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November 2013

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 18 nov 2013

As more and more customers are heading online for shopping, there is need for optimized integration of video content on the websites to facilitate the buying process. Videos are a very persuasive marketing medium and assists in customer engagement. Although most marketers are using basic explanatory videos on website but a more comprehensive approach is required for effectiveness that encompasses the whole spectrum of the online shopping and buying experience, from initial awareness to post-sale. Author suggests an ideal video content mix for each stage of the sales funnel - Top funnel content [Interest (15%), Learn (20%)] should include - How-to content libraries; Repurposed webinar content; Thought leadership interviews; Fun content showcasing company culture. For Mid-funnel content [Evaluate (40%)] - Detailed product demos; Client testimonials; Video case studies; Videos showcasing how the solution provided integrates with other products and services in the customer's ecosystems. End of the funnel content [Justify (20%)] should have - Nurture campaign videos; FAQ videos; Customer check-ins; Instructional videos. Read on...

the guardian: How to produce effective video marketing throughout the sales funnel
Author: Michael Litt

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 14 nov 2013

Most companies have been putting technology enabled customer service systems at place to fulfil their customers needs and resolve issues. But are these systems sufficient to satisfy customers? According to a report '2012 Customer Service Barometer' by American Express (based on 1000 customer surveys and interviews) - Most customers still don't think service is good enough, much less getting better; Most people will spend more, significantly more, for great service; Quality personal connections still matter most; And those live interactions can be make-or-break propositions. Moreover the customers, with enhanced communicating and sharing technologies (social media etc), find it easier to propagate their customer service experiences. They tell on average 15 people about their good experiences and 24 people about their bad ones, while nearly 50% consumers always tell others about good customer service experiences while 56% always talk to people about their poor experiences. Read on...

CBS News: Most companies fail customer service test
Author: Michael Hess

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 13 nov 2013

Social media is creating new dynamics in the delivery and performance of customer service. It is providing tools for both marketers and customers to share their views and experiences with a larger audience at a speed that wasn't available before. Product and solution providers must understand that customer service is a critical element of a company-customer relationship that is build over a period of time with a value exchange from both sides. Customer service is the front of the organization that deals directly with the customers and a bad experience have a potential to negatively affect this relationship. The article explains the customer service mistakes that should be avoided - Limited use of the automated phone systems; Proper use of automated phone systems; Not apologizing or appearing unsympathetic; Passing the buck; Not solving the problem. Read on...

The VAR Guy: Top 5 Customer Service Nightmares To Avoid
Author: Elliot Markowitz

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 11 nov 2013

Customer participation in the design process is becoming an important part of the innovation and creative strategy. Though most organizations are still struggling to fully incorporate the concept of empathy and customer-centeredness in their business practices. In their book, 'Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All', authors David Kelly (Founder of IDEO and at Stanford University) and Tom Kelly (Partner at IDEO and executive fellow at Haas School of UC-Berkeley) share their design experiences and how companies and organizations can build their creative competence. The excerpt from the book focuses on empathy (understanding what people need and incorporating them in products and services) and how over the years they have used anthropological field research at every stage of the design process to empathise with the end users. Authors suggest 'hybrid insights' an approach that integrates quantitative research into human-centered design. They cite a successful example of a bank that utilized these concepts to understand the needs and wants of the millennial generation (GenY) and created specific financial products for this target segment. Read on...

Slate: Why Designers Need Empathy - Designing better online banking for millennials
Author: David Kelley, Tom Kelley

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