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glomc00 - The Global Millennium Class
Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | publishing | reviews | science & technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24

KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Kaestner, Victoria [Researcher; Writer; Editor; Healthcare; Hospitals; Public Health; Data Curation; Data Analysis; Clinical Research; Writing and Editing; Physiology; Biophysics]

Kahlow, Aaron [Entrepreneur; Digital Marketing; Social Media; E-Learning]

Kahn, Alfred Edward (b. 17 oct 1917 - d. 27 dec 2010) [Economist; Academic; Researcher; Expert in Regulation and Deregulation; Deregulation of the Airline and Energy Industries; Political Economy]

Kahn, Robert E. [Electrical Engineer; Internet; Transmission Control Protocal (TCP); Internet Protocol (IP); Telecommunications; Networking; Nonprofit Organizations]

Kahn, Ronni [Entrepreneur; Nutrition and Food; Food Security; Food Rescue; Social Entrepreneurship; Poverty and Hunger; Policy and Governance; Environment and Climate Change; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Development; Coaching and Mentoring; Events Management; Strategic Planning]

Kahneman, Daniel [Academic; Researcher; Nobel Laureate; Book Author; Psychology; Economics; Psychology of Judgment and Decision-making; Behavioral Economics; Prospect Theory; Cognitive Psychology; Hedonic Psychology]

Kaiser, Gerry [Business Executive; LEED Accredited Professional; Construction and Real Estate; Building Design; Infrastructure and Engineering; Healthcare; Commercial; Retail; Industrial; Residential; Budget Preparation; Design Review and Value Engineering; Construction Management and Administration; Facility Management; Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED); Green Building Design; Sustainability]

Käll, Rob [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Sales; Marketing; Artificial Intelligence; Data Analytics; Salesforce Productivity; Saas; Mobile Applications; Computer Software; Machine Learning; Consumer Behavior; Customer Relationship Management; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Leadership and Teams; Recruitment; Internet; Public Speaking]

Kalnay, Eugenia [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Meteorology; Atmospheric and Oceanic Science; Predictability and Ensemble Forecasting; Numerical Weather Prediction; Data Assimilation; Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Modeling; Climate Change; Sustainability]

Kalyanam, Kirthi [Academic; Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Retailing; Pricing; Internet and Multi-Channel Marketing; Quantitative Marketing; Database Marketing; E-Commerce; Business-to-Business Advertising; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Consulting and Advising]

Kaner, Richard [Academic; Researcher; Synthetic Inorganic Chemist; Conductive Polymers (Polyaniline); Superhard Materials; carbon Compounds; Fullerenes; Graphene; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanoscience; Chemical Sensors; Memory Devices and High Density Electronics; Actuators; Transparent Conductors; Thermoelectric Materials]

Kang, Min Jeong [Researcher; Materials Science; Nanomaterials]

Kang, Sonia [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Behavior; Human Resources Management; Diversity at Workplace; Prejudice and Discrimination in Society; Social Psychology; Social Groups; Aging and Stereotype Threat]

Kapoor, Suhale [Entrepreneur; Analytics; Market Research; Management Consulting; Big Data; Business Intelligence]

Karev, Ori [Entrepreneur; Writer; Intrapreneur; Law; Business-to-Business; Strategic Sales; Business Development; Relationship Management; Consumer Behavior; Healthcare Reinsurance Consulting]

Karten, Stuart [Designer; Writer; Communications Devices; Industrial Design; Product Design; Medical Devices; Design Thinking; Consumer Electronics; Product Innovation; User-centered Design]

Kashtan, Miki [Sociologist; Teacher and Trainer; Book Author; Nonviolent Communication through Mediation; Meeting Fecilitation; Consulting and Training for Organizations; Blogging]

Kaufmann, Greg [Writer; Editor; Entrepreneur; Researcher; Poverty; Poverty Eradication; Nonprofit Organizations; Education; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Kaul, Anil [Entrepreneur; Writer; Big Data and Analytics; Market Research; Advanced Analytics; Data Warehousing; Internet; Customer Relationships; Management Consulting; Public Speaking]

Kavensky, Kara [Writer; Entrepreneur; Consultant; Book Author; Marketing; Sales; Empowerment Coaching; Pilates Trainer; Public Relations; Communications; Magazines; Storytelling; Business Journalism; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Kawasaki, Guy [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Branding; Internet and Technology; E-Commerce; Online Business; Graphic Design; Social Media; Online Media; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Online Publishing; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Venture Capital; Angel Investing; Startups; Business and Technology Evangelism; Public Speaking]

Keehan, Sister Carol [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Nonprofit Organizations; Religious Organizations]

Keijzer, Paul [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Human Resources; Leadership; Teams; Talent Management; Management Consulting; Mergers and Acquisitions; Relationship Building; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Orgizational Development; Employee Engagement; Performance Management; Training and Coaching; HR Transformation; Change Management; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Keiningham, Timothy [Business Executive; Writer; Book Author; Business Strategy; Market Research; Business Consulting; Customer Experience Innovation; Customer Strategy Development; Customer Loyalty Improvement; Thought Leadership; Entrepreneurship; Change Management; Quantitative Research; Integrated Marketing; Public Speaking]

Keller, Matt [Nonprofit Executive; Lawyer; Nonprofit Organizations; Government Relations; Media Relations; Fundraising; Policy Analysis; International Development; Entrepreneurship; Corporate Social Responsibility; Community Development; Hunger and Poverty; Social Media; Program Management; Writing; Public Speaking]

Kelley, David [Entrepreneur; Designer; Engineer; Academic; Book Author; Innovation; Design Thinking]

Kelley, Tom [Business Consultant; Book Author; Design and Innovation; Design Thinking; Organization Design; Public Speaking]

Kelly, Jason [Researcher; Biotechnology; Lifesciences; Computational Biology; DNA; Microbiology; Drug Discovery; Bioinformatics; Genomics]

Kelly, Sabrina (McGrail) [Business Executive; Internet; Information Technology; People Operations; Human Resources Management; Talent Acquisition; Recruiting; Organizational Culture; Teams and Leadership; Online Recruiting; Sourcing; Staffing Service; Onboarding; College Recruiting; Executive Search; Resumes and Screening; Employee Engagement; Employee Benefits; Business Development]

Kenan Jr., William R. (b.30 apr 1872 - d.28 jul 1965) [Businessman; Entrepreneur; Charity; Philanthropy]

Kennedy, Kathleen [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Film Production; Movies and Entertainment; Science Fiction; Television; Entrepreneurship and Innovation]

Keynes, John Maynard (b.05 jun 1883 - d.21 apr 1946) [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Modern Macroeconomics; Economic Policies of Governments; Keynesian Economics; Liquidity Preference; Spending Multiplier; AD-AS Model; Deficit Spending; Probability; Political Economy]

Khan, Salman [Online Education; Entrepreneur; Education Management; Education Technology]

Khosla, Vinod [Entrepreneur; Venture Capitalist; Investor; Software Development; Computer Science; Computer Programming; Microfinance; Philanthropy; Social Enterprises; Environment; Clean Energy; Information Technology; Poverty; Healthcare; Developing Countries]

Khullar, Dhruv [Doctor; Physician; Academic; Researcher; Healthcare; Hospitals; Internal Medicine; Health Policy; Health Economics; Writing]

Kiganda, Julian B. [Entrepreneur; Transformational Life and Brand Strategist; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Branding; Nonprofit Organizations; Communications; Design; Creative Direction; Graphic Design; Social Media; Program Development; Brand Development; Blogging]

Ki-moon, Ban [8th Secretary-General of United Nations; Diplomat; Statesman; International Relations]

Kim, Byung-Nam [Researcher; Engineer; Materials Engineering; Ceramic Engineering; Materials Processign; Advanced Materials; Nanofabrication; Super-Plastic Ceramics; Spark Plasma Sintering]

Kim, Jim Yong [Physician; Anthropologist; Academic; Researcher; 12th President of the World Bank; Global Health; Social Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; Global Healthcare Delivery; Healthcare in Developing World]

Kim, Kibum [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Solar Energy; Renewables and Environment; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Solar Fuels]

Kinder, Peter [Entrepreneur; Writer; Financial Services; Social Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Investment and Sustainability Research]

King, Brett [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Speaker; Radio Host; Financial Services; Banking; Financial Technology]

King, Daniel R. [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Polymer Science; Composite Materials; Hydrogels; Chemical Synthesis; Fabrication; Synthetic Biomaterials; Fabrics and Textiles; Healthcare]

Kinner, Colin [Entrepreneur; Startups; Startup Ecosystem; Technology; Internet; Coaching and Mentoring; Strategy Development; Business Model Development; Investing; Venture Capital; Innovation; Investment Management; Nonprofit Organizations; Volunteering; Consulting]

Kirby, Julia [Book Author; Editor; Publishing; Media Relations; Entrepreneurship; Content Development; Integrated Marketing]

Kirsch, Vanessa [Social Entrepreneur; Social Innovation; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Fundraising; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Development; Nonprofit Boards; Education; Workforce Development; Public Health; Poverty; Youth Service; Women Issues]

Kispert, John [Business Executive; Mergers and Acquisitions; Turn-around; Semiconductors Industry; Technology Research and Development; Embedded Systems]

Klasko, Stephen K. [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Book Author; Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; University/Academic Administration; Higher Education; Medical Education; Health Technology; Biotechnology; Clinical Trials; Health Policy; Leadership and Teams; Pharmaceuticals; Surgery; Life Sciences; Thought Leadership; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Klasing, Amanda M. [Researcher; Human Rights; Law; Women's Rights; Gender-based Violence; Rights to Water and Sanitation; Public Policy; Community Outreach; Immigration Law; Government and Politics]

Klehr-Avia, Robin [Business Executive; Interior Designer; Architecture and Design; Interior Architecture; Sustainability; Business Strategy; Strategic Planning; Executive Development; Community Service; Industry and Professional Organizations]

Kleiber, Max (b.04 jan 1893 - d.05 jan 1976) [Agricultural Biologist; Animal Nutrition and Metabolism; Kleiber's Law - Ratio of Metabolism to Body Mass]

Klein, Andy [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Organizational Behavior; Organizational Culture; Business Strategy; Human Resource Management; Leadership]

Kleinman, Kent [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design; Interior Design]

Kleon, Austin [Writer; Artist; Book Author; Creativity in the Digital Age; Blogging; Web Design; Design; Copywriting]

Klie, Robert F. [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Nanoscale Physics; Nanotechnology; Experimental Condensed Matter; Oxide Thin Films; Catalysts; Graphene Liquid Cell; Solar Energy; Spectroscopy; Electron Microscopy; Microfabrication; Nanomaterials; Renewables and Environment]

Knecht, Alex [Building Materials; Building Component Manufacturing; Real Estate; Building and Construction]

Knight, Rob [Academic; Researcher; Biologist; Book Author; Ecology; Evolutionary Biology; Molecular Biology; Genomics, Molecular Evolution and the Microbiome; Healthcare; Public Health]

Knight, Tom [Synthetic Biologist; Computer Engineer; Research Scientist; Entrepreneur; Artificial Intelligence; Computer Programming; Seminconductors; Internet; Genetics; Cellular Biology]

Knorr, Eric [Writer; Business and Technology Journalism; Writing and Editing; Emerging Enterprise Technology; Information Technology; Blogging; E-Commerce; Publishing; Entrepreneurship; Startups]

Knuckey, Sarah [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Law; Human Rights; Unlawful Killings; Armed Conflicts; Sexual Violence; Corporate Accountability; Extractive Industries; Protest Rights; Human Rights Methodologies; Critical Perspectives on Human Rights; New Weapons Technologies; Transparency Norms; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Resilience]

Koch, Charles de Ganahl [Entrepreneur; Businessman; Philanthropist; Oil Refining and Chemicals; Pollution Control Equipment and Technologies; Polymers and Fibers; Minerals; Fertilizers; Commodity Trading and Services; Forest and Consumer Products; Ranching]

Kohler, Jared [Software Engineer; Writer; Data Analytics; Data Management; Data Visualization; Public Policy; Communications and Content Creation; Information Systems; Robotics; Education; Conflicts; Refugees; Humanitarian Response; Environment; Political Campaigns; Travel; Films; Videos; Photography; International Relations; Teaching]

Kohlberg, Lawrence [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Writer; Book Author; Theory of Stages of Moral Development; Moral Judgement]

Kolewe, Martin [Biotechnology; Foods; Synthetic Polymers Biomaterials; Cardiac Tissue Engineering; Cell Culture; Mathematical Modeling]

Kolko, Jon [Entrepreneur; Designer; Academic; Writer; Book Author; Design-led Project Management; Design Education; Design Strategy; Interaction Design; Industrial Design; Bringing Design to Social Enterprises; Entrepreneurship; Startups]

Koller, Daphne [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Online Education; Higher Education; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Biomedical Science; Computer Science]

Kondorosi, Eva [Academic; Researcher; Plant Biologist; Molecular Biology; Microbial Genetics; Biochemistry; Plant-Microbe Interactions; Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation; Plant Cell Cycle Regulation; Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis; Plant Controlled Differentiation of Bacteria; Symbiosis and Functional Genomics]

Kotler, Philip [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Consulting; International Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Economic Science; Thought Leadership; Organizational Theory; Psychology of Behavior and Choice; Analytics; Digital Marketing]

Kreiner, Thane [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Social Entrepreneurship; Healthcare; Life Sciences; Science and Technology; Regenerative Medicine; Pharmaceuticals; Neuroscience; Public Health; Innovtion; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations; Public Speaking]

Krishnan, Ramayya [Academic; Researcher; Management Science; Information Systems; Decision Support Systems; Public Policy and Governance; Consumer and Social Behavior; Networks and Analysis of Consumer Behavior; Risk Management; Privacy and Confidentiality in Digital World; Information Technology and Services; Internet; Data Analytics; Online Markets; Social Media; University Administration; Industry Organizations; Government Organizations; Education and Learning]

Kross, Katie [Nonprofit Executive; Academic/University Administration; Higher Education; Corporate Social Responsibility; Energy and Environment; Human Resources; Career Coaching and Training; Executive and Leadership Development; Corporate Sustainability; Social Entrepreneurship; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Outreach; Renewable Energy; Economic Development; Public Policy; Public Speaking]

Krueger, Norris [Entrepreneur; Researcher; Writer; Entrepreneurial Ecosystem; Entrepreneurial Mindset; Cognition; Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship; Technology Commercialization; Job Creation; Economic Development; Qualitative Research; Data Analysis; Nonprofit Organizations]

Krull, Brett [Researcher; Polymers; Self Healing Materials; Materials Science; Engineering; Nanotechnology; Product Development]

Kükelhaus, Hugo (b. March 24, 1900 – d. October 5, 1984) [Writer; Philosopher; Artist; Carpenter; Humane-scaled Living Environment; Infant Toy Designs; Design of Learning Environments; Educational Technology; Theories of Intelligence]

Kulik, Eleonora [Researcher; Earth Science; Materials Science; Synthesis of Materials; Powder Diffraction; Zeolites; Crystallization; Single Crystal]

Kumar, Bijandra [Entrepreneur; Researcher; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Renewables and Environment; Materials Chemistry; Materials Engineering; Nanocomposites; Smart Plastics; Polymer Nanocomposites; Polymer Chemistry; Chemical Sensors; Graphene; Nanotechnology]

Kumar, Kishore [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Computer Software; Computer and Network Security; Mobile Applications; Mobile Technologies; Cloud Computing; Wireless Networks; Network Management; Analytics; Big Data; Virtualization; Process Automation; Healthcare and Wellness; Venture Capital; Angel Investments]

Kumar, Pratap [Entrepreneur; Medical Doctor; Neuroscientist; Health Economist; Academic; Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Rural Healthcare; Health Policy; Neurology; Neuroinformatics; Pharmaceuticals; Scientific Communication; Global Health; Health Information Technology; Consulting; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations]

Kundu, Arun [Business Executive; Strategy; Product and Business Operations; Information Technology and Services; Enterprise Solutions; Management Consulting; Client Portfolio Management; Executive Leadership; Corporate Strategy; Innovation; Change Management; Business Transformation]

Kurman, Melba [Writer; Technology Analyst; Book Author; 3D Printing; Entrepreneurship; Technology Commercialization; Intelligent Machines]

Kurnosov, Alexander [Academic; Researcher; Research Scientist; Minerals; Materials Science; Mineralogy; Earth Sciences; Crystallography; High Pressure and High Temperature Effects on Materials]

Kuroda, Reiko [Academic; Researcher; Chemistry; Biophysics; Cancer Research; Chirality; Solid-State Chemistry; Crystallography; Chiroptical Spectroscopy; Molecular and Developmental Biology; Inorganic and Organic Chemistry]

Kurokawa, Takayuki [Academic; Researcher; Polymer Science; Materials; Soft and Wet Materials; Hydrogels; Biomaterials; Biopolymers; Functional Gels; Substitutes for Tissues and Organs; Healthcare]

Kuska, Sharon Baum [Academic; Researcher; Architecture and Planning; Civil Engineering; Architecture and Design Education; Rural Architecture; Bridges; Seismic Design; Building and Construction; Concrete Column Design]

Kvedar, Joseph [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Entrepreneur; Healthcare IT; Healthcare Consumer Technologies; Mobile Health; Medical Devices; Connected Health; Participatory Medicine; Chronic Disease Management; Health and Wellness; Preventive Medicine; Population Health Management; Home Health]

Kwok, Alison G. [Academic; Researcher; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design Education; Sustainable Design; Green Buildings; Enviornmental Control Systems; Thermal Comfort; Natural Ventilation; Flow Visualization; Green Design Strategies; Urban Design; Landscape Architecture; Interior Design; Design Softwares and Technologies]

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