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KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Hall, John [Entrepreneur; Writer; Columnist; Public Relations and Communications; Thought Leadership; Content Marketing; Social Media; Branding; Online Marketing and Advertising; SEO; SEM; Real Estate Development; Asset Management; Public Speaking; Blogging]

Halverson, Richard R. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Education and Learning; Education and Learning Technologies; Game-based Learning; Education Policy; Educational Leadership and Governance; Learning Sciences; Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Psychology; Data and Analytics; Teaching]

Hamill, Jim [Academic; Researcher; Management Consultant; Entrepreneur; Digital Economy; Digital Leadership; Executive Development; International Management; Online Marketing; Social Media Strategy; Management Development Programs; Management Education; Online Advertising; E-Commerce; Web Analytics; Digital Media; Social Networking; Business Development; Entrepreneurship; Customer Insight; Business Intelligence; Digital Transformation]

Haque, Umair [Writer; Book Author; Economy; Business and Management; Marketing and Advertising; Public Speaking]

Hartig, Kara [Writer; Editor; Content Creator; Playwright; Plays; Theater; Creative Writing; Market Research; Marketing]

Hawks, Kurt [Business Executive; Marketing and Advertising; Mobile and Cross-Device Strategy; Mobile Advertising; Video Advertising; Business Strategy; Media Services; Venture Capital; Entrepreneurship; Startups]

Hedges, Nick [Business Executive; Business Leadership; Writer; Inside Sales; Sales Acceleration Technology; Marketing and Sales; Sales Transformation; Business Strategy; Business Development; Entrepreneurship; Intrapreneurship; SaaS; General Management; Customer Relationship Management; Internet; Technology]

Hershfield, Hal [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Psychology; Decision-Making; Wellness and Happiness; Human Behavior; Time and Money; Behavior and Time]

Herzenstein, Michal [Academic; Researcher; Marketing Management; Consumer Decision Making; Consumer Behavior; Data Analysis; Qualitative Research]

Hoeffler, Steve [Academic; Researcher; Marketing Management; Consumer Products Marketing; Brand Management; Consumer Behavior; New Products Marketing; Positioning; Consumer Psychology]

Holland, Cindy [Business Executive; Internet; Entertainment; Online Business; Digital Media; Digital Distribution; Video Content; Content Strategy; Films; Digital Marketing; Television; Entrepreneurship and Innovation]

Holmes, Cassie Mogilner [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Psychology; Happiness; Decision-Making Satisfaction; Time and Money]

Holton, Avery E. [Academic; Researcher; Digital Media; Communications; Journalism; Publishing; Online Content; Social Media; Public Health; Health Promotion; Disability Studies]

Howes, Dustin [Business Executive; Affiliate Marketing; Creative Marketing; Digital Marketing; Search Engine Optimization (SEO); E-Commerce; Program Management]

Huber, Thomas P. [Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Health Services; Health Policy; Healthcare Delivery Research; Performance Improvement; Process Redesign; Culture Change; Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs); Delivery Intervention Evaluations; Health System Strategy; Consulting]

Hull, Jarad [Entrepreneur; Online Marketing; Web Designer; Marketing and Advertising; Real Estate]

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