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glomc00 - The Global Millennium Class
Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | publishing | reviews | science & technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24

KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of Authors of Articles in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

Academic, Researcher | Analyst, Commentator | Anchor, Host, Presenter | Architect, Artist, Designer | Banker | Book Author | Business Executive | Coach, Mentor, Trainer | Columnist, Correspondent | Communications and Content Specialist | Consultant, Advisor | Doctor, Physician, Health Expert | Economist | Educator | Entrepreneur | Journalist, Reporter | Lawyer, Legal Expert | Nonprofit Executive | Politician | Public Speaker | Thought Leader | Venture Capitalist | Writer, Editor

Academic, Researcher

Altbeker, Antony [Research and Program Director; Book Author; Public Policy; Research; Crime and Policing; Unemployment and Inclusion]

Altieri, Miguel [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Book Author; Agronomy; Entomology; Biological Control Agro-Ecology; Agroecosystems; Environmental Science; Sustainability; Biodiversity; Landscape Ecology; Agriculture and Farming; Food Production]

Anderson, Allison [International Education and Risk Reduction Consultant; International Affairs; Research, Public Policy; Education to Mitigate Climate Change and Natural Disasters; Conflict Resolution; Individual and Societal Resilience]

Arenas, Álvaro [Academic; Researcher; Information Systems and Technologies; Trust and Security in Distributed Systems; Information Security; Risk Management; Contract Management]

Bailey, James R. [Academic; Research; Book Author; Higher Education; Leadership Development; Effective Leadership; Organizational and Individual Change; Strategy Formulation and Execution; Employee Motivation; Competence; Satisfaction and Performance; Managerial Decision Making; Business Ethics; Teams]

Baldo, Joy Camille [Science Research Specialist; Project Development; Information Services]

Bartolini, Erin Zuena [Writer; Healthcare and Hospitals; Research; Analysis; Policy Activities, Blogging]

Baxendale, Shane [Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Consumer Behavior; Customer Insight; Consumer Analytics; Quantitative Research; Statistics; Marketing Strategy]

Bernstein, Ann [Researcher; Nonprofit Organizations; Public Policy; Democracy; Economics; Globalization; Education; Governance; International Development; Migration; Urban Studies; Africa; Southern Africa; Asia; Latin America; Brazil]

Brimhall, Kim C. [Academic; Researcher; Social Work; Human Resources; Inclusive Work Environment; Diversity; Healthcare and Hospitals; Mental Health; Quality in Healthcare; Leadership; Organizational Culture and Climate; Innovation; Management; Nonprofit Organizations]

Brock, George [Academic; Researcher; Journalist; Consultant; Advisor; Higher Education; Journalism]

Brockbank, Wayne [Academic; Researcher; Human Resources; Business Strategy; HR Consulting; Executive Education; Research and Consulting; Linkages between Business Strategy and Human Resource Practices; Creating High Performance Corporate Cultures; Key Levers that Drive Business Performance]

Brownell, Blaine [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Emergent Materials and Applications; Architecture and Planning]

Brush, Candida [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneurship; Higher Education; New Venture Creation; Women and Entrepreneurship; Research Investigates Resource Acquisition, Strategy and Financing of New Ventures]

Carter, Jarrett [Academic; Instructional Designer; Writer; Instructional Technology; Education; Digital Media; Web Technology; E-Learning; Video Production; Teaching; Open Education; Public Speaking]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas [Entrepreneur; Academic; Book Author; Personality Profiling; Psychometric Testing; Business Psychology; Consumer Analytics; Talent Management; Keynote Speaking]

Clark, Alyssa [Development Associate; Editor; Writer; Academic; Nonprofit Organization Management; Editorial and Publishing; Instructional Design; Quality Control; Project Management; Education]

Collins, Francis S. [Genomics Researcher; Book Author; Biochemistry; Medicine; Human Genetics Research; Internal Medicine; Molecular Genetics; Medical Genomics and Metabolic Genetics]

Dahuri, Rokhmin [Scientist; Academic; Researcher; Politician; Fisheries]

Davenport Jr., Thomas H. (Tom) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Information Technology; Management; Analytics and Big Data; Business Process Innovation; Knowledge Management; Competitive Strategies]

Dieleman, Marleen [Academic; Researcher; Business Strategy; Corporate Governance; Asian Family Business; Emerging Market Strategy; Business Groups; Institutional Entrepreneurship; Business Policy; Business Education; Diversity; Business Consulting; Public Speaking]

Dubois, David [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Digital Marketing; Analytics; Digital Technologies; Customer Centricity; Brand Management; Communications Strategy; Digital Transformation; Status Consumption and Luxury Goods; Power, Social Influence, Persuasion, Word-of-mouth in a Digital World]

Esteves, José [Academic; Researcher; Information and Communications Technology; Knowledge Management; Enterprise Systems; Enterprise Risk Management; CIO Coaching; Gamification; Digital Innovation; Digital Transformation; Humans and Technology]

Ferenstein, Gregory [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Investigative Journalist; Writing and Editing; Internet Culture and Trends]

Ferrell, Justin [Academic; Entrepreneurship; Design; Design Thinking; Business Transformation; Digital; Mobile and New Product Development; Public Speaking; Teaching; Creativity and Organization Design; Innovation]

Fram, Eugene [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; NonProfit Organization Management; Business and NonProfit Boards; Consulting; Management Development; Marketing Strategy; Brand Management; Customer Strategy; Product Development; Public Relations; Sales Force Motivation]

Frenkel, Karen A. [Academic; Researcher; Technology Reporter; Writing and Editing; Science Journalism; Nanotechnology; Medical Devices; Mobile Security; Big Data; Open Source; Journalism]

Gedmin, Jeffrey [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Strategic Dialogue; Policy; Foreign Relations; Media; Public Diplomacy]

Gong, Jian Ping [Academic; Researcher; Biomaterials; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Materials Chamistry; Polymers; Thin Films; Textile Materials; Regenerative Medicine; Artificial Cartilage]

Greenwald, Michelle S. [Entrepreneur; Consultant; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Marketing; Marketing Plan; Executive Education; Digital Marketing; Public Speaking]

Hackley, Chris [Academic; Education Management; Critical Approaches in Marketing; Advertising; Media Regulation; Cultural Policy]

Hoffmire, John [Academic; Research; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Strategy; Leadership; Social Entrepreneurship; Investment Banking; Venture Capital; Consulting; Equity Investing; NonProfit Organizations]

Homkes, Rebecca [Academic; Research; Teaching; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Impact of Management and Leadership on Firm Productivity; Productivity; Management and Competitiveness Policies of Companies]

Jacob, Sam [Entrepreneur; Writer; Academic; Columnist; Contributing Editor; Architecture and Design; Design Collaborations; Master Planning; Urban Design]

Jenkins, Garry W. [Academic; Researcher; Business Law; Corporate Governance; Law and Leadership; Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Law and Philanthropy; Civil Rights in Education; Higher Education]

Jones, Alex [Academic; Researcher; Consultant; Healthcare and Hospitals; Health Economics; Health Analytics; Health Financing; Health Policy; Health Service Delivery and Governance; Healthcare Human Resources; Global Health]

Kelley, David [Entrepreneur; Designer; Engineer; Academic; Book Author; Innovation; Design Thinking]

Klasko, Stephen K. [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Book Author; Medicine; Healthcare and Hospitals; University/Academic Administration; Higher Education; Medical Education; Health Technology; Biotechnology; Clinical Trials; Health Policy; Leadership and Teams; Pharmaceuticals; Surgery; Life Sciences; Thought Leadership; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Kolko, Jon [Entrepreneur; Designer; Academic; Book Author; Design-led Project Management; Design Education; Design Strategy; Interaction Design; Industrial Design; Writing; Design and Social Enterprises; Entrepreneurship; Startups]

Koller, Daphne [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Online Education; Higher Education; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Biomedical Science; Computer Science]

Kotkin, Joel [Researcher; Book Author, Columnist, Reporter, Editor; Urban Studies; Demographics; Social and Economic Trends in the US and Internationally]

Krämer, Katrina [Correspondent; Writer; Researcher; Chemistry; Science Research; Science Policy; Organometallic Chemistry; Reporting; Science Journalism; Materials Science; STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)]

Li, Tianhui Michael [Entrepreneur; Data Scientist; Research; Crowd-funding; Social Media; Big Data; Finance]

Lincoln, John E. [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Writer; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Marketing; Online Media; Branding; Online Communication; Business Journalism; Coaching and Mentoring; Executive Development; Startups; Analytics; Public Relations; Social Media; Social Networking; Website Development; Digital Strategy; Blogging]

Lohani, Bindu N. [Writer; Researcher; Renewables and Environment; Economic Development; Public Policy; Governance; Climate Change; Environment; Sustainable Development]

Lopez-Pacheco, Alexandra [Writer; Researcher; Writing and Editing; Blogging; Mental Health]

Macdonald, Emma K. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing and Advertising; Customer Insight; Customer Experience; Real-Time Experience Tracking Method; Customer Perceptions of Value; Consumer Behavior; Customer Empowerment; Marketing Strategy; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Customer Analytics; Consumer Behavior; Digital Marketing]

Mannon, Melissa [Researcher; Hospital and Healthcare; Policy Research; Policy Analysis; Data Collection; Training and Evaluating]

Mathews, Philip [Academic; Researcher; Consultant; Physician; Healthcare; Public Health; Healthcare Research; Antimicrobial Resistance; Health Policy; Communication and Behavior Change; Geographic Information System and Health Applications; Economic Basis of Healthcare Interventions]

McGill, Bobby [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Journalist; Writer; Publisher; Marketing; Branding; Advertising; International and Area Studies; Consumer Behavior; Culture; Lifestyle; Publishing]

McGrath, Jenny [Writer; Editor; Blogging; Computer Software; Television; Gadgets; Technology; Design]

McGrath, Rita Gunther [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Theorist; Strategy; Innovation; Entrepreneurship]

Militello, Jack [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Healthcare Management; Business Strategy; Leadership; Global Economics; Organizational and Strategic Alignment; Management Consulting; Mergers and Acquisitions; Nonprofit Organizations]

Mintz, Steven [Academic; Researcher; Historian; Book Author; History of the American Family and Children; Film and History; Immigration and Ethnic History; Cultural Historian]

Mitchell, Robert L. [Technology Writer; Analyst; Researcher; Content Strategist; Information and Technology Services]

Mohamedbhai, Goolam [Academic; Education Administrator; Book Author; Higher Education; African Education]

Morton, Jennifer M. [Academic; Researcher; Philosophy of Action; Moral Philosophy; Philosophy of Education; Political Philosophy]

Mroz, Don [Academic; Management Consulting; Higher Education; Organizational Development; Change Management and Innovation; Team Development; Strategy Development; Business Planning]

Namba, Naoki [Media Officer; Researcher; Communication and Content; Media Relations; Cell Biology; Cancer Research; Molecular Biology; Genetics]

Nauert, Rick [Health News Editor; Academic; Primary/Secondary Education; Information Technology; Healthcare Management; Clinical, Administrative and Academic Healthcare; Healthcare Policy; Health Informatics; Health Promotion; Elderly Care]

O'Neill, Jim [Economist; Academic; Researcher; Asset Management; Global Economy; Economic Research; Currency Markets; Foreign Exchange Markets; Economic Groups (BRIC, MIKT, MINT)]

Osteryoung, Jerome (Jerry) S. [Consultant; Academic; Author; Management Consulting; Mentoring and Coaching; Executive Management Teams; Finance; Entrepreneurship]

Parry, Jane [Public Health Writer; Researcher; Medical and Financial Journalism; Health System and Policies]

Patsarika, Maria [Academic; Researcher; Architecture; Creative Learning; Education; School Design; Design Collaboration with Children]

Pusawiro, Priyakorn [Academic; Researcher; Interactive and Entertainment Computing; Digital Media Technology; Educational Tools]

Rahim, Emad [Academic; Researcher; Education Management; Entrepreneurship; Project Management; Nonprofit Management; Community Outreach; Higher Education Administrator]

Rao, Madanmohan [Writer; Editor; Researcher; Management Consulting; Publishing; Content Management; Creativity; Innovation; Knowledge Management; Digital Media]

Ray, Edward John [Economist; Academic; Researcher; Book Author; History of Protectionism in US; The Determinants of US Foreign Direct Investment; Foreign Direct Investments in the US; The Structure of Tariff and Non-Tariff Trade Barriers in US and Abroad; Adoption of Social Security]

Rouhiainen, Lasse [Technology Expert; Book Author; Cosultant; Researcher; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Disruptive Technologies; Technology and Society; Online Education; Human Centered AI; Video Marketing; Social Media; Public Speaking]

Salmi, Jamil [Global Tertiary Education Expert; Academic; Education Economist; Book Author; Tertiary Education Reform]

Schroeder, Raymond E. (Ray) [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Educator; Online Learning and Education; Education Technology; Technology-Enhanced Learning; University/Academic Administration; Social Media; Blogging; Consulting; Public Speaking]

Skvarc, Rahel Byland [Researcher; Program Manager; International Policy and Advocacy; Biochemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Research Collaborations; Science Research; Project Management]

Soriano, Enrique M. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Family Business Policy; Management Consulting; Real Estate Investment]

Spendlove, Thomas [Academic; Design Engineer; Design Education - Product Design and Design Process; Computer Similation; Rapid Prototyping; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering]

Sull, Charles [Entrepreneur; Management Consulting; Business Strategy; Business Advisory; Research and Analysis; Corporate Citizenship; Corporate Social Responsibility; Academic Research]

Sundvor, Scott [Entrepreneur; Researcher; Product Design and Development; Operations and Management; Prototyping; Manufacturing; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Writer; Technology; Process Improvement; Executive Development; Coaching, Training and Mentoring; Management Consulting]

Tabrizi, Behnam [Academic; Researcher; Management Consulting; Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Program Management; Engineering]

Tabrizi, Behnam [Academic; Researcher; Management Consulting; Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Program Management; Engineering]

Tabrizi, Behnam [Academic; Researcher; Management Consulting; Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Program Management; Engineering]

Todhunter, Colin [Writer; Agriculture; Rural Development; Social Policy Research; Book Author; Online Journalism; Researcher]

Topol, Eric J. [Cardiologist; Geneticist; Digital Medicine Researcher; Academic; Book Author; Technology and Healthcare; Wireless Medicine]

Tremblay-Pepin, Simon [Researcher; Writer; Political Science; Economics; Public Policy; Information Research; Public Relations; Society and Democracy; Democracy and Economy Linkages; Political System; Public Finances; Economic Democratization Prospects]

Wadhwa, Vivek [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Higher Education; Innovation; Technology; Public Speaking; Thought Leadership; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Corporate Social Responsibility; Mobile Devices; Internet; Online Education]

Ward, Matthew [Designer; Educator; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Design Education; Speculative Design; Internet of Things (IoT); Urban Computing; Interaction Design; Public Speaking]

Webb, Jenn [Freelance Writer; Editor; Columnist; Teacher; Researcher; Publishing; Business and Technology Journalism; Teaching; Blogging; Content Management]

Weller, Martin [Academic; Researcher; E-Learning; Distance Learning; Higher Education; Education Technology; Instructional Design; Curriculum Development; Teaching; Open Education; MOOCs; Internet]

Whitler, Kimberly A. [Academic; Researcher; Marketing Strategy; Business and Career Challenges of CMOs; Digital Marketing; Brand Management; Marketing Research; Social Media Marketing; Marketing Leadership]

Wike, Richard [Writer; Researcher; Human Behavior; International Public Opinion; International Affairs; Public Speaking]

Wilson, Hugh N. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing Strategy; Customer Experience; Customer Management; Marketing and Sustainability; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Consumer Behavior; Customer Analytics; E-Commerce; Coaching and Training; Public Speaking]

Winter, Simon [Writer; Researcher; Public Policy; Nonprofit Organizations; International Development; Emerging Markets; Venture Capital; Financial Modeling; Startups; Entrepreneurship; Business Strategy; Economic Development]

Wit, Hans de [Writer; Academic; Researcher; Higher Education; Educational Policy; International Higher Education; Book Author; Program Evaluation]

Wood, John [Advisor; Consultant; Academic; Higher Education; Design; Fine Arts; Design Theory and Practice]

Yunus, Muhammad [Social Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Economist; Nobel Laureate; Book Author; Banking; Microfinance; Civil Society Leadership; Social Business; Public Speaking; Microcredit]

Zhong, Chen-Bo [Academic; Researcher; Teaching; Education Management; Organizational Behavior; Ethics; Moral Psychology; Decision Making; Power; Social Identity; Human Resource Management; Social Psychology]

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