the3h - Hum Hain Hindustani
Topic: agriculture & rural development | authors | business & finance | design | economy | education | entrepreneurship & innovation | environment | general | healthcare | human resources | nonprofit | people | policy & governance | reviews | science & technology | university research
Date: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | jan'22 | feb'22 | mar'22 | apr'22 | may'22 | jun'22 | jul'22 | aug'22 | sep'22 | oct'22 | nov'22 | dec'22 | jan'23 | feb'23 | mar'23 | apr'23 | may'23 | jun'23 | jul'23 | aug'23 | sep'23 | oct'23 | nov'23 | dec'23 | jan'24 | feb'24 | mar'24 | apr'24 | may'24 | jun'24 | jul'24 | aug'24 | sep'24 | oct'24 | nov'24 | dec'24
Budget 2025: Key proposals to revolutionise education and MSMEs in India | CNBC TV18, 10 jan 2025
Medical education in India is at a crossroads - Here's a road map | The Hindu, 10 jan 2025
Education as a catalyst for change: 20 years of transformation | India Today, 10 jan 2025
Manmohan Singh profoundly influenced our lives and India's growth | Business Standard, 10 jan 2025
Why digital health is critical to India’s 2025 healthcare goals | Inshorts, 09 jan 2025
How India is preparing its healthcare workers for the future of digital health | Healthcare Radius, 09 jan 2025
India forecasts 2024/25 economic growth of 6.4%, slowest in four years | Reuters, 07 jan 2025
Financial Flows to Sustainable Agriculture in India | Climate Policy Initiative, 07 jan 2025
How AI transforming healthcare delivery with localized solutions | The Times of India, 06 jan 2025
4 emerging trends from India's booming entrepreneur ecosystem | The World Economic Forum, 05 dec 2024
KeywordProfile™ (KP™) of People in Posts
alphabet | profession | specialization
Academic, Researcher | Activist | Actor, Singer, Musician | Analyst, Commentator | Anchor, Host, Presenter | Anthropologist | Architect, Artist, Designer | Banker | Biologist | Book Author | Business Executive | Coach, Mentor, Trainer | Columnist, Correspondent | Communications and Content Specialist | Computer Programmer, Developer | Consultant, Advisor | Creative Director | Doctor, Physician, Health Expert | Economist | Educator | Engineer | Entrepreneur | Film Director, Filmmaker, Film Producer | Futurist | Historian | Inventor | Journalist, Reporter | Lawyer, Legal Expert | Neuroscientist | Nonprofit Executive | Philanthropist | Philosopher | Physicist | Politician, Diplomat, Statesman | Psychologist | Public Speaker | Scientist | Sociologist | Thought Leader | Venture Capitalist | Writer, Editor
Abraham, Nandita [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Fashion Design; Apparel Marketing; Product Development; Design Education; Human Resources; Higher Education; Fashion Technology; People Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Industry-Academia Partnerships; Design Research; Industry Associations]
Abraham, Sunil [Researcher; Internet and Society; Policy Research; Access to Knowledge; Internet Governance; Telecom; Digital Natives; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship; Open Standards; Open Access; Open Content; Information and Communication Technology]
Amin, Kunwar Mohammad Yusuf (K. M. Y.) [Academic; Researcher; Medical Pharmacologist; Physician; Modern Pharmacology; Unani Medicine; Internal Medicine; Philosophy of Unani Medicine; Experimental Pharmacology; Unani Anti-Arthritic Drugs; Unani Cardiovascular Drugs; Healthcare]
Ayyappan, S. [Researcher; Environmental Policy; Agricultural Research; Climate Change; Scientist; Fisheries; Immunology; Aquatic Microbiology]
Babu, Sobhan [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Big Data Analytics; Graph Theory; Algorithms; Linear Optimization; Predictive Analytics; Data Structures; Software Design and Development; Higher Education and Research Institutes; Information Technology; Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solutions]
Bagchi, Nirmalya [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Technology Policy; Management; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Higher Education; Science and Technology; Market Research; Program Management; Data Analysis; Qualitative Research; Management Development; Training; Leadership and Teams; Organizational Development]
Baker, Laurence Wilfred (Laurie) (b.02 mar 1917 - d.01 apr 2007) [Architect; Researcher; Cost-Effective and Energy-Efficient Architecture; Designs Maximized Space, Ventilation and Light; Sustainable Architecture; Revial of Regional Building Practices; Social and Humanitarian Concepts; Simplicity in Design; Energy-Efficient Building Materials; Rural Development; Vernacular Architecture; Indigenous Architecture; School and Hospital Architecture]
Balasubramaniam (Kakkar), Priya [Researcher; Healthcare; Public Health; Health Systems; Health Technology; Innovation; Social Enterprise; Health Policy; Health Systems Reform; Urban Health Governance; Health Services Delivery; Urban Health Financing; Qualitative and Quantitative Research; Universal Health Coverage; Epidemiology]
Bandyopadhyay, Amitabha [Academic; Researcher; Biological Sciences; Bioengineering; Developmental Biology; Mechanisms of Cartilage and Bone Differentiation; Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis; Healthcare; Technology; Entrepreneurship and Innovation]
Banerjee, Abhijeet [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Development Economics; Innovations for Poverty; Economic Policy Research; Financial Systems and Poverty]
Basu, Sekhar [Scientist; Researcher; Nuclear Science; Defence; Submarines; Science and Technology; Nuclear Reactor Engineering; Mechanical Engineering]
Baviskar, Amita [Academic; Researcher; Cultural Anthropology; Development Sociology; Cultural Politics of Environment and Development; Social Inequality; Natural Resource Conflicts; Environmental and Indigenous Social Movements; Anthropology of Development; Urban Environmental Politics; State Formation and Environment in South Asia; Rural and Urban Development and Transformations]
Benninger, Christopher Charles [Architect; Planner; Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Consultant; Book Author; Urban Planning; Academic and Educational Campuses; Mass Shelter Systems; Sustainable Design; Green Building; Interior Design]
Bhagwati, Jagdish [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; International Economics; Globalization; Free Trade; Neo-Classical Economics; Economic Policy]
Bhanumurthy, N. R. [Academic; Researcher; Economics; Economic Policy; Development Economics; Macro-Monetary Economics; International Money and Finance; Macroeconomic Modeling; Economic Growth and Social Development; Professional Associations]
Bole, William [Journalist; Writer; Editorial Consultant; Researcher; Higher Education; Innovation; Intellectual Life; Blogging; Communications; International Relations; Politics; Nonprofits]
Bose, Amar (b.02 nov 1929 - d.12 jul 2013) [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Electrical Engineering; Sound Engineering; Electronics; Audio Equipment; Philanthropist]
Boynton, Andy [Academic; Researcher; Higher Education; Leadership Development; Management Consulting; Student Affairs; Strategy; Time Management; Executive Development; Public Speaking]
Cash, Richard A. [Academic; Researcher; Medicine; Healthcare; Public Health; Global Health; Health Policy; Medicine in the Developing World; Infectious Diseases; Ethical Issues in Global Health; Role of Research in the Development of Policy]
Chandrasekhar, Arun G. [Academic; Researcher; Economics; Development; Social Networks; Econometrics; Micro-Finance]
Chandru, Vijay [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Biotechnology; Operations Research; Computational Mathematics; Technology and Innovation; Computers; Life Science Informatics; Genomics; Proteomics; Personalized Medicine; Scientific Leadership; Executive Management]
Chauhan, Akhtar [Architect; Planner; Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; University/Higher Education Administration; Consultant; Industry and Educational Associations; Nonprofit Organizations; Architectural Education; Higher Education; Urban Planning; Township Planning and Design; Sustainable Architecture; Improving Living Environment of in Human Settlements; Humanizing Habitat]
Chetty, Raj [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Public Economics; Economic Policy; Economic Mobility; Unemployment Benefits; Unemployment Insurance; Education Policy; Equality of Opportunity; Retirement Savings; Teacher Value Added]
Chikersal, Anjali [Researcher; Medicine; Healthcare; Public Health; Public Policy; Health Policy; Rural Health; Health and Infrastructure; Human Resources; Medical Education; Global Health; Health Informatics; Healthcare Management; Sanitation]
Chopra, Ravi [Researcher; Book Author; Social Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Water Resources Management; Environmental Quality Monitoring; Disaster Mitigation and Response; Interactions between Technology and Society; Intersection of Environment and Development; Human Development; Climate Change; River Conservation; Policy Analysis; Motivating and Mentoring]
Cox, Richard [Finance Researcher; Lecturer; Financial Services; International Trade; Finance; Macroeconomics; Price Behavior in Equity Markets]
Cruz, Marcio [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Global Monitoring and Analytics; Global Economics; Development Economics; International Trade; Impact Evaluation; Poverty; Inequality; Rural Development; Blogging]
Darko, Emily [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Writer; Social Enterprises; Entrepreneurship; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Impact Measurement; Data Collection; Sustainable Businesses; Youth Businesses; Inclusion; Rural Livelihoods; Green Growth; Nonprofit Organizations]
Deo, Madhav [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Medicine and Bio-Medicine; Pathology; Molecular Medicine; Cell Biology; Bio-Informatics]
Dhande, Sanjay Govind [Academic; Researcher; Educationist; Engineer; Book Author; Computer Aided Design (CAD); Rapid Prototyping; Rapid Tooling; Reverse Engineering; Design and Manufacturing]
Dholakia, Hem H. [Researcher; Linkages between Environment, Energy, Human Health and Public Policy; Health Impact of Urban Air Pollution; Climate Change Adaptation; Healthcare; Health Systems; Clinical Patient Care; Product Development; Startups; Statistical Data Analysis; Quantitative Analytics]
Drèze, Jean [Academic; Researcher; Development Economist; Economic Policy; Hunger and Famine; Gender Inequality; Child Health; Education; Book Author; Policy Reforms; Rural Development]
Duflo, Esther [Economist; Academic; Researcher; Poverty Alleviation; Development Economics; Economic Policy; Micro-Economic Issue; Developing Countries; Household Behavior; Education; Access to Finance; Health; Policy Evaluation; Field Experiments; Social Economics]
Duggal, Ravinder Singh (Ravi) [Researcher; Health Analyst; Nonprofit Executive; Healthcare; Public Policy; Healthcare Policy; Rural Health; Public Health; Health Economics; International Health; Data Analysis; Strategic Planning; Strategic Communications; Qualitative Research; Budgets and Governance]
Dyer, Jeffrey H. (Jeff) [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Organizational Leadership; Strategy; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Human Resources; Lean Startups; Talent Management; Teamwork; Entrepreneur Behavior; Human Capital; Cooperative Strategy]
Fischer, Bill [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Executive Education; Technology Management; Operations Management; Corporate Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Social Media; Digital Leadership; Talent Management; Startups; Human Resources]
Flexner, Abraham (b.13 nov 1866 - 21 sep 1959) [Educator; Academic; Researcher; Medical and Higher Education; Education Reforms; Research Collaborations; Intellectual Discovery]
Foster, James E. [Academic; Researcher; Economics; International Affairs; Welfare Economics; Development Economics; Health Policy; Economic Inequality; Poverty and Growth; Human Development; Education and Literacy]
Fukuyama, Yoshihiro Francis [Academic; Researcher; Political Scientist; Political Economist; Book Author; Capitalism; Liberal Democracy; Neo-Conservative Movement; Developing Nations; Governance; International Political Economy; Nation Building and Democratization; Strategy; Security Issues]
Gandhi, Vasudevan Gnana [Scientist; Researcher; Space Research; Rocket Science and Technologies; Rocket Propulsion; Solid, Liquid and Cryogenic Rocket Systems; Cryogenics]
Garg, Amit [Academic; Researcher; Environment; Water-Energy-Agriculture-Climate Change Nexus; Emission Inventory Assessment; Carbon Finance; Green Infrastructure, Energy Policy and Energy Modeling; Uncertainty Assessment and Risk management for Long-life Assets due to Climate Change; Development, Energy and Climate Change; Adaptation Policy for Climate Change Impacts; Climate Change Mitigation Policy; Demand Side Management; New and Renewable Energy Technology Policy]
Gopinath, Gita [Academic; Researcher; Economics; Sovereign Debt Defaults in Europe; Economic Fluctuations and Growth; International Finance; Macroeconomics; Monetary Economics; International Price Setting; Exchange Rate Pass-through; Emerging Market Business Cycles and Crisis; Columnist; Banking and Finance]
Govindarajan, Vijay [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Entrepreneurhip; Innovation; Management Consulting; Reverse Innovation; Global Business Issues; Strategic Management; Blogging]
Gregersen, Hal [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Higher Education; Executive Development; Leadership Development; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Global Business Leadership; Public Speaking]
Gulati, Ashok [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Agriculture Economics; Agriculture Policy; Food Supply and Pricing Policies; Internatonional Relations; Agriculture Market Reforms; International Food Policy; Economics]
Gundiah, Namrata [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Tissue Bio-Mechanics; Cell Mechano-Biology; Bio-Materials; Biomimetics; Synthetic Polymers; Soft Tissue Mechanics]
Hosanagar, Kartik [Legal Counsel; Legal Research; International Business and Trade, Public Policy; Intellectual Policy]
Jackson, Matthew O. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Economics; Social and Economic Networks; Online Education; Game Theory; Micro-Economic Theory]
Jain, Anjani [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Analysis and Design of Manufacturing Systems; Optimization Algorithms; Probabilistic Analysis of Combinatorial Problems; Telecommunications Network Design; Automobile Industry; Operations Research; Operations Strategy; Simulation Modeling; Spreadsheet Modeling; International Business; Higher Education; Management Education]
Jayakumar, Tulsi [Academic; Researcher; Education Management; Family Businesses; Business; Small and Medium Enterprises; Emerging Markets; Financial Crisis; Growth Strategy; Manufacturing; Value Networks; Curriculum Development; Education Technology; Higher Education]
Jodhka, Surinder S. [Academic; Researcher; Sociologist; Social Sciences; Social Stratification; Development Studies - Rural and Agrarian Change; Social Identities - Caste Studies and Religious Minorities; Social Inequalities; Caste and Politics; Rural Development]
Joumard, Isabelle [Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Economics; Financial Economics; Labor Economics; Economic Development; Poverty; Applied Econometrics; Economic Analysis; Fiscal Policy; Economic Policy; Public Sector; Monetary Policy; Economy; Productivity Analysis]
Kalam, Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (A. P. J.) Abdul (b. 15 oct 1931 - d. 27 jul 2015) [Academic; Researcher; Scientist; Book Author; Indian President; Physics; Aerospace Engineering; Science Administration; Civilian Space Program; Defense; Ballistic Missile Technology; Launch Vehicle Technology]
Kanvide, Achyut (b.1916 - d.28 dec 2002) [Architect; Researcher; Functionalist Approaches; Brutalist Architecture; Vernacular Architecture; Vaastushastra; Grid of Columns Forming a Matrix; Inclusion of Natural Light; Played with Space and Forms]
Kapoor, Amit [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Columnist; Book Author; Management Consutling; Competitiveness; Business Strategy; Micro-Economics of Competitiveness; Value-based Healthcare Delivery; Business Models; Industrial Economics; Outsourcing; Economic Development]
Kelso, David M. [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Inventor; Global Health; Innovation; Assay System Development; Medical Devices; Bio-Medical Engineering and Research; Multichannel Blood Screening System; Therapeutic Drug Monitory; Microprocessor Controlled Enzyme Immunoassay; Medical Instrumentation; Biosensors; Kinetics of Antibody and DNA Binding Reactions in Solution and on Solid Phases; Pharmacokinetics; Optimization of Drug Administration]
Kennedy, Jonathan [Academic; Researcher; Comparative Political Economy; Political Sociology; Political Economy of Health; Sociology of Development; Comparative Historical Sociology; Methodology; Sociological Theory]
Khan, Asad Ullah [Academic; Researcher; Interdisciplinary Biotechnology; Transcription Biology; Gene Expression; Drug Discovery; Molecular and Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Genomics; Proteomics; Evolutionary Microbiology; Biochemistry]
Khanna, Parag [Global Strategist; International Relations Expert; Book Author; Researcher; Analyst; Entrepreneur; Globalization; Geostrategic Advisory; Content Strategy]
Kim, Jim Yong [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Anthropologist; 12th President of the World Bank; Global Health; Social Medicine; Social and Community Healthcare; Public Health; Healthcare Policy; Healthcare Technology; Banking and Finance]
King, Lawrence Peter [Academic; Researcher; Sociology; Political Economy; Comparative Political Economy; Privatization and Foreign Invesments; Capitalism; Communism; Public Health; Micro- and Macro-Economic Policy; Developing Countries; Economic Development]
Kramer, Mark R. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Entrepreneur; Social Change; Shared Value; Catalytics Philanthropy; Collective Impact; Strategic Evaluation; Impact Investing; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Management Consulting]
Krishnamurthy, Mekhala [Academic; Researcher; Sociology; Humanities and Social Sciences; Agricultural Markets; Agrarian Change; Rural Development; Rural Livelihoods; Public Health; Nutrition; Public Systems and Institutions; Public Policy; Reform and Regulation]
Krugman, Paul Robin [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Columnist; Writer; Book Author; Commentator; International Economics; Macroeconomics; New Trade Theory; New Economic Geography; International Finance; Economics; Income Distribution; Taxation]
Kulkarni, Himanshu [Academic; Researcher; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Entrepreneurship; Rural Development; Water Management; Science of Groundwater; Groundwater Management; Sustainable Groundwater; Groundwater Management in Different Hydrogeological Typologies; Water Resources; Civil Society]
Kumar, A. K. Shiva [Academic; Researcher; Development Economist; Book Author; Poverty and Human Development; Social Sector Analysis; Impact of Development Policies on Children and Women; Healthcare; Public Health; Healthcare Policy]
Kumar, Anshul [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; University/Academic Administration; Computer Science and Engineering; Embedded System Design; Hardware Software Co-Design; Application Specific Processor Synthesis; VLSI Design Automation; Computer Architecture; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Startups]
Kumar, C. Raj [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Law; University/Academic Administration; Human Rights and Development; Terrorism and National Security; Corruption and Governance; Law and Disaster Management; Comparative Constitutional Law; Legal Education; Higher Education; Public Policy; Social Justice]
Kumar, Vineet [Researcher; Writer; Agriculture and Farming; Sustainable Food Systems; Natural Farming; Organic Farming; Sustainable Agriculture; Environment; Climate Change; Food Sovereignty]
Kundanati, Lakshminath [Academic; Researcher; Biomechanics; Nanotechnology; Design and Development Nature Inspired New Materials and Mechanisms; Biomechanics of Insect Drilling; Materials Science and Engineering; Nanomaterials]
Kuruganti, Kavitha [Social Entrepreneur; Social Activist; Writer; Academic; Agriculture and Farming; Sustainable Farm Livelihoods; Farmer's Rights; Issues of Women Farmers; Nonprofits; Social Enterprises; Food Security; Development Sector; Environment; Policy; Teaching]
Lall, Ashok [Architect; Academic; Researcher; Teaching; Low Energy Sustainable Architecture; Curriculum Development; Architecture and Planning; Environment]
Lee, Yuan Tseh [Academic; Researcher; Nobel Laureate; Chemistry; Dynamics of Elementary Chemical Processes; Physical Chemistry; Advanced Chemical Kinetics; Study of Material Transformations; Dependence of of Chemical Reactivity on Molecular Orientation; Decay Dynamics; Crossed Molecular Beams Technique; Climate Change and Environment]
Malik, Naveen Kumar [Researcher; Electronics and Communication Engineering]
Mani, Deepa [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneur; Networked Economy; Technology; Healthcare; Information Systems; Healthcare Technology; Marketing; Intersection of Technology, Organization and Society]
Manivannan, P. V. [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Instrumentation and Control Systems; Mechatronics and Embedded Systems; Mobile Robotics and Sensor Network; Automotive Electronics; Engine Control Systems; Industrial Automation; Healthcare; Technology]
Manohar, Swami [Entrepreneur; Academic; Researcher; Computer Science; Computers; Healthcare; Information Systems; Computer Graphics; Visualization; Virtual Reality; CAD for Rapid Prototyping; Parallel and VLSI architectures and Algorithms for Graphics and Visualization; Interactive Sculpting; Voxel-based CAD Tools for Layered Manufacturing; Virtual Reality Modeling Language; Internet Technologies]
McWilliams, Douglas [Academic; Researcher; Commerce; Economics; Management Consulting; Economic Forecasting and Analysis; International Economics; New Approaches to Economic Impact Assessment for Transport; Globalization and Public Policy; Applying Option Pricing Theory to the Economics of Safety; Public Speaking]
Meeker, Mary [Securities Analytst; Research Analyst; Venture Capitalist; Book Author; Internet and New Technologies; Digital Businesses; Private Equity; Emerging Technologies]
Mishra, Anubhav [Academic; Researcher; Marketing; Advertising and Promotions; Digital Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Social Media; Communication and Content; Electronic Word of Mouth; Consumer Socialization; Mutisensory or Emergent Technologies; Internet; E-Commerce]
Mishra, Vimal [Academic; Researcher; Environment; Surface Water Hydrology; Climate Variability and Climate Change; Global Food and Water Security; Water Resources Management; Large Scale Hydrologic Modeling; Human-Climate Interactions; Climate Change in Urban Areas; Climate Change Adaptation; Remote Sensing; Environment Management Systems; Data Analysis; Numerical Analysis]
Misra, Sudip [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Computer Science and Engineering; Software Design; Product Engineering; Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks; Mobile Networks; Internet of Things (IoT); Computer Networks; Learning Systems; Algorithm Design for Emerging Communication Networks; Drones; Distributed Systems; Project Management; Consulting; Public Speaking]
Mukherjee, Anandarup [Researcher; Electrical and Electronics Engineering; Wireless Networks; Aerial Sensor Networks; Smartphone Networks; Low-power Wireless Sensor Networks; Smart Wearables; Internet of Things (IoT); Unmanned Systems; Battlefield Systems; Agricultural Systems; Smartphone Systems; Smart Monitoring Systems; Drones and UAVs]
Nandraj, Sunil [Researcher; Social Scientist; Healthcare; Health and Development; Health Systems; Public Health; Health Policyand Delivery; Health Governance and Regulation; Human Resources; Health Information Systems; Quality of Care; Women's Health; Drugsand Pharmaceuticals; Public Private Partnerships (PPP); Global Health; Trade Agreements and Health]
Nandy, Anup [Academic; Researcher; Computer Science and Engineering; Network and Secured Computing; Machine Learning; Robotics; Human Cognitive Modeling; Artificial Intelligence; Healthcare]
Narayan, Kavita [Researcher; Healthcare Executive; Healthcare and Hospitals; Health Policy; Health Systems; Public Health; Community Health; Healthcare Management; Healthcare Information Technology; Hospital Board Structure and Governance; Public Private Partnerships (PPP); Physician Relationships; Executive Development; Customer Service Design; Skills Development; Planning and Budgeting]
Nayyar, Deepak [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Economics; Economic Policy; Financial Policy; Government Administration; International Economics; Macroeconomics; Development Economics; Trade Policies; Industrialization Strategies; Macroeconomic Stabilization; Structural Adjustment; Economic Liberalization; Trade Theories; Macro Policies; International Migration; Multilateral Trading System; World Economy]
Panagariya, Arvind [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Editor; Columnist; Book Author; Economic Policy; International Economics; Finance and Development; Social Development; Government Policy; Banking and Finance]
Panda, Swati [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Management Education; Business Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Corporate Governance; Venture Capital; Alternative Investments; Role of Networks in Entrepreneurship; Trust; Corporate Finance; Qualitative Research; Market Research; Competitive Analysis; Data Analysis; Management Consulting]
Parikh, Rachana [Researcher; Healthcare; Mental Health; Public Health; Health Systems; Healthcare Governance; Community Participation]
Parvez, Shadab [Researcher; Biotechnology; Healthcare; Interdisciplinary Biotechnology; Evolutionary Biology; Molecular Biology; Microbiology; Nanomaterials]
Patel, Vikram [Academic; Researcher; Psychiatrist; Book Author; Epidemiology; Medicine; Psychology; Healthcare; Child Development; Adolescent Health; Mental Health; Clinical Trials; Global Health; Primary Care; Public Health; Social and Structural Determinants of Health; Substance Abuse; Nonprofit Organizations; Industry Associations]
Pathak, Parag [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Market Design; Education; Human Capital; Income Distribution; Education Policy and Research; Eduction Reform; Housing Market; Urban Economics; Nonprofit Organization]
Pathak, Pathik [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Higher Education; Employability and Skills; University/Academic Administration; Leadership; Policy Analysis; Nonprofit Organizations; International Development; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Business Strategy; Management; Capacity Building; Public Speaking]
Patil, Siddharth [Academic; Researcher; Water Management; Water Resources; Groundwater; Environmental Sustainability; Hydrochemistry; Water Recycling; Rain Water Harvesting]
Paul, Vinod K. [Academic; Researcher; Healthcare and Hospitals; University/Academic Administration; Public Health; Maternal and Child Health; Healthcare Strategy; Neonatology; Data and Epidemiology; Pediatrics; Health Policy; Global Health; Community Health]
Pingel, Mona Doctor [Architect; Entrepreneur, Baubiology (Building Biology); Architecture; Interior Design; Landscape Design; Sustainable Building Technologies; Healthy Buildings]
Porter, Michael E. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Strategy and Competitiveness; Industrial Organization Economics; Public Policy; Governments; Healthcare; Nonprofit Organizations; Charity and Philanthropy; Business Education; Management Consulting; Public Speaking]
Prasad, Vandana [Pediatrician; Researcher; Writer; Community and Public Health; Child Nutrition; Community Nutrition; Disease Prevention; Nutritional Education; Social Work; Health and Development; Health Policy; Mentoring and Training]
Quillin, Bryce [Researcher; Economist; International Trade; International Development; Global Macroeconomics; Global Monitoring; Public Policy; Economic Growth and Development; Forecasting and Modeling; Hedge Funds; Emerging Markets; Monetary Policy; International Finance; Quantitative Analysis; Economic Empowerment; Poverty Alleviation; Education; Politics]
Rabbani, M. U. [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Book Author; Internal Medicine; Cardiology; Cardiovascular Research; Ecocardiography; Electrocardiography; Healthcare and Hospitals]
Radhakrishnan, Sridhar [Academic; Researcher; Environmental Activist; Sustainable Agriculture; Environmental Health and Justice; Environmental Policy and Advocacy; Agro Ecology and Food Sovereignty; Land Use Policy; Climate Change; Indigenous Agriculture and Farming; Nonprofits]
Raghuwanshi, Narendra Singh (N.S.) [Academic; Researcher; Agricultural and Food Engineering; Land and Water Resources Engineering; Irrigation and Water Management; Hydrological Modelling; Watershed Management; Irrigation System Management; Application of ICT in Water Management; Soft Computing; GIS and RS Applications in Hydrology/Water Management]
Rahman, Syed Ziaur [Academic; Researcher; Medical Doctor; Book Author; Pharmacology; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Pharmacovigilance; Pharmacoepidemiology; Pharmacology and Environment; Alternatives to Animal Experiments; Healthcare; History of Medicine; Unani Medicine; Nonprofit Organizations; Professional Associations; Public Speaking]
Rajan, Keertichandra [Researcher; Sociology; Public Health]
Rajan, Raghuram [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Banking Policy; Banking and Finance; Global Banking; Public Policy; Economic Policy; Financial Markets; International Economics; Monetary Policy; Corporate Finance; Economic Development; Theory of Organizations; Financial Intermediation and Regulation]
Rajan A., Thillai [Academic; Researcher; Management Education; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Project and Infrastructure Finance; Public Private Participation; Corporate Finance]
Ramakumar, R. [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Agrarian Studies; Agricultural Economics; Development Economics; Indian Economy; Agriculture and Agrarian Change In Rural India; Agricultural Credit in India; COVID-19 Pandemic and its Economic Impact; Public Policy; Environment]
Ramamurti, Ravi [Academic; Researcher; Internation Business; Business Strategy; Management Education; Emerging Markets; Corporate Strategy; Business-Government Relations in Emerging Economies; Internationalization Strategies of Multinationals from Emerging Markets; Global Business Environment; Global Strategy]
Ramanjaneyulu, G.V. [Nonprofit Executive; Researcher; Scientist; Food Systems; Nonprofit Organizations; Environment; Agriculture and Farming; Rural Development; Sustainable Development; Food Security; Biodiversity; Soil Science; Income Security for Farmers; Public Policy; Community Marketing System; Farmer Cooperatives; Open Source Seed Systems; Poverty and Development; IT Tools for Agriculture]
Ray, Swagat Kumar Rout [Academic; Researcher; Designer; Apparels and Fashion; Textile Design; Garment Manufacturing; Production Management; Merchandising; Operations Management; Team Management; Consulting]
Reddy, K. Srinath [Academic; Researcher; Physician; Epidemiology; Cardiology; Preventive Cardiology; Healthcare and Hospitals; Public Health; Universal Health Coverage; Healthcare Policy; Global Health; Community Health]
Reddy, Shyamala [Academic; Researcher; Biology; Agricultural Sciences; Biotechnology; Molecular Cloning]
Roy, Arijit [Researcher; Wireless Sensor Networks; Sensor Cloud Infrastructure; Information Technology; Advanced Networks; Telecommunication Systems; Automated Drones]
Sahay, Arunaditya [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Entrepreneur; Book Author; Strategic Management; Mergers and Acquisitions; Strategic Alliances; Joint Ventures; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Social Enterprises; Qualitative Research; Management of Technology]
Sandesh, R. [Academic; Researcher; Industrial Design; Product Design; Form Studies; Nature and Form; Systems Thinking; Craft, Culture Design and Development]
Saraswat, Vijay Kumar [Scientist; Researcher; Defence Research and Development; Missile Systems; Combustion Engineering; Liquid Propulsion Engine; Air Defence; Radars; Micro and Nano Sensors for Future Avionics; Aeronautics]
Schellekens, Philip [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Global Monitoring; Public Policy; Economic Policy; Emerging Economies; Development Economics; Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management; Monetary Policy; Macroeconomics; Public Finance; International Finance; Policy Analysis]
Sen, Amartya [Economist; Philosopher; Academic; Researcher; Nobel Laureate; Welfare Economics; Social Choice Theory; Development Economics; Economic and Social Justice; Economic Theories of Famines; Ethics; Human Development Theory]
Sengupta, Subhanjan [Academic; Researcher; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Strategy; Social Entrepreneurship; Social Enterprises; Business Ethics; Social Value Creation; Suatainability; Responsible Business; Qualitative Research; Circular Economy; Agriculture Retail Waste Reduction; Social Startups; Policy; Renewable Energy]
Seru, Amit [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Financial Intermediation and Regulation; Resource Allocation and International Organization of Firms; Corporate Finance; Mortgage Rates, Household Balance Sheets and the Real Economy; Regional Redistribution through the US Mortgage Market; Selling Failed Banks]
Shah, Mihir [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Economy; Economics; Management of Water Resources; Rural Development; Rural Livelihoods; Agriculture; Sustainable Development; Public Policy; Political Economy; Environment]
Shah, Parmesh [Rural Development Specialist; Rural Livelihoods; Economic and Social Organizations and Networks of the Poor; Demand Side Approaches to Governance; Rural Poverty Reduction; Public-Private and People Partnerships; Making Markets and Public Services Work for the Poor; Nonprofit Organizations; Natural Resources Management; Community Driven Development; Blogging]
Shankar, P. S. Vijay [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Entrepreneurship; Tribal Communities; Water Resource Management; Sustainable Agriculture; Community-based Institutions; Training and Capacity Building; Policy Advocacy; Civil Society Initiatives; Curriculum Development; Teaching; Self Help Groups; Micro-Finance]
Sharma, Sankalp [Researcher; Writer; Economy; Competitiveness; Macroeconomics; Banking; Agriculture]
Shukla, Madhukar [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Educator; Consultant; Social Entrepreneurship; Organizational Design; Learning Organization; Innovation and Creativity; Cross Cultural Management; Management Education; Human Resouces; Social Enterprises; Training; Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)]
Singh, Manmohan [Economist; Politician; 14th Prime Minister of India; Bureaucrat; Economic Liberalization; Economic Reforms; International Trade; Academic; Researcher]
Singh, Narendra Pratap [Academic; Researcher; Research Scientist; Pulse Geneticist; Writer and Editor; Genetics and Plant Breeding; Molecular Biology; Genetic Transformation; Biotechnology; Pioneer in Application of Tools of Biotechnology in Pulse Improvement in India]
Singh, V. R. [Academic; Researcher; Communication Engineering; Biosystems Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Medical Instrumentation; Medical Electronics; Sensor Technology; Sensor Development; Instrument Development; Nanoelectronics; Healthcare; Cancer Research]
Sood, Ajay Kumar [Academic; Researcher; Scientific Advisor; Inventor; Science Policy; Government Policy; Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Raman Scattering; Nanotechnology; Graphene; Scientific Inventions; Education]
Sorescu, Silvia [Policy Analyst; Researcher; Agriculture and Food; Poverty and Development; Economic Policy; Agriculture and Food Policy; Trade Facilitation; International Trade; Global Affairs; Food Security; Transportation]
Sreekumar, G. V. [Academic; Researcher; Educator; Consultant; Visual Design; Typography; Publication Design; Magazine Design; Information Graphics; Design Education; Digital Pedagogy; Design Thinking; Media Technology; Computer Aided Design (CAD); University/Academic Administration]
Subramanian, Arvind [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Government Policy; Economic Policy; International Economics; Global Trade; Economic Development]
Sundararaman, T. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Internal Medicine; Healthcare; Public Health Systems; Community Engagement; Community Health Workers; Health Informatics and Information Systems; Political Economy of Health; Human Resources; Public Health Education; Healthcare Policy]
Swaminathan, M. S. [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Agriculture and Rural Development; Geneticist; Agrcultural Science; Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture; Sustainable Food Security; Preservation of Biodiversity; Economic Ecology; Crop Improvement; Cytogenetics; Genetics; Phylogenetics]
Taşçi, Ufuk Necat [Researcher; Writer; Producer; History; Art and Culture; International Relations; Trade; Diplomacy; International Management; Human Resources; Media; Television]
Taylor, David [Academic; Researcher; Pharmaceutical and Public Health; Healthcare Policy; Health Economics; Pharmaceutical Industrial Policy; Community Pharmacy Development; Social Care]
Taylor, John B. [Academic; Researcher; Economist; Book Author; Monetary Economics; New Keynesian Economics; Economic Policy; Public Policy; Monetary Theory and Policy; Macroeconomic Models; Taylor Rule for Monetary Decision Making; Financial Crises; World Economic Recession; Fiscal Policy and Recession]
Tellis, Gerard J. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Marketing; Business Enterprises; Global Innovation; Business Strategy; Sales Development; Market Entry; New Product Growth; Advertising; Promotion; Pricing]
Terry, Benjamin S. [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Engineering; Healthcare; Technology; Medical Therapeutics; Medical Devices; Surgical Tools; Intuitive and Ambulatory Biosensors; Biomechanical Behavior of Tissues and Organs; Bioengineering; Dynamics and Control of Engineering Systems; Mechanical Engineering Control System Design]
Thorpe, Kenneth E. [Academic; Researcher; Health Policy; Healthcare Reforms; Healthcare Management; Healthcare Financing and Insurance; Obesity's Effects on Healthcare Costs; Healthcare Legislation]
Toyama, Kentaro [Academic; Researcher; Computer Scientist; Book Author; International Development; Relationship between Technology and Global Development; Technology for Emerging Markets; ICT for Development; Computer Science; Computer Vision; Human-Computer Interaction; Geographic Information Systems; Multimedia; Computers and Devices]
Varanashi, Sathya Prakash [Academic; Researcher; Architect; Consultant; Writer; Architecture and Planning; Urban Design; Eco-Friendly Architecture; Landscape Design; Sustainable Design; Traditional Approaches in Architecture; Natural Materials; Professional Associations; Nonprofit Organizations]
Varghese, Mathew [Academic; Researcher; Psychiatrist; Mental Healthcare; General Rehabilitation; Neuroscience]
Venture, Gentiane [Academic; Researcher; Mechanical Systems Engineering; Robotics; Artifical Intelligence; Machine Learning; Biomechanical Engineering; Excercise Science; Biomechanics; Human-Robot Interaction; Healthcare; Interdisciplinary Science]
Vidyarthee, Kaushal K. [Academic; Researcher; Public Policy; Social Policy; Poverty Reduction; Women Empowerment; Rural Development; Agriculture Markets; Urban Planning; Urban Governance; Spatial Analysis and Management; Strategic Management; Project Management; Community Development]
Vishwanadham, N. [Academic; Researcher; Book Author; Computer Scientist; Computer Science and Automation; Global Logistics; Manufacturing Strategies; Global Supply Chain Networks; Green Supply Chain Design; Food Security; Smart Village Development]
Vyas, Pradyumna [Academic; Researcher; Industrial Designer; Educator; Design Education; Industrial Design; Higher Education; Product Design; Design Thinking; Design Research; Creative Direction]
Wadhwa, Vivek [Academic; Researcher; Writer; Book Author; Higher Education; Innovation; Technology; Public Speaking; Thought Leadership; Entrepreneurship; Startups; Corporate Social Responsibility; Mobile Devices; Internet; Online Education]
Zerega, Nyree [Academic; Researcher; University/Academic Administration; Plant Biology and Conservation; Origins of Cultivated Plants; Ecology; Molecular, Morphological, and Phylogenetic Tools with Fieldwork to Investigate the Systematics, Evolution, Biogeography, and Reproductive Ecology of Plants; Bioinformatics; Biodiversity; Environmental Science; Environmental Education; Science Writing]
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