glomc00 - The Global Millennium Class
Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | publishing | reviews | science & technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24
The Role of AI in Revolutionizing Education and Professional Growth | CXOToday, 09 jan 2025
Integrating portfolio and mentorship in competency-based medical education: a Middle East experience | BMC Medical Eduction, 09 jan 2025
The classroom of tomorrow: Leveraging GenAI to revolutionize higher education | Devdiscourse, 09 jan 2025
6 higher education trends to watch in 2025 | Higher Ed Drive, 09 jan 2025
Why Mid-Market Healthcare Private Equity Firms Are Outperforming | Bain, 09 jan 2025
What to expect in Asia-Pacific health IT in 2025? | Healthcare IT News, 09 jan 2025
How Retail Pharmacies Can Help Improve Healthcare Outcomes | Forbes, 09 jan 2025
What lies ahead for the global economy in 2025? | Al Jazeera, 03 jan 2025
Five big questions about the global economy in 2025 | Atlantic Council, 03 jan 2025
Acceptance of new agricultural technology among small rural farmers | Nature, 03 dec 2024
KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of Authors of Articles in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food | Analytics, Big Data, Market Research, Business Intelligence | Architecture, Interior, Building and Construction, Urban Design, Landscape | Art, Culture | Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Machines, Machine Learning | Banking, Finance, Stock Market, Investing, Financial Markets, Insurance | Blogging | Business, Management, Corporations | Business Strategy | Charity, Philanthropy, Nonprofits | Coaching, Mentoring, Training | Communications, Content Development, Public Relations, Branding, Community Development | Computer and Network Security, Online Privacy | Computer Science, Computer Hardware and Software, Programming | Customer Service, Customer Experience, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) | Design Thinking | Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) | E-Commerce, Online Retail, E-Business | Economics, Economy | Education, Learning | Engineering, Manufacturing | Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Startups, Business Plan | Environment, Climate Change, Sustainability, Green Business, Nature, Forestry, Energy | Event Management, Conference Development | Family, Parenting, Children | Fiction | Healthcare, Hospitals, Pharmaceuticals | History, Archaeology | Human Resources, Workplace, Labor Issues, Talent, Career Development, Recruiting | Human Rights, Conflicts | Industrial and Product Design | International Relations, Global Affairs | Internet, Web, Information Technology and Services, ICT | Journalism, Reporting, Publishing | Law, Legal Issues | Leadership, Teams, Executive Development, Organizational Development | Lifestyle, Fashion, Sports, Fitness, Wellness | Management Consulting, Mergers and Acquisitions | Marketing, Advertising, Branding | Media, Television, Entertainment, Films, Radio | Mobile Technology, Applications | Open Source, Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing | Politics | Poverty, Development | Project Management | Psychology | Public Policy, Governance | Public Speaking, Keynote Speaking, Lecturing, Teaching | Real Estate, Property | Religion, Faith | Sales, Retail, Consumer Goods | Science and Technology | Social Enterprise, CSR, Cooperatives | Social Media, Social Networking | Telecommunications | Travel, Tourism, Transport | Venture Capital, Private Equity, Accelerators, Incubators | Volunteering, Social Service, Community Outreach | Web Design, User Interface Design, User Experience Design, Graphic Design | Women, Gender Issues, Diversity, Inclusion
Leadership, Teams, Executive Development, Organizational Development
Ashkenas, Ron [Book Author; Management Consulting; Public Speaking; Talent Management; Business Development; Organizational Transformation; Acquisition Integration and Simplification]
Bailey, James R. [Academic; Research; Book Author; Higher Education; Leadership Development; Effective Leadership; Organizational and Individual Change; Strategy Formulation and Execution; Employee Motivation; Competence; Satisfaction and Performance; Managerial Decision Making; Business Ethics; Teams]
Balzac, Stephen [Book Author; Leadership Development; Management Consulting; Goal Setting; Concentration Training; Confidence Building; Relaxation and Stress Management Techniques; Project Planning; Group Management; Team Motivation; Change Management; Team Building; Organizational Development; Executive Coaching]
Beckland, Ryan [Entrepreneur; Healthcare and Wellness; Information Technology and Services; Healthcare Platforms; Healthcare Applications; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Lean Startup; Social Media; Venture Capital; Finance; Brand Development; Marketing; Leadership and Teams; Employee Wellness; Public Speaking]
Bersin, Josh [Business Executive; Book Author; Management Consulting; Human Resources; Research; Benchmarking; Professional Development; Advisory Consulting; Talent Management; Leadership Development; Recruiting; Training Organizations]
Betz, G. Meredith [Writer; Nonprofit Management; Organizational Development; Executive Coaching; Leadership Development; Strategic Planning; Board Development]
Brimhall, Kim C. [Academic; Researcher; Social Work; Human Resources; Inclusive Work Environment; Diversity; Healthcare and Hospitals; Mental Health; Quality in Healthcare; Leadership; Organizational Culture and Climate; Innovation; Management; Nonprofit Organizations]
Brockbank, Wayne [Academic; Researcher; Human Resources; Business Strategy; HR Consulting; Executive Education; Research and Consulting; Linkages between Business Strategy and Human Resource Practices; Creating High Performance Corporate Cultures; Key Levers that Drive Business Performance]
Calmeyn, Hannelore [Business Executive; Learning and Development; Human Resources; Management and Leadership; Innovation Network]
Campbell, Andy [Writer; Computer Software; Human Resources; Employee Engagement; Management Development; HCM Management]
Clough, Katy [Business Executive; Human Resources; Pharmaceuticals; Management Development; Employee Relations; Talent Management; Performance Management; Leadership Development; Employee Engagement]
Coelho, Paulo [Writer; Book Author; Novelist; Drama; Self-Improvement; Psychology]
Collins, Robert G. (Bob) [Nonprofit Executive; Charity and Philanthropy; Religious Charitable Organizations; Financial Services; Investment Management; Financial Analysis; Fundraising; Donations and Grantmaking; Leadership and Teams; Tax-Smart Giving; Financial Policy]
Conner, Cheryl [Entrepreneur; Writer; Columnist; Public Speaking; Public Relations and Communications; Business Communications; Entrepreneurship; Thought Leadership]
Davis, Kathleen [Senior Editor; Writer; Journalist; Pulic Speaking; Women's Leadership; Entrepreneurship; Leadership and Management; Inequality; Technology; Health and Lifestyle; Travel]
Dennis, Donna [Leadership Coach; Team Coaching; Assessment; Training Design and Delivery; Professional Training and Coaching; Leadership Development; Succession Systems]
DiFebo, Val [Business Executive; Advertising and Marketing; Human Resources; Executive Development; Leadership Development; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Teams; Employee Relations; Collaborative Workplaces; Writing; Public Speaking]
Driesen, Ger [Management Trainer; Learning and Development; Professional Coaching and Training; Composing and Conducting Management Development and Talent Development Programs; Strategic Learning and Development (Policy, Processes and Alignment); Reverse Mentoring]
Edinger, Scott [Consultant; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Leadership; Strategy Formulation; Sales Management and Training; Organizational Culture]
Ellis, Ryann K. [Editor; Workplace Learning and Performance; Governance; Human Resources]
Evans, Tony [Business Executive; Corporate Development; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Media; Digital Strategy; Search Engine Optimization (SEO)]
Ferrell, Justin [Academic; Entrepreneurship; Design; Design Thinking; Business Transformation; Digital; Mobile and New Product Development; Public Speaking; Teaching; Creativity and Organization Design; Innovation]
Findlay, Russell [Consultant; Business Mentor; Strategy; Telecom Sector; Sports Sector; Nonprofit Sector; Creating and Communicating Strategy; Partnerships and Collaborations; Building, Leading and Coaching Teams; Business Plan Implementation]
Fram, Eugene [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; NonProfit Organization Management; Business and NonProfit Boards; Consulting; Management Development; Marketing Strategy; Brand Management; Customer Strategy; Product Development; Public Relations; Sales Force Motivation]
Gevirtz, Leslie [Writer; Editor; Journalist; Reporter; Managing Staff, Time and Budgets; Writing and Editing]
Goldsmith, Belinda [Journalist; Editor; Writer; Global News Services; News and Reporting; Humanitarian Issues; Climate Change; Environment; Women's Rights; Corruption; Policy and Governance; Newspapers and Magazines; Leadership and Teams; Nonprofit Organizations; Finance; Investment Banking; Lifestyle and Entertainment; Social Media; Public Speaking]
Goli, Shravan [Entrepreneur; Computer Software; Consumer Internet; Social Media; Digital Media; Connected Home; Video Experiences; Creating/Scaling New or Existing Businesses; Innovative Product/Venture Development; Business Leadership; Team Building; Business Motivator; Deal Making]
Gygi, Richard W. (Dick) [Entrepreneur; Social Enterprise; Charity; Nonprofit Organizations; Gifts and Greetings; Management Consulting; Executive Coaching; Leadership Development; Community Outreach; Public Speaking; Startups]
Hall, M. J. [Business Executive; Work and Learning Performance Designer and Coach; Professional Training and Coaching; Project Management; Work Systems Design; Organizational Assessment and Evaluation; Learning Strategies; Executive Coaching; Talent Management and Leadership; Strategy Development and Deployment; Performance Improvement]
Hein, Rich [Writer; Editor; Inoformation Technology Careers; Leadership Topics]
Hess, Michael [Entrepreneur; Consultant; Business Writer; Entrepreneurship; Product Development; Sales and Marketing; Executive Management; Pubic Speaking]
Higginbottom, Karen [Freelance Writer; Workplace Journalist; Leadership and Diversity; Training and Development; Performance Management]
Hoffmire, John [Academic; Research; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Strategy; Leadership; Social Entrepreneurship; Investment Banking; Venture Capital; Consulting; Equity Investing; NonProfit Organizations]
Homkes, Rebecca [Academic; Research; Teaching; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Impact of Management and Leadership on Firm Productivity; Productivity; Management and Competitiveness Policies of Companies]
Howells, Richard [Business Executive; Marketing; Information Technology; Enterprise Sofware; Supply Chain Solutions; Manufacturing Solutions; Market Direction and Positioning; Digital Transformation; Internet of Things; Leadership and Teams; Product Design; Social Media; Blogging; Public Speaking]
Johnson, Cynthia [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Business Advisor; Columnist; Speaker; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Marketing; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Digital Advertising; Startups; Entertainment; Social Media Marketing; E-Commerce; Branding; Reputation Management; Organizational Leadership; Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Blogging; Public Speaking]
Kashtan, Miki [Book Author; Teacher and Trainer; Sociologist; Nonviolent Communication through Mediation; Meeting Fecilitation; Consulting; Training for Organizations; Blogging]
Kaushik, Saumya [Writer; Book Author; Business Journalism; Media Production; Content Development; Online Content; Publishing; Newspapers and Magazines; Public Relations; Communications; Teams; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Social Media; Blogging; Public Speaking]
Keijzer, Paul [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Human Resources; Leadership; Teams; Talent Management; Management Consulting; Mergers and Acquisitions; Relationship Building; Leadership Development; Executive Development; Orgizational Development; Employee Engagement; Performance Management; Training and Coaching; HR Transformation; Change Management; Blogging; Public Speaking]
Kelley, Tom [Business Consultant; Book Author; Design and Innovation; Design Thinking; Organization Design; Public Speaking]
Kennedy, John [Writer; Journalism; Social Media; Online Publishing; Online Advertising; Writing and Editing]
Klasko, Stephen K. [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Book Author; Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; University/Academic Administration; Higher Education; Medical Education; Health Technology; Biotechnology; Clinical Trials; Health Policy; Leadership and Teams; Pharmaceuticals; Surgery; Life Sciences; Thought Leadership; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Social Media; Public Speaking]
Kross, Katie [Nonprofit Executive; Academic/University Administration; Higher Education; Corporate Social Responsibility; Energy and Environment; Human Resources; Career Coaching and Training; Executive and Leadership Development; Corporate Sustainability; Social Entrepreneurship; Nonprofit Organizations; Community Outreach; Renewable Energy; Economic Development; Public Policy; Public Speaking]
Lewis, Grace [Staff Writer; Publishing; Journalism; Web Content; People Management]
Lincoln, John E. [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Writer; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Marketing; Online Media; Branding; Online Communication; Business Journalism; Coaching and Mentoring; Executive Development; Startups; Analytics; Public Relations; Social Media; Social Networking; Website Development; Digital Strategy; Blogging]
Linders, Ben [Consultant; Coach; Writer; Editor; Book Author; Agile, Lean and Quality; Continuous Improvement; Collaboration and Communication; Professional Development; Teams; Business Value; Coaching and Training; Software Development; Business Management; Public Speaking]
Litt, Michael [Entrepreneur; Information Technology and Services; Web-technology; Steaming Media; Product Management; Technical Marketing; Leadership and Sales]
Martinez Jr., Mario M. [Business Executive; Entrepreneur; Consultant; Sales Expert; Marketing; Social Selling; Digital Marketing; Social Media; Sales Process Optimization; Product/Solution Development; Enterprise Software/Hardware Sales; Turnarounds and Joint Ventures; Recruiting; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Strategic Business Planning; Negotiations; Leadership and Teams; Public Speaking]
McAllister, Chad [Entrepreneur; Educator; Book Author; Product Development; Product Innovation; Marketing; Executive Development; Coaching and Training; Consulting; Entrepreneurship; Teams]
McGrath, Rita Gunther [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Theorist; Strategy; Innovation; Entrepreneurship]
McNulty, Eric J. [Published Author; Book Author; Speaker; Thought Leadership Strategist; Conversation Catalyst; Leadership for a Complex and Uncertain World; Community Resilience; Social Innovation; Systems Thinking; Urbanization; Sustainability; Entrepreneurship; Social Enterprise]
Militello, Jack [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Healthcare Management; Business Strategy; Leadership; Global Economics; Organizational and Strategic Alignment; Management Consulting; Mergers and Acquisitions; Nonprofit Organizations]
Mroz, Don [Academic; Management Consulting; Higher Education; Organizational Development; Change Management and Innovation; Team Development; Strategy Development; Business Planning]
Murry, Nick [Business Executive; Sustainable Development, Sustainable Systems and Software; Senior Management; Corporate Responsibility]
Myatt, Mike [Leadership Advisor; Book Author; Columnist; Management Consulting; Executive Search; Leadership Development; Cultural Transformation; Organizational Design; Strategy; Executive Coaching; Leadership Coaching; Succession Planning; Public Speaking]
Nelson-Rowe, Laurel [Business Executive; Brand and Corporate Communications Leadership; Association Management; Business Development; Nonprofit Organization Management; Marketing and Public Relations; Strategic Research; Internet Ventures; Publishing; Events; Membership and Professional Association Management; Thought Leadership and Content Development; Social Networking; Startups; Conference Development]
Nicol, Debbie [Strategy in Business; Organizational Development; Human Resources Management; Flexibile Learning Deliveries; Corporate Change; Change Management; Leadership; Corporate Learning Platforms and Content; E-Learning; Executive Coaching; Entrepreneur/Business Owner]
Osberg, Sally [Entrepreneur; Writer; Social Change; Thought Leadership; Alliances; Research and Alliances; Social Entrepreneurship; Innovations; Public Speaking]
Osteryoung, Jerome (Jerry) S. [Consultant; Academic; Author; Management Consulting; Mentoring and Coaching; Executive Management Teams; Finance; Entrepreneurship]
Papay, Michael [Entrepreneur; Writer; Information Technology; Human Resources; Software as a Service (SaaS); Human Capital Management; Human Resources Technology; Employee Engagement; Employee Feedback and Surveys; Teams and Leadership; Performance Management; Organizational Development; Organizational Learning]
Pearl, Robert [Academic; Healthcare Senior Executive; Practicing Physician; Contributing Writer; Teaching; Strategy; Leadership and Healthcare Technology]
Pruis, Evert [Learning Consultant; Professional Training and Coaching; Education Technology; Instructional Design; E-Learning; Staff Training; Talent Development; Business and Performance Improvement; Talent Management; Learning Innovations; Educational Consultant]
Rakovitsky, Dmitry (Dima) [Entrepreneur; Mobile Technology; Mobile Applications; Financial Services; Business Strategy; Product Development; Product Management; Leadership and Teams; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups; Software Development; IT Strategy; Agile Methodologies; Cloud Computing]
Reis, David [Business Executive; 3D Printing Technology; 2D Inkjet Printing; Business Strategy and Management; Business Leadership]
Sanchez-Arias, Fernando [Business Executive; Book Author; Facilitator Leadership; Change and Culture; Oil and Energy; Global Business and Human Strategy; Leadership Development; Organizational Learning; Multiculturalism]
Schukman, Joshua (Josh) [Entrepreneur; Social Entrepreneurship; Civic and Social Organizations; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Change; Writer; Podcasting; Online Journalism; Social Enterprises; Teaching; Coaching and Mentoring; Public Speaking; Small Business; Financial Education; Retirement Planning; Leadership Development; Strategic Planning; Political Science; Economic Empowerment; Volunteering]
Smith, Christopher [Writer; Change Management; Organizational Training, Learning and Development; Internet; Blogging; Online Content; Editor; Human Resources; Teams]
Smith, Kimberly A. [Business Executive; Human Resources; Healthcare and Hospitals; Recruitment; Leadership Development; Operations Management; Physician Relations; Executive Leadership; Academic Health Science Centers; Medical Schools; Teaching Hospitals; Medical Centers; Community and Cultural Organizations; Integrated Health Delivery Systems; Thought Leadership]
Stairs, Andrea [Business Executive; E-Commerce; Internet; Online Shopping; Retail; Fashion; Business Strategy; Strategic Partnerships; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Strategy; Public Relations; Business Development; Teams and Leadership]
Suarez, Cyndi [Writer; Editor; Book Author; Nonprofit Organizations; Charity and Philanthropy; Social Change; Social Sector; Diversity and Inclusion; Women and Minority Issues; Finance and Fundraising; Community Development; Organizational Development; Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability]
Sundvor, Scott [Entrepreneur; Researcher; Product Design and Development; Operations and Management; Prototyping; Manufacturing; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Writer; Technology; Process Improvement; Executive Development; Coaching, Training and Mentoring; Management Consulting]
Tapscott, Don [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Management Thinker; Thought Leader; Management Consultant; Business Expert; Book Author; Business Strategy; Innovation; Media; Economic and Social Impacts of Technology]
Thiran, Roshan [Business Executive; Education Management; Social Enterprises; Leadership Development; Talent Management; Coaching and Mentoring; Performance Management; Startups; Entrepreneurship; Rural Development; Employee Engagement]
Toussaint, John S. [Healthcare Leadership; Hospital and Healthcare; Healthcare Performance; Health Policy; Healthcare Improvement and Innovation; Healthcare and Technology; Performance Improvement; Healthcare Management; Change Management]
Ungerleider, Neal [Journalist; Consultant; Writer; Writing and Editing; Business Journalism; Technological Innovations; Ethical Economics; Leadership; Design; Online and Print Journalism; Data Science; Machine Learning; Big Data; UAVs; Self Driving Cars; Autonomous Vehicles; Space Travel; Healthcare Innovation; Biotechnology; Wearables; Emerging Technologies]
Vig, Manoj [Business Executive; Enterprise Software Architecture; Big Data and Analytics; Distributed Computing; Product Design; System Architecture; Business Intelligence; Data Integration; Software Engineering; Information Technology; Cloud Computing; Innovation; Organizational Culture; Business and Technology Strategy; Leadership and Teams; Pharmaceutical Industry]
Wadhwa, Vivek [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Higher Education; Innovation; Technology; Public Speaking; Thought Leadership; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Corporate Social Responsibility; Mobile Devices; Internet; Online Education]
Welch Jr., John Francis (Jack) [Business Executive; Management Leader; Book Author; Chemical Engineering; Business and Management Education; Coaching and Mentoring; Executive and Leadership Development; Organizational Development; Teams; Consulting and Advisory; Private Equity; Online Education; Executive Education; Teaching; Writing; Public Speaking]
Wheeler-Bride, Barbara [Writer; Editor; Communications Specialist; Content Development; Content Strategy; Leadership and Teams; Charity and Philanthropy; Nonprofit Organizations; Digital Content; Branding; Marketing; Fundraising; Project Management; Graphic Design; Religion; Volunteering]
Wieder, Marcia [Entrepreneur; Motivational Speaker; Book Author; Human Development; Business Development; Leadership Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Mentoring]
Wilde, Kevin D. [Columnist; Writer; Executive Leadership Development; Talent Management; Talent Development; People and Organizational Growth; Executive Education; Human Resources]
Wulfhorst, Ellen [Journalist; Correspondent; Writing and Editing; Newspapers and Magazines; International News; Reporting; Business Journalism; Politics; Human Issues; Communications; Digital Platforms; Leadership and Teams; Social Media]
Xu, Kevin Peng [Entrepreneur; Business Executive; Intellectual Property Management; Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science; Drug Development; Pharmaceuticals; Regenerative Science Education; Damaged Organ Regeneration; Gerontology; Neuroscience; Technology Education; Writing]
Zenger, John H. (Jack) [Entrepreneur; Management Consulting; Executive Coaching; Mentoring; Human Resources; Leadership Development; Change Management; Employee Engagement; Talent Management; Executive Development; Training]
Zhong, Chen-Bo [Academic; Researcher; Teaching; Education Management; Organizational Behavior; Ethics; Moral Psychology; Decision Making; Power; Social Identity; Human Resource Management; Social Psychology]
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