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Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | publishing | reviews | science & technology | university research
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February 2013

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 28 feb 2013

In the globalized world knowing an additional language is a competitive advantage. Schools in communities where immigrant population is high can become the centers of multilingual and multicultural learning. This will be a source of learning for the local students as they will have a great chance to learn another language, understand cultures and embrace diversity. With shifting global environment towards multicultural understanding as businesses expand and individuals move to different countries, these are the skills in higher demand. In some countries the debate is still on between choosing either multiculturalism or assimilation or something in the middle. But one school, considered to be of low rank, is trying to show the way. Read on...

the guardian: The school where they speak 20 languages - a day at Gladstone Primary
Author: Patrick Barkham

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 28 feb 2013

Quality education is an essential element for innovation and entrepeneurship. Breakthrough innovations and extraordinary entrepreneurship may not be happening in a large scale in present time as they would have in the past. So the innovations have become more incremental and micro in nature due to the pace of socio-economic change. These have to be sustained to bring continuous improvement and advancement. This can happen by creating an educational ecosystem where entrepreneurship and innovation thrives and becomes the part of the learning and thinking process. Read on...

The News Tribune: Quality education paves the way for innovation, prosperity
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 27 feb 2013

'Caregivers' are essential components of healthcare delivery system. They are both formal (hired) or informal (family or friend). Their role is to fulfill the day-to-day needs of the patients along with providing company and giving emotional and at times motivational support. So its important that special attention is to be given to the needs of the caregiver and a caring and understanding approach is required towards them. Read on...

Huffington Post: Caring for the Caregiver
Author: Hollye Harrington Jacobs

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 26 feb 2013

'Future Works'- Jobs that are at high demand now may not be what the future generation would be seeking, say futurologists. So those in the advisory role for kids its worth understanding what the work place of the future would be and what jobs will be in high demand. During the course of history there were many jobs that became obsolete due to the way society grew. We ourselves have seen transformations in the ever evolving work environment due to technological advancements in every field. What worked well then doesn't work well now. This will be more so in the future as the pace of change has really became faster. Futurologists suggest these jobs for the next generation: Digital architect; Home carer; Elderly well being consultant; Body part maker; Nano medic; Vertical farmer; Waste data handler; Climate controller; Avatar manager; Memory augmentation surgeon; Time broker; Personal branding manager; Child designer; Omnipotence delimiter; Personal medical apothecary; Haptic programmer. Some of these might even exist in the informal way in the present time. Be Ready. Read on...

The Telegraph: 10 well paid jobs of the future
Author: Jessica Winch

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 24 feb 2013

In today's 'Globalized' business world, it is important that companies that have plans for global expansion or are already operating in the global markets, should have diversity in their workforce and leadership teams. This applies even to companies that operate in local markets that have diverse cultural or regional sensitivities due to large immigrant population. Diverse teams provide multiple perspectives on finding solutions to problems and have better understanding of different cultures and social norms. The demand for workers with international experience is getting higher. Its better to understand the different cultures before planning on a foreign business operation. Read on...

Financial Post: Build a diverse team to achieve global success
Author: Alexandra Lopez-Pacheco

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 24 feb 2013

'Entrepreneurship' programs in universities are trying to bring real world business environment into their learning processes. This helps to inculcate entrepreneurship mindset while students try to create and build businesses. Universities are a great place to learn and experiment with entrepreneurial ideas and concepts and incubate them to bring workable models to real world with less capital and risk. To create entrepreneurial ecosystem educational institutions are working with industry experts and businesses, building research parks and incubators, encouraging faculty and researchers to commercialize their research and organizing business start-up competitions for students. This experiential learning component of entrepreneurial education will create business creators and innovators that will assist in creating opportunities and keep the economy and markets alive. Read on...

The Global and Mail: Universities bring real world into entrepreneur programs
Author: Susan Bourette

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 23 feb 2013

'Online Collaboration' for the business process & productivity improvement and customer & stakeholder relationship management is an essential component of today's business strategy. Companies are using social media, collaborative tools and platforms to connect at various levels to enhance their competitiveness. Successful businesses have always used collaborative strategies but the way technology is transforming them is extraordinary. Data analytics is another aspect of current technologies to closely monitor and evaluate these strategies for their impact. Read on...

Huffington Post: Effective Collaboration
Author: Marcia Wieder

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 22 feb 2013

In the UN's post-2015 education agenda importance has to be given to private sector involvement in making 'Education for All' a reality. It has been acknowledged that there is a funding gap of $16 billion per year to reach this goal by 2015 but experts say that there are additional issues that have to be addressed like collaborations, efficiency, effective and equitable financial mechanisms, innovations etc. Moreover private sector has an additional interest in making contribution to the agenda, both financial and expertise related, as it would assist in building a well educated work force that would enhance their business competitiveness. Convergence of efforts by all stakeholders like governments, public sector, private sector and the civil society is the only way forward to make every child educated for the overall development of the world. Read on...

Brookings: Improving Education Governance and Financing - A Bigger Role for the Private Sector
Authors: Allison Anderson, Amanda Gardiner

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 22 feb 2013

'Gamification' of learning and education can probably be the new fit in the overall education strategy. Specific objectives and clear assessment of outcomes is required to move in the right direction in the currently fragmented education efforts made by various stakeholders. Use of gaming technologies can assist in those areas where traditional education is inadequate like for example Soft Skills (leadership, communication, collaboration); Experiential Learning; Motivation; Testing and Evaluation Methodology. Continuous innovations in learning is the way forward. Read on...

Forbes: Can Gamification Save Our Broken Education System?
Author: Shravan Goli

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 21 feb 2013

'Enterprise Mobility' would bring innovative advantages for businesses in 2013, says an industry expert. BYOD will continue to grow and mobile security will take major portion of the mobility market. Healthcare, Automotive, Banking, and other sectors will see utilization of mobile devices for business process improvements. With increased consumerizarion of mobile devices CIO's have to act as enablers of business innovation. Businesses should have mobile policy addressing various challenges and issues related to BYOD. The future will find use of mobile business intelligence. Read on...

CXOtoday: In 2013, more companies will invest in their mobile strategies
Author: Sohini Bagchi

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 20 feb 2013

Leaders implementing 'Change Strategy for Healthcare' need to clarify change; build the case for change; communicate the purpose for change; develop a team; identify barriers to change and design an action plan. Leaders should equip themselves with knowledge, determine implementation strategies and monitor, assess and evaluate outcomes to remain successful in the rapidly changing environment. Read on...

McKnight's: Leadership strategies for a changing healthcare world
Author: Lisa Thomson

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 19 feb 2013

Global 'Healthcare IT' is seeing consistent rise in 'Mergers and Acquisitions' activity, US$7b with 163 transactions (2012), US$6b with 85 transactions (2011) and US$4b with 85 transactions (2010), says a report. This activity shows consolidation in the space. Moreover venture capital funding is also increasing in the segment totalling to US$ 1.2b. Consumer services like mobile health, telehealth, personal health and social health are attracting the most funding, says an industry expert. Read on...

Financial Express: Global healthcare IT M&A value touches $7 bn in 2012 - Decision Resources
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 16 feb 2013

What leads to 'anger among poor people' and how they can let it out in positive ways? If the socio-economic conditions of the common people are neglected by the governments and the people in power for a long period of time, it leads to resentment and anger. Which probably is their right if their children are dying of malnutrition, their farming lands have been taken without proper compensation, they get displaced from homes without rehabilitation etc. Is it possible that people in power think that if the condition of the poor and rural population is made better it will give them more negotiating power? The debate is going on in most developing and poor nations and leading to strife, violence and even civil war at some places. How can there be more empathy, more understanding, more sharing, more inclusiveness or is it against the principles of growth and economic development? Searching for answers. Read on...

the guardian: Poor people have got a right to be angry
Author: Jonathan Glennie

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 14 feb 2013

The 'Global Education' market was $2.5 trillion in 2005 and now has grown to $ 4.4 trillion, according to a recent report. This fast growth has resulted mainly due to privatization of education in most countries. The other reasons are increase in adult learning population and increase in importance of education in knowledge based economies. Read on...

The Washington Post: Global education market reaches $4.4 trillion - and is growing
Author: Valerie Strauss

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 12 feb 2013

'Healthy Collaborations for Public Health'- The recent joint study by WHO, WTO and WIPO, mentions that public health is a global concern and collaboration is required between health, trade and intellectual property organizations. Understanding of these aspects is necessary for policy makers to develop strategies for innovation in medicines and medical technologies and ensure access to these for the public. Read on...

GhanaWeb: Public health is inherently a global challenge - study
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 06 feb 2013

With the 'dynamic, complex and virtual' global work environment, business leaders face enormous challenges to effectively and efficiently manage the workforce. They have to adapt to newer realities, multiple technologies and continuously evolve their tactics and strategies to add value and achieve success for their businesses. For this they need set of skills to control and manage virtual teams, keep their distributed teams aligned with specific goals and objectives, understand and be sensitive to the cultural diversities, achieve clear work-life balance aspects with 24/7 availability and accessibility. Read on...

T+D Magazine: Effective Leadership in a Virtual Workforce
Author: Donna Dennis, M.J. Hall, Deborah Meola

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 05 feb 2013

Considering that '2 billion people live and work on small farms' in the developing world, a global strategy and commitment is imperative to bring them out of poverty. In addition to improvement in farm yield and production methods, new processes can be applied to bring operating efficiency in the supply chain and the market systems. Read on...

the guardian: Beyond the farm - promoting agribusiness as a way out of poverty
Author: Simon Winter

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 04 feb 2013

'Migrant Money' contributes substantially to the economies of the developing countries in particular. Migrant workers transfer $500billion annually to their home country. The World Bank further predicts its rise. Read on...

the guardian: How migrants' money makes the world go round
Author: Jemma Buckley, Hasna Haidar, Claire Provost

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 03 feb 2013

'Human Capital Development' is an essential element of a business strategy. In Asia with globalization (local companies going global + global companies operating in the region) and high mobility, there is increased need for globally aware local workers and culturally sensitive and knowledgeable foreign workers. For better results HCD strategies should involve incorporating these scenario changes. In Latin America, the main challenge seems to be recruiting, retention and retraining. The workforce mindset has evolved and seeks better opportunities both within and outside the region. HCD strategies seek better content and alignment of learning, training and development with business objectives. In Europe, with fast changes and dynamic business landscape, HRD strategists should consider training and learning relevance, worker independence and autonomy, porous organizational boundaries etc while defining future strategies for better business growth. Read on...

T+D Magazine: Human Capital Realities Pose Challenges Across the Globe
Authors: Hannelore Calmeyn, Ger Driesen, Evert Pruis, Fernando Sanchez-Arias

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 01 feb 2013

United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) is setting new directives to 'eradicate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition' from the world. The growing demand for food has to be met in sustainable ways and agricultural methods have to incorporate technology and balance concern for environment with farmer's needs. To eradicate hunger all governments and every citizen of the world should focus on ensuring universal access to adequate food. Emphasis should be given on rural development and agriculture. Investments should be made in social and productive programs. Read on...

Business Day: The end of hunger and malnutrition
Author: NA

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