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glomc00 - The Global Millennium Class
Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | publishing | reviews | science & technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24

KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Bacigalupo, Tony [Entrepreneur; Workspace Management; Community Organizing; Culture Development; Event Planning; Social Impact; Coworking; Web Design; Public Speaking]

Badré, Bertrand [Business Executive; International Affairs; Global Banking; Global Financial Policy; Financial and Risk Management]

Baer, Jason (Jay) [Entrepreneur; Consultant; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Media; Business Strategy; Customer Relationship Management; Social Media; Content Marketing; Venture Capital; Public Relations; Web Analytics; Mobile Marketing; SEO; SEM; Blogging; Podcasting; Public Speaking]

Baker, Loren [Entrepreneur; Advisor; Digital Marketing; Content Marketing; Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Social Media; Blogging; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Internet]

Bager, Anna [Business Executive; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Media; Mobile Marketing; Video; Digital Content; Business Intelligence; Business Research; Consulting]

Bai, Zubaida [Entrepreneur; Healthcare and Hospitals; Women-Focused Healthcare; Social Enterprise; Engineering Design; Low Cost Health Products; Rural Health; Leadership and Teams; Program Management; Community Outreach; Community Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Public Speaking]

Bailey, James R. [Academic; Research; Book Author; Higher Education; Leadership Development; Effective Leadership; Organizational and Individual Change; Strategy Formulation and Execution; Employee Motivation; Competence; Satisfaction and Performance; Managerial Decision Making; Business Ethics; Teams]

Baird, Nikki [Business Executive; Marketing; Supply Chain Management; Customer-Retailer Relationships; Market Intelligence; Retail; Omni-Channel Strategies; In-Store Marketing and Technology; Store Performance Management; Multi-Channel Fulfillment; Retailer-Manufacturer Collaboration; Merchandising; Loyalty and Promotions Management; Retail Technology; E-Commerce]

Ball, Julia [Healthcare Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Nursing; Writer; Public Health; Healthcare Technology; Patient Care]

Ballmer, Connie Snyder [Entrepreneur; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Boards; Education; Community Volunteering; Grantmaking; Public Private Collaboration; Investments in Systems Reform; Well-being of Children; Public Relations; Marketing; Technology; Journalism]

Ballweg, Ruth [Academic; Researcher; Health Policy and Global Development; Public Health; Clinician; Healthcare Access; Women's Healthcare Concerns; Oral Health; Rural Health; Public Speaking]

Baltimore, David [Academic; Researcher; Biology; Biochemistry; Structural and Molecular Cell Biology; Biological Engineering; Microbiology and Immunology]

Bandier, Jennifer [Entrepreneur; Apparels and Garments; Sports and Athletics; Activewear; Fashion; Retail; Health; Fitness; Wellness; Music Industry]

Bandish, Jackie [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Human Resources; Recruiting and Staffing; Healthcare; Pharmaceuticals; Biotechnology; Medical Devices and Diagnostics; Mentoring and Coaching; Career Development; Leadership and Teams; Executive Development; Writing; Professional Organizations]

Banerjee, Abhijeet [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Development Economics; Innovations for Poverty; Economic Policy Research; Financial Systems and Poverty]

Bansal, Rashmi [Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Publishing; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Content Development; Marketing and Advertising; Communications; Digital Content; E-Commerce; Internet; Social Media; Motivation and Mentoring; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Barber, Edward [Entrepreneur; Designer; Architect; Architecture and Design; Industrial Design; Product Design; Furniture; Interior Design; Public Speaking]

Baribeau, Chris [Entrepreneur; Architect; Sustainable Design; Design Research; Urban Design; Architecture and Planning]

Barraket, Jo [Academic; Researcher; Social Enterprise; Social Innovation; Social Research; Adult Education; Policy Analysis; Social Business Development]

Barrett, Colleen [Business Executive; Airlines Industry; Corporate Secretary; Corporate Administration]

Barth, Richard [Nonprofit Executive; Education Management; Instructional Design; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Outreach; Entrepreneurship; Education Technology; E-Learning]

Baruchowitz, Adam [Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Environment; Recycling; Waste Management; Social Media; Digital Media; Sustainable Business; Creative Direction; Blogging; Volunteering; Nonprofit Organizations]

Bass, Rachel [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Impact Investing; Project Design; Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis; Writing Projects; Financial Performance; Impact Measurement; International Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Enterprises; Microfinance]

Baxendale, Shane [Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Consumer Behavior; Customer Insight; Consumer Analytics; Quantitative Research; Statistics; Marketing Strategy]

Beaton, Chris [Nonprofit Executive; Civic and Social Organizations; Community and Economic Development; Volunteering; Policy and Governance; Research; Human Resources; Fundraising; Public Speaking]

Beaumont, Lucy [Business Executive; Solutions Director; Application of Psychometric Tools for Workplace Performance; Professional Coaching and Training; Assessment Centers Design; Questionnaire Design Analysis and Evaluation; Focus Groups]

Beckjord, Ellen Burke [Health Psychologist; Epidemiologist; Academic; Researcher; Population Health; Cancer Prevention and Control; Consumer Health Informatics; Healthcare Information Technology; Health Communication; Health-Centered Design; Health Behavior Change; Psycho-Oncology; Clinical Psychology; Social Media]

Beckland, Ryan [Entrepreneur; Healthcare and Wellness; Information Technology and Services; Healthcare Platforms; Healthcare Applications; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Lean Startup; Social Media; Venture Capital; Finance; Brand Development; Marketing; Leadership and Teams; Employee Wellness; Public Speaking]

Beckles, Sir Hilary McDonald [Academic; Researcher; Historian; Book Author; University/Higher Education Administration; Public Speaking; Challenges facing Higher Education Thinking and Planning in the Caribbean; Economic History; History of Africa; Theatre; Playwriting; Cricket; Sports]

Bednarcik, Jozef [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Condensed Matter Physics; Materials Physics; Crystallization; Magnetic Materials; Synchroton Radiation; Glass; Alloys; Crystal Structure]

Beduschi, Massimo [Business Executive; Marketing and Advertising; Media; Public Relations]

Behar, Yves [Designer; Entrepreneur; Sustainability; Industrial Design; Brand Development; Wearable Technology; Social Good]

Behranginia, Amirhossein [Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Renewables and Environment; Solar Energy; Nanomechanics; Nanomaterial Growth; Photolithography; Electron Beam Lithography; 2-Dimentional New Material Synthesize; Fabrication of Nano Devices; Nano Thermoelectric Studies]

Bekerman, Ronen [Entrepreneur; Architect; Writer; Architecture and Planning; Architectural Rendering Visualization; Blogging; 3D Modelling and Visualization; Real Time Visualization]

Bell, Alexander Graham (b.03 mar 1847 - d.02 aug 1922) [Scientist; Inventor; Engineer; Innovator; Academic; Researcher; Telecommunications; Telephone; Hearing and Speech Research; Hearing Devices; Optical Telecommunications; Hydrofoils; Aeronautics]

Bell, Nick [Entrepreneur; Internet; Information Technology and Services; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Online Marketing; Online Video; Business Strategy; Business Development; Product Management; Venture Capital; Leadership and Teams; Executive Development; Mobile Technologies; Business to Business; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Bellow, Adam [Entrepreneur; Writer; Education Management; Education Technology; Ed-Tech Startups; Nonprofit Work; Website Design; Instructional Technology]

Bengtson, Beth [Social Entrepreneur; Social Enterprises; Purpose-Driven Businesses; Women Empowerment; Gender and Inclusion; Communications; Digital Media; Marketing and Advertising; Empowerment Design; Social Entrepreneurship; Nonprofit Organizations]

Bennett, Chancelor (Chance the Rapper) [Singer; Songwriter; Actor; Rapper; Musician; Hip Hop; Entertainment; Diversity; Community Issues; Racial Justice; Combating Gun Violence]

Benson, Amber [Writer; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Marketing; E-Commerce]

Bent, Stacey [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Surface and Interfacial Chemistry; Semiconductor Processing; Micr- and Nano-Electronics; Nanotechnology; Sustainable and Renewable Energy; Functionalization of Semiconductor Surfaces; Mechanisms and Control of Atomic Layer Deposition; Molecular Layer Deposition; Nanoscale Materials for Light Absorption; Interface Engineering in Photovoltaics; Catalyst and Electrocatalyst Deposition]

Bergstein, Brian [Writer; Technology Editor; Economic, Legal and Social Implications of Upcoming Technologies; Technology Journalism; Web; Computing; Telecom; Business of Technology]

Berman, Melissa A. [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Philanthropic Advisory, Research and Project Management Services; Lecturing and Public Speaking; Foundation Development; Foundation Governance; Strategic Planning; Family/Intergenerational Philanthropy; Role of the Philanthropic Sector]

Bernays, Edward (b.22 nov 1891 - d.09 mar 1995) [Book Author; Writer; Pubic Relations; Advertising; Propaganda; Crowd Psychology; Psychoanalytics]

Bernbach, William (Bill) (b.13 aug 1911 - d.02 oct 1982) [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Copywriter; Creative Director; Advertising and Marketing; Advertising Agencies; Copywriting; Creative Direction; Art Direction]

Berners-Lee, Tim [Computer Scientist; Researcher; Inventor; World Wide Web; Computer Programming; Information Management Systems; Internet; Telecommunications; Computer Systems; Open Data; Information Science; Net Neutrality; Affordable Internet]

Bernstein, Carl [Journalist; Reporter; Political Commentrator; Book Author; Pulitzer Prize Winner; Investigative Journalism; Non-Fiction; Writing and Editing; Newspapers; Teaching; Public Speaking]

Berry, Simon [Innovator; Designer; Social Entrepreneur; Open Innovation; Social Media; Affordable Healthcare and Medicines; Nonprofit Organizations; Agriculture and Animal Sciences]

Bersin, Josh [Business Executive; Book Author; Management Consulting; Human Resources; Research; Benchmarking; Professional Development; Advisory Consulting; Talent Management; Leadership Development; Recruiting; Training Organizations]

Besharat, Ali [Academic; Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Marketing Research; Consumer Behavior; Behavioral Judgment and Decision Making; Marketing Communication; Branding; Marketing Management; Healthcare Marketing; Financial Decision Making]

Beyer, Mark A. [Analyst; Big Data; SaaS; Information Technology and Services; Data Warehousing; Data Integration; Data Governance; Enterprise Software; Business Intelligence]

Bezos, Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen (Jeff) [Entrepreneur; Investor; Internet; E-Commerce; Online Retail; Information Technology and Services; Web Services; Newspapers; Publishing; Aerospace; Technology; Innovation; Charity and Philanthropy; Venture Capital; Public Speaking]

Bhargava, Rohit [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Communications Strategy; Public Speaking;Social Media; Content Strategy; Web Strategy; Blogging]

Biderman, Assaf [Inventor; Book Author; Entrepreneur; Technology; Architecture and Planning; Built Environment; Real-time City; Research on Cities and Inventive Design]

Bijmolt, Tammo H.A. [Academic; Research; Marketing and Advertising; Marketing Research; Marketing Management; Sales; Retail; Loyalty Programs; Customer Networks; Online Customers; Consumption Communities; Electronic Word of Mouth; Consumer Decision Making; E-Commerce]

Biller, Sarah [Financial Services; Nonprofit Organizations; Financial Technology; Investment Strategy; Economic Empowerment; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Business Strategy; Management Consulting]

Binder, Leah [Entrepreneur; Writer; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Enterprises; Public Speaking; Healthcare and Hospitals; Healthcare Technology; Price and Quality Transparency; Healthcare Reform; Healthcare Policy; Cost and Quality of Healthcare; Healthcare Ecosystem]

Bisognano, Maureen [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Healthcare Education; Teaching; Health Policy and Management; Public Health; Healthcare Systems Improvement and Innovations; Healthcare Research; Public Speaking]

Biwer, Michael (Mike) [Business Executive; Information Services; Enterprise Software; Business Transformation; Marketing and Sales; Digital Marketing; Business Strategy; Project Management; Technology and Operations; Marketing Applications; Mergers and Acquisitions; Big Data; Analytics; Saas; Customer Satisfaction; Product Innovation]

Blanchard, Kenneth (Ken) H. [Management Expert; Entrepreneur; Writer; Book Author; Thought Leadership; Management Consulting; Training and Coaching; Executive Leadership; Executive Development]

Blank, Steven (Steve) Gary [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Customer Development Methodology; Lean Startup; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Technology; Internet; Investor; Venture Capital; Innovation; Life Sciences and Healthcare; Nonprofit Organizations; Philanthropy; Blogging; Public Speaking; Radio Show]

Blankenship, Laura [Academic; Educator; Computer Science; Primary/Secondary Education; Teaching; Research; Educational Technology; Writing and Editing; Public Speaking; Classroom Instruction; Faculty Development]

Blaser, Martin J. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Microbiology; Human Microbiome; Infectious Diseases; Internal Medicine; Translational Medicine; Biology of Bacterial Persistence in Mammalian Hosts; ; Metabolic Syndrome; Healthcare; Public Health]

Blau, Andrew [Business Executive; Writer; Book Author; Strategic Risk Management; Business Strategy; Management Consulting; Global Business; Business Leadership; Mobility; Future of Healthcare; Evolution of Corporate Strategy; Nonprofit Organizations; Healthcare; Telecommunications; Media; Financial Services; Automobiles; Consumer Goods; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Innovation Management; Venture Capital; Technology; Disruption]

Blikstein, Paulo [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Education and Learning; Education Technology; Communications and Media; Learning Design; Computer Modeling in Social and Behavioral Sciences; Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Education; Computational Technologies; Tangible Interfaces for Learning; Constructivism; Robotics; Hands-on Learning Environments; Maker Education; Data Mining and Machine Learning; Public Education; Teaching]

Blitzer, Wolf Isaac [Journalist; News Anchor; News Reporting and Analysis; Television Shows; Television News; Politics; Military Affairs; International Affairs]

Bobyock, Mary Jane [Business Executive; Nonprofit Organizations; Investment Management; Asset Management; Investment Advisory; Alternative Investments]

Bock, Laszlo [Business Executive; Book Author; Human Resources; Management Consulting; Education; Talent Management; Performance Management; Business Strategy; Organizational Development; Executive Development; Leadership; Teams; Acquisition Integration; Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Nonprofit Organizations]

Bogle, John C. (Jack) [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Investments; Mutual Funds; Financial Services; Index Funds]

Bole, William [Journalist; Editor; Researcher; Book Author; Higher Education; Innovation; Change; Higher Education; Online Journalism; Blogging; News Analyst; Nonprofits; International Relations; Politics; Business Journalism]

Bonk, Curtis J. (Curt) [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Higher Education; E-Learning; Online Education; Instructional Technology; Instructional Design; Self-Directed Open Learning Environments; Online Motivation; Extreme Learning; Educational Psychology; Distance Learning; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Boo, Katherine [Journalist; Writer; Editor; Book Author; Pulitzer Prize Winner; Investigative Journalism; Global Poverty; Poverty Research; Poverty Eradication; Intellectually Disabled People; Public Service; Community Development]

Borgstrom, Marna Parke [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Health Policy; Health Education; Teaching; Public Health]

Bottom, Lisa [Architect; Design Direction; Architecture and Planning; Environmental Planning and Research; Interior Architecture and Design; Industrial Design; Space Planning; Sustainability; Residential and Retail Design; Design Management; Concept Design; LEED; Nonprofit Organizations]

Bowen, Deborah [Healthcare Executive; Nonprofit Organizations Management; Healthcare; Health Education; Professional Society; Executive Development; Healthcare Management; Health Policy]

Bowen, Shelby M. [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Real Estate; Building and Construction; Real Estate Development; Property Management; Economic Development; Public-Private Parternship; Community Development; Entrerepeneurship and Innovation; Startups; Coworking; Mentoring; Consulting]

Bower, Joseph L. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; General Management; Corporate Strategy; Organization; Corporate Leadership; Executive Leadership; Succession Planning]

Boynton, Andy [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Management Education; Leadership; Strategy; Student Development; Public Speaking; Innovation; Blogging; Organization Design; Global Business; Student Affairs; University Administration]

Bozeman, Barry [Academic; Researcher; Science and Technology Policy; Public Management; Management Education; Organizational Theory; Student Development; Curriculum Development; Distance Learning]

Bradbury, Raymond Douglas (Ray) [Writer; Book Author; Fantasy; Science Fiction; Horror; Mystery Fiction; Social Commentary; Scripts; Screenplays; Films; Television]

Bradford, Jeff [Entrepreneur; Writer; Marketing Expert; Marketing and Advertising; Public Relations; Volunteering; Industry Associations]

Brainerd, Mary [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Markeging; Management Education; Teaching; Nonprofit Organizations; Industry Associations; Operations Management; Healthcare Technology; Health Systems]

Branch, Oralee H. [Academic; Researcher; Evolutionary Biology; Parasitology; Immunology; Global Health; Public Health; Epidemiology; Infectious Diseases; Immunity; Population Biology; Ecology; Bioinformatics]

Branke, Juergen [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Operations Research; Management Sciences; Modeling and Analysis for Management; Nature Inspired Optimization; Logistics and Scheduling; Organic Computing; Multiobjective Optimization and Decision Making; Optimization in Presence of Uncertainty; Simulation-based Optimization; Algorithms; Analytics]

Bransford, John D. [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Book Author; Education; Learning Sciences; Psychology; Learning Technology; Human Learning, Memory and Problem Solving; Learning Environments; Cognition and Technology; Internet; Online Education; Teaching]

Branstetter, Lee G. [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Economics; Public Policy; Global Economy; Future of Work; Economy of Technological Innovations; Industrial Organization; Intellectual Property; International Technology Transfer; Economic Growth and Development]

Brenden, Lake [Academic; Researcher; Cognitive and Data Scientist; Entrepreneur; Computational Models of Cognitive Abilities; Artificial Intelligence; Algorithms; Smart Machines]

Brinkley, Ruth [Business Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Operations Management; Health Systems; Executive Development; Leadership Development; Healthcare Technology; Health Education; Coaching and Mentoring; Acute Care; Cardiology; Nursing]

Branson, Richard [Entrepreneur; Businessman; Investor; Entertainment; Airlines; Space Tourism; Healthcare; Environment and Climate Change; Energy; Philanthropy; Financial Services]

Brigida, Anna-Catherine [Staff Reporter; Online Journalism; News Reporting; University News; Public Relations; Media Relations]

Brimhall, Kim C. [Academic; Researcher; Social Work; Human Resources; Inclusive Work Environment; Diversity; Healthcare and Hospitals; Mental Health; Quality in Healthcare; Leadership; Organizational Culture and Climate; Innovation; Management; Nonprofit Organizations]

Brink, Gaby [Designer; Entrepreneur; Design Driven Social Change and Sustainable Growth; Systems Thinking; Human-centered Design; Innovation for the Impact Economy; Civic Engagement]

Brockbank, Wayne [Academic; Researcher; Human Resources; Business Strategy; HR Consulting; Executive Education; Research and Consulting; Linkages between Business Strategy and Human Resource Practices; Creating High Performance Corporate Cultures; Key Levers that Drive Business Performance]

Brooks, John (b.05 dec 1920 - d.27 jul 1993) [Writer; Journalist; Book Author; Business and Finance Journalism; Financial Markets; Biographies of Businessmen]

Brown, Ann Lesley (b.26 jan 1943 - d.4 jun 1999) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Educational Psychologist; Education and Learning; Psychology; Human Memory; Teaching Practices; Metacognitive Strategies; Reciprocal Teaching; Community Learning]

Brown, Carol Hamilton [Higher Education Professional; Educator; University/Academic Administration; Career Services; Career Development; Career Advising; Portfolio Development; Counseling and Mentoring; Life Coaching; Architecture; Interior Design; Graphics Design; Event Planning; Human Resources; Workshops; Teaching; Public Speaking]

Brown, Denise Scott [Architect; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Architecture and Planning; Architecture Education; Urban Planning and Design; Vernacular Architecture; Lecturing]

Brown, Edmund Gerald (Jerry) [Politician; Lawyer; Government Administration; Public Policy; Environment; Climate Change]

Brown, James Gordon [Politician; Prime Minister of UK (2007-2010); Book Author; Education; Monetary and Fiscal Policy; Banking and Finance; Education in Conflict Zones; Education Technology; Health; International Relations; Public Policy; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Enterprises; Television Journalism; Lecturing]

Brown, Lisa Morton [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Organizations; Human Resources; Mentoring and Coaching; Social Responsibility; Community Development]

Brown, Philip [Academic; Researcher; Higher Education; Social Development; Community Outreach; Mental Health; Psychology; Teaching; Psychotherapy]

Brown, Shoshanah [Public Health; Community Development; Program Development]

Brown, Vickie Yates [Business Executive; Hospitals and Healthcare; Healthcare Innovations; Nonprofit Organizations; Healthcare Management; Public Speaking; Clinical Research; Healthcare Technology; Business Strategy; Medical Devices]

Brunt, David [Business Executive; Consumer Goods; Sustainability and Marketing; Branding; Sustainability Strategy; Polymers; Chemistry; Coating; Six Sigma; Presentations; Product Development; Business Strategy; Business Process Improvement]

Bruun-Jensen, Pernille [Business Executive; Marketing; Computer Software Industry; Big Data and Social Analytics Platform]

Brynjolfsson, Erik [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Digital Economy; Information Technologies and Business Strategy; Internet Commerce; Pricing Models; Intangible Assets; Economics of Information; IT and Business Value]

Buehler, Markus J. [Academic; Researcher; Materials Scientist; Engineer; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Materials Science; Biological Materials; Nanotechnology; Computational Engineering; Nanomechanics; Molecular Dynamics; Energy]

Buchli, Jonas [Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Advanced Robotics; Agile and Dexterous Robotics; Computational Learning and Motor Control; Neuroscience and Intelligent Biomimetic Devices; Robotic Control Software; Dynamical Systems Approaches to Motion Generaation and Control; Coupled Oscillators; Machine Learning; Modeling of Human Motor Control]

Buck, David S. [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Entrepreneur; Family and Community Medicine; Health Policy; Public Health;Nonprofit Organizations; Leadership Development; Healthcare Technology; Medical Education; Healthcare Management; Homeless Healthcare; Public Speaking]

Buffett, Jennifer [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Boards; Social Service; Women and Girls Issues; Gender Equity; Early Childhood Education; Sustainable Development]

Buffett, Susan Alice [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Boards; Grantmaking; Public Education; Human Services; Social Justice; Child Welfare; Healthcare]

Buffett, Warren Edward [Entrepreneur; Businessman; Investor; Philanthropist; Value Investing; Stock Market; Financial Strategy; Business Strategy; Capital Markets; Capital Management; Charity and Philanthropy; Education; Healthcare; Economy; Writing]

Burke, Laura Giardina [Doctor; Physician; Academic; Researcher; Healthcare; Hospitals; Health Services; Health Policy; Emergency Health Services; Acute Care; Emergency Medicine]

Burren, Cate [Interior Designer; Design; Interior Architecture]

Burry, Jane R. [Architect; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Architecture and Design; Design Innovation and Technology; Mathematics in Contemporary Design; Built Environment; Designing Responsive Environments; Digital Fabrication; Advanced Manufacturing]

Burston, Jo [Entrepreneur; Entreprneurship and Innovation; Education; Mentoring and Coaching; Policy; Small Business; Startups; Technology; Human Resources; Management Consulting; Blended Learning Environment; Recruiting and Hiring; Industry Associations; Nonprofit Organizations; Philanthropy; Volunteering; Teams and Leadership; Business Process Outsourcing (BPO); Integrated Marketing; Enterprise Software; Social Media; Business Development; Business Strategy]

Burwell, Sylvia Mathews [Politician; Health and Human Services; Nonprofit Organizations; Global Development; World Poverty; Agricultural Development; Financial Services for the Poor; Global Libraries; Government Policy; Public Policy]

Bush, Nadine [Marriage Celebrant; Model; Stylist; Marketing Consultant; Creative Director; Marketing; Branding; Brand Strategy; Interior Design; Food; Newspapers and Magazines; Creative Direction; Communications and Content]]

Byrne, Richard [Teacher; Education Technology; E-Learning; Creating Content for Global Audience; Teaching Teachers; Digital Technology; Social Media; Blogging; Public Speaking]

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