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June 2014

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 30 jun 2014

Social media platforms are an effective tool for communication and marketing for companies. But caution has to be taken while pursuing social media strategy considering its ubiquitous and viral nature. Most often the platforms are not moderated and there is a probability of their been hacked and misused. Moreover companies sometimes also outsource their social media strategies to inexperienced professionals that may result in erroneous and socially insensitive communication. In some instances companies have themselves often been found guilty of poorly judged promotions causing strong adverse consumer reactions. There are numerous examples from the Indian business community where social media management has been found lacking and became a cause for embarassment. According to Sunil Abraham, executive director of the Centre for Internet and Society, 'Automation of social media interactions can be useful but without careful human oversight, it can very easily be gamed by rogue elements online.' Read on...

The Economic Times: Social media promotions can backfire, too
Authors: Ratna Bhushan, Varuni Khosla

Mohammad Anas Wahaj | 04 jun 2014

Team of researchers from Indian Institute of Science, Professor Namrata Gundiah and Lakshminath Kundanati, have found that egg-laying organs of parasitoid wasps (ovipositors) have saw like teeth coated with zinc. This provides wasps ability to drill holes and lay eggs inside figs. Prof. Gundiah explains, 'There is a mutualism that exists between the pollinator fig and the wasps that has evolved over millions of years. The parasitoid tries to take advantage of this situation and this has evolved with her trying to access the pollinator larvae so that she may parasite them to ensure the evolutionary success of her offspring.' According to Lakshminath Kundati, 'The research is directed to understand material characterization and mechanics of a biological system. It can find applications elsewhere like, developing tools that aid in novel surgical methods.' Read on...

The New Indian Express: Wasps Give Newer Insights into Robotic Surgery
Author: NA

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