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August 2013

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 21 aug 2013

Digital culture is driving design with a new perspective focusing on creating technological 'ecosystems' that are developed through the convergence of hardware, software and services. These ecosytems like Google, Amazon, Facebook etc provide users with tools and mechanisms that influences their daily lives in number of ways. Digital space provides people to store and share information anytime and anywhere and it may include both public and private data. The power of design can be utilized to develop open-access leading to 'digital democracy'. It can also be used to obtain individual's personal and private information by governments and other organizations like the National Security Agency's PRISM program that is an example of a design thinking concept used to obtain solution for national security. The article explores the various aspects of digital culture and design thinking. Read on...

Wired: One of the Culprits Behind PRISM? Design Thinking (Really)
Author: Sam Jacob

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 15 aug 2013

Use of mobile devices is consistently increasing and in most markets it has already overtaken the sales of computers. This is affecting the internet access pattern also as most of these devices provide internet connectivity to the users. The challenge for individuals and organizations is to provide content and user experience that can adapt to all these different devices. Responsive Web Design (RWD) is one such technique that is applied to create adaptive websites that are user friendly on the myriad devices available in the market. It is based on HTML standards (CSS3), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly and is compatible with most browsers. Although there are complexities associated with RWD implementation but currently it is the most popular solution and is driving the mobile development tools. There are also alternatives that can provide better experiences through customized user experience based on each device's strength. Read on...

VentureBeat: Why responsive design is driving mobile development tools
Author: Gabe Sumner

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 14 aug 2013

Both retailers and consumers are finding value out of the 'Fast Fashion' trends even though the manufacturing units churning out these items have critical issues related to safety conditions and employee protection. Fast fashion is a concept of selling inexpensive copies of the designer garments within the weeks of the original's debut in the market. It's basically making the latest fashion available to the mass consumers. Retailers are trying to improve the conditions of manufacturing facilities, often situated in developing countries, by signing contracts with them to ensure worker safety and other related issues. Even though consumers are now aware of the plight of the employees in these units because of the news media but this is not translating into their buying behavior for the trendy fashion. Consumers are still finding it advantageous in many ways. While labor activists expect more concern and proactive actions from consumers for bringing out change in current practices of the global garment industry. Read on...

The Washington Post: Cheap, trendy 'fast fashion' in demand, despite factory dangers
Author: Cara Kelly

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 11 aug 2013

The 10th Commonwealth Women Affairs Ministers Meeting (CWAMM) was recently held in Bangladesh. The theme of the meeting was 'Women's Leadership for Enterprise'. Gender equality and barriers to women entrepreneurship were among the various issues that were discussed in the meeting. According to the Secretary-General of CWAMM, Kamalesh Sharma, the new Commonwealth Charter considers gender equality and women's entrepreneurship as basic human rights and fundamental to development. Access to credit and markets to women entrepreneurs has economic benefits and women leadership is an important element of a sustainable economy. The article also explores the various aspects of women entrepreneurship and empowerment in Bangladesh. Read on...

The Financial Express: Women entrepreneurs deserve better
Author: Rahman Jahangir

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 05 aug 2013

Team of researchers from Northumbria University led by Dr. Stuart English, a specialist in design-driven innovation, in collaboration with a private firm have come up with world's first home-based and non-invasive treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy (diabetes related eyesight problems) in the form of a 'Sleep Mask'. The prototype is undergoing clinical trials. The global diabetic population is estimated at 320 million and its growth is considered as epidemic. The Sleep Mask will have a significant impact on the care method of macular eye disease due to its low cost and non-invasive nature. Most available treatments for the disease are very expensive, highly invasive and hospital-based like laser and injections into the eye. Read on...

News-Medical: 'Sleep Mask' prototype - The world's first non-invasive treatment for sight loss
Author: NA

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 03 aug 2013

According to a study conducted by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in 2012, the entrepreneurial activity among males and females was almost equal in sub-Saharan Africa while it was higher for females in Ecuador, Ghana, Nigeria, Panama and Thailand. Access to capital particularly through 'microfinance' is considered to be the main reason for this growth of female entrepreneurs. This phenomenon of the 'third billion' - a billion women from mostly emerging markets joining the workforce in the next decade - have a significant potential to impact the global economy in near future. Experts identify four main challenges for women - access to education and training; access to legal protection; access to capital and access to market. Read on...

Terra News: Women Entrepreneurs Becoming Force in the Developing World
Author: Sarah J. Robbins

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 03 aug 2013

In a recent survey conducted to nominate the best industrial designs of the century, designers selected 12 designs - Apple Mac (1984), Piaggio's Vespa, Escalator, Virgin Galactic Space Plane, Kalashnikov (AK-47), Floppy Disk, iPod, Aeron Chair, Bang & Olufsen Stereo, Airbus A-380 Super Jumbo, Ford Model T, Jet Engine. The interview with designer Gianfranco Zaccai explores his opinion on the aspects of good design. He mentions three principles of a good design - (1) Empathy (being sensitive and understanding to the users and customers) (2) Pragmatism (be realistic and fulfill performance requirements of the product) (3) Passion (to explore possibilities and use creativity to the fullest). Some of the other design related advise he provided include - innovation is achieved by having a diverse team with multiple skillsets; design process should start with the idea and then building a perspective from a users side, re-look at it, engage others to refine it, overcome organizational obstacles to bring it to the market and utilize creative partners; creative environment should include diverse and multiple spaces; design is a confluence of art and science with people (users) at the core of the process; designers should avoid the mistake of focusing too much on aesthetics and neglecting the important issues. Read on...

CNN: The 12 best designs from the past 100 years
Author: Monique Rivalland

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