glomc00 - The Global Millennium Class
Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | publishing | reviews | science & technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24
The Role of AI in Revolutionizing Education and Professional Growth | CXOToday, 09 jan 2025
Integrating portfolio and mentorship in competency-based medical education: a Middle East experience | BMC Medical Eduction, 09 jan 2025
The classroom of tomorrow: Leveraging GenAI to revolutionize higher education | Devdiscourse, 09 jan 2025
6 higher education trends to watch in 2025 | Higher Ed Drive, 09 jan 2025
Why Mid-Market Healthcare Private Equity Firms Are Outperforming | Bain, 09 jan 2025
What to expect in Asia-Pacific health IT in 2025? | Healthcare IT News, 09 jan 2025
How Retail Pharmacies Can Help Improve Healthcare Outcomes | Forbes, 09 jan 2025
What lies ahead for the global economy in 2025? | Al Jazeera, 03 jan 2025
Five big questions about the global economy in 2025 | Atlantic Council, 03 jan 2025
Acceptance of new agricultural technology among small rural farmers | Nature, 03 dec 2024
KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Academic, Researcher | Activist | Actor, Singer, Musician | Analyst, Commentator | Anchor, Host, Presenter | Anthropologist | Architect, Artist, Designer | Banker | Biologist | Book Author | Business Executive | Coach, Mentor, Trainer | Columnist, Correspondent | Communications and Content Specialist | Computer Programmer, Developer | Consultant, Advisor | Creative Director | Doctor, Physician, Health Expert | Economist | Educator | Engineer | Entrepreneur | Film Director, Filmmaker, Film Producer | Futurist | Historian | Inventor | Journalist, Reporter | Lawyer, Legal Expert | Neuroscientist | Nonprofit Executive | Philanthropist | Philosopher | Physicist | Politician, Diplomat, Statesman | Psychologist | Public Speaker | Scientist | Sociologist | Thought Leader | Venture Capitalist | Writer, Editor
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food | Analytics, Big Data, Market Research, Business Intelligence | Architecture, Interior, Building and Construction, Urban Design, Landscape | Art, Culture | Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Machines, Machine Learning, Robotics | Banking, Finance, Stock Market, Investing, Financial Markets, Insurance | Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics | Blogging | Business Ethics | Business, Management, Corporations | Business Strategy, Strategic Planning | Business-to-Business | Charity, Philanthropy, Nonprofits | Chemistry | Coaching, Mentoring, Training | Communications, Content Development, Public Relations, Branding, Community Development | Computer and Network Security, Online Privacy | Computer Science, Computer Hardware and Software, Programming, Algorithms | Customer Service, Customer Experience, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Consumer Behavior | Design Thinking, Systems Thinking | Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) | E-Commerce, Online Retail, E-Business | Economics, Economy | Education, Learning | Engineering, Manufacturing | Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Startups, Business Plan | Environment, Climate Change, Sustainability, Green Business, Nature, Forestry, Energy | Event Management, Conference Development | Family, Parenting, Children | Fiction | Fundraising, Crowdfunding | Healthcare, Hospitals, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Diagnostics | History, Archaeology | Human Resources, Workplace, Labor Issues, Talent, Career Development, Recruiting | Human Rights, Conflicts, Disaster Relief | Industrial and Product Design | Industry and Professional Associations | International Relations, Global Affairs | Internet, Web, Information Technology and Services, ICT | Journalism, Reporting, Publishing | Law, Legal Issues | Leadership, Teams, Executive Development, Organizational Development | Lifestyle, Fashion, Sports, Fitness, Wellness | Management Consulting, Mergers and Acquisitions | Marketing, Advertising, Branding | Materials Science, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology | Mathematics | Media, Television, Entertainment, Films, Radio | Mobile Technology, Applications, Wearables | Neuroscience | Open Source, Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing | Philosophy | Physics | Politics, Government | Poverty, Development | Product Development, Product Management | Project Management | Psychology | Public Policy, Governance | Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) | Public Speaking, Keynote Speaking, Lecturing, Teaching | Real Estate, Property, Infrastructure | Religion, Faith | Sales, Retail, Consumer Goods | Science and Technology | Social Enterprise, CSR, Cooperatives | Social Media, Social Networking | Sociology | Supply Chain Management (SCM), Logistics, Operations Research | Telecommunications | Travel, Tourism, Transport | University, Academic Administration | Venture Capital, Private Equity, Accelerators, Incubators | Volunteering, Social Service, Community Outreach | Web Design, User Interface Design, User Experience Design, Graphic Design | Women, Gender Issues, Diversity, Inclusion | Writing, Editing
Featured KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People
Abbasi, Pedram [Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Renewables and Environment; Chemical Engineering; Energy Conversion Systems; Solar Energy; Heat Transfer]
Abbott, Dean [Entrepreneur; Data Scientist; Information Technology and Services; Data Mining; Data Preparation; Data Visualization; Analytics; Teaching; Fraud Detection; Customer Relationship Management; Nonprofit Donation Models]
Abe, Shinzō [Politician; 57th Prime Minister of Japan; Abenomics]
Abhari, Kaveh [Academic; Researcher; Human Resources; Social Learning and Innovation; Collaborative Learning Systems; Program Evaluation; Business Intelligence and Analytics; Enterprise Systems and Business Applications; Information Technology Management; Consulting; Qualitative Research; Quantitative Research; Data Analysis]
Abiade, Jeremiah [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology; Oxide Research; Renewables and Environment; Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) Growth of Oxide Thin Films; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Thermoelectric Devices; Spectroscopy; Solar Energy]
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Bacigalupo, Tony [Entrepreneur; Workspace Management; Community Organizing; Culture Development; Event Planning; Social Impact; Coworking; Web Design; Public Speaking]
Badré, Bertrand [Business Executive; International Affairs; Global Banking; Global Financial Policy; Financial and Risk Management]
Baer, Jason (Jay) [Entrepreneur; Consultant; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Media; Business Strategy; Customer Relationship Management; Social Media; Content Marketing; Venture Capital; Public Relations; Web Analytics; Mobile Marketing; SEO; SEM; Blogging; Podcasting; Public Speaking]
Baker, Loren [Entrepreneur; Advisor; Digital Marketing; Content Marketing; Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Social Media; Blogging; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Internet]
Bager, Anna [Business Executive; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Media; Mobile Marketing; Video; Digital Content; Business Intelligence; Business Research; Consulting]
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Cafaro, Debra [Business Executive; Lawyer; Healthcare Real Estate; Nonprofit Organizations; Commercial Real Estate; Business Leadership; Finance and Operations Management]
Cailliau, Robert [Informatics Engineer; Computer Scientist; World Wide Web; Computer Programming; Online Education; Public Speaking; Online Learning; Information Society]
Cameron, David [Politician; Prime Minister of United Kingdom]
Cameron, Niall [Business Executive; Banking; Financial Markets; Credit Markets; Financial Indexes; Global Markets]
Camm, Jeffrey D. [Academic; Researcher; Operations Research; Management Science; Business Analytics; Optimization Modeling; Algorithms; Resource Allocation; Conservation; Supply Chain Design; Operations Planning and Scheduling; Product Design; Quantitative Analysis; Data Analysis; Data Mining; Management Education]
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Dachis, Jeff [Entrepreneur; Investor; Writer; Book Author; Internet; Healthcare; Technology; Innovation; Venture Capital; Mentoring and Coaching; Business Strategy; Digital Marketing; Digital Advertising; Big Data; Startups; Social Media; Media and Entertainment; E-Commerce; Digital Technology]
Daar, Abdallah S. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Public Health Sciences; Biomedical Sciences; Surgery; Organ Transplantation; Global Health; Bioethics; Biotechnology; Genomics; Global Health Diplomacy; Innovation and Reform in Medical and Health Sciences Education; Healthcare Models for sub-Saharan Africa; Health Biotechnology Innovation Systems for Emerging Economies and Developing Countries; Chronic Non-communicable Diseases; Global Mental Health; Human Genome Variation and Global Health; Public Policy]
Dahuri, Rokhmin [Scientist; Academic; Researcher; Politician; Fisheries]
Dalio, Barbara [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking; Nonprofit Organizations; Healthcare; Education; Poverty Relief; Disaster Relief; Environment; Community Development]
Damasio, Antonio [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Cognitive Neuroscience; Brain and Creativity; Brain and Consciousness; Roles of Emotions in Social Cognition and Decision Making; Neurobiology; Medicine; Somatic Marker Hypothesis; Biology of Moral Decisions; Neuro-Economics; Social Communication; Drug Addiction; Clinician; Neurobiology of Mind and Behavior with an Emphasis on Emotion, Decision Making, Memory, Communication and Creativity]
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Eber, Alan [Business Executive; Engineering and Energy Management; Energy Conservation; Construction Management; Compressor and Chiller Products; Healthcare Focused Construction and Engineering]
Ebitanmi, Segun [Entrepreneur; Healthcare and Hospitals; Medical Services; Public Health; Research; Project Management; Leadership and Teams; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Enterprise]
Eckenrode, Jim [Business Executive; Writer; Research and Consulting; Banking and Financial Services; Financial Technology; Capital Markets; Mutual Funds; Hedge Funds; Insurance; Real Estate; Customer Experience; Digital Banking; Digital Transformation; Information Technology; Business Strategy; Product Development; Teams; Leadership; Conferences; Public Speaking]
Edelman, Elazer R. [Academic; Research; Cardiologist; Scientist; Biomedical Engineering; Health Sciences; Interdisciplinary Research; Atherosclerotic Arterial Disease; Vascular Biology; Drug Delivery; Device Biology; Tissue Engineering; Biomaterials]
Edelman, Richard [Business Executive; Public Relations; Communications; Marketing; Social Media; Blogging; Professional Associations; Nonprofit Organizations; Writing]
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Fabre, Fernando [Entrepreneur; Investor; Nonprofit Organizations; Teams; Leadership Development; Mentoring; Academic; Teaching; Venture Capital; Business Strategy; Higher Education; Startups; Emerging Markets; Collaboration]
Fader, Peter [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing; Market Research; Business Analytics; Data Mining; Data Analysis; Customer Insights; Competitive Analysis; Consumer Behavior; Lifetime Value of the Customer; Sales Forecasting for New Products; Analysis of Behavioral Data; Customer Centricity; Customer Relationship Management; Management Consulting]
Fahnestock, Larry [Academic; Researcher; Civil Engineering; Architectural Engineering; Behavior and Design of Steel Strcutures; Earthquake Engineering; Seismic Building Design; Large Scale Testing of Structural Components and Systems; Bridge Performance Under Service and Extreme Loading]
Fan, Shanhui [Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Applied Physics; Theory and Simulations of Photonic and Solid-state Materials and Devices; Photonic Crystals; Nano-scale Photonic Devices and Plasmonics; Quantum Optics; Computational Electromagnetics; Parallel Scientific Computing]
Farah, Hussein [Entrepreneur; Nonprofit Organizations; Education; Digital Literacy; Information Technology; Business Development; Leadership; Coaching and Mentoring; Community Outreach; Fundraising; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Charity and Philanthropy]
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Galli, Alessio [Researcher; Electronics Engineering; Electronics Design; Telecommunications; Instrumentation and Process Control; Electromedical Devices; Microchips and Microcontrollers; Digital Signal Processing; Sensors; Embedded Systems; 3D Printing; Hardware/Firmware; Environmental Diagnostics; Environment Monitoring Sytems; Wireless Sytems]
Galloway, Graham [Business Executive; Human Resources; Recruiting and Staffing; Healthcare; Pharmaceuticals; Life Sciences; Biotechnology; Medical Technology; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Succession Planning; Mangagement Consulting; Business Strategy; Management]
Gamble, Roberta [Business Executive; Market Research; Energy and Power Systems; Power Generation; Renewables and Alternatives; Transmission and Distribution; Power Supplies; Competitive Analysis; Market Analysis; Competitive Intelligence; Business Strategy]
Gandhi, Tejal [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; Patient Safety and Quality; Error Reduction through Information Technology; Health Systems Redesign]
Gao, Huajian [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Materials Science; Nanomaterials; Biological Materials; Biological Systems; Solid Mechanics; Nanomechanics; Hierarchical Biomechanics; Cell Adhesion; Energy Storage Materials; Nanomechanics of Thin Films]
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Haanaes, Knut [Business Executive; Researcher; Book Author; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Efficiency; Growth Strategy; Enablement; Research and Product Development Innovation; Mega and Meta Trends; Large-scale Transformation; Industrial Goods]
Haasch, Richard T. (Rick) [Researcher; Scientist; Materials Science; Materials Chemistry; Surface Analysis; Photoelectron Spectroscopy; Solid State Physics; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Thin Film Deposition; Surface Characterization; Microfabrication; Solar Cells; Solar Energy; Renewables and Environment; Biomaterials; Electron Microscopy]
Hacker, Jörg Hinrich [Academic; Researcher; Microbiology; Molecular Infection Biology; Molecular Anaylsis of Infectious Bacteria and of Host-pathogen Interactions; Research Organizations and Societies]
Hackley, Chris [Academic; Education Management; Critical Approaches in Marketing; Advertising; Media Regulation; Cultural Policy]
Hackston, John [Chartered Psychologist; Research and Development; Psychology; Management Development; Personality Testing and Assessment; Coaching and Training; Emotional Intelligence; Human Resources; Talent Management; Career Counseling and Management]
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Ignagni, Karen [Business Executive; Writer; Healthcare and Hospitals; Healthcare Insurance; Health, Wellness and Fitness; Healthcare Reforms; Healthcare Finance; Professional Associations; Healthcare Policy]
Ikuhara, Yuichi [Academic; Researcher; Materials Chemistry; Materials Science; Ceramic Materials and Composites; Transmission Electron Microscopy; High Temperature Mechanical Properties in Structural Materials; Electroceramics; Dislocation Technology; Crystal Interface and Grain Boundary; Quantum Device; Nano Wire; Advanced Materials; Nanotechnology]
Ilian, George [Book Author; Business Biography; Life and Business Lessons; Productivity and Time Management; Personal Development]
Iliff, Rebekah [Columnist; Writer; Public Relations; Computer Software Industry]
Imai, Takashi [Scientist; Academic; Researcher; Quantitative Biology; 3D-RISM-based Ligand Mapping and its Applications to Drug Design; Solvation Thermodynamics of Biomolecules; Molecular Mechanism of Pressure-induced Structural Transition of Proteins; Molecular Theory of Partial Molar Volume and Compressibility; Developmental Biology]
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Jackson, Jonathan [Nonprofit Executive; Entrepreneur; Computer Software; Open Source; Mobile Applications; System Design; ICT; Healthcare; Public Health; Healthcare Information Technology; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Outreach; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Angel Investing; Venture Capital]
Jackson, Matthew O. [Academic; Researcher; Economics; Book Author; Social and Economic Networks; Online Education; Game Theory; Micro-Economic Theory]
Jackson, Rob [Architect; Writer; Architecture and Planning; Building Information Modeling (BIM); Building and Construction; Blogging; Standard Development; Software Documentation; Documentation]
Jacobs, Irwin M. [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Electrical Engineer; Communication Engineering; Satellite Encryption Devices; Two-way Mobile Satellite Communications and Tracking Systems; Nonprofit Organizations; Philanthropy]
Jacobs, Kim A. [Business Executive; Healthcare Insurance; Health Plans; Strategic Business Development; Consumer Technology Innovation; Commercial Strategy and Performance; Consumer Engagement]
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Käll, Rob [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Sales; Marketing; Artificial Intelligence; Data Analytics; Salesforce Productivity; Saas; Mobile Applications; Computer Software; Machine Learning; Consumer Behavior; Customer Relationship Management; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Leadership and Teams; Recruitment; Internet; Public Speaking]
Kahlow, Aaron [Entrepreneur; Digital Marketing; Social Media; E-Learning]
Kahn, Alfred Edward (b. 17 oct 1917 - d. 27 dec 2010) [Economist; Academic; Researcher; Expert in Regulation and Deregulation; Deregulation of the Airline and Energy Industries; Political Economy]
Kahn, Robert E. [Electrical Engineer; Internet; Transmission Control Protocal (TCP); Internet Protocol (IP); Telecommunications; Networking; Nonprofit Organizations]
Kahn, Ronni [Entrepreneur; Nutrition and Food; Food Security; Food Rescue; Social Entrepreneurship; Poverty and Hunger; Policy and Governance; Environment and Climate Change; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Development; Coaching and Mentoring; Events Management; Strategic Planning]
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LaBlanc, Gregory [Academic; Researcher; Economic Analysis and Policy; Finance and Strategy; Executive Education; Competitive Strategy; Financial Institutions and Markets; Behavioral Finance; Corporate Financial Management; Evolutionary Decision Theory; Behavioral Law and Economics; Complex Adaptive Systems; Information in Organizations; Digital Transformation; Digital Economy; Business Analytics; Game Theory; Corporate Governance; Data Science; Management Consulting]
Labriola, Leanne [Academic; Researcher; Ophthalmologist; Entrepreneur; Medical Retina and Uveitis; Medical Devices; Clinical Trials; Clinical and Educational Research; Healthcare; Innovation]
LaFave, Jim [Academic; Researcher; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Structural Design; Behavior, Design and Assessementof Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structures; Siesmic Study; Building and Bridges Subjected to Earthquakes; Innovative Structural Framing Systems]
Lafley, Alan G. [Business Executive; Book Author; Consulting; Consumer Goods; Retail; Branding; Consumer Relationships; Businessand Innovation Strategy; Executive and Leadership Development; Coaching and Mentoring; Business Leadership; Thought Leadership]
Lake, Brenden [Academic; Researcher; Cognitive and Data Scientist; Entrepreneur; Computational Models of Cognitive Abilities; Artificial Intelligence; Algorithms; Smart Machines]
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Ma, Yun (Jack) [Entrepreneur; E-Commerce; Internet; Online Retail; Websites; Information Technology and Services; Electronic Payments; Environment; Public Speaking]
Macdonald, Emma K. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Customer Insight; Customer Experience; Real-Time Experience Tracking Method; Customer Perceptions of Value; Consumer Behavior; Customer Empowerment; Marketing Strategy; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Customer Analytics; Consumer Behavior; Digital Marketing]
Madan, Yasmin [Nonprofit Executive; Consulant; Marketing; Strategy; Strategic Planning; Commercial Marketing; Market Development; Social Marketing; Social Franchising; Social Enterprises; Behavior Change Communications; Nonprofit Organizations; Global Health; Healthcare; Fundraising; Social Impact; Community Development]
Maher, Andrew [Entrepreneur; Real Estate; Industrial Property; Supply Chain Analytics; Location Optimization; Real Estate Advisory Services; Real Estate Investments]
Maiers, Angela [Entrepreneur; Author; Educator; Professional Trainer; Consultant; Education Management; Education Technology; Literacy; Leadership and Global Communications; Social Media; Blogging; Public Speaking]
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Nabel, Elizabeth [Academic; Researcher; Business Executive; Cardiologist; Healthcare and Hospitals; Cardiovascular Biology; Academic Medicine; 10th Director of National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLB) at National Institute of Health (NIH) in US; Health and Wellness; Molecular Cardiology; Vascular Biology; Gene Transfer Studies of Cardiovascular System; Healthcare Devices; Innovation; Healthcare Technologies; Healthcare Policy; Community Health; Biomedical Research; Women's Health; Global Health; Industry Associations; Genomics and Health]
Nadella, Satya Narayana [Business Executive; Computer Software; Internet; Information Technology and Services; Cloud Computing; Enterprise Software; Business Solutions; Public Speaking]
Nadenicek, Daniel [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Design Education; Landscape Architecture; Landscape History; Site Planning; Historic Preservation; Sustainability; Urban Design; Community Development]
Nag, Divya [Entrepreneur; Scientist; Writer; Healthcare; Research; Stem Cell Therapies; Science and Technology; Stem Cell Biology; Regenerative Medicine; Drug Screening; Clinical Trials; Medical Technologies; Nonprofit Medical Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Public Speaking]
Naisbitt, John [Book Author; Public Speaking; Futures Studies; Business; Politics; Research; Social, Cultural and Economic Transformaton of China; Technology; Business Transformations; Economics]
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Obama, Barack [Politician; 44th President of the United States]
Oberman, Emily [Designer; Entrepreneur; Brand Identity; Motion Graphics; Publications; Packaging; Advertising; Websites; Entertainment; Hospitality; Film and Television; Nonprofit Organizations; Consulting; Teaching]
Obstfeld, Maurice Moses (Maury) [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; International Economics; Economic and Monetary Policy; Macroeconomics; Banking and Finance; Global Development; Financial Markets]
Ody, Christopher [Academic; Researcher; Applied Microeconomics; Healthcare Economics; Business Strategy; Healthcare Markets; Nonprofit Hospitals; Macroeconomy and Healthcare Spending; Central Banks]
Ogilvy, David Mackenzie (b.23 jun 1911 - d.21 jul 1999) [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Advertising; Human Behavior; Consumer Psychology; Marketing and Sales; Research; Marketing Communications]
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Pachauri, Rajendra Kumar (R. K.) [Academic; Researcher; Environment; Nobel Laureate; Climate Change; Nonprofit Organizations; Energy; Economics; Public Policy; Sustainable Development; Engineering]
Page, Lawrence Edward (Larry) [Entrepreneur; Computer Scientist; Internet; Computer Software; Search Engine Technology; Information Technology and Services; Operating System; Mobile Devices; Artificial Intelligence; Healthcare; Biotechnology; Electric Vehicles; Charity and Philanthropy; Public Speaking]
Pallasmaa, Juhani Uolevi [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Entrepreneur; Book Author; University/Academic Administration; Architecture and Planning; Architecture and Design Education; Constructivism; Public Speaking]
Pan, Dipanjan [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Education/University Administration; Nanotechnology; Bioengineering; Bioimaging at Multi Scale; Translational Nanomedicine; Molecular Imaging; Stem Cell Therapy; Combinatorial Therapeutics; Drug Delivery; Bioengineering Sustainability; In Silico to In Vivo; Drug Discovery and Repurposing; Interdisciplinary Research]
Papay, Michael [Entrepreneur; Writer; Information Technology; Human Resources; Software as a Service (SaaS); Human Capital Management; Human Resources Technology; Employee Engagement; Employee Feedback and Surveys; Teams and Leadership; Performance Management; Organizational Development; Organizational Learning]
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Qin, Zhao [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Materials Science; Biological Materials; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Computational Modeling; Bio-Inspired Materials Design; Nanomechanics]
Quinn, Roger D. [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Engineering; Biorobots; Agile Manufacturing Sytems; Structural Dynamics; Vibration and Control; Biologically Inspired Robotics]
Quintero, Juan José Casado [Academic; Researcher; Academic/University Administration; Business Analytics; Digital Marketing; Big Data; Data Mining; Digital Strategy; Customer Experience; Consumer Analytics; Digital Transformation; Business Intelligence; Mobile Devices; Internet of Things; Social Media; Customer Relationship Management]
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Rael, Ronald [Architect; Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Thought Leader; Architecture; Additive Manufacturing; Earthen Architecture; 3D Printing in Architecture, Building Components, Environments and Products; Design Activism; Environmental Design]
Rahim, Emad [Academic; Researcher; Education Management; Entrepreneurship; Project Management; Nonprofit Management; Community Outreach; Higher Education Administrator]
Rajasekar, Arcot [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Data Grid Technologies; Data Grid Middleware Systems; Data Science; Policy-based Data Management; Personal Digital Libraries; Big Data; Relational Databases; Logic Programming; Open-source Approach to Managing Digital Data; Deductive Databases; Data Grids; Digital Library and Persistent Archives]
Rakovitsky, Dmitry (Dima) [Entrepreneur; Mobile Technology; Mobile Applications; Financial Services; Business Strategy; Product Development; Product Management; Leadership and Teams; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Software Development; IT Strategy; Agile Methodologies; Cloud Computing]
Ramamurti, Ravi [Academic; Researcher; International Business; Corporate Strategy; Emerging Markets; Business-Government Relations; Internationalization Strategies of Multinationals in Emerging Markets; Global Business Environment; Global Strategy; Consulting; Management Education]
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Saarinen, Kari [Physician; Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; Hospital Administration; Clinical Research; Healthcare Management; Medical Education; Hospital Design; Aesthetic Experience; Evidence Based Design (EBD); Intensive Care; Intermediate Care; Public Speaking]
Sabuncu, Ayşe [Entrepreneur; Social Enterprise; Nonprofit Organizations; Financial Analysis; Corporate Finance; Nonprofit Management; Agriculture and Rural Development; Organic Farming; Social Development; Farming Communities; Technology; Social Innovation; Volunteering; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)]
Saito, William Hiroyuki [Entrepreneur; Venture Capitalist; Educator; Book Author; Public Policy; Information Security Policy; Biometrics; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Science and Technology]
Salakhutdinov, Ruslan [Academic; Researcher; Computer Science and Statistics; Statistical Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Probabilistic Graphical Models; Large-scale Optimization; Artificial Intelligence; Smart Machines]
Salbi, Zainab [Entrepreneur; TV Host; Book Author; Media; Television; Women's Rights; Human Rights; Humanitarian and Development Organizations; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Entrepreneurship; Journalism; Writing and Editing; Multimedia Platforms; Mircrocredit Programs; Philanthropy; Lecturing]
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Tabrizi, Behnam [Academic; Researcher; Management Consulting; Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Program Management; Engineering]
Tabron, La June Montgomery [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Finance and Accounting; Nonprofit Organizations; Nonprofit Boards; Education; Healthcare; Industry Associations]
Tamburini, Diego [Manufacturing Strategy; Computer Software; Design Software Tools; CAD/CAM; Systems Engineering; ERP]
Taniguchi, Takashi [Academic; Researcher; Materials Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Materials Processing; Synthsis of Materials; High Pressure Effects on Materials; Graphene]
Tapscott, Don [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Management Thinker; Thought Leader; Management Consultant; Business Expert; Book Author; Business Strategy; Innovation; Media; Economic and Social Impacts of Technology]
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Ulrich, Roger S. [Academic; Researcher; Healthcare Design; Architectural Design and Research; Evidence-based Design]
Underwood, Rod [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Architecture and Planning; Academic/University Administration; Architectural Design; Sustainable Design; Urban Design; Urban Planning; Coaching and Mentoring]
Upton, Eben [Writer; Computer Science; Computers; Nonprofit Organizations; Entrepreneur; Software and Hardware Architecture; Computing Devices; Mobile Devices; Mobile Computing]
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Valck, Kristine De [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Social Media Marketing; Qualitative Social Research; Online Communities; Communication and Media; Consumption Communities]
VanderBrug, Jackie [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Financial Services; Wealth Management; Portfolio Analytics; Gender Lens Investing; Strategy Consulting; Social Change; Impact Investing; Socially Responsible Investing; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Social Enterprise; Social Capital Markets; Skills Development; Training; Nonprofit Organizations; Public Speaking]
Vanderkam, Laura [Writer; Editor; Book Author; Writing and Editing; Work-Life Balance; Time Management; Family; Careers; Productivity; Online Content; Social Media; Business Journalism; Publishing; Blogging; Public Speaking]
Varathan, Vishnu [Economist; Financial Analyst; Financial Services; Political Risk Analysis]
Varian, Hal [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Information Management and Systems; Economics; Economic Theory; Industrial Organization; Financial Economics; Econometrics; Information Economics; Consulting; Auction Design; Econometric Analysis; Corporate Strategy; Finance; Public Policy]
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Wachter, Robert M. (Bob) [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Book Author; Healthcare; Hospitalist Movement; Medicine; Technology; Patient Safety; Healthcare Quality]
Wadhwa, Vivek [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Higher Education; Innovation; Technology; Public Speaking; Thought Leadership; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Corporate Social Responsibility; Mobile Devices; Internet; Online Education]
Wadors, Pat [Business Executive; Human Resources; Talent Management; Recruiting; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Succession Planning; Coaching and Training; Employee Relations; Employee Engagement; Compensation; Teams; Workforce Planning; Public Speaking]
Wakai, Fumihiro [Academic; Researcher; Materials Science; Materials Structure; Inorganic Materials; Ceramics; Nanocrystalline Materials; Sintering/Microstructural Control; High Temperature related Deformation and Fracture; Superplasticity; Materials Integration]
Wakhungu, Judi W. [Academic; Researcher; Energy Expert; Energy Resources Management; Energy Policy and Development; Science Technology and Development; Gender Issues in Science and Technology Policy; Petroleum Geology; Higher Education]
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Yadav, Ramkrishna (Baba Ramdev) [Entrepreneur; Yoga Teacher; Ayurveda; Agriculture; Retail; Consumer Goods; Healthcare; Politics; Social Service; Nonprofits; Religion]
Yardeni, Edward (Ed) [Economist; Investment Strategy; Economics Research; Financial Services]
Yasei, Poya [Researcher; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Nanomaterials and Energy Systems; Nanotechnology; Solar Energy; Renewables and Environment; Heat Transfer; Thermodynamics; Development of 2D Material Systems - Graphene, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Phosphorene; Development of Novel Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Sensors; Thermal Transport in Nanoscale and Dimensionally Confined Systems; Novel Energy Generation, Conversion, and Storage Systems]
Yekutiel, Ron [Entrepreneur; Internet; Business Development; Product Development; Startups; Entrepreneurship; Mobile Devices; Online Videos; Open Source Video Platform; Technology]
Yli-Karhu, Tiina [Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Information Technology; Project Management; Contract Management; Project Planning; Strategic Planning; Healthcare Management; Leadership and Teams; Virtual Environments; Usability]
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Zakri, Abdul Hamid [Academic; Researcher; Science Advisor; Diplomat; Research Administration; Higher Education Administration; Genetics; Global Scientific Collaborations; Environment and Sustainability; Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services; Environmental Policy; International Relations; Technology Innovation; Science and Technology Policy]
Zapol, Peter [Researcher; Materials Science; Computational Chemistry; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Electronic Structure; Molecular Dynamics; Chemical Physics; Material Modeling; Graphene; Nanodiamonds; Cluster Methods; Computational Nanoscience; Complex Oxide Heterostructures; Solar Energy; Renewabes and Environment]
Zedong, Mao (b.26 dec 1893 - d.09 sep 1976) [Politician; First Chairman of the People's Republic of China; Communist Revolutionary; Marxism; Leninism; Military Strategy]
Zehner, Jacki [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Grantmaking and Donations; Fundraising; Women and Girls Issues; Gender Equity; Women Empowerment; Financial Services; Wealth Management; Impact Investing; Success in Workplace; Nonprofit Organizations; Writing and Blogging; Public Speaking]
Zenger, John H. (Jack) [Entrepreneur; Management Consulting; Executive Coaching; Mentoring; Human Resources; Leadership Development; Change Management; Employee Engagement; Talent Management; Executive Development; Training]
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