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Topic: advertising | analytics & research | authors | branding | b2b | communication | content | customer | digital & technology | general | human resources | mypitch | people | public relations | retail | sales | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24

KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

Academic, Researcher | Actor, Singer, Musician | Analyst, Commentator | Anchor, Host, Presenter | Architect, Artist, Designer | Banker | Book Author | Business Executive | Coach, Mentor, Trainer | Columnist, Correspondent | Communications and Content Specialist | Consultant, Advisor | Creative Director | Data Scientist, Analytics Expert | Doctor, Physician, Health Expert | Economist | Educator | Engineer | Entrepreneur | Film Director, Filmmaker, Producer | Journalist, Reporter | Lawyer, Legal Expert | Marketer | Nonprofit Executive | Politician, Diplomat, Statesman | Public Speaker | Thought Leader | Venture Capitalist | Web Designer | Writer, Editor

Book Author

Baer, Jason (Jay) [Entrepreneur; Consultant; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Digital Media; Business Strategy; Customer Relationship Management; Social Media; Content Marketing; Venture Capital; Public Relations; Web Analytics; Mobile Marketing; SEO; SEM; Blogging; Podcasting; Public Speaking]

Bernays, Edward (b.22 nov 1891 - d.09 mar 1995) [Book Author; Pubic Relations; Advertising; Propaganda; Crowd Psychology; Psychoanalytics]

Bernstein, Carl [Journalist; Reporter; Political Commentrator; Book Author; Pulitzer Prize Winner; Investigative Journalism; Non-Fiction; Writing and Editing; Newspapers; Teaching; Public Speaking]

Branke, Juergen [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Operations Research; Management Sciences; Modeling and Analysis for Management; Nature Inspired Optimization; Logistics and Scheduling; Organic Computing; Multiobjective Optimization and Decision Making; Optimization in Presence of Uncertainty; Simulation-based Optimization; Algorithms; Analytics]

Bransford, John D. [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Book Author; Education; Learning Sciences; Psychology; Learning Technology; Human Learning, Memory and Problem Solving; Learning Environments; Cognition and Technology; Internet; Online Education; Teaching]

Brown, Ann Lesley (b.26 jan 1943 - d.4 jun 1999) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Educational Psychologist; Education and Learning; Psychology; Human Memory; Teaching Practices; Metacognitive Strategies; Reciprocal Teaching; Community Learning]

Christensen, Clayton M. [Academic; Researcher; Management Consulting; Higher Education; Business Education; Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Book Author; Technology and Operations Management; Investment; Disruptive Technologies]

Cocking, Rodney R. (b.11 jan 1943 - d.2002) [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Book Author; Education and Learning; Psychology; Behavioral Development; Child Development; Cognitive Development; Learning and Educational Environment; Education and Technology]

Collins, Allan M. [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Cognitive Scientist; Book Author; Education and Learning; Cognitive Psychology; Cognitive Science; Artificial Intelligence; Intelligent Tutoring System; Plausible Reasoning; Learning Sciences; Educational Technologies; Design-based Research Methodologies in Education; Educational Policy; Teaching]

Constable, Giff [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Writer; Product Design; Product Development; Software Engineering; Content Strategy; Product Strategy; Investment Banking; Startups; Innovation; Business Model; Leadership; User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI); Usability; Science Fiction; Technology; Mentoring; Consulting]

Duckworth, Angela Lee [Academic; Researcher; Psychologist; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Psychology; Neuroscience; Neurobiology; Education and Learning; Behavior Change; Developmental Psychology; Positive Psychology; Child Education; Nonprofit Organizations; Public Speaking; Teaching]

Dusenberry, Phil Bernard (b.28 apr 1936 - d.29 dec 2007) [Business Executive; Copywriter; Creative Director; Book Author; Advertising and Marketing; Creative Direction; Copywriting; Advertising Agencies; Scriptwriting; Movies; Documentaries; Film Direction]

Fournier, Susan [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing; Branding; Brand Relationships; Consumer Behavior; Customer Relationship Management; Consumer Insights; Academic/University Administration]

Godin, Seth [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Public Speaking; Venture Capital; Online Gaming; Direct Marketing; Internet; Online Education; Management Education; Crowdfunding; Guerilla Marketing]

Greenwald, Michelle S. [Entrepreneur; Consultant; Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Marketing; Marketing Plan; Executive Education; Digital Marketing; Public Speaking]

Halverson, Richard R. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Education and Learning; Education and Learning Technologies; Game-based Learning; Education Policy; Educational Leadership and Governance; Learning Sciences; Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Psychology; Data and Analytics; Teaching]

Light, Larry [Business Executivce; Book Author; Consultant; Advertising and Marketing; Branding; Marketing Strategy; Global Marketing; Packaged Goods; Retail; Business-to-Business; Automotive; Hospitality; Nonprofit Organizations; Consulting; Public Speaking]

Malamed, Connie [Writer; Consultant; Learning Experience Designer; Book Author; Education and Learning; Instructional Design; Visual Design; Events and Workshops; Coaching; Online Education and Learning; Education Technology; Design Thinking; Human-centered Design; Visual Communication; Web Design and Development; Public Speaking]

Martin, Steve W. [Writer; Book Author; Sales Training; Technology; Professional Training and Coaching; Business Teaching; Entrepreneurship]

McGrath, Rita Gunther [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Theorist; Strategy; Innovation; Entrepreneurship]

Moore, Christopher [Business Executive; Writer; Book Author; Information Technology and Services; Digital Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Brand Building; Public Relations; Content Development; Search Engine Marketing (SEM); Online and Live Events; Data Analytics; Logistics; E-Commerce Fulfillment; Crowdfunding Fulfillment; Nonprofit Organizations; Blogging; Public Speaking]

Murphy, John Matthew [Entrepreneur; Consultant; Book Author; Branding; Marketing and Advertising; Brand Valuation; Brand Marketing]

Oliver, John William [Comedian; Actor; Political Commentator; TV Show Host; Book Author; Politics; Satire; Current Events; Civil Rights; Culture; Stand-up Comedy; Media; Entertainment; Films; Social Media; Radio; Podcasting]

Papert, Seymour Aubrey (b.29 feb 1928 - d.31 jul 2016)[Academic; Researcher; Mathematician; Educator; Computer Scientist; Education and Learning; Education Technology; Computer Programming; Computer Software; Artificial Intelligence; Applied Mathematics; Constructivist Learning Theories; Digital Learning]

Reibstein, David J. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing and Advertising; Market Research; Marketing Strategy; Data Analysis; Analytics; E-Commerce; Qualitative and Quantitative Research; Startups; Entrepreneurship; Management Education; Brand Equity; Marketing Metrics; Competitive Marekting Strategies; Product Line Strategy; Resource Allocation; Management Consulting; Public Speaking]

Resnick, Mitchel (Mitch) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Journalist; Computer Science; Education and Learning; Education and Learning Technologies; Learning Experiences; Learning Research; Computer Programming; Civic Media; Education Policy; Science and Technology Journalism; Teaching]

Ries, Eric [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Computer Software; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Mobile Applications; Internet; Mobile Devices; Agile Methodologies; Cloud Computing; Software Development]

Salbi, Zainab [Entrepreneur; TV Host; Book Author; Media; Television; Women's Rights; Human Rights; Humanitarian and Development Organizations; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Entrepreneurship; Journalism; Writing and Editing; Multimedia Platforms; Mircrocredit Programs; Philanthropy; Lecturing]

Sandler, Corrine [Entrepreneur; Book Author; Market Research; Startups; Marketing; Advertising Research; Consumer Behavior; Quantitative Research; Retail]

Scholl, Michael [Consultant; Writer; Book Author; Market Strategy; Strategic Sales; Price Augmentation; Healthcare; Pharmaceuticals; Multi-channel Management]

Schwartz, Daniel L. [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Book Author; Education; Learning; Cognitive Science; Computer Science; Education and Technology; Assessment, Testing and Measurement; Brain and Learning Sciences; Data Sciences; Psychology]

Toubia, Olivier [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing; Innovation; Market Research; Idea Generation; Preference Measurement; Customer-Centric Innovation; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Digital Marketing; Search Engines; E-Commerce; Data Analytics; Data Science; Machine Learning; Commercialization of Research]

Turner, Jamie [Book Author; Entrepreneur; Marketing; Branding; Mobile Marketing; Social Media; New and Emerging Media; Public Speaking]

Vil, Christine St. [Entrepreneur; Blogger; Writer; Book Author; Public Speaking; Training; Parenting; Motherhood; Family]

Wansink, Brian [Academic; Researcher; Consumer Behavior; Consumer Psychology; Book Author; Food; Brands; Health and Food; Marketing and Advertising; Data Analysis; Qualitative Research; Communications]

Wilson, Hugh N. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing Strategy; Customer Experience; Customer Management; Marketing and Sustainability; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Consumer Behavior; Customer Analytics; E-Commerce; Coaching and Training; Public Speaking]

Woodward, Robert Upshur (Bob) [Journalist; Reporter; Book Author; Pulitzer Prize Winner; Investigative Journalism; Writing and Editing; Non-Fiction; Newspapers; Public Speaking]

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