glomc00 - The Global Millennium Class
Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | publishing | reviews | science & technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24
The Role of AI in Revolutionizing Education and Professional Growth | CXOToday, 09 jan 2025
Integrating portfolio and mentorship in competency-based medical education: a Middle East experience | BMC Medical Eduction, 09 jan 2025
The classroom of tomorrow: Leveraging GenAI to revolutionize higher education | Devdiscourse, 09 jan 2025
6 higher education trends to watch in 2025 | Higher Ed Drive, 09 jan 2025
Why Mid-Market Healthcare Private Equity Firms Are Outperforming | Bain, 09 jan 2025
What to expect in Asia-Pacific health IT in 2025? | Healthcare IT News, 09 jan 2025
How Retail Pharmacies Can Help Improve Healthcare Outcomes | Forbes, 09 jan 2025
What lies ahead for the global economy in 2025? | Al Jazeera, 03 jan 2025
Five big questions about the global economy in 2025 | Atlantic Council, 03 jan 2025
Acceptance of new agricultural technology among small rural farmers | Nature, 03 dec 2024
KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Ma, Yun (Jack) [Entrepreneur; E-Commerce; Internet; Online Retail; Websites; Information Technology and Services; Electronic Payments; Environment; Public Speaking]
Macdonald, Emma K. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Customer Insight; Customer Experience; Real-Time Experience Tracking Method; Customer Perceptions of Value; Consumer Behavior; Customer Empowerment; Marketing Strategy; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Customer Analytics; Consumer Behavior; Digital Marketing]
Madan, Yasmin [Nonprofit Executive; Consulant; Marketing; Strategy; Strategic Planning; Commercial Marketing; Market Development; Social Marketing; Social Franchising; Social Enterprises; Behavior Change Communications; Nonprofit Organizations; Global Health; Healthcare; Fundraising; Social Impact; Community Development]
Maher, Andrew [Entrepreneur; Real Estate; Industrial Property; Supply Chain Analytics; Location Optimization; Real Estate Advisory Services; Real Estate Investments]
Maddimsetty, Ravi Pratap [Entrepreneur; Customer Relationships; Consumer Analytics; Internet Technology; Sales and Retail; Digital Marketing; Proximity Marketing; QR Codes; Computer Network Security; Online Privacy; Mobile Technology; Writing]
Maiers, Angela [Entrepreneur; Author; Educator; Professional Trainer; Consultant; Education Management; Education Technology; Literacy; Leadership and Global Communications; Social Media; Blogging; Public Speaking]
Maitland-Titterton, Rupert [Business Executive; Food and Beverage; Corporate Communication; Philanthropy and Sustainability; Corporate Communications; Crisis Management Communications; Public Relations; Public Affairs; Pressure-group Engagement; Political Lobbying; Internal Communications; Mergers and Acquisitions in Emerging Markets; Environment; Social Media]
Majewski, Brigitte [Business Executive; Marketing; Market Research; B2C Marketing; Adaptive Brand Marketing; Brand & Product Web Sites; Brand Building; Brand Monitoring; Branding; Customer Experience Management; Digital Business; Digital Marketing; Marketing Automation; Omnichannel Customer Experience; Social Media]
Mak, Tak Wah [Academic; Researcher; Genetics; Oncology; Biochemistry; Genetics of Immunology; T-Cell Receptor; Immunology; Cancer Genetics; Interdisciplinary Research; Biology; Tumorigenesis; Immune Responses; Biology of the Immune System; Biology of Programmed Cell Death; Pathogenesis of Cancer]
Makoski, Dan [Entrepreneur; Designer; User Experience Design; Interaction Design; User Interface Design; Information Architecture; Design Strategy; Design Thinking; Usability; Web Design; Design Research; Design Innovation; Mobile Devices; Consulting]
Malamed, Connie [Writer; Consultant; Learning Experience Designer; Book Author; Education and Learning; Instructional Design; Visual Design; Events and Workshops; Coaching; Online Education and Learning; Education Technology; Design Thinking; Human-centered Design; Visual Communication; Web Design and Development; Public Speaking]
Malkiel, Burton G. [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Writer; Book Author; Finance; Efficient-Market Hypothesis; Portfolio Management; Mutual Funds; Financial and Economic Advisory; Financial and Economic Policy; Investment Management]
Mandell, Laura [Academic; Researcher; Digital Humanities; 18th Century English Literature; Media and Culture]
Manias, Jim [Business Executive; Computer Software; Sales and Marketing; Global Business; SaaS; Enterprise Software; Cloud Computing; Customer Relationship Management; Business Development; Marketing Strategy; Product Management]
Manincor, John de [Architect; Entrepreneur; Academic; Lecturer; Writer; Architecture and Planning; Design of Public Projects; Architectural Education; Architectural Media; Business Writing; Design Management; Interior Architecture; Urban Design]
Manivannan, P. V. [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Instrumentation and Control Systems; Mechatronics and Embedded Systems; Mobile Robotics and Sensor Network; Automotive Electronics; Engine Control Systems; Industrial Automation; Healthcare; Technology]
Mankiw, N. Gregory [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Macroeconomics; New Keynesian Economics; Financial and Economic Advisory; Finance and Economic Policy; Book Author; Blogging; Online Journalism; Menu Costs; Price Stickiness; Pigovian Taxes; Microeconomics; Price Adjustment; Consumer Behavior; Financial Markets; Monetary and Fiscal Policy; Economic Growth]
Manso-Blanco, Sandra [Academic; Researcher; Construction Materials; Bioreceptive Materials; Environment; Building and Construction; Material Properties; Sustainability; Environmental Microbial Biocolonisation on Bioreceptive Materials; Research; Microbiology; Materials Science]
Marous, Jim [Entrepreneur; Publisher; Writer; Financial Industry Strategist; Financial Services; Banking; Financial Technology; Digital Banking; Innovation; Portfolio Growth; Customer Experience; Marketing Strategy; Payments; Digital Transformation; Big Data and Analytics; Social Media; Public Speaking]
Marquardt, Hauke [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Mineralogy; Earth Sciences; Crystallography; Materials Physics]
Marra, Rose M. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Higher Education; Online Education; Evaluation; Learning Technology; Science Education; Mathematics Education; Testing and Assessment; Multicultural Education; Women and Gender; Immigrant Education; Technology and Computing; Assessment and Evaluation of Educational Change; Epistemological Implications of Learning Technologies; Gender Equity in Engineering and Science Education; Designing and Implementing Online Courses; Instructional Needs Assessment; Assessing Educational Outcomes; Formative and Summative Evaluation]
Martin Jr., Bobby C. [Entrepreneur; Academic; Design; Branding; Teaching; Design Education; Creative Direction; Experience Design; Graphic Design; Brand and Identity; Design Thinking; Corporate Identity; Web Design; Packaging Design]
Martin, Peter [Writer; Columnist; International Affairs; Political Analyst; Regulatory Engagement; Project Management; Business Strategy; Strategic Communications; Business Development; Asian Politics]
Martin, Roger [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; University/Higher Education Administration; Integrative Thinking; Management Consulting; Democratic Capitalism; Nonprofit Organizations; Columnist; Business Design; Corporate Responsibility; Corporations and Society; Design Thinking; Executive Compensation Models]
Martin, Stephen [Politician; Academic; Researcher; Public Policy; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Economics; Education; Politics; Corporate Governance; Financial Services; Trade and Tourism; Trade Policy; Sports; Defence; Small Business; Town Planning; Environment; Academic/University Administration; International Business]
Martin, Steve W. [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Marketing and Sales; Sales Linguistics; Neurolinguistics; Sales Training and Education]
Martinez, Ben [Business Executive; Information Technology; Computer Software; Human Resources Management; Talent Acquisition; Organizational Development; Employee Engagement; Labor Relations; Recruiting; Marketing; HR Administrative Systems; Social Media; Social Recruiting; Social Selling; Talent Management; Coaching and Training; Employer Branding; Social Consulting; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Blogging]
Martinez Jr., Mario M. [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Consultant; Sales Expert; Marketing; Social Selling; Digital Marketing; Social Media; Sales Process Optimization; Product/Solution Development; Enterprise Software/Hardware Sales; Turnarounds and Joint Ventures; Recruiting; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Strategic Business Planning; Negotiations; Leadership and Teams; Public Speaking]
Maryland, Patricia [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Operations Management; Managed Care; Healthcare Technology; Healthcare Management; Consulting; Healthcare Delivery; Strategic Planning; Patient Care Operations; Service Line Management; Clinical Program Development and Evaluation]
Maslow, Abraham Harold (b.01 apr 1908 - d.08 jun 1970) [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Book Author; Hierarchy of Needs; Psychological Health; Social Research; Humanistic Psychology; Mental Health and Human Potential; Self Actualization; Metamotivation; Psychology of Religion; Positive Psychology]
Masters, Blake [Entrepreneur; Lawyer; Book Author; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Internet; Legal Research; Technology; Corporate Law; Civil Litigation; Public Speaking]
Masuno, Atsunobu [Academic; Researcher; Materials Chemistry; Solid-State Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Materials Engineering; Inorganic Industrial Materials; Physical Properties; Glass; Ceramics; Material Characterization; Crystallization; Crystal Structure]
Matute, Maria Rita O. (Rhea) [Nonprofit Executive; Industrial Designer; Educator; Design Education and Training; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Creative Economy; Design Policy; Branding; Design Management; Trade and Industry Development; Industry Associations; Product Development and Management; Leadership and Teams; Industrial Design]
Matuszak, Gary [Business Executive; Writer; Management Consulting; Technology; Media; Telecommunications; Technology Innovation; Technology Audits; Advising Account Teams, Management and Audit Committees; Financial Reporting and Governance; Audit and Corporate Governance; Software Revenue Recognition]
Mayberry, Matthew (Matt) [Entrepreneur; Performance Expert; Columnist; Writer; Book Author; Professional Training and Coaching; Sports; American Football; Management Consulting; Public Speaking; Peak Performance; Motivation; Teamwork; Social Media; Health and Fitness; Personal Training; Executive Development; Leadership Development; Motivational Speaker]
Mayer, John D. [Academic; Researcher; Personality Psychologist; Psychology; Emotion, Mood, Effect; Emotional Intelligence; Personality, Individual Differences; Self and Identity; Measurement and Assessments]
Mayer, Lloyd Hitoshi [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Law; Religion; Churches and Politics; Election Law; Taxation; Tax Law and Policy; Federal Income Tax; Nonprofit Organizations; Institutional Choice Theory; Professional Responsibility; Taxation of Business Enterprises; International Law]
Mazvancheryl, Sanal K. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Marketing Management; Brand Management; Marketing Research; Advertising; Customer Satisfaction; Firm Performance; Consumer Research]
Mbeya, Julius [Nonprofit Executive; Entrepreneur; Researcher; International Development; Healthcare; Public Health; Capacity Development; Rural Development; Healthcare Management; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations; Grants Management; Program Management]
McAfee, Andrew [Academic; Researcher; Digital Economy; Digital Business; Information Technology; Book Author; Internet and Society; Digital Technologies]
McCleskey, Matthew (Matt) [Reporter; Radio Host; News Anchor; Music Production; Public Radio; Sound Design]
McConnell, Michael V. [Academic; Researcher; Medicine; Cardiovascular Health; Innovation; Health Technologies; Mobile Healthcare; Molecular MRI; Molecular Imaging Techniques; Mobile Health Technologies; Coronary Artery Disease; Preventive Cardiology; Cardiovascular Imaging; Interdisciplinary Research]
McCormick, Alan [Business Executive; Global Investments; Private Equity; Social Enterprises; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organizations; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Social Investments; Business Development; Corporate Strategy; Healthcare and Education; Marketing; Public Policy; Professional Associations]
McCrady, Sally [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Nonprofit Organizations; Early Childhood Education; Community Development; Banking; Financial Services; Fundraising; Volunteering; Marketing Research]
McCrary, Ryan [Entrepreneur; Social Enterprises; Nonprofits; Youth Program Development; Innovation]
McDonough, Amy (Spickler) [Business Executive; Healthcare; Health and Wellness; Sports and Fitness; Corporate Wellness; Consumer Wearable Technology; Business Strategy; Strategic Partnerships; Business Development; Marketing; Digital Marketing; Innovation; Social Media; Public Speaking]
McGinley, Daniel [Lecturer; Sales and Marketing; Retail]
McGrath, Rita Gunther [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Theorist; Strategy; Innovation; Entrepreneurship]
McIntyre, Kirstie [Business Executive; Electrical and Electronics Manufacturing; Computers; Social and Environmental Responsibility; Energy Efficiency; Chemical/Material Restrictions; End-of-life Considerations; Public Relations; Government Relations; Sustainability Regulations; Media Relations; Environmental Technology; Climate Change; Organizational Culture; Operations Management; IT Operations; Business Strategy]
McLaughlin, Kathleen [Nonprofit Executive; Sustainability; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Community Development; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Economic Development; Business Strategy; Organizational Design; Business Transformation; Mergers and Acquisitions; Competitive Analysis; Business Process Improvement; Entrepreneurship; Management Consulting]
McLean, Bethany [Editor; Journalist; Columnist; Book Author; Newspapers; Magazines; Business and Finance Journalism; Financial Reporting; Business Ethics; Investment Banking; History of Finance]
McLuhan, Marshall (b.21 jul 1911 - d.31 dec 1980) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Philosopher; Public Intellectual; Communication Theory; Media Theory; Communication and Culture; Culture and Technology; Advertising; Consulting; Public Speaking; Theory of Persuasion; Culture Studies; Media Ecology; Communication Technology and Cognitive Organization; Global Village; Communication Models; Culture and Society]
McNamer, Bruce [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organization Management; Global Philanthropy; Social Entrepreneurship; Startups; Investment Banking; Management Consulting]
McNulty, Eric J. [Business Executive; Writer; Consultant; Book Author; Public Speaking; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Environment; Climate Change; Research; Executive Development; Editing; Social Innovation; Publishing; Systems Thinking; Urbanizations; Sustainability; Social Enterprise; Entrepreneurship]
McNulty, Tim [University Administrator; Politician; Government Relations; Public Policy; Economic Development; Community Development; Technology Initiatives; Internet; University Administration]
McWilliams, Douglas [Academic; Researcher; Commerce; Entrepreneur; Economics Consultancy; Economic Forecasting and Analysis; International Economics; Economic Policy; Public Speaking; Option Pricing Theory and Economics of Safety; Economic Impact Assessment for Transport; Globalization and Public Policy; Emerging Economies; Inequality; Government Spending]
Medlen, Jiri [Software Programmer; Social Media; Real-Time Advertisement and Negotiation; Computer Programming; Research; Software Development; Mobile Applications; Web Applications; Recommender Systems; Internet Technologies]
Meehan III, William F. [Management Consulting; Lecturer; Nonprofit Organizations; Speaking; Advising; Writer; Private Equity; Investing; Social Enterprises and Ventures; Philanthropy]
Mercado, Paolo [Business Executive; Marketing; Communication and Content; Innovation; Advertising; Digital Marketing; Innovation Strategy; Strategic Planning; Consumer Analytics and Insights; Integrated Marketing Communication; Food and Beverage; Product Management; Creative Leadership; Economic Empowerment; Creative Economy; Volunteering; Performing Arts and Theater]
Merle, Beth Smiley [Business Executive; Marketing and Advertising; Enterprise Sales; Banking and Financial Services; Business Development; Client Relationship Development; Business Strategy; Customer Service; Teams; Leadership; Data and Analytics; E-Commerce; Digital Strategy]
Metropolis, Nicholas Constantine (b.11 jun 1915 - d.17 oct 1999) [Academic; Researcher; Physicist; Mathematics; Nuclear Reactions; Computers; Computing; Monte Carlo Method; Simulated Annealing; Algorithms; Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm]
Michaels, Edward G. (Ed) [Business Executive; Management Consulting; Human Resource Management; Talent Management; Corporate Strategy; Business Diversification; Organization Performance; Teams; Leadership]
Michel, Jean-Baptiste [Academic; Researcher; Applied Mathematics; Psychology; Systems Biology; Quantitative Aspects of Phenomena Affecting Human Life; Quantitative Social Science; Evolution of Disease-Causing Cells During Pathogenesis; Violence During Conflicts; Ways Language and Culture Change with Time; Quantitative Approach to Study Trends in Human Languages and Cultures based on Millions of Digitized Texts]
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig (b.27 mar 1886 - d.17 aug 1969) [Architect; Modern Architecture; Interior Architecture; Rationalist Approach to Architectural Design; Modern Furniture Design; Architectural Education]
Millar, Brian [Business Executive; Marketing and Advertising; Marketing Strategy]
Miller, Chris [Executive Development; Biotechnology; Talent Management; Leadership Development; Organizational Development; Executive Coaching; Performance Management; Human Resources; Process Improvement; Training; Employee Engagement; Organizational Change]
Miller, Clara [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Executive; Writer; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Poverty Alleviation; Community Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Management; Sustainability Accounting; Impact Investing; Public Policy; Social Entrepreneurship; Volunteering; Public Speaking]
Miller, Josh [Business Executive; Business Development; Supply Chain Management; Logistics; Sales; Marketing; Leadership and Teams; Business Strategy; Transportation; E-Commerce; Branding; Strategic Alliances; Vendor Relations; Industry Organizations]
Miller, Richard P. [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Nonprofit Organizations; Healthcare Systems; Healthcare Technologies; Innovation; Industry Associations; Healthcare Leadership]
Min, Dong-Pil [Academic; Researcher; Theoretical Physics; Nuclear Physics; Science and Technology Policy; Foreign Policy; Global Research]
Mintz, Steven [Historian; Academic; Book Author; History of the American Family and Children; Film and History; Immigration and Ethnic History; Cultural Historian]
Miranda, Lin-Manuel [Entrepreneur; Composer; Actor; Writer; Rapper; Pulitzer Prize Winner; Theater; Drama; Entertainment; Musicals; Lyrics; Television; Voice-over; Films; Short-Films]
Mishra, Saurabh [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Marketing; Market Research; Marketing Intelligence; Analytics; Firm Strategies and Share Holder Value; Branding; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Marketing-Operations Management Interface; Healthcare; Technology and Innovation; Management Consulting; Public Speaking]
Misra, Santosh K. [Academic; Researcher; Nanotechnology; Nanobiotechnology; Organic Chemistry; Medical Devices; Drug Delivery; Nanomedicine; Cancer Treatment; Cardiovascular Stents; Combinatorial Therapy; DNA Cleaving Agents; Biosensors; Microscopy; Spectroscopy; Spectrometry; Metal Sensing]
Mitra, Sramana [Entrepreneur; Columnist; Internet; Virtual Incubator/Accelerator; Strategy Consultant; Artificial Intelligence; Semiconductors; Cloud Computing; Consumer Marketing; Fashion; Education]
Mittal, Shaily [Economist; Financial Services; Global Economics; Macroeconomics; Economy; Research; Emerging Markets; Analytics]
Mnaouer, Adel Ben [Academic; Researcher; Computer Engineering and Networking; Wireless Networking; Biomedical Engineering; Software Engineering; Cluster/Grid Computing; Cloud Computing; Wireless Sensor Networks; Signal Processing; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Algorithms; Educational Technology; Environmental Monitoring Systems]
Modi, Sachin B. [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Supply Chain Management; Operations Research; Business Intelligence; Analytics; Product Management; Program Management; Mathematical Modeling; Simulations; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Management Consulting]
Moedas, Carlos Manuel Félix [Government Administration; Politician; Banker; Research and Development; Science and Technology; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Open Innovation; Scientific Collaborations; Public Policy; Real Estate; Investments; Private Equity; Corporate Finance; Asset Management; Business Strategy; Financial Analysis; Management Consulting]
Mohr, Gina S. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Market Research; Consumer Behavior; Customer Service; Consumer Health and Wellness; Public Policy; Sensory Marketing; Public Health]
Moloney, Charles Michael (Chas) (b. - d.05 dec 2022) [Business Executive; Sales; Branding; Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Customer Engagement; Customer-Supplier Relationships; Digital Printing; Document Management Services]
Molyneux, Logan [Academic; Researcher; Journalism; News Reporting; Writing and Editing; Digital Media; Mobile Technologies; Publishing; Newspapers and Magazines; Journalistic Practices and Products; Social Media; Branding; Blogging; Public Speaking]
Montegriffo, Elaine [Nonprofit Executive; Food and Nutrition; Food Security; Poverty and Hunger; Social Entrepreneurship; Global Development; Community Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Fundraising; Policy and Governance; Strategic Planning; Social Innovation]
Moore, Christopher [Business Executive; Writer; Book Author; Information Technology and Services; Digital Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Brand Building; Public Relations; Content Development; Search Engine Marketing (SEM); Online and Live Events; Data Analytics; Logistics; E-Commerce Fulfillment; Crowdfunding Fulfillment; Nonprofit Organizations; Blogging; Public Speaking]
Moore, Jeffrey S. [Academic; Researcher; Teaching; Materials Science and Engineering; Self Healing Materials; Mechanochemistry; Macromolecular Architectures; Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures; Online Education; New Polymeric Materials; Synthetic and Organic Chemistry; Interface of Chemistry and Materials Science]
Morey, Timothy [Business Executive; Innovation Strategy Consulting; Product Management; Product Marketing; Research; Strategy; Monetization Models; Business Model Development; Pricing; Marketing Analytics; Segmentation; Customer Modeling; Market Research; Competitive Intelligence; Scenario Planning; Conjoint Analysis; Management Consulting]
Morgan, Daniel J. (Dan) [Academic; Researcher; Doctor; Physician; Healthcare; Hospitals; Infectious Diseases; Epidemiology; Public Health; Health Policy; Patient Safety; Medical Overuse; International Health]
Morgan, Jacob [Entrepreneur; Futurist; Book Author; Human Resources; Management Consulting; Social Media; Collaboration; Technology; Startups; Public Speaking]
Morieux, Yves [Business Executive; Book Author; Research; Management Consulting; Smart Simplicity; Corporate Strategy; Integrated Talent Systems; Human Resources; Organizational Development; Mobilization and Motivation throughout Large-scale Change Programs; Postmerger Integration and Organization Design; Management of Human Capital and Enhancing Organizational Capabilities; Information Technology; Organizational Culture; Public Policy]
Morle, Phil [Entrepreneur; Startups; Internet Business; Lean Startups; Internet Technologies; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Blogging; Technology Strategy; Startup Ecosystem; E-Commerce; Web Development; Mobile Devices; Software Development; New Product Development]
Morse, Samuel (b.27 apr 1791 - d.02 apr 1872) [Painter; Inventor; Single-Wire Telegraph System; Morse Code; Commercial Use of Telegraphy]
Morton, Jennifer M. [Academic; Researcher; Philosophy; Philosphy of Action; Moral Philosophy; Philosophy of Education; Political Philosophy; Ethics; Human Values; Education]
Mostafavi, Mohsen [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Book Author; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Design Education; Modes and Processes of Urbanization; Interface between Technology and Aesthetics; Counter-Reformation Urban History; Ecological Urbanism; Landscape Urbanism; Emergent Urbanism]
Mroz, Don [Academic; Management Consulting; Higher Education; Organizational Development; Change Management and Innovation; Team Development; Strategy Development; Business Planning]
Mudaliar, Abhilash [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Impact Investing; Microfinance; International Development; Social Entreprneurship; Social Enterprises; Startups; Education Policy; Consulting; Program Management; Nonprofit Organizations]
Mukherjee, Nivi [Entrepreneur; Education; Technology; Nonprofit Organizations; Social and Community Development]
Murabayashi, Satoshi [Business Executive; Banking; Financial Markets; Financial Technology; Securities; Financial Policy; Financial Standards]
Murphy, John Matthew [Entrepreneur; Consultant; Book Author; Branding; Marketing and Advertising; Brand Valuation; Brand Marketing]
Murphy, Raegan [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Intelligence Assessment; Psychometric Assessment; Dynamic Assessment (Emphasizes Potential); Flynn Effect; Dysgenic Trends in Intelligence; Neuropsychological Assessment; Applied Psychology]
Murry, Nick [Business Executive; Sustainable Development; Sustainable Systems and Software; Corporate Responsibility]
Musk, Elon Reeve [Entrepreneur; Engineer; Inventor; Investor; Transportation Systems; Solar Energy; Space Travel; Global Warming; Sustainable Energy; Climate Change; Artificial Intelligence; Robotics; Clean Energy; Computer Software; Electronic Payment Systems; Electric Vehicles; Charity and Philanthropy; Public Speaking]
Musto, David K. [Academic; Researcher; Finance; Capital Markets; Consumer Credit; Financial Intermediation; Impact Investing]
Myatt, Mike [Leadership Advisor; Columnist; Book Author; Management Consulting; Executive Search; Leadership Development; Cultural Transformation; Organizational Design; Strategy; Executive Coaching; Leadership Coaching; Succession Planning; Public Speaking]
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