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September 2013

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 25 sep 2013

The general benefits of cloud computing include cost savings, elasticity, scalability, storage on demand etc. But according to the article in addition to these there are other unexpected advantages to the businesses when they adopt cloud computing services - More flexibility to get into new businesses as companies can try out new ideas for product development without making large investments of money and time; Smooth mergers and acquisitions due to faster transition from one system to another; Ability to duplicate or adopt successful business processes others have hashed out; Cloud computing provides CIOs, CTOs and other top technology executives to think and act strategically as it frees up their time that would have been used up for supervising routine maintenance of internal IT systems; Cloud provides opportunity to easily expand services developed for internal users to the outside partners and customers. Read on...

Forbes: 5 Benefits Of Cloud Computing You Aren't Likely To See In A Sales Brochure
Author: Joe McKendrick

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 23 sep 2013

Scientists are combining two existing technologies - spray based coating of nanoparticles developed by the team led by Dr. Paula Hammond of MIT and nanoparticle manufacturing technology called PRINT (Particle Replication In Non-wetting Templates) platform developed by researchers led by Dr. Joseph DeSimone of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Dr. William R. Kenan Jr. of North Carolina State University - to mass produce uniform nanoparticles with customized layers of material that can carry drugs or other molecule for variety of uses in drug delivery, vaccines, wound healing etc. According to Dr. Paula Hammond creating highly reproducible batches of precisely engineered coated nanoparticles is important for the safe manufacture of drugs and regulatory approval, specifically in case of cancer therapies. This combination of two technologies shows great promise for the future of nanomanufacturing. Read on...

Nanotechnology Now: Nanoparticles, made to order - inside and out: New research enables high-speed customization of novel nanoparticles for drug delivery and other uses
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 22 sep 2013

Change is an important element in people's lives and the environment they are part of. To handle change efficiently and successfully is a challenging task and requires clear understanding of various aspects of both people and the environment. According to research mentioned in a book 'Switch', human brain has two systems - one rational and other emotional. When these two are in alignment change is smooth and easy, if they are not then change is difficult. Thus to reach the alignment 'shape a path' by changing aspects of the environment. In another research by psychologist Lee Ross of Stanford University, people are not root of the problem but situations are. This he termed as 'fundamental attribution error'. The article explores change by citing real life examples and how it is possible to make change easier by first bringing incremental changes to the environment and surroundings. Read on...

The Star Online: Tweak the environment
Author: Roshan Thiran

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 20 sep 2013

Open source hardware design trend is beginning to impact the world of innovation although it is lagging behind open source software in many aspects. Some of the reasons for its slow growth include concerns about IP theft, physical aspects of the design which makes it costly and difficult to reproduce and licensing issues. But in the long run benefits exceed the concerns. It speeds up prototyping of the existing, shared work, feedback from communities and minimal cost to entry. With these advantages open source hardware is capable of enhancing professional engineering. Read on...

EDN Network: Power to the people - the democratization of engineering
Author: Suzanne Deffree

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 19 sep 2013

Dr. Francis Collins, who sequenced the human genome and is currently the director of National Institue of Health in US, suggests seven leadership tips to federal managers who have the responsibility to lead governmental organizations and pursue their goals successfully for the betterment of society - (1) Right team (2) Give opportunity to people to grow (3) Encourage risk taking (4) Connect and align people to the mission (5) Pursue a calling and not just a job (6) Be realistic and understand the dynamics of government service (7) Never forget you have the opportunity to change the world. Read on...

Nextgov: How to lead a team to greatness, from the man who sequenced the Human Genome
Author: Mark Micheli

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 18 sep 2013

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have the potential to revolutionize higher education but there are issues and challenges that have to be considered. According to Professor Martin Weller of The Open University in UK, the business model for MOOCs is presently vague, to keep the courses free is difficult and to replicate the human support provided in traditional higher education is quite challenging. Moreover recent data about MOOCs show that completion rates are very low, having an average of 10% and people who are successful in learning are those who already have a substantial learning experience. On the positive side MOOCs can play an important role in fulfilling the higher education demands of developing countries with the rapidly expanding higher learning population. Professor Weller recommends a hybrid model for MOOCs in which they are complimentary to traditional higher education. The length of traditional degree could be shortened by combining MOOC courses. Moreover MOOCs can also become a marketing tool to encourage students to pursue higher education. Read on...

The Conversation: MOOCs and the battle to open up higher education
Author: Martin Weller

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 16 sep 2013

With continuous improvements and developments in the television and broadcasting technologies, it becomes important for consumers to make informed decisions before buying a high priced HDTV. Current trends mostly involve LED, LCD and Plasma TVs. There are numerous competing products from consumer electronic companies. Moreover with involvement of internet and wireless technologies and convergence of devices it becomes all the more important to understand how they all work. The review provides description, comparison and recommendations on various HDTVs. Read on...

PCMAG: Review and Buying Guide for HDTVs
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 13 sep 2013

According to the latest annual MDG report, although some targets for MDG'15 have been met and some others are on track, there is a lot more to be done on the eight MDGs. The progress is uneven across regions and countries and in some cases even within countries. Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are the ones lagging behind in most areas. Targets for safe drinking water and reduction of extreme poverty to half have been met. But the areas of concern are related to health, education and environment. More progress has to be made on reducing infant mortality and maternal mortality rates in line with the MDG targets. The report also suggested that the world should start thinking beyond MDG'15. Work has already started on post-2015 development program and proposed goals include ending extreme poverty by 2030, universal access to food and water, promoting good governance, and boosting jobs and growth. Read on...

the guardian: Environment, education and health need urgent progress, says MDG report
Author: Mark Tran

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 05 sep 2013

Manufacturing sector around the world is undergoing difficult times due to the adverse global economic conditions. With certain changes happening in China, low-cost manufacturing is shifting to Vietnam and India. Australian companies are also exploring opportunities in Taiwan, which is a hub of electronics hardware development. Taiwan continues to find success in high IP manufacturing sectors like ICT, electronics components and parts, semiconductor and smartphones, by balancing low-cost labor and R&D capabilities. The article explores the dynamics of manufacturing industry in Taiwan with examples of success of various companies and their strategies. Read on...

Electronics News: Flexibility, focus and drive - the future for manufacturing
Author: Isaac Leung

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 04 sep 2013

The concept of co-operatives was initiated 200 years ago by Robert Owen who proposed 'villages of co-operation' as a response to the economic crisis in 1815. Currently co-operatives are a dynamic people centered business model operating in more than 100 countries. The role of co-operatives is now well recognized amongst the development community. They enhance incomes and secure livelihoods for their members and communities. They can also play an important role in achieving millennium development goals. Capacity building, training and education are critical for co-operative development in developed and developing world. Some steps that can be taken to strengthen their development are - education and training; recognize local co-operative movement and existing co-operatives; encourage co-operative networks; help develop national co-operative structures; assess success of co-operatives by considering their both social and economic value; use international networks. Read on...

the guardian: Co-operatives can play a key role in development
Author: Sarah Alldred

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