glomc00 - The Global Millennium Class
Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | publishing | reviews | science & technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24
The Role of AI in Revolutionizing Education and Professional Growth | CXOToday, 09 jan 2025
Integrating portfolio and mentorship in competency-based medical education: a Middle East experience | BMC Medical Eduction, 09 jan 2025
The classroom of tomorrow: Leveraging GenAI to revolutionize higher education | Devdiscourse, 09 jan 2025
6 higher education trends to watch in 2025 | Higher Ed Drive, 09 jan 2025
Why Mid-Market Healthcare Private Equity Firms Are Outperforming | Bain, 09 jan 2025
What to expect in Asia-Pacific health IT in 2025? | Healthcare IT News, 09 jan 2025
How Retail Pharmacies Can Help Improve Healthcare Outcomes | Forbes, 09 jan 2025
What lies ahead for the global economy in 2025? | Al Jazeera, 03 jan 2025
Five big questions about the global economy in 2025 | Atlantic Council, 03 jan 2025
Acceptance of new agricultural technology among small rural farmers | Nature, 03 dec 2024
KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Galli, Alessio [Researcher; Electronics Engineering; Electronics Design; Telecommunications; Instrumentation and Process Control; Electromedical Devices; Microchips and Microcontrollers; Digital Signal Processing; Sensors; Embedded Systems; 3D Printing; Hardware/Firmware; Environmental Diagnostics; Environment Monitoring Sytems; Wireless Sytems]
Galloway, Graham [Business Executive; Human Resources; Recruiting and Staffing; Healthcare; Pharmaceuticals; Life Sciences; Biotechnology; Medical Technology; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Succession Planning; Mangagement Consulting; Business Strategy; Management]
Gamble, Roberta [Business Executive; Market Research; Energy and Power Systems; Power Generation; Renewables and Alternatives; Transmission and Distribution; Power Supplies; Competitive Analysis; Market Analysis; Competitive Intelligence; Business Strategy]
Gandhi, Tejal [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; Patient Safety and Quality; Error Reduction through Information Technology; Health Systems Redesign]
Gao, Huajian [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Materials Science; Nanomaterials; Biological Materials; Biological Systems; Solid Mechanics; Nanomechanics; Hierarchical Biomechanics; Cell Adhesion; Energy Storage Materials; Nanomechanics of Thin Films]
Gardner, Dan (b.25 apr 1924 - d.15 feb 2007) [Architect; Teacher; Writer; Book Author; Architectural Education]
Gardiner, Stephen [Creative Director; Internet; Strategy; User Interface Design; User Experience Design, Development and Production; Publishing, Media and Entertainment]
Garthwaite, Craig [Academic; Researcher; Applied Micro-Economics; Healthcare; Government Policy; Healthcare Innovations; Health Economics; Pharmaceutical Industry; Public Finance; Political Economy; Business Strategy]
Gartia, Manas [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Nanotechnology; Plasmonics; Nanophotonics; Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS); Advanced Nanofabrication and Nanomanufacturing; Biosensors Development; Biomedical Research; Nuclear Forensics; Materials Characterization; Mobile and Wireless Integrated Sensing]
Gates, Melinda Ann [Businesswoman; Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organizations; Grantmaking and Donations; Healthcare; Education; Global Development; Community Development; Multimedia and Information Products; Technology]
Gates III, William Henry (Bill) [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Technology Advisor; Investor; Writer; Computer Software; Internet; Information Technology and Services; Operating System; Cloud Computing; Enterprise Software; Mobile Devices; Clean Energy; Artificial Intelligence; Technology; Innovation; Education; Healthcare; Charity and Philanthropy; Blogging; Public Speaking]
Gattis, Chris [Entrepreneur; Coach and Mentor; Book Author; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Business Development; Startups; Management Consulting; Business Turnaround; Volunteering; Branding; Business Strategy; Marketing and Advertising; Communications; Public Speaking]
Gayle, Helene D. [Social Development; Management Consulting; Nonprofit Organizations; Youth Development; Employment; Humanitarian Aid; Global Health; Thought Leader]
Geczy, Christopher (Chris) [Academic; Researcher; Finance; Investment Management; Hedge Funds; Executive Education; Risk Management; Alternative Investments; Impact Investing; Multifactor Models; Wealth Management; Asset Allocation; Equity Lending; Short Selling]
Gedmin, Jeffrey [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Strategic Dialogue; Policy; Foreign Relations; Media; Public Diplomacy]
Gee, Eric [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Executive; Education and Learning; Business Operations; Business Strategy; Product Management; Project Management; Organizational Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Charity; Senior Citizens; Technology; Healthcare; Information Technology; Leadership and Teams; Marketing; Communications; Mentoring; Public Speaking]
Geiger, Deborah A. [Entrepreneur; Communications Specialist; Public Relations Consultant; Public Relations; Communications; Marketing; Branding; Social Media]
Geim, Andre [Academic; Researcher; Physicist; Nobel Laureate; Mesoscience and Nanotechnology; Condensed Matter Physics; Microelectronics Technology; Mesoscopic Superconductivity; Innovative Materials; Nanoscience; Graphene; Biomimetic Adhesive]
Geithner, Timothy F. [Economic Policy Maker; Economist; Private Equity; International Affairs; Diplomat; Monetary and Financial Policy; Government Administration; Banking and Finance; Foreign Relations]
Gelernter, David Hillel [Artist; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Computer Science; Parallel Computating; Tuple Space Coordination Model; Entrepreneur; Software Development; World Wide Web; Internet; Information Management; Artificial Intelligence; Computer Programming]
Gell-Mann, Murray [Physicist; Nobel Laureate; Academic; Researcher; Theory of Elementary Particles; Quarks and Hadrons; V-A Theory of Weak Interaction; Current Algebra; See-Saw Theory of Neutrino Masses; String Theory; Consistent Histories Approach to Understanding Quantum Mechanics]
Gendelman, Vladimir [Entrepreneur; Writer; Printing Solutions; Marketing Folders; Promotional Products; Advertising and Marketing; Communications; Online Marketing; Web Design; Graphic Design; Digital and Offset Printing; Corporate Branding; Business Strategy]
Gerber, Scott [Entrepreneur; Connector; Syndicated Columnist, Book Author; Think Tanks; Social Media; Strategic Planning; Marketing; Public Speaking; Nonprofit Organizations]
Gergely, Ryan [Researcher; Autonomous Materials; Biomimetic Self-healing and Regenerative Synthetic Materials; Polymers; Materials Science and Engineering]
Ghandour, Fadi [Entrepreneur; Writer; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Industry Associations; Nonprofit Organizations; Philanthropy; Mail Delivery and Logistics Services; Transportaion Solutions; International Shipping Services]
Ghani, Rayid [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Entrepreneur; Computer Science; Machine Learning (ML); Artifical Intelligence (AI); Public Policy; Social Justice and Equity; Social Good; Data Science; Data Analytics; Data Mining; Social Media; Business Applications of Data Mining; Consumer Behavior Modeling; Fraud Detection; Business Ethics; Education and Training; Nonprofits; Healthcare; Energy; Transportation; Economic Development; Public Speaking; Teaching]
Ghose, Shomit [Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Venture Capital and Private Equity; Entrepreneurship; Mentoring; Startups; Software; Networking and Infrastructure; Information Technology]
Gianotti, Fabiola [Academic; Researcher; Physicist; Experimental Particle Physics; Fundamental Physics; Higgs Boson; Supersymmetric Particles]
Gilbert, Clark G. [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Entrepreneurship and Management; Management Education; Business Executive; Newspapers; Digital Publishing; Academic Development; Digital Media; Disruption Economics]
Gildea, Anne [Nonprofit Executive; Healthcare; Global Health; Community Health and Development; Women-Focused Healthcare; International Development; Qualitative Research; Poverty Alleviation; Microfinance; Disease Prevention; Rural Development; Health Clinics; Health Education and Training; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations]
Gill, Jennifer (Jenny) [Researcher; Writer; Editor; Healthcare; Hospitals; Public Health; Health Policy; Data Curation; Data Analysis; Integrative Medicine Research; Writing and Editing]
Ginsburg, Charles (b.27 jul 1920 - d.09 apr 1992) [Engineer; Researcher; Inventor; Videotape Recorders; Video Magnetic Tape Recording for Instant Playback]
Ginzburg, Tamar [Research; Business Strategy; Financial Modeling; Management]
Githinji, Marie [Entrepreneur; Education; Social Development; Technology; Gender Issues]
Gladwell, Malcolm [Journalist; Book Author; Public Speaking; Non-fiction; Talent Management; Performance Management; Research; Unexpected Implications of Research in Social Sciences; Sociology; Psychology; Social Psychology]
Godin, Seth [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Public Speaking; Venture Capital; Online Gaming; Direct Marketing; Internet; Online Education; Management Education; Crowdfunding; Guerilla Marketing]
Goldense, Bradford L. [Entrepreneur; Management Consulting; Product Strategy; Marketing; Research and Development; Product Development; Advanced Purchasing; Manufacturing]
Goldsmith, Marshall [Leadership Coach; Management Thinker; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Executive Education; Leadership Development; Coaching and Training; Executive Development; Business Strategy]
Goleman, Daniel [Psychologist; Science Journalist; Writer; Book Author; Emotional Intelligence; Science; Education; Ecological Crisis; Leadership; Human Resources; Skills; Meditation; Mindfulness; Social Intelligence]
Gong, Jane [Government Administration; Small Business; Program Management; Nonprofit Organizations]
Gong, Jian Ping [Academic; Researcher; Biomaterials; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Materials Chamistry; Polymers; Thin Films; Textile Materials; Regenerative Medicine; Artificial Cartilage]
Gong, Ke [Academic; Researcher; Electronics Engineering; Aerospace Technology; Information and Communication; Wireless Communications; Radio Broadcasting of Digital TV; Higher Education; Research and Development Policies; Digital Cordless Communication System; Wireless Access Equipment and Technology; Point-to-multipoint Microwave Communication System in Rural Areas]
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Consultant; Financial Markets; Financial Regulation Research; European Monetary System (EMS); European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU); European System of Central Banks (ESCB); Foreign Exchange Markets; Independant Central Bank; Monetary Policy; Regulatory Change in Financial Markets; Role of Central Banks; Structural Change in Financial Markets]
Goodman, Cheryl K. [Business Executive; Corporate Communications; Public Relations; Brand Development; Technology Marketing; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Cognitive Diversity; Inclusion; Gender Equality; Women in Technology; Assistive Technologies; Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Wireless Technologies; App Development; Public Speaking]
Goodwin-Adams, Valerie [Business Executive; Marketing and Sales; Medical Devices and Diagnostics; Global Marketing and Communications; Communications Strategy; Digital Transformation; Marketing Leadership; Brand Development; Content Creation; Expense Management and Budgeting; Training and Development; Advertising; Marketing Automation; Direct Marketing; Customer Relationship Management; Strategic Partnerships; Healthcare Marketing]
Goolsbee, Austan D. [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Writer; Book Author; Government Advisory; Government Administration; Economic Policy; Economic Intelligence; Consulting; Politician; Internet; New Economy; Government Policy; Taxes; Economics and Policy in the Telecom, Media and Technology Industries; Empirical Economist; Journalism; Television Host; Public Speaking]
Gopinath, Gita [Academic; Researcher; Columnist; Economics; Sovereign Debt Defaults in Europe; Economic Fluctuations and Growth; International Finance; Macroeconomics; Monetary Economics; International Price Setting; Exchange Rate Pass-through; Emerging Market Business Cycles and Crisis; Banking and Finance]
Gordon, Erik [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Technology Commercialization; Healthcare; Biotechnology; Pharmaceuticals; Medical Devices; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Governance; Digital and Mobile Marketing; University/Academic Administration; Lecturing; Public Speaking]
Gore, Elizabeth McKee [Entrepreneur; Social Sector; Computer Hardware; Technology; Global Entrepreneurship; Public Policy; Nonprofit Organizations; Innovation; Social Change; Public Speaking]
Gou, Terry (Tai-ming) [Entrepreneur; Industrialist; Electronics Manufacturing; Marketing and Sales]
Gourdji, Jeffrey (Jeff) [Business Executive; Marketing; Branding; Marketing Strategy; Brand Positioning; Customer Experience; Management Consulting; Healthcare; Public Policy; Political Strategy; Healthcare Service Providers; Food and Beverage; Agriculture; Education; Energy; Public Speaking]
Govindarajan, Vijay [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Entrepreneurhip; Innovation; Management Consulting; Reverse Innovation; Global Business Issues; Blogging; Strategic Management]
Graham, Charles [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design Education; Interior Design, Construction Science; Built Environment; Urban Design; City Planning; Sustainable Design; Earthen Building Design]
Graham, Paul [Entrepreneur; Venture Capital; Computer Programmer; Writer; Book Author; Software Development; Internet; Programming Languages; Essayist; Startups]
Graham, Rob 'Spider' [Business Executive; Marketing and Advertising; Online Marketing; Business Journalism; Social Media; Corporate Training; Blogging]
Grant, Adam [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Thought Leader; Management; Workplace Issues; Human Resources; Psychology; Motivation; Professional Success; Job Design; Workforce Performance; Leadership; Charity; Nonprofit Organizations; Consulting; Public Speaking]
Graves, Allen [Business Executive; Content Marketing; Higher Education; Marketing Strategy; Consumer Engagement; Brand Development and Management; Content Management; Blogging; Nonprofit Organizations; Education Organizations; Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Search Engine Marketing (SEM); Social Media; Online Marketing]
Gray, Lucy [Education Consultant; Primary/Secondary Education, Innovation; Professional Development; International Education, Project-based Learning; Information Literacy; Mobile Learning; Design of Learning Environments; Educational Technology Tools; Social Media; Educational Collaborator]
Greene, Robert [Book Author; Movie Writer; Public Speaking; Strategy, Power and Seduction]
Greenfield, Jane [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Donor Relations; Business Development; Banking and Finance; Investments; Community Development; Community Outreach; Women Issues; Leadership; Relationship Management]
Greenspan, Alan [Economist; Book Author; 13th Chairman of the US Federal Reserve; Consulting; Investment Banking; Equity Research; Economic Analysis; Economic and Monetary Policy; Banking and Finance; Stock Markets; Financial Markets]
Greenwald, Michelle S. [Entrepreneur; Consultant; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Marketing; Marketing Plan; Executive Education; Digital Marketing; Public Speaking]
Gregersen, Hal [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Leadership; Organizational Behavior; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Social Entrepreneurship; Management Consulting; University/Academic Administration; Coaching and Mentoring; Public Speaking; Management Education; Executive Education]
Gretzky, Wayne [Entrepreneur; Professional Ice Hockey Player; Sports; Coaching; Sports Management; Sports Administration]
Griege, Ryan [Entrepreneur; Software Developer; Architecture Software; Game Software; Web-based Software; Coding and Programming; Web Designing; Internet; Real Estate]
Griffin, Abbie J. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing Management; New Product Development; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Consulting; Public Speaking]
Griffith, Saul [Inventor; Entrepreneur; Materials Science; Low-cost Eyeglasses; Energy Conservation; Research and Development; Computational Manufacturing; Design Tools; Inflatable Pneumatic Robots and Prosthesis; Design]
Grossman, Irv [Business Executive; Supply Chain and Logistics; Consulting; Analytics; Strategy Development; Supply Chain Transformation; Leadership and Teams; Supply Chain Technology; Operations Management; Process Improvement; Procurement]
Groysberg, Boris [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Human Resources; Organizational Behavior; Talent Management; Leadership; Managing Human Capital; Business Strategy; Employee Engagement]
Grubbs, JC [Entrepreneur; Interface Design and Software Engineering; Design Software; Information and Technology]
Gupta, Shalini [Entrepreneur; Education and Learning; Technology; Content Development; Technology Adoption for Senior Citizens; Software Quality Assurance; Automation in Design; Software Development; Charity; Nonprofit Organizations; Healthcare]
Gurkan, Umut Atakan [Academic; Researcher; Biomedical Engineering; Tissue Engineering; Biomaterials; Biomanufacturing; Biofabrication; Biorobotics; Nanotechnology; Biotechnology; Microfabrication; Cell Culture; Stem Cells; Bioinformatics; Clinical Research; Medicine; Regenerative Medicine; Orthopaedics; Muskuloskeletal Research; Bioengineering; Experimantal Design]
Guthrie, Trevor [Entrepreneur; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Marketing; Digital Strategy; New Media; Innovation; Branding; Television]
Gygi, Richard W. (Dick) [Entrepreneur; Social Enterprise; Charity; Nonprofit Organizations; Gifts and Greetings; Management Consulting; Executive Coaching; Leadership Development; Community Outreach; Public Speaking; Startups]
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