornucopian Theory; Free-market Environmentalism; Government Regulations]

Sindi, Hayat [Medical Scientist; Researcher; Social Entrepreneur; Biotechnology; Biofluidics; Pharmacology; Health Diagnostics; Healthcare and Hospitals; Innovation; Technology; Global Health; Entrepreneurship; Public Health]

Sinha, Janmejaya [Business Executive; Researcher; Book Author; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Mergers and Acquisitons; Divestitures; Postmerger Integration in Financial Institutions; Large-scale Organizational Transformation; Family Business Strategy]

Slamon, Dennis [Academic; Researcher; Oncologist; Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; Hematology; University/Academic Administration; Nonprofit Organizations; Clinical/Translational Research; Healthcare and Hospitals; Molecular Cancer Therapeutics; Pharmaceuticals; Drug Development]

Slotta, James D. (Jim) [Academic; Researcher; Cognitive Scientist; Education; Education Technology; Curriculum Teaching and Learning; Interplay between Technology Pedagogy and Community; Applications of Information Technology in Education; ICT in Classroom]

Smith, Adam (b.16 jun 1723 - d.17 jul 1790) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Moral Philosopher; Political Economy; Classical Economics; Ethics; Modern Free Market Theory; Division of Labor; Theory of 'Invisible Hand'; Rational Self Interest and Competition can Lead to Economic Prosperity]

Smith, Vernon L. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Nobel Laureate; Economics; Interdisciplinary Research; Experimental Economics; New Classical Economics; Combinatorial Auction; Experimental Economics; Capital Theory; Finance; Natural Resources Economics; Law]

Soboyeyo, Winston (Wolé) [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Materials Science; Nanoparticles; BioMEMS for Cancer Detection and Treatment; Cell/Surface Interactions on Biomaterials; Interdisciplinary Research; Fatigue and Fracture of Materials; Alternative Energy Systems; Affordable Infrastructure]

Solis, Brian [Digital Marketing Analyst; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Social Media Marketing; Integrated Marketing; Digital Strategy; Web Analytics; Online Content; Consulting; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Song, Alex Y. [Researcher; Electrical and Electronics Engineering; Optics and Photonics; Nanophotonic and Microphotonic Structures; Renewable Energy; Nanotechnology]

Song, Se Jin [Academic; Researcher; Bioinformatics; Molecular Biology; Ecology; Evolutionary Biology; Microbiome; Biodiversity and Conservation; Environmental Science; Healthcare]

Soriano, Enrique M. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Family Business Policy; Management Consulting; Real Estate Investment]

Sotgiu, Francesca [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Retail; Pricing; Price Promotions; Store Assortments; Online Platforms; Electronic Word of Mouth; Social Media; E-Commerce; Online Retail]

Sottos, Nancy R. [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Data Analysis]

Stafford, Richard A. (Rick) [Academic; Researcher; Public Policy; Community Development; Smart Cities; Public Governance; Economic Development; Education and Workforce Development; Elective Politics; Technology Policy; Energy and Environment; Food and Agriculture; Industry and Professional Organizations]

Stellar, Jennifer [Academic; Researcher; Psychology; Personality; Emotion; Physiological Underpinnings of Compassion and Examines What Traits Encourage or Discourage Compassionate Responding; Social Influences; Physiology; Morality; Emotion Recognition; Social Psychology; Cultural Studies; Social Sciences; Linear Mixed Models; Pro-social and Healing Effects of Positive Emotions such as Compassion, Happiness, Joy, and Awe; Effect of Emotions on Mental and Physiological Health; Anti-inflammatory Effects of Awe]

Stubbs, Holly [Researcher; Law; Human Rights; Economic and Social Rights; Interdisciplinary Legal Research; Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining; Connections Between Economic and Political Systems]

Sturgill, Nicole [Business Executive; Researcher; Advisory Services; Banking and Financial Services; Retail Banking; Financial Technology; Digital Banking; Customer Experience; Digital Transformation; Strategic Planning; Conferences; Social Networking; Sales Operations; Public Speaking]

Sull, Donald [Academic; Researcher; Teaching; Business Strategy; Strategy Implementation and Execution; Competitive Strategy; Entrepreneur; Films; Entrepreneurship and Innovation]

Summerfelt, William Thomas (Tom) [Business Executive; Researcher; Thought Leader; Healthcare and Hospitals; Health Services Research; Healthcare Program Evaluation; Quality Improvement; Health Disparities; Healthcare Big Data; Research Methodology; Qualitative and Quantitative Research; Healthcare Administration; Public Speaking]

Summers, Lawrence Henry (Larry) [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Economic and Government Policy; Globalization; Public Finance; Labor Economics; Financial Economics; Macroeconomics; International Economics; Economic Demography; Economic History; Development Economics]

Sun, Taolin [Academic; Researcher; Materials Chemistry; Biomaterials; Mechanical Engineering; Mechanics of Materials; Polymers; Textile Materials; Hydrogels; Composite Materials]

Sundvor, Scott [Entrepreneur; Researcher; Writer; Product Design and Development; Operations and Management; Prototyping; Manufacturing; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Technology; Process Improvement; Executive Development; Coaching, Training and Mentoring; Management Consulting]

Swan, K. Scott [Academic; Researcher; International Business; Marketing Management; Product Development & Design; Global Marketing & Strategy; Export Management; Global Sourcing Strategy; Innovation & Technology Transfer; Cooperative Strategies]

Syrdal, Holly Atwood [Academic; Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Public Relations; Marketing Research; Social Media Marketing; Services Marketing; Nonprofit Marketing; Ethics; Marketing Pedagogy; Marketing Strategy; Online Retail; Nonprofit Organizations; Management Education]

Szymanski, Jaimy [Business Analyst; Researcher; Mobile; IoT; Digital Customer Experience; Digital Strategies; Digital Transformation; Consumer Mobile; Customer Experience Design; Social Business Strategy; Social Media Consulting; Marketing; Public Relations; Advertising; Journalism]

Tabrizi, Behnam [Academic; Researcher; Management Consulting; Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Program Management; Engineering]

Taniguchi, Takashi [Academic; Researcher; Materials Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Materials Processing; Synthsis of Materials; High Pressure Effects on Materials; Graphene]

Tapscott, Don [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Management Thinker; Thought Leader; Management Consultant; Business Expert; Book Author; Business Strategy; Innovation; Media; Economic and Social Impacts of Technology]

Tayan, Brian [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Education Management; Business Strategy; Startups; Corporate Governance; Nonprofit Organizations; Risk Management; Financial Modeling; Financial Accounting; Human Resource Management]

Taylor, Donald P. (Don) [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Translational Development Scientist; University/Academic Administration; Life Sciences; Healthcare; Health Information Systems; Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering; Biomedical Informatics; Plastic Surgery; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Big Data and Analytics; Diagnostic and Therapeutic Treatment of Quiescent Lesions; Breast Cancer Metastatic Latency; Computational Modeling; Patholody]

Tellis, Gerard J. [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Entrepreneurship; Global Innovation; Marketing; Strategy; New Product Growth; Advertising; Promotion; Pricing; Book Author; Marketing Research; Consumer Behavior; Quantitative Research; Analytics; Customer Insight]

Telmer, Christopher I. (Chris) [Academic; Researcher; Economics; Financial Services; Risk Management; Financial Markets; Energy and Environment; Energy Finance; Intergenerational Mobility; Labor Market Risk and Asset Pricing; Exchange Rates; Asset Pricing; Public Policy]

Tenenbaum, Joshua [Academic; Researcher; Computational Cognitive Science; Mathematical Psychology; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Smart Machines; Bayesian Statistics; Probabilistic Generative Models; Probabilistic Programming; Human Learning and Reasoning]

Terry, Benjamin S. [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Healthcare; Technology; Medical Therapeutics; Medical Devices; Surgical Tools; Intuitive and Ambulatory Biosensors; Biomechanical Behavior of Tissues and Organs; Bioengineering; Dynamics and Control of Engineering Systems; Mechanical Engineering Control System Design]

Theodoropoulos, Christine [Academic; Researcher; Architect; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Environmental Design; Civil Engineering; Structural Systems; International Earthquake-Resistant Design; Disaster Mitigation; Environmental Implications of Structural Systems; Program Development; Architecture and Design Education]

Thornton, Linda Fisher [Academic; Researcher; Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Management Consulting; Executive Development; Leadership Development; Business Ethics; Public Speaking; Ethical Leadership Development; Performance Improvement; Business Research; Strategic Thinking; Conflict and Group Dynamics]

Thrun, Sebastian [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Programmer and Developer; Education; Robotics; Computer Science; Education Technology; Artificial Intelligence; Online Learning; Online Education; Healthcare; Automation]

Timberlake, James [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Book Author; Architecture and Planning; Building Design; Interior Design; Efficient Construction Methods; Resource Conservation Strategies; Novel Use of Building Materials; Public Speaking]

Tomlinson, Raymond (Ray) S. (b.23 apr 1941 - d.05 mar 2016) [Computer Programmer; Internet Pioneer; Researcher; Email Messaging System]

Topol, Eric J. [Cardiologist; Geneticist; Academic; Digital Medicine Researcher; Book Author; Technology and Healthcare; Wireless Medicine]

Touati, Farid [Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Microelectronics and Microcontrollers; Semiconductor Electronics; Circuit Design; Communication Engineering; Intrumentation; Green Circuits; Sensor Networks; Sensor Technology; Embedded Electronics; Signal Processing; Bioengineering; Smart Irrigation; Renewable Engergy; Wireless Monitoring of Renewable Energy Stations; Environmental Monitoring Systems; Biomedical Engineering; Optical Communications; Higher Education; Curriculum Development]

Toubia, Olivier [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing; Innovation; Market Research; Idea Generation; Preference Measurement; Customer-Centric Innovation; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Digital Marketing; Search Engines; E-Commerce; Data Analytics; Data Science; Machine Learning; Commercialization of Research]

Toyama, Kentaro [Academic; Researcher; Computer Scientist; Book Author; International Development; Technology and Development; Emerging Markets; Interdisciplinary Research; Development Studies; Computer Vision; Human-Computer Interaction; Geographic Information Systems; Multimedia; Social Entrepreneurship; Social Change; Technological Innovations]

Tremblay-Pepin, Simon [Researcher; Writer; Political Science; Economics; Public Policy; Information Research; Public Relations; Society and Democracy; Democracy and Economy Linkages; Political System; Public Finances; Economic Democratization Prospects]

Tremonte, Ada [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Entrepreneur; Architecture and Design Education; Interior Design; Coaching and Mentoring; Nonprofit Organizations]

Troyer, Jennifer [Academic; Researcher; Higher Education/University Administration; Economics; Econometrics; Mircroeconomics; Data Analysis; Health Economics; Industrial Organization; Labor Economics; Pharmaceutical Industry; Healthcare; Public Policy]

Tubiana, Laurence [Academic; Researcher; Sustainable Development; Environment; Energy; International Development; Climate Change; Biodiversity; International Relations]

Ulrich, Roger S. [Academic; Researcher; Healthcare Design; Architectural Design and Research; Evidence-based Design]

Underwood, Rod [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Architecture and Planning; Academic/University Administration; Architectural Design; Sustainable Design; Urban Design; Urban Planning; Coaching and Mentoring]

Valck, Kristine De [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Social Media Marketing; Qualitative Social Research; Online Communities; Communication and Media; Consumption Communities]

Varian, Hal [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Information Management and Systems; Economics; Economic Theory; Industrial Organization; Financial Economics; Econometrics; Information Economics; Consulting; Auction Design; Econometric Analysis; Corporate Strategy; Finance; Public Policy]

Varki, Sajeev [Academic; Researcher; Marketing and Advertisng; Marketing Mangement; Global Marketing; Promotions Management; Marketing Strategy; Marketing Research; Behavioral Economics; Relationship Marketing]

Verlegh, Peeter W. J. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Management Education; Branding; Advertising; Consumer Behavior; Word of Mouth; Social Media; Branding and Marketing Communication; Marketing Science; Market Research; Quantitative Research; Social Inflence; Persuasion Knowledge; Social and Ethnic Identity; Policy Issues]

Vickrey, William (b.21 jun 1914 - d.11 oct 1996) [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Nobel Laureate; Economic Sciences; Economic Theory of Incentives under Asymmetric Information; Vickery Auction; Revenue Equivalance Theorem; Congestion Pricing; Public Economics; Marginal Cost Pricing; Keynesian Economics; Auction Theory]

Vunjak-Novakovic, Gordana [Academic; Researcher; Engineer; Biomedical Engineering; Stem Cells; Tissue Engineering; Stem Cells Imaging; Biomaterials and Bioreactors; Regenerative Medicine; Study of Development and Diseases]

Wachter, Robert M. (Bob) [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Book Author; Healthcare; Hospitalist Movement; Medicine; Technology; Patient Safety; Healthcare Quality]

Wadhwa, Vivek [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Higher Education; Innovation; Technology; Public Speaking; Thought Leadership; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Corporate Social Responsibility; Mobile Devices; Internet; Online Education]

Wakai, Fumihiro [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Materials Structure; Inorganic Materials; Ceramics; Nanocrystalline Materials; Sintering/Microstructural Control; High Temperature related Deformation and Fracture; Superplasticity; Materials Integration]

Wakhungu, Judi W. [Academic; Researcher; Energy Expert; Energy Resources Management; Energy Policy and Development; Science Technology and Development; Gender Issues in Science and Technology Policy; Petroleum Geology; Higher Education]

Wansink, Brian [Academic; Researcher; Consumer Behavior; Food and Beverages; Eating Behavior; Human Health; Food Psychology; Food Branding; Agricultural Research; Marketing; Advertising; Social Media; Public Speaking; Data Analysis; Nonprofits]

Ward, Matthew [Designer; Educator; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Design Education; Speculative Design; Internet of Things (IoT); Urban Computing; Interaction Design; Public Speaking]

Wasielewski, Michael R. [Academic; Researcher; Chemistry; Sustainability and Energy; Renewables and Environment; Solar Energy; Artificial Photosynthesis; Solar Fuels and Solar Electricity; Molecular Electronics; Molecular Spintronics; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Academic/University Administration]

Weaver, James [Academic; Researcher; Biotechnology; Bio-Engineering]

Webster, Victoria [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Biorobotics; Autonomous Robotics; Dynamical Systems; Materials Characterization; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Tensegrity; Stochastic Algorithms; Kinematics; Controls; Biohybrid Muscle Cell Powered Actuators and Devices]

Weller, Martin [Academic; Researcher; E-Learning; Distance Learning; Higher Education; Education Technology; Instructional Design; Curriculum Development; Teaching; Open Education; MOOCs; Internet]

Wells, Adam [Academic; Researcher; Architecture and Design Education; Industrial Design; Sculpture; Materials and Processes; Design Thinking; Design Strategy; Graphic Design; User-centered Design; Concept Development; Interaction Design]

West, Geoffrey [Academic; Researcher; Theoretical Physicist; Scientific Model of Cities; Urban Design; Metabolic Theory of Ecology]

West, James L. [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Book Author; Architecture and Design Education; University/Academic Administration; Industrial Design; Interior Design; Building and Construction; Affordable Housing; Community Development; Community Development; Retirement Living Envionments]

West, Jason [Academic; Researcher; Interdisciplinary Research; Air Pollution; Climate Change; Modeling of Ozone and Particles on Urban, Regional and Global Scales; Air Pollution Science and Management in Developing Nations; Integrated Assessment; International Air Pollution Transport; Integrated Planning of Air Pollution and Climate Mitigation]

Whinston, Andrew B. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Economics; Information Systems; Computer Science; Microeconomics; Non-cooperative Game Theory; Electronic Commerce; Nonlinear Optimization Methods to Determine Optimal Portfolios Over Time; Internet; Management Science; Decision Sciences; Organization Science; Operations Research; Economics Issues in Social Networking; Informational Economics with Applications to Auditing]

Whitby, Thomas (Tom) [Academic; Educator; Book Author; Education Technology; Social Media in Education; Blogging; Education Management; Instructional Technology; Curriculum Development; Teacher Training]

White, Scott [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Aerospace Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Adaptive, Autonomic and Self-regulating Materials and Materials Systems]

Whitesides, George M. [Academic; Researcher; Chemistry; NMR Spectroscopy; Organometallic Chemistry; Molecular Self Assembly; Soft Lithography; Microfabrication; Microfluidics; Nanotechnology]

Wiley, Keith [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Architecture and Design Education; Landscape Architecture; Role of Making in Design Pedagogy; Rhetoric of Spacial Representation System]

Willer, Robb [Academic; Researcher; Sociology; Psychology; Collective Action; Social Movements; Gender; Morality; Political Psychology; Prosocial Behavior; Social Psychology; Bases of Social Order]

Wilson, Hugh N. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing Strategy; Customer Experience; Customer Management; Marketing and Sustainability; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Consumer Behavior; Customer Analytics; E-Commerce; Coaching and Training; Public Speaking]

Wong, Elaine [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Statistics; Data Analysis; Public Speaking; Organizational Behavior; Teams and Groups; Leadership; Executive Development; Performance Management; Leadership Traits; Leadership Decision Making; Motivational Leadership; Qualitative Research; Quantitative Analytics]

Wood, John [Advisor; Consultant; Academic; Higher Education; Design; Fine Arts; Design Theory and Practice]

Wood, Robert [Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Bio-Engineering; Robotics; Biologically Inspired Aerial and Terrestrial Robots; Printable Robots; Soft-bodied Robots; Micro and Meso-scale Manufacturing]

Woodley, Michael [Academic; Researcher; Interdisciplinary Research; Behavioral Genetics of Intelligence and Personality; Molecular Biology; Environmental Biology; Ecology]

Wright, Anne [Researcher; Entrepreneur; Computer Science; Robotics; Systems Engineering; Software Architecture; Color Tracking Vision Systems; Mobile Technologies; Human System Debugging; Lifestyle and Wellness; Health Empowerment; Open Source Technology Development; Aggregation and Visualization of Data; Cultural Engineering; Human-Computer Interaction]

Xie, Jin [Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Materials Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Physical Chemistry; Energy Storage; Batteries; Semiconductors; Nanostructured Materials; Materials Characterization; Fuel Cells]

Yasei, Poya [Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Nanotechnology; Solar Energy; Renewables and Environment; Heat Transfer; Thermodynamics; Development of 2D Material Systems - Graphene, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Phosphorene; Development of Novel Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Sensors; Thermal Transport in Nanoscale and Dimensionally Confined Systems; Novel Energy Generation, Conversion, and Storage Systems]

Yli-Karhu, Tiina [Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Information Technology; Project Management; Contract Management; Project Planning; Strategic Planning; Healthcare Management; Leadership and Teams; Virtual Environments; Usability]

Yonath, Ada E. [Academic; Researcher; Nobel Laureate; Chemistry; Crystallography; Structure of Ribosome; Biomolecular Structure and Assembly; Cryo Bio-Crystallography; Protein Biosynthesis; Antibiotics; Drug Resistance and Synergism; Drug Design]

Yoshida, Hidehiro [Researcher; Materials Science; Ceramic Materials; Sintering; Mechanical Properties; Superplasticity; Nanoceramics Process Engineering; High Temperature Effects on Materials; Grain Boundary Microstructure]

Yunus, Aldila [Research Associate; Writer; Data Analytics; Customer Analytics and Insights; Customer Research; Business Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Content Development; Videos; Blogging]

Yunus, Muhammad [Social Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Economist; Nobel Laureate; Book Author; Banking; Microfinance; Civil Society Leadership; Social Business; Public Speaking; Microcredit]

Zakri, Abdul Hamid [Academic; Researcher; Science Advisor; Diplomat; Research Administration; Higher Education Administration; Genetics; Global Scientific Collaborations; Environment and Sustainability; Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services; Environmental Policy; International Relations; Technology Innovation; Science and Technology Policy]

Zapol, Peter [Researcher; Materials Science; Computational Chemistry; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Electronic Structure; Molecular Dynamics; Chemical Physics; Material Modeling; Graphene; Nanodiamonds; Cluster Methods; Computational Nanoscience; Complex Oxide Heterostructures; Solar Energy; Renewabes and Environment]

Zetlin-Jones, Ariel [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Economics; Macroeconomics; Banking and Finance; Business Cycles; Financial Frictions; Computational Finance; Security and Privacy; Corporate Blockchain; Blockchain Technology]

Zewail, Ahmed [Academic; Researcher; Chemist; Nobel Laureate; Book Author; Femtochemistry; Physical Biology; Physics ofElementary Processes in Complex Systems; 4D Ultrafast Electron Microscopy; Diffraction for Atomic-scale Visualization in Space and Time; Science and Technology Policy]

Zhang, Xuege [Researcher; Economics; Public Policy; Policy Analysis; Business Research; International Affairs; Economic Development]

Zheng, Jie [Researcher; Analyst; Data Management; Statistical Analysis; Data Analytics; Healthcare; Hospitals; Health Policy; Medical Sociology; Quality and Cost of Healthcare Measurements]

Zhong, Chen-Bo [Academic; Researcher; Teaching; Education Management; Organizational Behavior; Ethics; Moral Psychology; Decision Making; Power; Social Identity; Human Resource Management; Social Psychology]

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